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List of useful tools


This is a list of tools that I find useful. Most of them are FLOSS, minimal and follow the KISS rule.


  • blender - Advanced software for 3d modeling, animating, shading/texturing/rendering, rigging, basic video editing, motion tracking, etc...
  • freecad - 3d parametric modeling software

activity/time trackers/loggers

  • activitywatch - monitor your activity, collect data and view stats about your life
  • watson - CLI minimal tool to track your time

AI/ML and related stuff

  • chatgpt - artificial intelligence chatbot
  • dall-e - deep learning model to generate images from a text description
  • whisper - neural net for speech recognition
  • phind - AI search engine for developers
  • mozilla common voice - a project to collect voices to train machines

android apps or android related stuff

  • termux - emulate a Linux CLI on your Android smartphone
  • tasker - awesome Android app that lets you run tasks when events are triggered
  • termux:tasker - Tasker plugin to execute termux commands/scripts as activities
  • black player - app to listen music on your smartphone (free and paid versions available)
  • scrcpy - a tool to project your Android smartphone screen on your PC and interact with it with keyboard and mouse


  • ssh tunnels - an article which explain how the 3 types of tunnels work and how to use them
  • stackexchange - Well, I'm sure you already know it
  • grymoire - A minimal website with some interesting guides about tools like grep, sed, awk, ...


  • links - linux CLI text-based internet browser
  • qutebrowser - minimal, vim-oriented browser
  • [librewolf](of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom "librewolf") - fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom

data streams, text and text files manipulation

  • sed - Non-interactive advanced text editor that allows you to manipulate files with commands and regular expressions
  • awk - CLI command and language to manipulate text, extract data, with special functions to manage "columns" in structured data (e.g. CSV)
  • grep - CLI command to process a text (from a file or stdin) and print only lines that match an expression (it can be a regexp)
  • ripgrep - Kinda "grep" like tool, but automatically searches recursively inside the files in the current directory and the default search string is a regex pattern
  • neovim - CLI advanced but very lightweight and simple text editor (code on). It's an improved fork of vim
  • emacs - An interactive CLI/GUI text editor
  • poke - CLI tool to edit binary files
  • hexyl - CLI hexadecimal viewer
  • binocle - A graphical tool to visualize binary data
  • - An online tool to visualize binary data
  • jc - JSON Convert: convert to JSON the stdout of a lot shell commands and files
  • jq - JSON processor: process JSON from stdin/file
  • ttyplot - ASCII-based CLI tool that plots data from stdin
  • pv - linux CLI command to manage the progress of data
  • barcode - linux CLI tool to create barcodes and save them in various formats
  • qrencode - linux CLI tool to create QR Codes and save them in various bitmap, vector graphics format or print it in ascii
  • zbar - linux CLI application and library for reading bar codes from cameras and images
  • xclip - linux CLI command to read/write the clipboards
  • ghostwriter - An editor for markdown files

maps, terrains and other geo stuff

  • - A website where you can process geographic data, visualize it, convert from/to different formats, add height to coordinates, ...

number crunching

  • octave - scientific programming language

database and other data management

  • sqlite - a lightweight and fast SQL database engine
  • sqlitebrowser - a GUI browser for SQLite databases (code on github)
  • sqliteman - a GUI browser for SQLite databases
  • adminer - a database manager in a single php file (like phpMyAdmin but lighter)
  • redis - REmote DIctionary Server - an in-memory data structure store

data transfer/sync/download

  • - Online tool to transfer files from/to command line or browser (code on github here and here)
  • - Online tool to transfer files from/to command line or browser
  • croc - Copy files/texts from a computer to another from the command line (code available here)
  • rsync - Sync files between two folders
  • rclone - Sync files between computers/clouds. It allows you data compression/encryption and multiple cloud spaces union
  • syncthing - Keep folder pairs synchronized on different devices (available for different operative systems, including Android)
  • aria2 - Client to download files supporting several protocols (including bittorrent)
  • yt-dlp - CLI command to download videos from Youtube and other video platforms. Fork of youtube-dl
  • ipfs - InterPlanetary File System - A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
  • - pastebin accessible via shell (code here)


fuzzy-search menus

  • fzf - CLI command that read lines from stdin, allow you to find and select one with fuzzy search and print it to stdout
  • fzy - Same as fzy but slightly different
  • dmenu - Similar to fzf and fzy but the search/select menu works work on window manager and not on CLI
  • dmenu2 - Improved dmenu fork


