{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":550993437,"defaultBranch":"main","name":"hd44780_for_sdcc_51","ownerLogin":"mpeschke","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":true,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2022-10-13T16:59:17.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1686072335.262079","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":null,"after":"a9e79f11455a9df7f191e1e4c5073d8f6141f6fd","ref":"refs/heads/oled","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:25:35.262Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"BusyFlag fix (#6) (#7)\n\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* I2c (#3)\r\n\r\n* Develop (#2)\r\n\r\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A I2C module (with PCF8574AT chip). Hardcoded to work with a 12MHz crystal oscillator. Source: https://github.com/retiredfeline/8051-tuner\r\n\r\n* Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make the 'us' parameter in the 'timer_delay_us' to be real microseconds. 2) Implement the 'timer_delay_ms' function.\r\n\r\n* Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more precise in terms of counted instructions, that will eventually replace the one used by the lcd1602_at89s51_4pinbus* implementations. Tested with 12, 16, 18.432, 20 and 22.184 MHz oscillators.\r\n\r\n* Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)\r\n\r\n* Adding schematics and instructions on README.md\r\n\r\n* Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the HD44780 (RS/RW/E vs DB0-4). 2) Added required limiting resistors to the PCF8574A port pins. 3) Disconnected PCF8574A INT pin from ground as it is an output that can drive a HIGH signal. And there is no need to connect this pin as the project is not using multiple PCF8574A chips.\r\n\r\n* Replacing tabs for spaces\r\n\r\n* 1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it serves more than only the lcd1602 circuit module. 2) LCD initialization now accepts parameters. 3) Now the lcdsetcursor works with both the LCD1602 and the LCD2004 lcd circuit modules.\r\n\r\n* 1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 circuit.\r\n\r\n* Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz.\r\n\r\n* Busyflag fix (#5)\r\n\r\n* Fixed potential error - missing the 20 and 24 MHz implementation of the 5us delay function.\r\n\r\n* Partially implemented for non-FAST MCUs (cycles > 500 ns)\r\n\r\n* Full implementation, including FAST MCUs (cycles < 501 ns). Tested with a 25MHz crystal oscillator.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"BusyFlag fix (#6) (#7)"}},{"before":"f6a52e5419259c8f862136d5927c2130018304bd","after":"a9e79f11455a9df7f191e1e4c5073d8f6141f6fd","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:18:10.521Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"BusyFlag fix (#6) (#7)\n\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* I2c (#3)\r\n\r\n* Develop (#2)\r\n\r\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A I2C module (with PCF8574AT chip). Hardcoded to work with a 12MHz crystal oscillator. Source: https://github.com/retiredfeline/8051-tuner\r\n\r\n* Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make the 'us' parameter in the 'timer_delay_us' to be real microseconds. 2) Implement the 'timer_delay_ms' function.\r\n\r\n* Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more precise in terms of counted instructions, that will eventually replace the one used by the lcd1602_at89s51_4pinbus* implementations. Tested with 12, 16, 18.432, 20 and 22.184 MHz oscillators.\r\n\r\n* Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)\r\n\r\n* Adding schematics and instructions on README.md\r\n\r\n* Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the HD44780 (RS/RW/E vs DB0-4). 2) Added required limiting resistors to the PCF8574A port pins. 3) Disconnected PCF8574A INT pin from ground as it is an output that can drive a HIGH signal. And there is no need to connect this pin as the project is not using multiple PCF8574A chips.\r\n\r\n* Replacing tabs for spaces\r\n\r\n* 1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it serves more than only the lcd1602 circuit module. 2) LCD initialization now accepts parameters. 3) Now the lcdsetcursor works with both the LCD1602 and the LCD2004 lcd circuit modules.\r\n\r\n* 1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 circuit.\r\n\r\n* Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz.\r\n\r\n* Busyflag fix (#5)\r\n\r\n* Fixed potential error - missing the 20 and 24 MHz implementation of the 5us delay function.\r\n\r\n* Partially implemented for non-FAST MCUs (cycles > 500 ns)\r\n\r\n* Full implementation, including FAST MCUs (cycles < 501 ns). Tested with a 25MHz crystal oscillator.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"BusyFlag fix (#6) (#7)"}},{"before":"b6860d9f49d7fe3411595908e408be6b430c29bc","after":"b078e65de5781bbce827a1ecb86c5b4d594a468b","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:17:59.746Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":10,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'develop' into main","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'develop' into main"}},{"before":"031413acf7ac9e372cbc8f149c7bc293c5d218c5","after":"b6860d9f49d7fe3411595908e408be6b430c29bc","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:10:19.835Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"BusyFlag fix (#6)\n\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* I2c (#3)\r\n\r\n* Develop (#2)\r\n\r\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A I2C module (with PCF8574AT chip). Hardcoded to work with a 12MHz crystal oscillator. Source: https://github.com/retiredfeline/8051-tuner\r\n\r\n* Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make the 'us' parameter in the 'timer_delay_us' to be real microseconds. 