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Despot Release 0.1 Change Log

Package Contents (updated)

Makefile                  Makefile for compiling the solver library                 Overview
include                   Header files
src/interface             Interfaces to be implemented by users
src/core                  Core data structures for the solvers
src/solvers               Solvers, including despot, pomcp and aems
src/pomdpx                Pomdpx and its parser
src/util                  Math and logging utilities
license                   Licenses and attributions
examples/cpp_models       POMDP models implemented in C++
examples/pomdpx_models    POMDP models implemented in pomdpx
doc/pomdpx_model_doc      Documentation for POMDPX file format
doc/cpp_model_doc         Documentation for implementing POMDP models in C++
doc/usage.txt             Explanation of command-line options
doc/      Guide for using Eclipse IDE for development

Interface Folders

All header and source files related to despot interfaces such as DSPOMDP, World, Belief, etc. have been moved to the new "interface" folders under "include/despot/" and "src/". These files include:


Note that the original Policy class have been renamed to DefaultPolicy. The filenames have also been changed accordingly.

Built-in Implementations of Interfaces

Built-in belief, lower bound, and upper bound types are now separated from the interface classes (such as Belief, ScenarioLowerBound, ScenarioUpperBound, and so on). These built-in implementations are moved to the following new files:


New Interfaces

Class World


#include <despot/interface/world.h>

World is an abstract class added in release 0.1. It provides interfaces for integrating despot with real-world systems or simulators. These interfaces include:

//Establish connection with simulator or system
virtual bool Connect()=0;
//Initialize or reset the environment (for simulators or POMDP world only), return the start state of the system if applicable
virtual State* Initialize()=0;
//Get the state of the system (only applicable for simulators or POMDP world)
virtual State* GetCurrentState() const;
//Send action to be executed by the system, receive observations terminal signals from the system
virtual bool ExecuteAction(ACT_TYPE action, OBS_TYPE& obs) =0;

class PlannerBase


#include <despot/plannerbase.h>

The original class SimpleTUI has been moved to PlannerBase and its child class Planner. PlannerBase offers interfaces to initialze the planner, while the main pipelines are managed by the Planner class. Users now need to implement two additional interfaces in PlannerBase:

virtual World* InitializeWorld(std::string& world_type, DSPOMDP *model, option::Option* options);

Users should create their own custom world, establish connection, and intialize its state in this function. A sample implementation should look like:

World* InitializeWorld(std::string& world_type, DSPOMDP* model, option::Option* options){
   //Create a custom world as defined and implemented by the user
   World* custom_world=CustomWorld(world_type, model, options);
   //Establish connection with external system
   //Initialize the state of the external system
   return custom_world; 

Users also need to specify the solver type by implementing the following interface.

* Return the name of the intended solver ("DESPOT", "AEMS2", "POMCP", "DPOMCP", "PLB", "BLB")
virtual std::string ChooseSolver()=0;

An example implementation looks like:

std::string ChooseSolver(){
   return "DESPOT";



#include <despot/interface/pomdp.h>

Reward Function

The ExecuteAction function in the World class doesn't generate rewards. A new virtual function Reward is added in the DSPOMDP class to enable reward monitoring after executing an action:

// Returns the reward for taking an action at a state
virtual double Reward(const State& state, ACT_TYPE action) const;

When this Reward function has been implemented, despot will log the step rewards automatically. Otherwise, despot will always report zero reward for non-POMDP types of world.

GetBestAction Function

The original pure virtual function:

virtual ValuedAction GetMinRewardAction() const = 0;

has been renamed as:

virtual ValuedAction GetBestAction() const = 0;

CreateStartState Function

CreateStartState is no longer an essential interface in DSPOMDP, because its functionality have been taken over by the Initialize function in the World class. However, users can optionally reload this function and make use of it, for instance, in the InitialBelief function.


Data type of actions are now specified by a more general ACT_TYPE flag. Users can define ACT_TYPE to be any valid data type (int, unsigned int, short, long...) in despot/core/globals.h. This change affects all interfaces and functions that take action parameters or return action values.

Class ScenarioBaselineSolver and Class BeliefBaselineSolver

#include <despot/baseline_solver.h>

These two classes are wrappers for using ScenarioLowerBound and BeliefLowerBound as baseline solvers. In particular, ScenarioBaselineSolver and BeliefBaselineSolver inherit Solver and overwrite the search function in it. The new search functions in the baseline solvers select an action using the Value function in the corresponding lower bound. For more details on the usage, check the PlannerBase::InitializeSolver function in src/plannerbase.cpp

Core Code Changes

Class Logger


#include <despot/logger.h>

Functionalities in the original Evaluator class have been shifted to three classes: Logger, World, and Planner. The new Logger class performs logging of time usage and other statistics. The new World class handles the communication with the real-world external system. Finally, the Planner is responsible for pipeline control. Check "despot/interface/world.h, despot/logger.h, despot/planner.h" for more details.

Class Planner


/*To use the planning pipeline*/
#include <despot/planner.h>

Planner is now responsible for pipeline control. The despot package offers two types of pipelines: the planning pipeline handled by the PlanningLoop function, and evaluation pipeline handled by the EvaluationLoop function.

Class Planner: public PlannerBase {
   /*Perform one planning step*/
   bool runStep(Solver* solver, World* world, Logger* logger);
   /*Perform planning for a fixed number of steps or till a terminal state is reached*/
   void PlanningLoop(Solver*& solver, World* world, Logger* logger);
   /*Run the planning pipeline*/
   int runPlanning(int argc, char* argv[]);
   /*The evaluation pipeline: repeat the planning for multiple trials*/
   void EvaluationLoop(DSPOMDP *model, World* world, Belief* belief, std::string belief_type, Solver *&solver, Logger* logger, option::Option *options, clock_t main_clock_start, int num_runs, int start_run);
   /*Run the evaluation pipeline*/
   int runEvaluation(int argc, char* argv[]);

The old run function in the original SimpleTUI class has been replaced by runPlanning and runEvaluation in the Planner class. Users can launch the planning pipeline by inheriting the Planner classes, and calling runPlanning in the main function subsequently. The planning pipeline uses despot to perform online POMDP planning for a system till a fixed number of steps are finished or till a terminal state of the system has been reached. It can be customized through overwriting the PlanningLoop and runStep functions. Alternatively, given a simulated world, the user can run the evaluation pipeline by calling Planner::runEvaluation. The evaluation pipeline will repeat the planning process (as defined in PLanningLoop) for multiple times and evaluate the performance of despot according to the conducted trials. Check "despot/planner.h" for implementation details.

Class POMDPWorld


#include <despot/core/pomdp_world.h>

POMDPWorld is an built-in implementation of World added in release 0.1. POMDPWorld represents the world as a DSPOMDP model. The same DSPOMDP model is shared by the despot solver. To use an existing DSPOMDP model as a POMDP-based world, reload the InitializeWorld virtual function in PlannerBase in the following way:

World* InitializeWorld(std::string& world_type, DSPOMDP* model, option::Option* options){
   return InitializePOMDPWorld(world_type, model, options);

Check the cpp model examples (examples/cpp_models/) to see the usage.

Class Solver

#include <despot/solver.h>

Function "Solver::Update" has been renamed to "Solver::BeliefUpdate".