The main module is
. An example execution looks something like this.
: Mode to run in (type: str). -
: Superlabel of the CL run to use (type: str, optional). -
: Learning rate schedule to use (type: str, default: "constant"). -
: Learning rate to use for training (type: float, default: 1e-4). -
: Number of epochs to train for (type: int, default: 9). -
: Directory to store CL runs in (type: str, default: "../cl_runs"). -
: Directory to store CL checkpoints in (type: str, default: "../cl_checkpoints"). -
: Directory to store results in (type: str, default: "../cl_results"). -
: Number of samples to use for experience replay (type: int, default: 10). -
: Path to deepspeed config file (type: str, default: "../ds_config.json"). -
: Local rank for distributed training (type: int, default: -1). -
: Number of domains to use in a CL run (type: int, default: 5). -
: Number of CL runs to perform (type: int, default: 5). -
: Domain ordering to use (type: str, default: "random"). -
: Maximum length of input sequence (type: int, default: 512). -
: Number of previous turns in the context (type: int, default: 3). -
: Whether to use 16-bit (mixed) precision (through NVIDIA apex) instead of 32-bit (action: store_true). -
: Limit the number of total samples per domain (type: int, default: 200). -
: Percentage of samples to use for validation (type: float, default: 0.10). -
: Percentage of samples to use for testing (type: float, default: 0.25). -
: Batch size for training (type: int, default: 64). -
: Batch size for evaluation (type: int, default: 64). -
: Whether to shuffle the data within a domain (type: bool, default: False).