diff --git a/add_results_summary.py b/add_results_summary.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a6cf123..000000000
--- a/add_results_summary.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import os
-import time
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("inference", "tools", "submission"))
-import submission_checker as checker # noqa
-with open('summary_results.json') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
-def get_header():
- css = """
- /* General table styles */
-table {
- width: 100%;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- margin: 20px 0;
- border: none;
-table.titlebarcontainer,.titlebar {
- text-align: center !important;
-td.headerbar {
- text-align: center;
- font-size: x-large;
-th, td {
- padding: 8px;
- text-align: left;
- vertical-align: top;
-/* Styling for the first table to make it stand out */
-table:first-of-type {
- background-color: #e8e8e8; /* Light grey background */
- color: #333; /* Darker text for contrast */
- font-weight: bold; /* Makes text bold */
-/* Styling inner tables to have borders */
-table table {
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
-/* More specific styling for headers and rows of inner tables */
-table table th, table table td {
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
-th {
- background-color: #f4f4f4;
-tr:nth-child(even) {
- background-color: #f9f9f9;
-tr:nth-child(odd) {
- background-color: #ffffff;
-/* Adjust column widths if necessary */
-th:nth-child(1), td:nth-child(1) { width: 20%; }
-th:nth-child(2), td:nth-child(2) { width: 30%; }
- """
- html_header = f"""
- return html_header
-def get_header_table(system_json):
- submitter = system_json.get('submitter')
- system_name = system_json.get('system_name')
- html = f"""
MLPerf Inference v5.0
Copyright 2019-2025 MLCommons
- """
- return html
-def get_system_json(path):
- #import requests
- # Send a GET request to the URL
- #response = requests.get(url)
- with open(path, "r") as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- # Check if the request was successful
- #if response.status_code == 200:
- # # Parse the JSON content
- # data = response.json()
- return data
-def get_accelerator_details_table(system_json):
- table = '
Accelerator Details
- for key,value in system_json.items():
- if not key.startswith("accelerator"):
- continue
- table += f"""{key} | {value} |
- table += "
- return table
-def get_cpu_details_table(system_json):
- table = '
Processor and Memory Details
- hardware_fields = [ "processor", "cpu", "memory" ]
- for key,value in system_json.items():
- if any (a in key for a in hardware_fields) and "accelerator" not in key:
- table += f"""{key} | {value} |
- table += "
- return table
-def get_network_details_table(system_json):
- table = '
Network and Interconnect Details
- hardware_fields = [ "network", "nics" ]
- for key,value in system_json.items():
- if any (a in key for a in hardware_fields) and "accelerator" not in key:
- table += f"""{key} | {value} |
- table += "
- return table
-def get_hardware_details_table(system_json):
- table = '
Other Hardware Details
- hardware_fields = [ "hardware", "disk", "cooling", "power", "hw_" ]
- for key,value in system_json.items():
- if any (a in key for a in hardware_fields) and "accelerator" not in key:
- table += f"""{key} | {value} |
- table += "
- return table
-def get_software_details_table(system_json):
- table = '
Software Details
- software_fields = [ "software", "framework", "firmware", "sw_", "operating_" ]
- for key,value in system_json.items():
- if any (a in key for a in software_fields):
- table += f"""{key} | {value} |
- table += "
- return table
-# Initialize a dictionary to organize the data by 'Details'
-tables = {}
-# Populate the dictionary with data
-for entry in data:
- details = entry['Details']
- if details not in tables:
- tables[details] = {}
- categories = [ "edge", "datacenter" ]
- for category in categories:
- if category not in entry['Suite']:
- continue
- if category not in tables[details]:
