The Cinema project can be deployed in Kubernetes using Timoni. Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.
The Timoni project strives to improve the UX of authoring Kubernetes configs. Instead of mingling Go templates with YAML like Helm, or layering YAML on top of each-other like Kustomize, Timoni relies on cuelang's type safety, code generation and data validation features to offer a better experience of creating, packaging and delivering apps to Kubernetes.
- Requirements
- Create Kubernetes Cluster
- Pull Cinema bundle
- Deploy Cinema project
- Check Cinema services status
- Populate mongodb cluster
- Test APIs services
- Remove deployment
- kubectl >= v1.26.0
- kind >= v0.20.0
- timoni >= 0.17.0
A cluster is created using Kind
kind create cluster
Creating cluster "kind" ...
✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.27.3) 🖼
✓ Preparing nodes 📦
✓ Writing configuration 📜
✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
✓ Installing CNI 🔌
✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
Have a nice day! 👋
Check the cluster connection.
kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
The bundle cinema is an OCI artifact that describe the cinema deployment.
timoni artifact pull oci://
7:32PM INF extracted: .
The OCI artifact contains a cinema.cue
bundle file. This file is extracted in the root folder where the command was executed. From Timoni perspective, a bundle is a declarative way of managing the lifecycle of applications and their infra dependencies.
Explore the bundle file to identify the components inside it.
cat ./cinema.cue
bundle: {
apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
name: "cinema"
instances: {
website: {
module: url: "oci://"
module: version: "0.2.0"
namespace: "default"
values: args: [
bookings: {
module: url: "oci://"
module: version: "0.2.0"
namespace: "default"
values: args: [
values: image: {
repository: ""
digest: "sha256:9b51714509861b1dad066f56f1c1e5387f20828b113c6d557761fa5b11eef858"
tag: "v2.2.2"
movies: {
module: url: "oci://"
module: version: "0.2.0"
namespace: "default"
values: args: [
values: image: {
repository: ""
digest: "sha256:6f15801d3fa8fbfa58b6718851c28841e010935c205b5770c7deb949fc2e2e25"
tag: "v2.2.2"
showtimes: {
module: url: "oci://"
module: version: "0.2.0"
namespace: "default"
values: args: [
values: image: {
repository: ""
digest: "sha256:70d087aaf0e888310cfb585eb81e308721e38bb96819e2908358131be1fc2dc8"
tag: "v2.2.2"
users: {
module: url: "oci://"
module: version: "0.2.0"
namespace: "default"
values: args: [
values: image: {
repository: ""
digest: "sha256:3a1e8fd1f3cb832981bcadb3fff056eb0a2300cf7cb6bf94460c6bccdd6743ed"
tag: "v2.2.2"
mongodb: {
module: url: "oci://"
module: version: "0.2.0"
namespace: "default"
This file has six instances website
, bookings
, movies
, showtimes
, users
, and mongodb
. Each instance represents a module instantiation on a Kubernetes cluster.
All instances make reference to OCI artifacts stored in GitHub container registry and linked to this repository.
Note: the
is not ready for production. This module was created for testing the Cinema project.
Deploy the cinema bundle:
timoni bundle apply --file cinema.cue
7:00PM INF b:cinema > applying 6 instance(s)
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:website > applying module version 0.2.0
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:website > installing website in namespace default
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:website > ServiceAccount/default/website created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:website > Service/default/website created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:website > Deployment/default/website created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:website > app resources ready
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:users > applying module version 0.2.0
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:users > installing users in namespace default
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:users > ServiceAccount/default/users created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:users > Service/default/users created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:users > Deployment/default/users created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:users > app resources ready
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:movies > applying module version 0.2.0
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:movies > installing movies in namespace default
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:movies > ServiceAccount/default/movies created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:movies > Service/default/movies created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:movies > Deployment/default/movies created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:movies > app resources ready
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:showtimes > applying module version 0.2.0
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:showtimes > installing showtimes in namespace default
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:showtimes > ServiceAccount/default/showtimes created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:showtimes > Service/default/showtimes created
7:00PM INF b:cinema > i:showtimes > Deployment/default/showtimes created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:showtimes > app resources ready
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:bookings > applying module version 0.2.0
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:bookings > installing bookings in namespace default
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:bookings > ServiceAccount/default/bookings created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:bookings > Service/default/bookings created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:bookings > Deployment/default/bookings created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:bookings > app resources ready
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:mongodb > applying module version 0.2.0
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:mongodb > installing mongodb in namespace default
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:mongodb > ServiceAccount/default/mongodb created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:mongodb > Service/default/mongodb created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:mongodb > Deployment/default/mongodb created
7:01PM INF b:cinema > i:mongodb > app resources ready
7:01PM INF b:cinema > applied successfully in 48s
Then, list all instances created inside default
$ timoni list --bundle cinema
bookings oci:// 0.2.0 2023-12-03T18:01:07Z cinema
mongodb oci:// 0.2.0 2023-12-03T18:01:12Z cinema
movies oci:// 0.2.0 2023-12-03T18:00:56Z cinema
showtimes oci:// 0.2.0 2023-12-03T18:01:01Z cinema
users oci:// 0.2.0 2023-12-03T18:00:50Z cinema
website oci:// 0.2.0 2023-12-03T18:00:45Z cinema
kubectl get po
bookings-94dcdf8cf-rfczb 1/1 Running 0 102s
mongodb-77cc88b944-wqsks 1/1 Running 0 97s
movies-f9559598f-wztff 1/1 Running 0 113s
showtimes-95c475fcc-7dz9j 1/1 Running 0 108s
users-9f675d99f-944gz 1/1 Running 0 119s
website-55448c4fd9-vp8mf 1/1 Running 0 2m4s
It is recommended to use this test data to check the APIs behaviors.
