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fb227e9 · Mar 9, 2023




Object Oriented Internet

the ebook Object Oriented Internet contains description of this project - it is autogenerated content gathered from *.md files. Join the chat at - join the project chat



What is Object Oriented Internet

In this project, C# deliverables supporting a new Machine To Machine (M2M) communication architecture is to be researched. The goal is to provide a generic solution for publishing and updating information in a context that can be used to describe and discover it by software applications. It is implemented based on the OPC Unified Architecture - a new emerging industrial integration standard that fulfills the proposed architecture requirements.

The Object Oriented Internet article published in Proceedings of the Federated Conference on
Computer Science and Information Systems
captures description of this idea.


The SemanticData folder contains projects related to support the OPC UA Data Processing Outside of the Server. Processing of the OPC UA Data Outside of the Server context is based on the OPC UA Semantic Data concept.

This project is aimed to workout deliverables supporting Process Data handling over Internet including but not limiting to:

• Data Edition – UI allowing display and edition of any custom data

• Data serialization and deserialization - see white-paper: Address Space Interchange XML

• Data binding – to define how the process data relate to the real world

• Data Validation - see project description OPC UA NodeSet Validation

• Data Prototyping - methods and tools to design custom data types

Data Discovery – methods and tools to find the data over the network

In scope there are also deliverables supporting:

• Exposition of the Process Data in the context of Metadata OPC UA Address Space Model Designer

• Browsing (using the sematics) of the Metadata to selectively access requested Process Data

• Modeling and representation of the Metadata - see white-paper: OPC UA Information Model Deployment

• Validation of the semantics and consistency of the Metadata - see project USNodeSetValidationUnitTestProject

The presented approach is a real proposal for new technology wave based on the existing Internet infrastructure because it allows vendors to provide generic off-the-shelf products tested independently for interoperability.

Out of scope

Out of scope is any work on exchanging the Process Data and Metadata over the network. The hope is that the interoperability can be gained as the result of usage of the OPC Unified Architecture international standard.


I hope it is a good place to prototype and converge the OPC UA communication technology with Semantic Data, Semantc Web, Internet Of Things, Plug and Play, Global Data Discovery, Selective Availability, etc. concepts. My goal is to bridge a gap between OPC UA technology and Industrial IT Application Domains.

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