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Compose sample application

Use with Docker Development Environments

You can open this sample in the Dev Environments feature of Docker Desktop version 4.12 or later.

Open in Docker Dev Environments Open in Docker Dev Environments

Go server with an Nginx proxy and a MySQL database with a React Frontend

A simple web application with a React frontend and a Go + MySQL backend. Nginx server handles web requests for both React and Go.

Enabling FARO


Env variables

Create an env.local file in frontend/ and set the following values

Name Value
REACT_APP_API_URL http://localhost:8080

Deploy with docker compose

$ docker compose up -d
[+] Running 6/6
 [+] Running 4/4
 ✔ Container web-app-2023-db-1        Healthy                                                0.5s 
 ✔ Container web-app-2023-backend-1   Running                                                0.0s 
 ✔ Container web-app-2023-frontend-1  Running                                                0.0s 
 ✔ Container web-app-2023-proxy-1     Running                                                0.0s 

Expected result

Listing containers must show three containers running and the port mapping as below:

$ docker compose ps
NAME                      IMAGE                   COMMAND                  SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS
web-app-2023-backend-1    web-app-2023-backend    "/code/bin/backend"      backend             About an hour ago   Up 59 minutes             
web-app-2023-db-1         mysql:8                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   db                  31 minutes ago      Up 31 minutes (healthy)>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
web-app-2023-frontend-1   web-app-2023-frontend   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   frontend            About an hour ago   Up 59 minutes             3000/tcp
web-app-2023-proxy-1      nginx                   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   proxy               About an hour ago   Up 59 minutes   >80/tcp,>8080/tcp

After the application starts, navigate to http://localhost:80 in your web browser. web-app

Stop and remove the containers

$ docker compose down

Running k6

Set the appropriate environment variables in a .env file in the project root

K6_PROJECT_ID=<k6 project ID for testing>

Use the following command to run the test locally and send test report to k6 cloud

k6 run --out cloud k6-tests/test1.js