2) Implement the 'timer_delay_ms' function.\r\n\r\n* Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more precise in terms of counted instructions, that will eventually replace the one used by the lcd1602_at89s51_4pinbus* implementations. Tested with 12, 16, 18.432, 20 and 22.184 MHz oscillators.\r\n\r\n* Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)\r\n\r\n* Adding schematics and instructions on README.md\r\n\r\n* Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the HD44780 (RS/RW/E vs DB0-4). 2) Added required limiting resistors to the PCF8574A port pins. 3) Disconnected PCF8574A INT pin from ground as it is an output that can drive a HIGH signal. And there is no need to connect this pin as the project is not using multiple PCF8574A chips.\r\n\r\n* Replacing tabs for spaces\r\n\r\n* 1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it serves more than only the lcd1602 circuit module. 2) LCD initialization now accepts parameters. 3) Now the lcdsetcursor works with both the LCD1602 and the LCD2004 lcd circuit modules.\r\n\r\n* 1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 circuit.\r\n\r\n* Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz.\r\n\r\n* Busyflag fix (#5)\r\n\r\n* Fixed potential error - missing the 20 and 24 MHz implementation of the 5us delay function.\r\n\r\n* Partially implemented for non-FAST MCUs (cycles > 500 ns)\r\n\r\n* Full implementation, including FAST MCUs (cycles < 501 ns). Tested with a 25MHz crystal oscillator.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"BusyFlag fix (#6)"}},{"before":"a72d06dedb86185647444ca01b25cc50136cbf1c","after":"f6a52e5419259c8f862136d5927c2130018304bd","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:09:50.202Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'main' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'main' into develop"}},{"before":"db2ad6d23e611a067e581987c6930b9950433031","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/busyflag_fix","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:04:22.418Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"47f7946318e581a14814fffcf8e108fc273b5745","after":"a72d06dedb86185647444ca01b25cc50136cbf1c","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:04:07.131Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Busyflag fix (#5)\n\n* Fixed potential error - missing the 20 and 24 MHz implementation of the 5us delay function.\r\n\r\n* Partially implemented for non-FAST MCUs (cycles > 500 ns)\r\n\r\n* Full implementation, including FAST MCUs (cycles < 501 ns). Tested with a 25MHz crystal oscillator.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Busyflag fix (#5)"}},{"before":"06f74b58c413fdc373123ecd60bc79da827bc3ec","after":"db2ad6d23e611a067e581987c6930b9950433031","ref":"refs/heads/busyflag_fix","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T17:02:26.130Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Full implementation, including FAST MCUs (cycles < 501 ns). Tested with a 25MHz crystal oscillator.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Full implementation, including FAST MCUs (cycles < 501 ns). Tested wi…"}},{"before":"7b12378fc90af106d17654d2fc91a85f2004651d","after":"06f74b58c413fdc373123ecd60bc79da827bc3ec","ref":"refs/heads/busyflag_fix","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T16:23:11.179Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Partially implemented for non-FAST MCUs (cycles > 500 ns)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Partially implemented for non-FAST MCUs (cycles > 500 ns)"}},{"before":"47f7946318e581a14814fffcf8e108fc273b5745","after":"7b12378fc90af106d17654d2fc91a85f2004651d","ref":"refs/heads/busyflag_fix","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T06:58:09.430Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fixed potential error - missing the 20 and 24 MHz implementation of the 5us delay function.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fixed potential error - missing the 20 and 24 MHz implementation of t…"}},{"before":null,"after":"47f7946318e581a14814fffcf8e108fc273b5745","ref":"refs/heads/busyflag_fix","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T06:23:21.054Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'main' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'main' into develop"}},{"before":"5b9d070353408c4172de9c5e920bfc055cb829ac","after":"031413acf7ac9e372cbc8f149c7bc293c5d218c5","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T21:47:50.451Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"I2C (#4)\n\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* I2c (#3)\r\n\r\n* Develop (#2)\r\n\r\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A I2C module (with PCF8574AT chip). Hardcoded to work with a 12MHz crystal oscillator. Source: https://github.com/retiredfeline/8051-tuner\r\n\r\n* Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make the 'us' parameter in the 'timer_delay_us' to be real microseconds. 