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Table of contents

In this document I am collecting tables which are useful for GNSS community.

Products required for GNSS data processing

GNSS Data and Product Holdings

Name Extension (RINEX v3 / v2) Format Description
RINEX Met .MM.rnx / .yym RINEX RINEX meteorological files
RINEX Nav .[GREJCSM]N.rnx / .yy[ngp] RINEX RINEX navigation files
RINEX Obs .MO.crx / .yyd RINEX Hatanaka compressed RINEX observation files
RINEX skeleton .skl RINEX RINEX header skeleton file (unofficial!)
site log .log site log site/station description file incl. history
Name Extension Format Description
Clocks .clk RINEX clock station and satellite clocks, see here
Coordinates .crd Bernese station coordinates
Earth rotation parameters .erp ERP IGSMAIL-1943
Ionosphere TEC .ion IONosphere EXchange (IONEX) format ionospheric TEC grid products
Precise orbits .sp3, sp3c SP3, SP3c orbits
Station positions .snx Software INdependent EXchange (SINEX) format station position and velocity solutions
Tropospheric products .tro Tropo SINEX SINEX format for tropospheric and meteorological parameters
  • IGS daily, hourly, and high-rate observations with short file name (RINEX version 2.xx)
  • MGEX daily, hourly, and high-rate observations with long file name (RINEX version 3.xx)
  • IGS + MGEX (taking the union of IGS and MGEX, while the priority of MGEX sites is higher) daily, hourly, and high-rate observations
  • daily observations with long file name (RINEX v3.xx)
  • CORS 30s, 5s, and 1s observations with long file name (RINEX version v3.xx)
  • EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) observations (long file name in RINEX v3.xx and short file name in RINEX v2.xx)
  • Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) observations (long file name in RINEX v3.xx)
  • Various types of broadcast ephemeris, i.e., GPS- and GLONASS-only in RINEX v2.xx, mixed types in RINEX v3.xx and v4.xx for multiple-GNSS
  • Various types of IGS, MGEX, and other analysis center (AC) final, rapid, and ultra-rapid precise orbit and clock products, CNES real-time orbit and clock products in offline file format
  • Various types of IGS final and ultra-rapid earth rotation/orientation parameter (ERP/EOP)
  • ORBEX (ORBit EXchange format) products from five institutions, i.e., CODE, GFZ, GRG, WHU, and CNES
  • GPS and GLONASS differential code bias (DCB) products from CODE and multi-GNSS differential signal bias (DSB) products from CAS
  • Code observable-specific signal bias (OSB) products from six institutions, i.e., CAS, CODE, GFZ, GRG, WHU, and CNES
  • IGS weekly SINEX solutions
  • Various types of final, rapid, hourly rapid, 15-min rapid, 1-day and 2-day predicted global ionosphere map (GIM) products
  • Rate of TEC index (ROTI) products
  • CODE and IGS final tropospheric products
  • IGS ANTEX format antenna phase center corrections

Products distributed by different institutes

  • IGS daily observation (30s) files
  • IGS hourly observation (30s) files
  • IGS high-rate observation (1s) files
  • MGEX daily observation (30s) files
  • MGEX hourly observation (30s) files
  • MGEX high-rate observation (1s) files
  • broadcast ephemeris files
  • IGS SP3 files
  • IGS CLK files
  • IGS EOP files
  • IGS weekly SINEX files
  • MGEX SP3 files
  • MGEX CLK files
  • MGEX ORBEX files
  • MGEX DSB files
  • MGEX OSB files
  • global ionosphere map (GIM) files
  • Rate of TEC index (ROTI) files
  • IGS final tropospheric product files

International GNSS service (IGS) Official Orbit and Clock Products

Type Accuracy Latency Updates Interval
Broadcast ~100 cm real time N/A daily
Ultra-Rapid (p) ~5 cm real time 4 per day 15 min
Ultra-Rapid (o) ~3 cm 3–9 hours 4 per day 15 min
Rapid ~2.5 cm 17–41 hours Daily 15 min
Final ~2.5 cm 12–18 days Weekly 15 min

IGS Satellite Clocks

Type Accuracy Latency Updates Interval
Broadcast ~5 ns real time N/A daily
Ultra-Rapid (p) ~3 ns real time 4 per day 15 min
Ultra-Rapid (o) ~150 ps 3–9 hours 4 per day 15 min
Rapid ~75 ps 17–41 hours Daily 5 min
Final ~75 ps 12–18 days Weekly 30s

IGS GLONASS Satellite Ephemerides

Type Accuracy Latency Updates Interval
Broadcast ~5 ns real time N/A daily

Orbit accuracies are 1D mean RMS values over the three XYZ geocentric components. IGS accuracy limits, except for predicted orbits, are based on comparisons with independent laser ranging results and discontinuities between consecutive days. The precision is better.

