In this repository you can find all the lecture resources in markdown format.
- Lecture 0 - Full-stack Army - Welcome | Decision-Making Video
- Lecture 1 - Application Requirements & Landscape | Development Big Picture
- Lecture 2 - We Need Freedom, We have to Stop Technology War
- Lecture 3 - Programming Language Foundation - A Bigger Landscape
- Lecture 4 - Programming Fundamentals using JavaScript
- Lecture 5 - Array Operations - Imperative vs Declarative
- Lecture 6 - JavaScript Array and Object Deep Dive
- Lecture 7 - QNA 1 - Don't Miss The Last Part
- Lecture 8 - Understand JavaScript Functions | Function as a value
- Lecture 9 - Functional Programming in JavaScript
- Lecture 10 - Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript
- Lecture 11 - Async Iterator & Generator in JavaScript | Project Requirements
- Lecture 12 - Attendance System Requirement Analysis
- Lecture 13 - Create Models, Write Pseudo Code and Adda
- Lecture 14 - Backend 1 | Course planning and discussion
- Lecture 15 - [Backend 2] Introduction to Backend Development
- Lecture 16 - Backend 3 | Understand Express Middleware
- Lecture 17 - Backend 4 | Raffle Draw Project
- Lecture 18 - Backend 5 | Understand The Concepts of Database
- Lecture 19 - Backend 6 | Adda with Random Topics | You can Skip
- Lecture 20 - Backend 7 | Start Working with Mongoose
- Lecture 22 - Authentication System from Pseudo Code to Real Code
- Lecture 97 - Advanced Backend Journey Begins
- Lecture 98 - What is Server and How to Create an HTTP Server
- Lecture 99 - Understand REST API# Lecture 99 - Understand REST API
- Lecture 100 - Develop Backend Application | REST API Checklist
- Lecture 101 - Introduction to API Design
- Lecture 102 - API Design Methods, Errors and Response Structures
- Lecture 103 - API Authentication Methods
- Lecture 105 - REST API Theory Final Summary
- Lecture 106 - API Project SRS, Check List & YAML
- Lecture 107 - API Project Entity Relationship Diagram
- Lecture 108 - API Endpoints and Introduction to Swagger
- Lecture 109 - API Design Practice using Swagger and OAS Part 1
- Lecture 110 - API Design Express Server and Swagger Part 2