2) Implement the 'timer_delay_ms' function.\r\n\r\n* Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more precise in terms of counted instructions, that will eventually replace the one used by the lcd1602_at89s51_4pinbus* implementations. Tested with 12, 16, 18.432, 20 and 22.184 MHz oscillators.\r\n\r\n* Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)\r\n\r\n* Adding schematics and instructions on README.md\r\n\r\n* Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the HD44780 (RS/RW/E vs DB0-4). 2) Added required limiting resistors to the PCF8574A port pins. 3) Disconnected PCF8574A INT pin from ground as it is an output that can drive a HIGH signal. And there is no need to connect this pin as the project is not using multiple PCF8574A chips.\r\n\r\n* Replacing tabs for spaces\r\n\r\n* 1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it serves more than only the lcd1602 circuit module. 2) LCD initialization now accepts parameters. 3) Now the lcdsetcursor works with both the LCD1602 and the LCD2004 lcd circuit modules.\r\n\r\n* 1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 circuit.\r\n\r\n* Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"I2C (#4)"}},{"before":"366d4708c600d9a985118cc921f85c2b1a59bd3c","after":"47f7946318e581a14814fffcf8e108fc273b5745","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T21:47:02.964Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'main' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'main' into develop"}},{"before":"f5d8a9798c64dba088e867df9f6e4c0ee9c229f7","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T21:44:44.836Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"2b6c797bb5fcb654848889fcf3254f8e63004486","after":"366d4708c600d9a985118cc921f85c2b1a59bd3c","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T21:44:03.325Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"I2c (#3)\n\n* Develop (#2)\r\n\r\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit\r\n\r\n* Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A I2C module (with PCF8574AT chip). Hardcoded to work with a 12MHz crystal oscillator. Source: https://github.com/retiredfeline/8051-tuner\r\n\r\n* Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make the 'us' parameter in the 'timer_delay_us' to be real microseconds. 2) Implement the 'timer_delay_ms' function.\r\n\r\n* Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more precise in terms of counted instructions, that will eventually replace the one used by the lcd1602_at89s51_4pinbus* implementations. Tested with 12, 16, 18.432, 20 and 22.184 MHz oscillators.\r\n\r\n* Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)\r\n\r\n* Adding schematics and instructions on README.md\r\n\r\n* Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the HD44780 (RS/RW/E vs DB0-4). 2) Added required limiting resistors to the PCF8574A port pins. 3) Disconnected PCF8574A INT pin from ground as it is an output that can drive a HIGH signal. And there is no need to connect this pin as the project is not using multiple PCF8574A chips.\r\n\r\n* Replacing tabs for spaces\r\n\r\n* 1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it serves more than only the lcd1602 circuit module. 2) LCD initialization now accepts parameters. 3) Now the lcdsetcursor works with both the LCD1602 and the LCD2004 lcd circuit modules.\r\n\r\n* 1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 circuit.\r\n\r\n* Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"I2c (#3)"}},{"before":"0334e6dc8057336a83f292ff054e5799189830f9","after":"f5d8a9798c64dba088e867df9f6e4c0ee9c229f7","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T21:42:48.219Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":6,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'develop' into i2c","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'develop' into i2c"}},{"before":"bc66808be47960300230d2d6c0280727b30d30a5","after":"0334e6dc8057336a83f292ff054e5799189830f9","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T21:39:02.467Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Added support for 'fast MCUs' - MCUs faster than 22.1184MHz."}},{"before":"7c0a94588b02bdb69aece1e044f57705bfe9719e","after":"bc66808be47960300230d2d6c0280727b30d30a5","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-06-05T18:07:37.531Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 circuit.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"1) Added MIT license notice. 2) Added README update showing LCD2004 c…"}},{"before":"a5dc6f3811c37308795f4f3535fffab4bac6c59a","after":"7c0a94588b02bdb69aece1e044f57705bfe9719e","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-06-04T20:53:39.107Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it serves more than only the lcd1602 circuit module. 2) LCD initialization now accepts parameters. 3) Now the lcdsetcursor works with both the LCD1602 and the LCD2004 lcd circuit modules.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"1) Renamed the lcd module in /src (and refactored its functions) - it…"}},{"before":"d9a7b0180c35cc2ebd5539f5d913e504b8335e5f","after":"a5dc6f3811c37308795f4f3535fffab4bac6c59a","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-06-02T15:44:16.320Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Replacing tabs for spaces","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Replacing tabs for spaces"}},{"before":"bab2d313d12a4eac6ab54c74bf0727d2cf888f0c","after":"d9a7b0180c35cc2ebd5539f5d913e504b8335e5f","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-05-28T20:18:35.366Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the HD44780 (RS/RW/E vs DB0-4). 