Avalon Documentation Guide
This site supports 4 different kinds of alerts:
- Tip
- Note
- Important
- Warning
To include an alert within a page, copy and paste one of the following pairs of tags, and place your content between the tags:
Tip: {{ site.data.alerts.tip}} Your content here. {{ site.data.alerts.end}}
Note: {{ site.data.alerts.note}} Your content here. {{ site.data.alerts.end}}
Important: {{ site.data.alerts.important}} Your content here. {{ site.data.alerts.end}}
Warning: {{ site.data.alerts.warning}} Your content here. {{ site.data.alerts.end}}
To put a code block within an alert, surround the code block with
tags, as seen in the following example:{{site.data.alerts.note}} Your content here
Your code block here Your code block here{{site.data.alerts.end}}
Images can be included into alerts the same way they are included into a page, using the include tag seen in the following example:
{{site.data.alerts.important}} Your content here: {% include yourimage.html file="image/path.png" alt="alt text" %} More content here. {{site.data.alerts.end}}
Text within alerts will not be formatted according to the kramdown markup used elsewhere in the site. To format text, use html tags instead:
{{site.data.alerts.important}} This is an example of bold, whereas this is an example of italics. {{site.data.alerts.end}}