Geocentric Coordinates of IGS Tracking Stations

Type Accuracy Latency Updates Sample Interval
Final positions horizontal 3 mm 11–17 days weekly weekly
vertical 6 mm 11–17 days weekly weekly
Final velocities horizontal 2 mm/yr 11–17 days weekly weekly
vertical 3 mm/yr 11–17 days weekly weekly

IGS Earth Rotation Parameters.

Type Accuracy Latency Updates Sample interval
Ultra-Rapid (p) PM 200 μas real time daily integrations at 00, 06 12, 18 UTC, 4 times/day
PM rate 300 μas/day
LOD 50 μs
Ultra-Rapid (o) PM 50 μas 3–9 hours daily integrations at 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC, 4 times/day
PM rate 250 μas/day
LOD 10 μs
Rapid PM 40 μas 17–41 hours daily integrations at 12 UTC, daily
PM rate 200 μas/day
LOD 10 μs
Final PM 30 μas 11–17 days daily integrations at 12 UTC, weekly
PM rate 150 μas/day
LOD 10 μs

IGS Atmospheric parameters.

Type Accuracy Latency Updates Sample Interval
Final tropospheric zenith path delay with N, E gradients 4 mm (ZPD) < 4 weeks daily 5 minutes
Final ionospheric TEC grid 2–8 TECU ~11 days weekly 2 hours; 5 deg (lon) x 2.5 deg (lat)
Rapid ionospheric TEC grid 2–9 TECU <24 hours daily 2 hours; 5 deg (lon) x 2.5 deg (lat)

International GNSS service Formats and Standards

Format/Standard Information
SSR v1.0 The IGS SSR format is an open standard for dissemination of real-time products to support the IGS Real-Time Service and the wider community. The messages support multi-GNSS and include corrections for orbits, clocks, DCBs, phase-biases and ionospheric delays. Extensions to also cover satellite attitude, phase center offsets and variations and group delay variations are planned in the near future. The goal is to create a self-contained and scalable standard for a wide range of real-time applications.
RINEX v. 4.00 RINEX 4.00 (2021) is a major revision of the format document to modernize the Navigation message files to be able to accommodate the new navigation messages from all the GNSS constellations, and system data messages such as; ionospheric corrections, earth orientation parameters and system time offsets. The Observation file format remains the same with some added QZSS signals and tracking codes to fully support the upcoming L1 C/B signal. The Meteo file format also remains the same. All RINEX file types also have new optional header lines to support FAIR data usage; Finding, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data.
RINEX v. 3.05 RINEX 3.05 (2020) is a major restructure and revision of the format document to make it clearer and easier to read, it adds BeiDou signals and tracking codes to fully support BDS-2 and BDS-3, and it also adds missing flags and values to the GLONASS navigation messages.
RINEX v. 3.04 The RINEX 3.04 release supports all publicly available signals from the US: GPS, Russia: GLONASS, Europe: Galileo, China: BeiDou, Japan: Quasi Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) and the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) constellations. RINEX 3.04 contains updates to support planned GLONASS CDMA signals, new BeiDou III and QZSS II signals. In addition to the new signals, the RINEX 3.04 text has been edited to improve the description of messages, fields and overall readability.
RINEX v. 3.03 August 2015 release notes
RINEX v. 3.02 Enhanced 3.01 to include: a new header message to specify the GLONASS code-phase bias; the existing GLONASS frequency to slot header message has been specified as mandatory and a new RINEX file naming convention
RINEX v. 3.01 GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou (Compass), QZSS and SBAS, however, structure of the data record has changed significantly with the addition to detailed characterization of actual signal generation
RINEX v. 2.11-A *Rinex 2.11 format definition addendum authorizing and encouraging the use of gzip compression as approved by the IGS-RTCM RINEX Working Group and the IGS Infrastructure Committee
RINEX v. 2.11 GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observations, meteorological data, and navigation files. Additionally, the C2, L2C/L5 and Galileo codes have also been introduced
RINEX v. 2.10 GPS and GLONASS observations, meteorological data, and navigation files
GEO SBAS RINEX-type Exchange File for GEO SBAS Broadcast Data
SINEX station position and velocity solutions
Hatanaka compact RINEX GPS and GLONASS observations
sp3 version d GNSS and SBAS orbit solutions
sp3 version c GPS and GLONASS orbit solutions
sp3 version a GPS and GLONASS orbit solutions (Discontinued January 2006)
erp Earth rotation parameter files (Self-documented within)
clock RINEX 3.04 station and satellite clock solutions
clock RINEX 3.02 station and satellite clock solutions
clock RINEX 3.00 station and satellite clock solutions
Bias-SINEX V1.00 GNSS code and phase biases for satellites and stations
IONEX V1.00 ionospheric TEC grid products
Tropo SINEX v2.00 Solution (Software/Technique) Independent Exchange (SINEX) format for TROpospheric and meteorological parameters
Tropo SINEX Zenith path delay products
site log History of site installation
ANTEX Format Description ANTEX: The Antenna Exchange Format, Version 1.4

