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File metadata and controls

283 lines (187 loc) · 16.6 KB


Thanks for contributing! Here are few useful things to know before submitting your Pull Request.

Contributing to the IntelliJ Platform

This document describes our contribution guidelines for the IntelliJ SDK Docs. For information about contributing to the IntelliJ Platform, please visit Contributing to the IntelliJ Platform.

Setting up your environment

This site runs via Jekyll, which is a popular static site generator, written in Ruby. It can be hosted locally to ensure that any changes are correct. Once set up, running the site is as easy as calling rake preview.

Alternatively, the site can also be hosted in a Docker container. On Mac and Windows, this means the site is hosted in a virtual machine. Docker maintains this container, building it based on the instructions in the Dockerfile. All dependencies (Ruby, etc.) are automatically installed when building the image, which reduces the manual configuration steps. The Docker image is also used to build the published site, so it is a known working environment.

Developing with Docker

Follow these steps to work with Docker:

  • Firstly, install Docker, using the Docker Toolbox.

  • On Windows and Mac, start the Docker host virtual machine (start the "Docker Quickstart terminal" or run "Kitematic". See the Getting Started guides on for more details).

  • Clone the intellij-sdk-docs repo to the local machine, and initialise the sdkdocs-template submodule.

  • Change the current directory to the parent directory of the git repo.

  • Run docker build -t intellij-sdk-docs .. This will build the docker image from the current folder, and give it the tag intellij-sdk-docs.

    • Note that this must be run from a command prompt that has the various DOCKER_* environment variables set up, such as the Docker Quickstart Terminal.
  • Run docker run -p 4000:4000 -v $PWD:/usr/src/app intellij-sdk-docs. This command will:

    • Start the docker container called intellij-sdk-docs.
    • Forward port 4000 from the docker container to port 4000 on the docker client.

    NOTE For Windows and Mac, this means port 4000 of the docker container is forwarded to port 4000 of the docker virtual machine, not localhost. For Linux, the docker client is the host machine, so localhost:4000 is forwarded to port 4000 on the docker container.

    In order to hit the container's port 4000 from Windows or the Mac, it is necessary to hit the IP address of the docker client (virtual machine). Use docker-machine ip default to get the IP address of the docker client. Use X.X.X.X:4000 to hit the client in the virtual machine, which is in turn mapped to the container's port 4000.

    Alternatively, modify the virtual machine's settings to automatically forward port 4000 to localhost. See this blog post for more details.

    • Mount the current directory ($PWD is a Unix style environment variable. You can use %CD% on Windows, or specify the full path) as /usr/src/app inside the docker container. This means the docker image will see the intellij-sdk-docs repo as the folder /usr/src/app.

    NOTE If running on Windows in an msys bash script (e.g. the "Docker Quickstart terminal"), the path to the local folder needs to be properly escaped, or the msys environment will translate the paths to standard Windows path, and you will see an error such as invalid value "C:\\Users\\...;C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\src\\app" for flag -v. To fix this, prefix the full path with double slashes, e.g. -v //c/Users/..., or docker run -p 4000:4000 -v /$PWD:/usr/src/app intellij-sdk-docs (note the leading slash before $PWD).

    • Run the commands specific in the Dockerfile's CMD instruction, which runs both rake bootstrap, which ensures all of the prerequisites are installed, and rake preview, which builds the site and starts to host it.
  • Finally, you can access the newly created site by visiting http://localhost:4000/intellij/sdk/docs/, or by using the IP address of the docker client virtual machine (see note above).

Developing locally

In order to build the documentation site, you will need:

  • Ruby 2 - Jekyll is a Ruby application.
  • Ruby 2 DevKit (for Windows) - Some of Jekyll's dependencies need to be compiled, and require the DevKit to be installed.
  • gem install bundler - the site uses Bundler to manage gem dependencies within the repo, rather than globally installing to the local operating system. Run this command to install the Bundler toolset globally.


OS X comes with Ruby already installed. The only steps required are:

  • gem install bundler


  • Install Ruby 2 and the Ruby 2 DevKit (one of the gems needs to build a native component)
    • After installing the DevKit, make sure to edit the config.yml file to point to the Ruby installation

This is made easier if you use Chocolatey, a package manager for Windows:

  • choco install ruby
  • choco install ruby2.devkit
    • After installing the DevKit, make sure to edit the config.yml file to point to the Ruby installation.
    • By default, this is C:\tools\DevKit\config.yml
    • Add the line - C:\tools\ruby21 (including the leading minus sign)

NOTE Before running the rake bootstrap step listed below, please run the devkitvars.bat file from the DevKit. E.g. C:\tools\DevKit\devkitvars.bat

Bootstrapping the environment

  1. Ensure Bundler is installed - gem install bundler
  2. On Windows, ensure the devkitvars.bat file has been run in the current command prompt (e.g. c:\tools\DevKit\devkitvars.bat).
  3. Clone the documentation site.
  4. Initialise and update the sdkdocs-template submodule - git submodule init and git submodule update
  5. rake bootstrap - this uses Bundler to download all required gems.
  6. rake preview - this will build the site, and host it in a local webserver.

Building and previewing the site

To build and test the site, simply run rake preview. This will build the site and host it, using the config provided. The URL of the hosted site is displayed on the screen, and depends on the baseurl field defined in _config.yml.


By default, when building the site, all files are copied to the destination _site folder. Some files are excluded in the _config.yml and sdkdocs-template/jekyll/_config-defaults.yml files. The documentation files themselves are Markdown files (.md) that get automatically converted to HTML when the site is built.

However, only markdown files beginning with a YAML header are converted. If the markdown file doesn't contain a header, it won't be converted. In other words, to convert a .md file to HTML, it should look like this:


# Introduction

Lorem ipsum...