- tables[details][category] = {}
- if entry['Category'] not in tables[details][category]:
- tables[details][category][entry['Category']] = {}
- if entry['Model'] not in tables[details][category][entry['Category']]:
- tables[details][category][entry['Category']] [entry['Model']] = {}
- if entry['Scenario'] not in tables[details][category][entry['Category']][entry['Model']]:
- tables[details][category][entry['Category']][entry['Model']][entry['Scenario']] = entry
-# Now you can format each group in 'tables' as a markdown table
-for details, entries in tables.items():
- out = f"## {details}"
- models_edge = [ "gptj-99", "gptj-99.9", "bert-99", "bert-99.9", "stable-diffusion-xl", "retinanet", "resnet", "3d-unet-99", "3d-unet-99.9" ]
- if "datacenter" in entries:
- models = [ "llama2-70b-99", "llama2-70b-99.9", "gptj-99", "gptj-99.9", "bert-99", "bert-99.9", "stable-diffusion-xl", "dlrm-v2-99", "dlrm-v2-99.9", "retinanet", "resnet", "3d-unet-99", "3d-unet-99.9" ]
- html_table_head = f"""
Results Table
- Model |
- Accuracy Target |
- Server |
- Offline |
- Metric |
- Performance |
- Metric |
- Performance |
- """
- for category in entries:
- for division, data in entries[category].items():
- html_table = html_table_head
- hardware_details = ''
- for model in models:
- if model in data:
- html_table += f"""{model} | """
- if "closed" in division:
- version = data[model]["Offline"]["version"]
- acc_target = checker.MODEL_CONFIG[version]["accuracy-target"][model]
- i = 0
- acc_targets = []
- key = None
- for item in acc_target:
- if i%2 == 0:
- key = item
- else:
- acc_targets.append( (key, item))
- i+=1
- else:
- acc_targets = []
- acc_targets_list = []
- for item in acc_targets:
- acc_targets_list.append(f"""{item[0]}: {round(item[1], 4)}""")
- acc_targets_string = ", ".join(acc_targets_list)
- html_table += f"""{acc_targets_string} | """
- if "Server" in data[model]:
- html_table += f"""{data[model]["Server"]["Performance_Units"]} | {data[model]["Server"]["Performance_Result"]} | """
- else:
- html_table += " | | "
- if "Offline" in data[model]:
- details_split = details.split("/")
- details_split[9] = "systems"
- system = os.path.sep.join(details_split[7:11])
- #details_split[0] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com"
- #system = details.replace("github.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com").replace("tree/", "refs/heads/").replace("results/", "systems/")
- system_json_path = f"""{system}.json"""
- system_json = get_system_json(system_json_path)
- header_table = get_header_table(system_json)
- accelerator_details = get_accelerator_details_table(system_json)
- cpu_details = get_cpu_details_table(system_json)
- hardware_details = get_hardware_details_table(system_json)
- software_details = get_software_details_table(system_json)
- network_details = get_network_details_table(system_json)
- html_table += f"""{data[model]["Offline"]['Performance_Units']} | {data[model]["Offline"]["Performance_Result"]} | """
- else:
- html_table += " | | "
- else:
- pass
- #html_table += " | | "
- #html_table += " | | "
- #html_table += "
- html_table += "
- sut_name = os.path.basename(details)
- tmp_path = os.path.dirname(details)
- tmp_path = os.path.dirname(tmp_path)
- submitter = os.path.basename(tmp_path)
- out_path = os.path.join(division, submitter, "results", sut_name, "README.md")
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path), exist_ok=True)
- html_table = f"""
- {accelerator_details} | {cpu_details} |
- {hardware_details} | {network_details} |
- {software_details} |
- readme_content = f"""
-See the HTML preview [here](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mlcommons/mlperf_inference_unofficial_submissions_v5.0/blob/main/closed/{submitter}/results/{sut_name}/summary.html)
- with open(out_path, "w") as f:
- f.write(readme_content)
- html_out_path = os.path.join(division, submitter, "results", sut_name, "summary.html")
- html_header = get_header()
- html = f"""
- """
- with open(html_out_path, "w") as f:
- f.write(html)
- print(html_table)
- #sys.exit()