GPS/GNSS antennas

IGS Name Description
TRM105000.10 NONE Zephyr 3 rover; switchable MSS filter in LNA; p/n 105000-10; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BDS
TRM115000.00 NONE Zephyr 3 Geodetic; switchable MSS filter in LNA; p/n 115000-00; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BDS
TRM115000.00 TZGD Zephyr 3 Geodetic; switchable MSS filter in LNA; p/n 115000-00; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BDS
TRM115000.00+S SCIT Zephyr 3 Geodetic with SCIT spacer; switchable MSS filter in LNA; p/n 115000-00; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BDS
TRM115000.10 NONE Zephyr 3 base; switchable MSS filter in LNA; p/n 115000-10; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BDS
TRM126000.00 NONE Zephyr 3 Rugged
TRM14177.00 NONE 4000ST L1 Geodetic, Model 14177.00
TRM14532.00 NONE 4000ST L1/L2 Geodetic, Model 14532.00
TRM14532.10 NONE 4000SSE Kin L1/L2, Model 14532.10
TRM159800.00 NONE Dorne Margolin with choke rings; p/n 159800-00; switchable MSS filter in LNA; GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/E5ab/E6; BDS: B1/B2/B3
TRM159800.00 SCIS Dorne Margolin with choke rings; p/n 159800-00; switchable MSS filter in LNA; GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/E5ab/E6; BDS: B1/B2/B3
TRM159800.00 SCIT Dorne Margolin with choke rings; p/n 159800-00; switchable MSS filter in LNA; GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/E5ab/E6; BDS: B1/B2/B3
TRM159900.00 NONE GNSS-Ti antenna with choke rings; p/n 159900-00; switchable MSS filter in LNA; GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/E5ab/E6; BDS: B1/B2/B3
TRM159900.00 SCIS GNSS-Ti antenna with choke rings; p/n 159900-00; switchable MSS filter in LNA; GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/E5ab/E6; BDS: B1/B2/B3
TRM22020.00+GP NONE Geod. L1/L2 compact, with groundplane, Model 22020-00
TRM22020.00-GP NONE Geod. L1/L2 compact; w/o groundplane, Model 22020-00
TRM23903.00 NONE Permanent L1/L2, Model 23903.00, cast preamp housing
TRM27947.00+GP NONE Rugged L1/L2 with groundplane, Model 27947.00
TRM27947.00-GP NONE Rugged L1/L2 w/o groundplane, Model 27947.00
TRM29659.00 NONE Trimble L1/L2 Dorne Margolin element with chokerings Model 29659.00
TRM29659.00 SCIS Trimble L1/L2 Dorne Margolin element with chokerings Model 29659.00
TRM29659.00 SCIT Trimble L1/L2 Dorne Margolin element with chokerings Model 29659.00
TRM29659.00 TCWD Trimble L1/L2 Dorne Margolin element with chokerings Model 29659.00
TRM29659.00 UNAV Trimble L1/L2 Dorne Margolin element with chokerings Model 29659.00
TRM33429.00+GP NONE L1/L2 microcentered, Compact Geodetic, Model 33429.00 (with groundplane)
TRM33429.00-GP NONE L1/L2 microcentered, Compact Geodetic (no groundplane)
TRM33429.20+GP NONE L1/L2 microcentered, Compact Geodetic, Model 33429-20 (with groundplane)
TRM33429.20+GP TCWD L1/L2 microcentered, Compact Geodetic, Model 33429-20 (with groundplane)
TRM33429.20+GP UNAV L1/L2 microcentered, Compact Geodetic, Model 33429-20 (with groundplane)
TRM36569.00+GP NONE 13" microcentered +GP
TRM39105.00 NONE Zephyr 4-point feed antenna - No Ground Plane
TRM41249.00 NONE Zephyr 4-point feed antenna - Stealth Ground Plane
TRM41249.00 SCIT Zephyr 4-point feed antenna - Stealth Ground Plane
TRM41249.00 TZGD Zephyr 4-point feed antenna - Stealth Ground Plane
TRM41249USCG SCIT Zephyr Geodetic L1/L2 +RD w/ USCG mount
TRM44830.00 NONE GA830 GNSS/MSK RXC ->North
TRM4800 NONE L1/enhanced L2 receiver, with internal antenna and radio modem, p/n: 32119-XX
TRM53406.00 NONE Zephyr (L1) A3
TRM55970.00 NONE Zephyr GNSS II - lead-based solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM55971.00 NONE Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - lead-based solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM55971.00 SCIT Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - lead-based solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM55971.00 TZGD Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - lead-based solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM57970.00 NONE Zephyr GNSS II - RoHS compliant solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM57971.00 NONE Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - RoHS compliant solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM57971.00 SCIT Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - RoHS compliant solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM57971.00 TZGD Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - RoHS compliant solder L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM5800 NONE Antenna inside Trimble 5800 and Trimble R8
