From an email from paul osman:
Here are the steps I take to get it up and running on OS X.
Note: I use virtualenvwrapper to manage virtualenvs, but you can also use vanilla virtualenv. Just replace 'mkvirtualenv betafarm' below with 'pip install virtualenv; virtualenv /path/to/a/virtualenv; source /path/to/a/virtualenv/bin/activate;'.
Install MySQL. There are a variety of ways to do this on OS X, I prefer homebrew but YMMV.
Check out betafarm. Make sure to use --recursive so you get all of the git submodules under vendor/
$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:mozilla/betafarm.git …
- Create virtualenv and install dependencies:
$ cd betafarm $ mkvirtualenv betafarm $ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt $ pip install -r requirements/compiled.txt
- create local settings file. Edit the file and set at a minimum a database name, user, etc. I just use 'root' on local dev machines. $ cp $ emacs … (be sure to specify the database name ('betafarm' is used below) and the username (root is used below).
Also add HMAC_KEYS as indicated in the docs for django-sha2 docs.
Create the database $ echo "create database betafarm" | mysql -uroot
Optional - run tests $ python test
Create tables and run db migrations. $ python syncdb $ python migrate
Try it out. $ python runserver
If everything worked, you should have a web server running on port 8000.