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EVM-Lite Client (Javascript)

A Javascript client library and Command Line Interface to interact with EVM-Lite.


To begin with, you will need to install Node and NPM, which are bundled together in the installation package from the Node website.

This project was built with Node version 10.10.0 and NPM version 6.1.0.


To download Javascript dependencies and install evmlc, run:

$ make

To clean all of the steps from the make command run:

$ make clean

This removes all dependencies for Client and CLI and also removes the symlink.

If the make was successful you should now be able to run evmlc:

$ evmlc

  A Command Line Interface to interact with EVM-Lite.

  Current Data Directory: [...]/.evmlc


    help [command...]                 Provides help for a given command.
    exit                              Exits application.
    config view                       Output current configuration file as JSON.
    config set [options]              Set values of the configuration inside the data directory.
    accounts create [options]         Allows you to create and encrypt accounts locally. Created accounts will either be placed in the keystore folder inside the data directory provided by the global --datadir, -d flag or if no flag is provided, in the keystore
                                      specified in the configuration file.
    accounts list [options]           List all accounts in the local keystore directory provided by the configuration file. This command will also get a balance and nonce for all the accounts from the node if a valid connection is established.
    accounts get [options] [address]  Gets account balance and nonce from a node with a valid connection.
    interactive                       Enter into interactive mode with data directory provided by --datadir, -d or default.
    transfer [options]                Initiate a transfer of token(s) to an address. Default values for gas and gas prices are set in the configuration file.
    info [options]                    Testing purposes.


The first time it runs, and if no options are specified, evmlc creates a special directory in a default location (~/.evmlc on Linux and Mac), where it stores any relevant information. In particular, this directory contains the following items:

  • config.toml: where global options are specified. These values may be overwritten by CLI flags.
  • keystore: where all encrypted account keys are stored.

Example config.toml:

host = ""
port = "8080"
from = ""
gas = 100000.0
gasprice = 0.0
keystore = "[...]/.evmlc/keystore"

The easiest way to manage configuration is through the config command in interactive mode.

$ evmlc i
  _______     ____  __       _     _ _          ____ _     ___
 | ____\ \   / /  \/  |     | |   (_) |_ ___   / ___| |   |_ _|
 |  _|  \ \ / /| |\/| |_____| |   | | __/ _ \ | |   | |    | |
 | |___  \ V / | |  | |_____| |___| | ||  __/ | |___| |___ | |
 |_____|  \_/  |_|  |_|     |_____|_|\__\___|  \____|_____|___|

 Mode:        Interactive
 Data Dir:    [...]/.evmlc
 Config File: [...]/.evmlc/config.toml
 Keystore:    [...]/.evmlc/keystore


To change default configuration values run config set or c s. You will be taken to an interactive prompt to change connection and default values.

evmlc$ config set

? Host:
? Port:  8080
? From:  none
? Gas:  100000
? Gasprice:  0
? Keystore:  [...]/.evmlc/keystore


By default all commands will output raw JSON unless the -f, --formatted flag is provided. A connection to the node is not required unless stated in each command.

The global flag -d, --datadir specifies the directory where keystore and config.toml are stored unless overwritten by specific flags. Note that if this flag is not provided, it will default to ~/.evmlc.

Getting Started

We explain how to use evmlc against a single evm-lite node. We will walk through creating accounts, making transfers, and viewing account information.

1) Run evmlc in interactive mode

user:~$ evmlc i
  _______     ____  __       _     _ _          ____ _     ___
 | ____\ \   / /  \/  |     | |   (_) |_ ___   / ___| |   |_ _|
 |  _|  \ \ / /| |\/| |_____| |   | | __/ _ \ | |   | |    | |
 | |___  \ V / | |  | |_____| |___| | ||  __/ | |___| |___ | |
 |_____|  \_/  |_|  |_|     |_____|_|\__\___|  \____|_____|___|

 Mode:        Interactive
 Data Dir:    [...]/.evmlc
 Config File: [...]/.evmlc/config.toml
 Keystore:    [...]/.evmlc/keystore


2) Create an account

While still in interactive mode, type the command accounts create -v (-v specifies verbose output) and select the default option for keystore and then type in a password to encrypt the account:

evmlc$ accounts create -v

? Enter keystore output path:  [...]/.evmlc/keystore
? Enter a password:  [hidden]
? Re-enter password:  [hidden]


What happened?

It created an account with address 477f22b53038b745bb039653b91bdaa88c8bf94d, and added the corresponding keyfile, password protected with the password you provided, in the keystore directory

What is an account?

EVM-Lite uses the same account model as Ethereum. Accounts represent identities of external agents, and are associated with a balance (and storage for Contract accounts). They rely on public key cryptography to sign transactions so that the EVM can securely validate the identity of a transaction sender.

Using the same account model as Ethereum doesn't mean that existing Ethereum accounts automatically have the same balance in EVM-Lite (or vice versa). In Ethereum, balances are denoted in Ether, the cryptocurrency maintained by the public Ethereum network. On the other hand, every EVM-Lite network (even a single node network) maintains a completely separate ledger, and may use any name for the corresponding coin.

What follows is mostly taken from the Ethereum Docs:

Accounts are objects in the EVM-Lite State. They come in two types: Externally owned accounts, and Contract accounts. Externally owned accounts have a balance, and Contract accounts have a balance and storage. The EVM-Lite State is the state of all accounts which is updated with every transaction. The underlying consensus engine ensures that every participant in an EVM-Lite network processes the same transactions in the same order, thereby arriving at the same State.