TRM59800.00 NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.00 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou
TRM59800.00 SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.00 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou
TRM59800.00 SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.00 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou
TRM59800.00 TCWD Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.00 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou
TRM59800.80 NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.80 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou. Upgraded from TRM29659.00 with GNSS low-noise amplifier
TRM59800.80 SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.80 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou. Upgraded from TRM29659.00 with GNSS low-noise amplifier
TRM59800.80 SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.80 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou. Upgraded from TRM29659.00 with GNSS low-noise amplifier
TRM59800.99 NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.99 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo BeiDou. Upgraded TRM29659.00 with Tallysman TW605 GNSS low-noise amplifier
TRM59800.99 SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 59800.99 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo BeiDou. Upgraded TRM29659.00 with Tallysman TW605 GNSS low-noise amplifier
TRM59900.00 NONE GNSS antenna with chokerings, Model 59900.00 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou
TRM59900.00 SCIS GNSS antenna with chokerings, Model 59900.00 L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou
TRM65212.00 NONE Zephyr Model 2 Rugged RXC to North
TRM68040.01 NONE N/A
TRM73004.10 NONE N/A
TRM77970.00 NONE Zephyr GNSS model II rover - RoHS compliant solder, additional filter in LNA; p/n 77970-00; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM77971.00 NONE Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - RoHS compliant solder, additional filter in LNA; p/n 77971-00; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM77971.00 SCIT Zephyr GNSS Geodetic II - RoHS compliant solder, additional filter in LNA; p/n 77971-00; L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
TRM92975.00 NONE N/A
TRM92995.00 NONE N/A
TRM99810.00 NONE Trimble GA810
TRMAV28+GP NONE Trimble AV28 w/Ground Plane, PN 112735
TRMDA2 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5A, BDS B1/B2, IRNSS L5, QZSS L1/L2/L5, SBAS L1/L2/L5 antenna
TRMR10 NONE L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/B1/B2/B3, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
TRMR10-2 NONE L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/B1/B2/B3, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
TRMR12 NONE L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/B1/B2/B3, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
TRMR12I NONE L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/B1/B2/B3, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
TRMR4-2 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2 GLO L1/L2 Trimble R4 model 2
TRMR4-3 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2 GLO L1/L2 Trimble R4 model 3
TRMR4S NONE Trimble R4s, PN 114038-00, TMT->N
TRMR580 NONE Integrated GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E5ab/E5AltBoc BDS: B1/B2; QZSS: L1/L2/L5; IRNSS: L5; SBAS: L1/L5 antenna
TRMR6 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C GLO L1/L2 Trimble R6 antenna
TRMR6-2 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C GLO L1/L2 Trimble R6 model 2
TRMR6-3 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C GLO L1/L2 Trimble R6 model 3
TRMR6-4 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C GLO L1/L2 Trimble R6 model 4
TRMR780 NONE GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E5ab/E6 BDS: B1/B2/B3; QZSS: L1/L2/L5/LEX; SBAS L1/L5
TRMR8_GNSS NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5 GLO L1/L2 Trimble R8 GNSS antenna
TRMR8-4 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5 GLO L1/L2 Trimble R8 GNSS 3 antenna, model 4
TRMR8S NONE Integrated L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E5ab/B1/B2 GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
TRMSPS785 NONE Trimble SPS785, PN 116377-00, TMT->N
TRMSPS985 NONE L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/B1/B2/B3, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
TRMSPS986 NONE L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/B1/B2/B3, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo & BeiDou antenna
3S-02-TSADM NONE TSA-100 assembly with Dorne Margolin antenna