POD=$(kubectl get po -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp backup $POD:/tmp/
kubectl exec -it $POD -- mongorestore --uri mongodb://localhost:27017 --gzip /tmp/backup/cinema
2023-08-22T21:26:35.834+0000 preparing collections to restore from
2023-08-22T21:26:35.835+0000 reading metadata for showtimes.showtimes from /tmp/backup/cinema/showtimes/showtimes.metadata.json.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.837+0000 reading metadata for movies.movies from /tmp/backup/cinema/movies/movies.metadata.json.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.837+0000 reading metadata for bookings.bookings from /tmp/backup/cinema/bookings/bookings.metadata.json.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.838+0000 reading metadata for users.users from /tmp/backup/cinema/users/users.metadata.json.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.848+0000 restoring showtimes.showtimes from /tmp/backup/cinema/showtimes/showtimes.bson.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.850+0000 no indexes to restore
2023-08-22T21:26:35.850+0000 finished restoring showtimes.showtimes (3 documents, 0 failures)
2023-08-22T21:26:35.851+0000 restoring bookings.bookings from /tmp/backup/cinema/bookings/bookings.bson.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.852+0000 no indexes to restore
2023-08-22T21:26:35.852+0000 finished restoring bookings.bookings (2 documents, 0 failures)
2023-08-22T21:26:35.853+0000 restoring movies.movies from /tmp/backup/cinema/movies/movies.bson.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.862+0000 restoring users.users from /tmp/backup/cinema/users/users.bson.gz
2023-08-22T21:26:35.872+0000 no indexes to restore
2023-08-22T21:26:35.872+0000 finished restoring movies.movies (6 documents, 0 failures)
2023-08-22T21:26:35.872+0000 no indexes to restore
2023-08-22T21:26:35.872+0000 finished restoring users.users (5 documents, 0 failures)
2023-08-22T21:26:35.872+0000 16 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
Use the port-forward
command to access the website or the APIs from your localhost.
kubectl port-forward svc/website 8000:80
Forwarding from -> 8000
Forwarding from [::1]:8000 -> 8000
Open this link in your browser: http://localhost:8000/
kubectl port-forward svc/users 4000:80
Forwarding from -> 4000
Forwarding from [::1]:4000 -> 4000
Open this link in your browser: http://localhost:4000/api/users/. Use the same pattern with other services.
timoni bundle delete --name cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting instance bookings from bundle cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting 3 resource(s)...
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Deployment/default/bookings deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Service/default/bookings deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > ServiceAccount/default/bookings deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > all resources have been deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting instance mongodb from bundle cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting 3 resource(s)...
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Deployment/default/mongodb deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Service/default/mongodb deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > ServiceAccount/default/mongodb deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > all resources have been deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting instance movies from bundle cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting 3 resource(s)...
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Deployment/default/movies deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Service/default/movies deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > ServiceAccount/default/movies deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > all resources have been deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting instance showtimes from bundle cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting 3 resource(s)...
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Deployment/default/showtimes deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Service/default/showtimes deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > ServiceAccount/default/showtimes deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > all resources have been deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting instance users from bundle cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting 3 resource(s)...
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Deployment/default/users deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Service/default/users deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > ServiceAccount/default/users deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > all resources have been deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting instance website from bundle cinema
11:34PM INF b:cinema > deleting 3 resource(s)...
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Deployment/default/website deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > Service/default/website deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > ServiceAccount/default/website deleted
11:34PM INF b:cinema > all resources have been deleted
Next: Endpoints