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Known Issues

Saimis777 edited this page Mar 23, 2021 · 57 revisions

Known issues

Order is created before successful payment

The order creation before payment is the intended behavior. This is because:

  • It's prestashop default and suggested process for order creation

  • It prevents overselling - if there is 1 product left and 2 people buy it at the same time, it may result in lack of inventory

  • PrestaShop order reference is required to be sent to Mollie API

  • Capturing the order reference behavior payment allows merchants to capture missed conversions with second chance email functionality

PrestaShop 1.6 - Not able to send order confirmation email when “Order is Paid”

This setting is available in the Mollie module for 1.7 under Advanced Settings. It is not available in 1.6 due to restrictions in 1.6.

The current workaround:

to disable order_conf email for PS 1.6 you need to change PS core. classes/PaymentModule.php. you should comment out line 271: Mail::Send(intval($order->id_lang), 'order_conf', 'Order confirmation', $data, $customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, NULL, NULL, $fileAttachment)

One page checkout modules not working with Apple Pay

One page checkout modules usually do not work because one page checkout has its custom controller. We check for specific controllers where we add css and js. To make it work you would need to add a custom check for this module. You can do it by adding:

instanceOf check in hookActionFrontControllerSetMedia function at mollie.php class.

Depending on the checkout module that you are using this should allow you to enable one page checkout to work with apple pay.

General refactoring from 3.5.5. to 4.0.X

What was done when mollie module was refactored from 3.5.5 to 4.0.x:

  1. Fixed double order status bug - Now Order is created before payment

  2. Fixed Payment Accepted email bug

  3. Fixed PHP bug where sometimes the total price is incorrect

  4. New UI - Created new payment methods form in General settings

  5. New Order payment Fee

  6. Added payment Fee to PDF Invoice if param is added

  7. Now fully compatible only from PrestaShop 1.6.1.x PHP 5.6

  8. Refactored shipment settings from React to jQuery and PHP

  9. Removed override validation

  10. Fixed order status bug when order status is not changed to a specific status that is selected in Back-office

  11. Fixed email receiving bugs

  12. Prestashop 1.6 error fixes and small changes

  13. Fixed bugs in One Page checkout and other Prestashop 1.6 bugs

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