ACC123CGNSSA_XN NONE Active GNSS Conical choke ring, RFC->N
ACC2G1215A_XT_1 NONE ACTIVE L1/L2 GPS, 2.6", label top->N
ACC3G1215A_XT_1 NONE ACTIVE L1/L2 GPS, 3.5", top of label->N
ACC4G1215A_XT_1 NONE ACTIVE L1/L2 GPS Mini ARINC, arrow->N
ACC53G1215A_XT1 NONE ACTIVE L1/L2 GPS, 5" GP survey, RFC->N
ACCG5ANT_123CAN NONE Active G5 Conical Choke Ring RFC->North
ADVNULLANTENNA NONE Nullantenna defined by AdV (Sapos)
AERAT1675_120 NONE Aeroantenna GPS chokering antenna GPS: L1/L2/L5 GLO: G1/G2
AERAT1675_120 SPKE Aeroantenna GPS chokering antenna GPS: L1/L2/L5 GLO: G1/G2
AERAT1675_180 NONE L-Band GPS Glonass Airborne
AERAT1675_182 NONE GNSS Machine Control AT1675-182, RFC->N
AERAT1675_29 NONE Aeroantenna L1/L2 GPS + GLONASS Survey Antenna Ceramic patch element,internal groundplane,chokering
AERAT1675_382 NONE TNCF-000-RG-39-NM, RF connector->North
AERAT1675_80 NONE TNCF-000-RG-43-NM, top of label->North
AERAT2775_150 NONE L1/L2
AERAT2775_159 NONE AeroAnt AT2775-159W +radome
AERAT2775_159 SPKE AeroAnt AT2775-159W +radome
AERAT2775_160 NONE L1/L2
AERAT2775_270 NONE L1/L2
AERAT2775_41 NONE Aviation L1/L2
AERAT2775_42 NONE Geodetic L1/L2
AERAT2775_42+CR NONE Marine III +CR adaptor
AERAT2775_43 NONE Aeroantenna L1/L2 GPS Survey Antenna Ceramic patch element,internal groundplane,chokering
AERAT2775_43 SPKE Aeroantenna L1/L2 GPS Survey Antenna Ceramic patch element,internal groundplane,chokering
AERAT2775_62 NONE L1/L2
AOAD/M_B NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings (Rogue, AOA design)
AOAD/M_T NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings (TurboRogue)/part #s 7490400-1 7490400-4 7490582-1 7490582-2 7490582-B
APSAPS-3 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C, GLO L1/L2 antenna
ASH110454 NONE ProMark2 L1
ASH111660 NONE L1 GPS/GLONASS, base of RF connector->N
ASH111661 NONE L1/L2/L5 GNSS survey antenna, base of RF connector
ASH700228A NONE Geodetic L1/L2 Model 700228A 11.2 inch groundplane, handles 8 holes labeled A-H for HI measurement leveling bubble, compass, external LNA, 8 attachments for extended groundplane
ASH700228C NONE Geodetic L1/L2 Model 700228C eliminated leveling bubble
ASH700228E NONE Geodetic L1/L2 "REV. B" 700228E (same as D)
ASH700700.A NONE Dual freq. marine antenna Model 700700.A
ASH700700.B NONE Dual freq. marine antenna Model 700700.B
ASH700718A NONE Geodetic III "Whopper" Model 700718A 14.5 inch groundplane, new antenna element, compass, no handles
ASH700829.2 SNOW Geodetic III "Whopper" Model 700829.2 (USCG) same as 700718 but with "snow cone" antenna dome and weather proof paint
ASH700936A_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936A C146 Dorne Margolin element, milled chokerings
ASH700936A_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936A C146 Dorne Margolin element, milled chokerings
ASH700936B_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936B changed internal RF cabling
ASH700936B_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936B changed internal RF cabling
ASH700936C_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936C improved antenna element centering
ASH700936C_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936C improved antenna element centering
ASH700936D_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936D same as 700936C, logo added to antenna dome
ASH700936D_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936D same as 700936C, logo added to antenna dome
ASH700936D_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936D same as 700936C, logo added to antenna dome
ASH700936E NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936 REV E
ASH700936E SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936 REV E
ASH700936E_C NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936.02 REV E cast chokerings, original SCIGN design - recalled
ASH700936E_C SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936.02 REV E cast chokerings, original SCIGN design - recalled
ASH700936F_C NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 700936.02 REV F same as ASH700936E_C - recalled
ASH701008.01B NONE Geodetic IIIA, Model 701008-01(B)
ASH701073.1 NONE GPS/GLONASS (GG) dual-frequency with chokerings Model 701073 REV 1, supplied with Z18 receiver
ASH701073.3 NONE Model 701073 REV 3
ASH701933B_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701933 REV B milled chokerings, watertight design, shallow threads
ASH701933B_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701933 REV B milled chokerings, watertight design, shallow threads
ASH701933C_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701933 REV C milled chokerings, watertight design, shallow threads, no humidity indicator