Restricting EVM-Lite to externally owned accounts makes for an “altcoin” system that can only be used to transfer coins. The use of Contract accounts with the EVM make it possible to deploy and use Smart Contracts which we will explore in another document.

What is an account file?

This is best explained in the Ethereum Docs:

Every account is defined by a pair of keys, a private key and public key. Accounts are indexed by their address which is derived from the public key by taking the last 20 bytes. Every private key/address pair is encoded in a keyfile. Keyfiles are JSON text files which you can open and view in any text editor. The critical component of the keyfile, your account’s private key, is always encrypted, and it is encrypted with the password you enter when you create the account.

3) Start an evm-lite node and pre-allocate funds to our address

If you haven't done so yet, please install and familiarize yourself with EVM-Lite, our lightweight Ethereum node with interchangeable consensus.

In a separate terminal from the interactive evmlc session, start a single node (in Solo mode) and specify the previously created account address as the genesis account:

user:~$ evml solo --genesis 477f22b53038b745bb039653b91bdaa88c8bf94d

DEBU[0000] Config                                        Base="{/home/user/.evm-lite debug}" Eth="&{/home/user/.evm-lite/eth/genesis.json /home/user/.evm-lite/eth/keystore /home/user/.evm-lite/eth/pwd.txt /home/user/.evm-lite/eth/chaindata :8080 128}"
DEBU[0000] Config                                        Eth="&{/home/user/.evm-lite/eth/genesis.json /home/user/.evm-lite/eth/keystore /home/user/.evm-lite/eth/pwd.txt /home/user/.evm-lite/eth/chaindata :8080 128}" genesis=477f22b53038b745bb039653b91bdaa88c8bf94d
DEBU[0000] Writing genesis file
DEBU[0000] INIT                                          module=solo
DEBU[0000] Adding account                                address=477f22b53038b745bb039653b91bdaa88c8bf94d
DEBU[0000] Committed                                     root=0x1aa38473e2f6fc5ada1bb0e6eeddc1fdeda991ff7a50150e16306e018d9a7639
DEBU[0000] Reset WAS
DEBU[0000] Reset TxPool
INFO[0000] serving api...

This booted the node and assigned a lot of coins to our account. By default, evm-lite is configured to listen on any interface on port 8080 (:8080), and evmlc is configured to connect to localhost:8080, so the client and node are ready to talk.

How many coins where assigned to the account? let's check!

4) List accounts

Back in the interactive evmlc session, type accounts list -f -v (formatted, verbose output)

evmlc$ accounts list -f -v

| # |                  Address                   |            Balance            | Nonce |
| 1 | 0x477F22b53038b745BB039653b91bdaA88c8bF94d | 1,337,000,000,000,000,000,000 |     0 |

The command went through the accounts in the keystore, connected to the node to retrieve the corresponding balance, and displayed it nicely on the screen.

5) Create another account

evmlc$ accounts create -v

? Enter keystore output path:  [...]/.evmlc/keystore
? Enter a password:  [hidden]
? Re-enter password:  [hidden]


This one has the address 988456018729c15a6914a2c5ba1a753f76ec36dc

6) Transfer coins from one account to another

Type transfer and follow the instructions to transfer coins from the first account to the second account.

evmlc$ transfer

? From:  0x477F22b53038b745BB039653b91bdaA88c8bF94d
? Enter password:  [hidden]
? To 988456018729c15a6914a2c5ba1a753f76ec36dc
? Value:  100
? Gas:  25000
? Gas Price:  0

Transaction submitted.

What happened?

It created a transaction to send 100 coins from the first account to the second account, signed it with the sender's private key, and sent it to the evm-lite node. The node responded with the transaction hash, which identifies our transaction in EVM-Lite, and allows us to query its results.

What is a transaction?

A transaction is a signed data package that contains instructions for the EVM. It can contain instructions to move coins from one account to another, create a new Contract account, or call an existing Contract account. Transactions are encoded using the custom Ethereum scheme, RLP, and contain the following fields:

  • the recipient of the message,
  • a signature identifying the sender and proving their intention to send the transaction.
  • The number of coin to transfer from the sender to the recipient,
  • an optional data field, which can contain the message sent to a contract,
  • a STARTGAS value, representing the maximum number of computational steps the transaction execution is allowed to take,
  • a GASPRICE value, representing the fee the sender is willing to pay for gas. One unit of gas corresponds to the execution of one atomic instruction, i.e., a computational step.

7) Check accounts again

evmlc$ accounts list -f -v

| # |                  Address                   |            Balance            | Nonce |
| 1 | 0x477F22b53038b745BB039653b91bdaA88c8bF94d | 1,336,999,999,999,999,999,900 |     1 |
| 2 | 0x988456018729C15A6914A2c5bA1A753F76eC36Dc |                           100 |     0 |


We showed how to use evmlc to create an EVM-Lite account and transfer coins from one account to another. We used a single EVM-Lite node, running in Solo mode, for the purpose of demonstration, but the same concepts apply with networks consisting of multiple nodes, powered by other consensus algorithms (like Babble or Raft). In another document, we will describe how to create, publish, and interact with SmartContracts.

Many more features to come...