The two lines at the top of the file are the markers of the YAML "front matter". Fields can be added in between these markers, and are used when generating the HTML. Typically, this header will be empty, although it is required by Jekyll (if omitted, the file isn't converted).

The YAML header can contain data that is used when generating the site. For example, the page title can be specified as a simple piece of markdown - # Title, or it can be specified in the YAML, and the page template will display it appropriately:

title: The Title Of The Page

Lorem ipsum...

The YAML header can also include redirect information.

The table of contents for the site is displayed in the tree view on the left hand side of the site, and it is generated from the file. It is a simple markdown list, with each item in the list being a link to another markdown page, either in the root folder, or sub-folders. The list can have nested items, which will be displayed as child items in the table of contents.

# Summary

* [Introduction](
* [About This Guide](Intro/
    * [Key Topics](Intro/

The contents can be split into "parts" by separating the list into several lists, each new list starting with a level 2 heading (##).

# Summary

* [Introduction](
* [About This Guide](Intro/
    * [Key Topics](Intro/

## Part I - Extending the Platform
* [Getting Started](Docs/
* ...

If a node doesn't have a link, but is just plain text, it will still appear in the table of contents, but will be greyed out and not clickable. It acts like a placeholder for a documentation item. This is useful to keep track of what should be documented, but hasn't yet, and can be useful to show readers that the topic exists, but isn't yet documented (Pull Requests always welcome!).


The documentation site is set up to include the jekyll-redirect-from plugin, which will generate "dummy" pages that automatically redirect to a given page. For example, to specify that the index.html page will be generated to redirect to, the file should include the following in the YAML header:

  - /index.html

# Introduction

Lorem ipsum...

This will create an index.html file that will automatically redirect to the generated README.html file. This is very useful to allow the site URL to automatically show the README.html file - http://localhost:4001/foo-test/ will try to load index.html, which will automatically redirect to README.html.

It is also useful to redirect when renaming or moving files. Multiple redirects can be added to the YAML header.

Table of contents

The site is configured to use the Kramdown Markdown converter, which adds some extra features over traditional markdown, such as "attribute lists", which can apply attributes to the generated elements.

One useful attribute is {:toc}, which can be applied to a list item, which will get replaced with a list of links to header items. E.g. the following list item will be replaced by links to all of the header items in the page:

* Dummy list item

Further Kramdown features are described on the converter page, and attribute lists are described on the syntax page. Note that source code formatting is configured to use GitHub Flavoured Mardown and "code fences", see below.

Liquid tags and filters

Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process files. This means standard Liquid tags and filters are available. There should be little need to use them however, as the Markdown format is already quite rich. See the Jekyll site for more details.

Syntax highlighting

Source code can be represented by using GitHub Flavoured Markdown code fences, which are three back ticks:

// Source code goes here...

Syntax highlighting can be applied by specifying the language after the first set of ticks:

// Some C# code

// Some Java code

Here is the list of supported languages (and also Kotlin, of course).


The Kramdown parser also supports tables. The syntax is to use the pipe (|) and minus symbols:

| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| Blah     | Blah     | Blah     |


Links are handled as normal markdown links, and can be links to external sites, pages within the sites, or headings in the sites. When a Markdown header is converted to an HTML header, it is assigned an ID, so it can be linked, e.g. ## Introduction will get the ID of introduction, and can be linked either in the same page [click here](#introduction) or cross page [click here](page.html#introduction). The anchor name will be all lower case, and spaces are replaced with -, e.g. ## Page setup becomes #page-setup.

  • [External site]( will link to an external site
  • [Other page in current directory]( will link to a page in the same directory as the current page. Note that the extension is .md, NOT .html.
  • [Page in another folder](/Folder2/ will link to a page in another folder. Note that the URL is navigating from root - this works even if the site is hosted in a sub-folder (e.g. this link will work for http://localhost:4000/devguide/Folder2/Page2.html). Relative links will also work (../Folder2/
  • [Link to section on another page]( will link to a heading on another page. The ID of the heading is generated by making the text lowercase and replacing spaces with -.
  • [Link to section on current page](#another-section) will link to a heading on the current page.

Notes and callouts

Notes and callouts can be specified using the blockquote syntax. The converter will look at the first following word to see if it is bold. If so, it will apply that as a callout style. For example:

> **NOTE** This is a note

Will be displayed as a callout, styled as a "note". The other styles available for callouts are "note", "warning", "tip" and "todo".


Images can be included by adding the file directly to the repository and adding a link to the image like so:

![Alt text](path-to-img.png)

Please downscale screenshots made at high resolution.

A word on submodules

The sdkdocs-template repo is added as a submodule, and it also contains a submodule to the private webhelp-template repo. The sdkdocs-template repo contains build time scripts and compiled and minified JS and CSS that allow the site to run. The private webhelp-template repo contains the code to build the JS and CSS. It is currently closed source, but the plan is to make it open source at some point, in which case, it is likely the two repos will be merged.

After cloning, a submodule needs to be initialised and updated:

git submodule init
git submodule update

This will create a .gitmodules file, register a submodule in the sdkdocs-template folder, and check out the files. (Note that when a repo is added as a submodule, it doesn't get a .git folder, but instead gets a .git file that points to the location of the .git folder.

A submodule can be updated using normal git commands such as git pull. It can be switched to a different branch using git checkout, and any changes to the currently checked out revision need to be committed back into the main repo, as normal git commands. It is initially cloned at a specific revision, and not as part of a branch.update

If changes are made to the submodule, they should be made on a branch to a clone, and a Pull Request sent. Changes can be made and committed, and the hosting repo will need to commit a pointer to the current version of the submodule.

If there are any problems with the sdkdocs-template, please raise an issue.