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File metadata and controls

154 lines (120 loc) · 5.52 KB

NAME Convert local .m3u playlists into pCloud playlists.


 python [common_options]
                    [--cache-file cache-file] [--create-cache]
                    [--dir playlist_dir]
                    [--list] [--music-folder music-folder]
                    [--music-types suffix[,suffix ...]]
                    [--prefix playlist-prefix]
                    [--chunk-size chunk-size]
                    [m3u_playlist ...]


Converts m3u format playlists held locally into pCloud format playlists.

The big assumption makes is that the music files on pCloud and those held locally are a mirrored structure. If that is not the case, won't work too well.

The pCloud music player doesn't understand m3u playlists (as far as I can tell). uses the contents of local m3u playlists and writes them to pCloud as playlist collections. The pCloud playlist is named as the local playlist (shorn of any path information). The music files listed in the m3u files MUST exist on pCloud, with the same directory structure as the local music collection. This is because pCloud identifies files in a playlist collection by a unique number (fileid), not pathname. These fileids can only be located if the local and pCloud pathnames are identical. must therefore download a description of the pCloud music collection (by default assumed to be under /Music). To avoid this download every time a pCloud playlist is created, the description can be cached in a local file (it's in JSON format). This will be out of date if new music is uploaded, of course. The cache can be refreshed by use of the --create-cache option. If the pCloud music collection is small, efficiency gains will likely be too small to notice.

If a pCloud playlist already exists, it will be deleted before the upload of a new copy. will logon to pCloud to upload the playlist collections. For the first connection, a username and password must be provided. The username can be set in the configuration file (~/.config/pcloud.json). However, the program will prompt for the password (not echoed). Once the initial authentication takes place, the auth token returned by pCloud is stored in the configuration file. The token will be used if it exists and has not expired. Further uses of will not require authentication, until the auth token expires.


These are the options supported by in addition to the pcloud common options, Options may be abbreviated to the shortest unambiguous string.

--cache-file cache-file : Reads music file data from cache-file. If not specified, music file data will be read from the pCloud /Music folder. Using a cache-file will reduce network traffic for extensive music collections. If the cache-file does not exist, it will be created by downloading music data from the pCloud music-folder.

--chunk-size chunk-size : Sets the number of pCloud fileids to be uploaded to a playlist in a single transaction. Default is 100.

--create-cache : Recreates music file data, read from the pCloud music-folder folder, into cache-file. Use --create-cache if the pCloud music collection has been updated since the last time the cache was created.

--dir playlist-dir : Set location for local m3u playlist files. Default is the empty string.

--list : List the existing pCloud playlists on stdout. No other action will be performed.

--music-folder music-folder : Set music folder name on pCloud. Default is /Music. This option implies --create-cache, as the cache-file will need to be re-created.

--music-types suffix[,suffix ...] : Set recognised music file suffixes, as a comma separated list. By default, recognised music files are those with one of the following suffixes: .mp3, .m4a, .flac or .alac.

--prefix playlist-prefix : Set the location of the local music files, i.e. the common prefix for music files in m3u playlists. It is assumed that the directory hierarchy under playlist-prefix is the same as music-folder. The default is the empty string.


The default configuration file is ~/.config/pcloud.json. holds specific configuration details in the "playlist" component of the config-file. An example follows:

  "endpoint": "",
  "username": "[email protected]",
  "verbose": true,
  "playlist": {
    "cache-file": "~/.cache/pcloud/playlist.cache",
    "chunk-size": 100,
    "music-folder": "/Music",
    "music-types": [".aac", ".flac"],
    "dir": "/rep/music/playlists",
    "prefix": "/rep/music"

Command line options can be made permanent by editing the appropriate values in the config-file.


pCloud collections consist of a name, a type (1 for playlists) and a set of file identifiers (fileids). Fileids can be provided at the time of collection creation, or at a later time via the collection_linkfiles call. adds fileids to a collection in chunk-size fileids at a time (default 100). Increasing this value will reduce the number of transactions needed to create a playlist.


Create three playlists in pCloud from local m3u files:

`python jazz.m3u rock.m3u party1.m3u`

List existing pCloud playlist collections:

`python --list`

Create a cache file for future use:

`python --cache-file folder.json poetry.m3u`

Re-create a cache file:

`python --create-cache -cache-file folder.json`