ASH701933C_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701933 REV C milled chokerings, watertight design, shallow threads, no humidity indicator
ASH701933C_M SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701933 REV C milled chokerings, watertight design, shallow threads, no humidity indicator
ASH701933C_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701933 REV C milled chokerings, watertight design, shallow threads, no humidity indicator
ASH701941.1 NONE Dual Frequency GPS/GLONASS Model 701941-NN REV 1
ASH701941.B NONE Dual Frequency GPS/GLONASS Model 701941-NN REV B
ASH701941.B SCIS Dual Frequency GPS/GLONASS Model 701941-NN REV B
ASH701945.02B NONE N/A
ASH701945.02B SCIS N/A
ASH701945.02B SCIT N/A
ASH701945.02B SNOW N/A
ASH701945B_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV B milled chokerings, watertight design (replaces recalled SCIGN ASH700936E_C antenna)
ASH701945B_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV B milled chokerings, watertight design (replaces recalled SCIGN ASH700936E_C antenna)
ASH701945B_M SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV B milled chokerings, watertight design (replaces recalled SCIGN ASH700936E_C antenna)
ASH701945B_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV B milled chokerings, watertight design (replaces recalled SCIGN ASH700936E_C antenna)
ASH701945C_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV C milled chokerings, watertight design
ASH701945C_M PFAN Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV C milled chokerings, watertight design
ASH701945C_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV C milled chokerings, watertight design
ASH701945C_M SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV C milled chokerings, watertight design
ASH701945C_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV C milled chokerings, watertight design
ASH701945D_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV D (only a few manufactured)
ASH701945D_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV D (only a few manufactured)
ASH701945D_M SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV D (only a few manufactured)
ASH701945D_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV D (only a few manufactured)
ASH701945E_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV E milled chokerings, watertight design (includes E1)
ASH701945E_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV E milled chokerings, watertight design (includes E1)
ASH701945E_M SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV E milled chokerings, watertight design (includes E1)
ASH701945E_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV E milled chokerings, watertight design (includes E1)
ASH701945G_M NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV G (no physical changes from REV E)
ASH701945G_M SCIS Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV G (no physical changes from REV E)
ASH701945G_M SCIT Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV G (no physical changes from REV E)
ASH701945G_M SNOW Dorne Margolin with chokerings, Model 701945-NN REV G (no physical changes from REV E)
ASH701946.2 NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings,Model 701946-NN REV 2 (GPS + GLONASS)
ASH701946.3 NONE Dorne Margolin with chokerings,Model 701946-NN REV 3 (GPS + GLONASS)
ASH701975.01A NONE Geodetic IV, Rev A
ASH701975.01AGP NONE Geodetic IV, Rev A with groundplane
ASH701975.01BGP NONE Geodetic IV, w/Groundplane
ASH802129 NONE GNSS receiver, ProMark 500, ctrl pnl->N
ASH802147_A NONE N/A
CHCA220GR NONE Multi-purpose compact geodetic antenna with integrated radome. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, BDS: B1/B2/B3, L-Band
CHCA300GNSS NONE Multi-purpose compact geodetic antenna with integrated radome. GPS: L1/L2, GLO: L1/L2
CHCC220GR CHCD Multi-purpose machined copper alloy chokering antenna with Dorne Margolin element & LNA (Rev. 1; serial number starting with 12 or 13; w/o north mark). GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-band
CHCC220GR NONE Multi-purpose machined copper alloy chokering antenna with Dorne Margolin element & LNA (Rev. 1; serial number starting with 12 or 13; w/o north mark). GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-band
CHCI80 NONE Internal geodetic antenna. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, GAL: E1/E5a/E5b, BDS: B1/B2
CHCX900B NONE Internal geodetic antenna. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-Band
CHCX900R NONE Internal geodetic antenna. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-Band
