System under test
The inputs that a SUT directly receives via it's interface (i.e method parameters)
The outputs a SUT directly returns via it's interface (i.e method return values)
Inputs supplied to the SUT by other components with which it interacts (i.e values supplied by DOCs)
Outputs of the SUT that are passed to DOCs but are not visible via the SUT interface
Generic names for Dummy, Stub, Spy, Fake or Mock
Test double that is never used or called but must be present (i.e it could just be null)
Test double that supplies indirect inputs to SUT (and does nothing else)
Test double that verifies indirect outputs from SUT (may also provide indirect input)
Test double that captures indirect outputs from SUT to allow later verification (may also provide indirect input)
Test double that acts as a lightweight stand in for some other component
An open source project from Google originally known as Google Collections. It provides common utilities for Java such as collections operations, string processing and caching. See Guava
Test driven development or Test driven design.