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184 lines (110 loc) · 6.25 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (110 loc) · 6.25 KB


STM32 based LXI Device using Ethernet, LwIP, httpd, SCPI

Build Status

  • stm32f746zg (Nucleo)
  • STM32CubeIDE


  • ✅ DHCP IP Address Management
    • MCU continues to run even without active Ethernet connection
    • MCU connects to Network when pluged in via Ethernet
  • ✅ http web interface
    • ✅ has switches to turn on/off configurations
    • ✅ uses CGI/SSI
    • ⚠️ mandatory /lxi/identification.xml is present (but not detected by the LXI tool)
  • ✅ custom physical MAC address from within firmware
    • ✅ unique EUI48 address is read from EEPROM
  • ✅ EEPROM to save/load user settings (IP, DHCP config ...)
  • ✅ Settings allow to enable/disable DHCP + AutoIP or manual settings (IP/Netmask/Gateway)



  • official LXI Discovery Tool
    • This sends out a UDP/RPC/Portmap broadcast with the GETPORT command
    • the LXI device must reply to this broadcast in rcp_server.c
    • Then the tool requests the http://<host>/lxi/identification.xml from the device
  • lxi-tools
    • This sends out a UDP/RPC/Portmap broadcast with the GETPORT command
    • according to wireshark, the device does not reply --> how does it work then?
    • The tool will attempt to connect to the device via VXI-11 and *IRQ? the name
  • Wireshark


🔄 ⚠️
Todo WIP Debug (broken) Done (working)

Todo Critical

Todo Whishlist

  • ❌ [Feature] function to check web connection status
    • or callback handlers when connected / disconnected
  • ❌ [reliability] Add further ASSERT() statements throughout the code (e.g. for SSI)
  • ❌ [refactor] author/licence/description header for each file
  • 🔄 [refactor] cleanup spaghetti code of global variables, introduce hierarchy of config headers
  • ❌ [refactor] implement clear MVC structure for SCPI commands
  • ❌ [Feature] add hislip compatibility
  • ❌ [refactor] refactor/rename scpi_server.c to tcp/ip (does this have a name? VXI?)
  • ❌ [reliability] use MUTEX for UART ringbuffer?
  • ❌ [reliability] implement a memory monitor (FreeRTOS?) to check on heap/stack/RAM usage
  • ❌ [refactor] use SCPI_Result**** API as return throughout scpi User Code
  • ❌ [Feature] enable https within lwip
  • ❌ [Feature] enable web login
    • probably not supported by LwIP, requires form post and session creation using a cookie in the post header
    • password is stored on EEPROM
    • redesign of web interface is required


  • exclude from build:
    • fs_data.c
    • fs_data_custom.c

Helper Libraries

  • lwip/ip4_addr.h parse and verify IPv4 addresses (documentation)

  • scpi/parser.h parse and extract parameters from ascii (documentation)


File Structure

Core/Src and Core/Inc

  • scpi-def.c
    • SCPI commands definition
    • SCPI command callback functions
    • command parsing, argument preprocessing + sanitization
  • stm32f7xx_it.c
    • USART Interrupt for UART SCPI
  • http_cgi_app.c
    • CGI + SSI implementation for the httpd Webserver
    • SSI works for both the Website and the identification.xml
  • rpc_server.c
    • implements the Sun-RPC Protocol based on UDP (more specifically the Portmap protocol)
    • When a UDP Broadcast (IP address: is received, the LXI device must answer correctly


  • Filesystem for the Webserver
  • use any program makefsdata (perl, C, ...) to convert the file System to a C source file fs_data_custom.c
  • fs_data_custom.c must be copied to ./Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/apps/http after re-generation


  • lwip.c
    • initialization with DHCP
    • initialization with manual IP


  • LWIP/Target/ethernetif.c contains some User Code to set the PHY/MAC address

  • eeprom_24aa.h contains macros to store and retreive data (e.g. manual IP config) in EEPROM