  • vimgolf - A game/challenge where you have to do tasks in vim using as few keystrokes as possible


general language resources


  • tatoeba - A collection of sentences translated in multiple languages. You can contribute with new sentences or by reviewing existing ones
  • - An online dictionary (from/to English and German to/from a lot of languages) mantained by everybody (there is a forum too)
  • [refold] - a guide to language learning; refold explains a method to learn a foreign language from scratch to fluency
  • word reference - An online dictionary (there is a forum too)

paid (some are partially free)

  • [pimsleur] - a method/website/app to learn foreign languages by listening and repeating everyday conversation and focusing on pronunciation
  • [assimil] - a method/website with book and audio to learn foreign languages by listening/reading everyday conversation and doing exercises to fix in your mind the concepts present in the daily lessons
  • [speakly] - a method/website/app to learn foreign languages (it currently has 8 languages available) by learning the 4000 most frequent words/expressions/sentences in the target languages with listening/speaking/flashcard exercises

resources for specific languages



  • bín - A section of arnastofnun where you can search words and find declensions and conjugations
  • stofnun árna magnússonar - Árna Magnússon's Foundation for Icelandic Studies

linux distros

  • arch linux - A bleeding edge, minimall, KISS distro
  • tails - A portable distro, focused on privacy and protection against surveillance and censorship

mail clients


  • neofetch - CLI tool to get info about your OS
  • scribus - publishing software
  • zathura - highly customizable document viewer with vi-styled keybindings
  • nmap - scan IP ranges on arbitrary ports and get info on open ports
  • beautifulsoup - python library for getting structured data from HTML/XML (good for web scraping)
  • - weather forecast service accessible via CLI (code/guide/features)
  • pyphoon - view the Moon phase in ASCII art in your terminal
  • entr - file watcher: execs shell scripts when a file changes
  • twa - nice CLI tool to test websites
  • - A website where you can enter your e-mail address and see if some of your personal data could have been compromised by a data breach
  • RSSHub - A tool to generate RSS feed from pretty much everything
  • - A website where you can share your neovim dotfiles with the community


  • obs - Cool software with GUI interface for recording/streaming videos
  • ffmpeg - Command line tool to manage/convert video/audio/subtitles streams
  • imagemagick - Command line tool to convert images
  • rubberband - Command line tool to time-stretch and pitch-shift audio files
  • mpv - A really cool and simple media player
  • sox - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
  • mpd - flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music
  • ncmpc - curses client for the Music Player Daemon
  • ncmpcpp - featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc
  • feh - Simple, lightweight image viewer
  • sxiv - Simple, lightweight image viewer
  • flameshot - A simple but very powerful tool to make screenshots on your PC
  • gimp - Advanced GUI image editor
  • inkscape - vector graphics editor

navigate through directories in CLI

  • ranger - Command line file manager
  • midnight commander - Command line, orthodox file manager
  • vifm - Command line file manager
  • fasd - Smart command to jump quickly to a directory, based on "frecency"
  • zoxide - Smart command to jump quickly to a directory, based on "frecency"
  • broot - CLI tool to have a tree view of a folder and its subfolder. provides fuzzy search and a command to change directory

other lists

screen/kbd/mouse lockers

  • xtrlock - A command that locks your mouse and keyboard leaving the screen visible
  • slock A screen, keyboard and mouselocker made by suckless team

stock media

  • pixabay - Royalty-free, downloadable images, videos and music


  • st - Simple Terminal for X made by suckless team
  • tmux - CLI terminal multiplexer. It allows you to manage multiple shell tabs/panes into a single terminal window (or into a single tty no-GUI session)

typing speed testing tools

  • [typespeed] - linux CLI program for testing your typing speed that supports many languages, inclunding some programming languages
  • - website for testing your typing speed in many languages (including programming languages) and getting stats

(neo)vim plugins

  • telescope - neovim plugin that through fuzzy search allows you to quickly jump to a file, perform grep searches and jump to the result, see git commits and a lot of other stuff
  • fugitive - vim plugin to manage git projects

VPN services

  • protonvpn - vpn service offered by Proton AG
  • mullvad - vpn service base in Sweden. You can pay with several methods, including cryptocurrencies and cash

window managers

  • i3 - A window manager based on tiling
  • dwm - Dynamic Window Manager for X based on tiling and made by suckless team