- Fix default cert and ldap settings in authconfig
- Fix zone replication, remove hardcoded serial (Daniel Beyer, YMC AG)
- vmtoolsd: ensure service running and enabled
- update CHANGELOG
- platform_services_icinga::target::redhat: fixed missing dependency, fixes SPS-84
- platform_services_yum: fixed dependency cycle
- Do not export cloudstack port-forwardings if $::platform_services::manage_front_ips is false
- Repos moved to github
- added possibility to use external classes for graylog server
- add debian support for icinga
- add debian suport for icinga-web
- added new better network module
- add debian support for graylog2
- avoid duplicate resource declaration if $default_nameserver is equals to the current node-ip
- add baseip function
- made platform_services_resolvconf vagrant compatible
- added domain for front-net in search-path
- icinga: Added Puppetrun Check
- Upate stdlib to version 4.0
- haproxy: use last octet for virtual_router_id if not set
- resolvconf: added timeout option, default is 3
- icinga: removed duplicate version lock code block
- icinga target: default checks can be turned off
- use new network module
- platform_services_vmware: new for installing vmware tools
- Added new FACT 'mpc_role'
- Added new puppet-function 'ipv4tohex'
- disable puppetlabs yum repository
- fixed mpc_network_front name for rsi
- fixed cloudstack integration and port forwarding
- fixed suport for nrpe plugins on target (clientside)
- added changes in icinga module, removed unused files, fixed db installation
- fixed mpc_ facts
- updated service dns names to mach https://wiki.swisstxt.ch/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=PO&title=DNS+MPC201
- changed dns zone to match https://wiki.swisstxt.ch/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=PO&title=DNS+MPC2012
- fix in haproxy: Interfaces for Services with more than 10 chars did not came up
- workaround for restarting network-interfaces in haproxy
- full service name for haproxy:listen, shortened for network_config
- resolvconf: set different domain name for front network
- update concat module
- fixed front network resolv config entry
- hosts that reside in the front network must have their dns entries added to the front dns zone
- plattformservices_resolvconf: Fixed an issue with duplicate exported ressources
- haproxy: fixed hardcoded network netmask
- Fixed subnetmask in Zonefiles
- Fixed haproxy exported resources
- fix for local VAgrant Boxes. They match without a Number
- Fixed Regex for haproxy recognition
- platform_services_network: added PEERDNS option to network config again, was removed in network module switch
- make firewall rules persistent
- Fixed an issue with aliases not unique enough in platform_services_haprox
Submodule changes:
- boolean
- cloudstack
- concat
- filemapper
- graylog2
- haproxy
- icinga
- keepalived
- logrotate
- mongodb
- network
- php
- puppet
- resolvconf
- ruby
- stdlib
- selinux: set absent /selinux/enforce
- icinga: ignore making a link to /var/icinga if directory exists
- graylog2: fixed ldap can not be configured propperly
- network: do not touch network config if system is physical
- new dns concept:
- 2nd nameservers are ns3.swisstxt.ch and ns4.swisstxt.ch
- default resolv conf will be (also as delivered by dhcp) cs-router, ns3.swisstxt.ch and ns4.swisstxt.ch
- soa record changed to e.g. dns-bie-01.bie.prod.rts.mpc i.e. without 'serv'
- selinux: enabled in base::redhat with default mode permissive
- removed platform_services_resolvconf from base. resolv.conf is now managed by dhcp only which fixes a race condition between pupppet and dhcp
Submodule changes:
- selinux
- platform_services_haproxy::member fixed typo in port forwardings
- Tempaltes: fix variable lookups without @-prefix
- Network: fixes for custom network support
- fix mpc_network_front fact for new srf networks
- platform_dns: use hostname for soa and ns entries
- move alle submodules to either bitbucket or github
- use https protocol for all submodules
- platform_services_dns: add suport for networks other than /24
- platform_services_dns::server: make interfaces parameterizable
- make platform_services::dns debian compatible
- disable management of front_ips via class param ::platform_services::manage_front_ips
- refactor wording of vip into front_ip across the codebase
- remove legacy facts project and region
- make $vip-mappings a class parameter
- ensure createrepo package is present
- include yum in pre stage
- include yum repo server only for redhat based systems
- remote puppetmaster from must-provide top-scope variables
- configure pre stage in platform_services
- don't use disabled::service helper
- make platform_services::base debian compatible
- remove uneeded/unused submodule
Submdoules changes:
- ssh
- ntp
- rsyslog
- keepalived
- icinga
- graylog2
- cloudstack
- dns
- mongodb
- ruby
- php
- pakiti
Upgrade notes:
if you encounter any occurance of 'vip' in your own codebase, simply replace it with 'front_ip'.
Users of the platform-services-skeleton must remove the "stage{'pre':" and "class{'yum':" declarations from manifests/settings.pp.
- Changes to the Icinga module which allow an automatic installation, configuration and update of the Icinga monitoring servers.