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List of tips and tricks that can help improve your skills in competitive programming and problem-solving:

Problem Solving Tips:

  1. Understand the Problem Statement Thoroughly:

    • Read the problem statement multiple times.
    • Identify the input and output requirements.
    • Clarify any doubts before starting.
  2. Start with Simple Cases:

    • Test your understanding by solving simple test cases first.
    • Gradually increase the complexity of test cases.
  3. Break Down the Problem:

    • Divide the problem into smaller subproblems.
    • Solve each subproblem step by step.
  4. Use Examples and Counterexamples:

    • Illustrate your understanding with examples.
    • Use counterexamples to refine your solution.
  5. Consider Edge Cases:

    • Think about extreme or boundary cases.
    • Test your solution with minimal and maximal inputs.
  6. Think Aloud and Discuss:

    • Explain your thought process out loud or to someone else.
    • Discuss approaches with peers or online communities.

Coding Tips:

  1. Choose the Right Data Structures:

    • Use appropriate data structures like arrays, lists, sets, maps, queues, stacks, etc.
    • Select data structures that optimize for time and space complexity.
  2. Optimize Time and Space Complexity:

    • Analyze the time and space complexity of your algorithms.
    • Optimize algorithms to reduce time complexity (e.g., avoid nested loops where possible).
  3. Use Built-in Functions and Libraries:

    • Leverage built-in functions and libraries in your programming language.
    • Familiarize yourself with standard algorithms and data structures provided by your language.
  4. Handle Input and Output Efficiently:

    • Read input efficiently, especially for large inputs.
    • Minimize output operations and use buffered output where possible.
  5. Avoid Redundant Computations:

    • Store results of intermediate computations to avoid redundant calculations.
    • Use memoization or dynamic programming techniques for repetitive subproblems.
  6. Check for Integer Overflows and Edge Cases:

    • Be aware of potential integer overflows, especially in languages with fixed integer sizes.
    • Handle edge cases carefully to avoid runtime errors.

Problem Solving Strategies:

  1. Use Step-by-Step Debugging:

    • Debug your code systematically, line by line.
    • Print intermediate results to verify correctness.
  2. Implement Test Cases:

    • Design comprehensive test cases to cover different scenarios.
    • Verify your solution against both provided and custom test cases.
  3. Learn from Mistakes:

    • Analyze mistakes and failed attempts.
    • Understand the root cause of errors and avoid similar pitfalls in the future.
  4. Stay Organized and Documented:

    • Maintain clean and readable code.
    • Use meaningful variable names and comments to explain your logic.

General Tips:

  1. Practice Regularly:

    • Participate in online coding contests and challenges.
    • Solve problems on platforms like Codeforces, LeetCode, HackerRank, etc.
  2. Learn from Others:

    • Study solutions of other programmers.
    • Review editorial solutions to learn different approaches.
  3. Stay Updated:

    • Keep up with new algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving techniques.
    • Follow blogs, tutorials, and online courses to expand your knowledge.
  4. Manage Time Effectively:

    • Allocate time wisely during contests.
    • Prioritize easier problems to build confidence and momentum.
  5. Stay Persistent and Patient:

    • Solving complex problems takes time and practice.
    • Stay motivated and persevere through challenges.