CHCX90D-OPUS NONE Internal geodetic antenna with large ground plane & integrated radome. GPS: L1/L2, L-Band
CHCX91+S NONE Internal geodetic antenna. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-Band
CHCX91B NONE Internal geodetic antenna. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-Band
CHCX91R NONE Internal geodetic antenna. GPS: L1/L2/L5, GLO: L1/L2/L3, BDS: B1/B2/B3, GAL: E2-L1-E1/E5a/E5b/E6/AltBOC, L-Band
HEMA631 NONE Model:A631,PN:804-0168-10 Rev A, DAC->N
HEMS320 NONE Integrated GNSS ant/receiver display ->N
HEMS631 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5a/E5b/AltBOC/E6, BDS B1/B2a/B2b/ACEBOC/B3, QZSS L1/L2/L5, SBAS L1/L5, L-Band Atlas
HITV30 NONE Hi-Target V30 P/N 0201010223 DSP->North
HXCCSX601A NONE Model HX-CSX601A RXC->South Arrow->N
HXCGS488A NONE Model HX-GS488A GNSS RFC->South Arrow->N
ITT3750323 NONE Chokering antenna with low noise amplifier
ITT3750323 SCIS Chokering antenna with low noise amplifier
JAV_RINGANT_G3T JAVC External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5A chokering antenna
JAV_RINGANT_G3T NONE External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5A chokering antenna
JAV_TRIUMPH-1 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2/L2C/L5, GLONASS L1/L2, Galileo E1/E5A Triumph1 antenna
JAV_TRIUMPH-1R NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2/L5, GAL E1/E5A/E5B, GLO L1/L2/L3, BDS B1/B2, QZSS L1/L2/L5 Triumph1 antenna with radio modem antenna
JAVGRANT_G5T+GP JVSD External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5A/E5B/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, QZSS L1/L2/L5/LEX with ground plane
JAVRINGANT_DM JVDM External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5/E6 chokering antenna with Dorne Margolin element
JAVRINGANT_DM NONE External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5/E6 chokering antenna with Dorne Margolin element
JAVRINGANT_DM SCIS External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5/E6 chokering antenna with Dorne Margolin element
JAVRINGANT_DM SCIT External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5/E6 chokering antenna with Dorne Margolin element
JAVRINGANT_G5T JAVC External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5A/E5B/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, QZSS L1/L2/L5/LEX chokering antenna
JAVRINGANT_G5T JAVD External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5A/E5B/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, QZSS L1/L2/L5/LEX chokering antenna
JAVRINGANT_G5T NONE External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5A/E5B/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, QZSS L1/L2/L5/LEX chokering antenna
JAVRT_G3T+A2 JAVC AXIONET External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5A chokering antenna
JAVRT_G3T+A2 NONE AXIONET External GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2, GAL E1/E5A chokering antenna
JAVTRIUMPH_VS NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS L1/L2, Galileo E1/E5 Triumph V.S. antenna
JNSCR_C146-22-1 NONE External GPS L1/L2, GLO L1/L2 chokering antenna with C146-22-1 element
JNSMARANT_GGD NONE low-profile, waterproof GPS/GLONASS external antenna
JPLD/M_R NONE Dorne Margolin element with chokerings (Rogue, JPL design)
JPSLEGANT_E NONE Antenna on flat groundplane
JPSREGANT_DD_E NONE Dual-depth chokering antenna, external
JPSREGANT_SD_E NONE Single-depth chokering antenna, external
LEIAR10 NONE Multi-purpose geodetic reference station antenna with large groundplane and integrated radome. GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND
LEIAR20 LEIM Multi purpose GNSS choke ring antenna GPS: L1,L2,L5; GLO: L1,L2,L3; BDS: B1,B2,B3; GAL: E2-L1-E1,E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC; L-BAND
LEIAR20 NONE Multi purpose GNSS choke ring antenna GPS: L1,L2,L5; GLO: L1,L2,L3; BDS: B1,B2,B3; GAL: E2-L1-E1,E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC; L-BAND
LEIAR25 LEIT Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 2) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND [Note: Revision 1 was never released to public.]
LEIAR25 NONE Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 2) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND [Note: Revision 1 was never released to public.]