2) Added required limiting resistors to the PCF8574A port pins. 3) Disconnected PCF8574A INT pin from ground as it is an output that can drive a HIGH signal. And there is no need to connect this pin as the project is not using multiple PCF8574A chips.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fixes: 1) Schematics showing the correct port pins connected to the H…"}},{"before":"9b3dfcfa32b737ec9016034337d0c98784c7ea8f","after":"bab2d313d12a4eac6ab54c74bf0727d2cf888f0c","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-05-27T21:21:30.108Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Adding schematics and instructions on README.md","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Adding schematics and instructions on README.md"}},{"before":"e16e0b948ecea33859c6071b5d0a8f478f2853d9","after":"9b3dfcfa32b737ec9016034337d0c98784c7ea8f","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-05-25T20:32:59.629Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Replaced tabs by spaces (indentation)"}},{"before":"5922a17e13cd47f03fd7edd936eea15a720da8bd","after":"e16e0b948ecea33859c6071b5d0a8f478f2853d9","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-05-25T20:14:39.534Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more precise in terms of counted instructions, that will eventually replace the one used by the lcd1602_at89s51_4pinbus* implementations. Tested with 12, 16, 18.432, 20 and 22.184 MHz oscillators.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Crude but working initial commit. Added another delay that is more pr…"}},{"before":"e62cb9808712c8abc3ff76e596afc0f7d36f7a7c","after":"5922a17e13cd47f03fd7edd936eea15a720da8bd","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-05-01T20:27:57.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make the 'us' parameter in the 'timer_delay_us' to be real microseconds. 2) Implement the 'timer_delay_ms' function.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Moved delay functions to a separate internal library. TODO: 1) Make t…"}},{"before":"5b9d070353408c4172de9c5e920bfc055cb829ac","after":"e62cb9808712c8abc3ff76e596afc0f7d36f7a7c","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-04-29T21:57:08.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A I2C module (with PCF8574AT chip). Hardcoded to work with a 12MHz crystal oscillator. Source: https://github.com/retiredfeline/8051-tuner","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Crude (working) implementation of 8051 integration with the LCD1602A …"}},{"before":null,"after":"5b9d070353408c4172de9c5e920bfc055cb829ac","ref":"refs/heads/i2c","pushedAt":"2023-04-25T16:35:14.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Develop (#2)\n\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Develop (#2)"}},{"before":"bd7240a81db74342995582a20578510b4a6b9d55","after":"5b9d070353408c4172de9c5e920bfc055cb829ac","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-04-21T17:11:18.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Develop (#2)\n\n* 1) Moved LCD 4-pin bus from P2.4-P2.7 to P1.0-P1.3, LCD RS/RW/E bus from P1.0-P1.2 to P2.5-P2.7. This will free P0 and P2.0-P2.4 to be used to connect to external ROM up to 8K. 2) Updated README. 3) Updated schematic image with new P1/P2 pins and correct 1N4007 Flyback diodes. 4) Changed sdd compilation strategy so headers and sources can be placed on different folders for different architectures and settings.\r\n\r\n* Exact same header to validate the MCU + LCD1602 when code is flashed to an external rom (XICOR X28HC64P-12 8Kb). Added comments to show the calculations for the delay functions. Different configurations can now live in different headers in different folders, using the same .cpp implementation managed by the Makefile files.\r\n\r\n* 1) Using the P1 to communicate with the LCD, as P0+P2 are designed for data/address communication. 2) Improved, clearer README. Upverter schematics have been updated for a correct and clearer design.\r\n\r\n* Added link to LED test circuit","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Develop (#2)"}},{"before":"7a66925bbbaa126762308ee3d5cbf78409ab5e08","after":"2b6c797bb5fcb654848889fcf3254f8e63004486","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-04-21T17:02:10.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'main' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'main' into develop"}},{"before":"e2a98a4451fd1b969416757738e63fe999b06244","after":"7a66925bbbaa126762308ee3d5cbf78409ab5e08","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-04-21T16:24:46.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"mpeschke","name":"Matheus Peschke","path":"/mpeschke","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2604242?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Added link to LED test circuit","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Added link to LED test circuit"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAADO--gPAA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity · mpeschke/hd44780_for_sdcc_51"}