LEIAR25.R3 BEVA Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 3) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R3 LEIT Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 3) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R3 NONE Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 3) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R3 SCIS Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 3) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R3 SCIT Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 3) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R4 LEIT Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 4) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R4 NONE Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 4) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAR25.R4 SCIT Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring (Revision 4) GPS: L1,L2,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: E2-L1-E1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND Includes insert for enhanced L5 performance.
LEIAS10 NONE External geodetic multi-frequency antenna, GPS/GLO/GAL/BDS/L-band
LEIAS11 NONE External geodetic multi-frequency antenna, GPS/GLO/GAL/BDS/QZSS/L-band
LEIAT202-GP NONE External micropulse antenna L1/L2, no groundplane with series 200 receivers
LEIAT302+GP NONE External micropulse antenna L1/L2, with groundplane with series 300 receivers
LEIAT302-GP NONE External micropulse antenna L1/L2, no groundplane with series 300 receivers
LEIAT303 LEIC Micropulse antenna L1/L2, with chokerings
LEIAT303 NONE Micropulse antenna L1/L2, with chokerings
LEIAT502 NONE External antenna with Aero element L1/L2, with series 500 receivers
LEIAT503 LEIC Micropulse antenna with chokerings, L1/L2 (identical to LEICA AT303)
LEIAT503 NONE Micropulse antenna with chokerings, L1/L2 (identical to LEICA AT303)
LEIAT504 LEIS L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T)
LEIAT504 NONE L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T)
LEIAT504 OLGA L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T)
LEIAT504GG LEIS L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T), GPS & GLONASS
LEIAT504GG NONE L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T), GPS & GLONASS
LEIAT504GG SCIS L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T), GPS & GLONASS
LEIAT504GG SCIT L1/L2 Dorne Margolin antenna with chokerings (designed after DORNE MARGOLIN T), GPS & GLONASS
LEIATX1230 NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack, GPS
LEIATX1230+GNSS NONE Internal geodetic antenna, SmartTrack+, GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
LEIATX1230GG NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack, GPS & GLONASS
LEIAX1202 NONE External geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack with series 1200 receivers
LEIAX1202GG NONE External geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack with series 1200 receivers, GPS & GLONASS
LEIAX1203+GNSS NONE External geodetic antenna, SmartTrack+ with series 1200 receivers, GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
LEIGS08 NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack+, GPS & GLONASS
LEIGS08PLUS NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack, GPS & GLONASS
LEIGS09 NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack+, GPS & GLONASS
LEIGS12 NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack+, GPS & GLONASS
LEIGS14 NONE Internal geodetic antenna, SmartTrack, GPS: L1,L2,L2C; GLO: L1,L2; GAL: E1; SBAS
LEIGS15 NONE Internal geodetic antenna, SmartTrack+, GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
LEIICG60 NONE Internal geodetic antenna, SmartTrack+, GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
LEIMNA950GG NONE Internal geodetic antenna L1/L2, SmartTrack, GPS & GLONASS (PowerAntenna)
LEISR299_INT NONE Internal antenna with Ball element L1/L2, part of the SR299 receiver
LEISR399_INT NONE Revised antenna with modified mount design L1/L2, part of the SR399 receiver, made or serviced after Aug 97 (see Warning: Descriptions interchanged in June 2009.
MAC4647942 MMAC Crossed-dipole antenna with large groundplane, Model Number 4647942
MAG105645 NONE L1/L2 GPS
MAG111406 NONE (AT1675-7MW),North: RF CONN
MPL_WAAS_2224NW NONE MicroPulse WAAS Unit 2224NW
MPL_WAAS_2225NW NONE MicroPulse WAAS L1/L2/L5 2225NW
MPL1230 NONE L1/L2 Surveying, Choke Ring
NAV_ANT3001BR SPKE GPS L1/L2/L2C/L5, GLONASS G1/G2, Galileo E1/E5a, choke ring antenna
NAVAN2004T NONE GPS L1/L2/L-Band Antenna, Survey Mount
NAVAN2008T NONE GPS L1/L2/L-Band Antenna, Aircraft Mount FAA Cert.
NAVRT3010S NONE RTK GPS Antenna+Receiver
NAVSF2040G NONE GPS L1/L2/SBAS/StarFire Antenna
NAX3G+C NONE NavXperience
NOV_WAAS_600 NONE NOV600 element in MPL assembly (used by WAAS/NGS)
NOV501 NONE GPS-501 L1
NOV501+CR NONE GPS-501 L1 with chokerings
NOV502 NONE GPS-502 L1/L2
NOV502+CR NONE GPS-502 L1/L2 with chokerings
NOV503+CR NONE GPS-503 L1/L2 with chokerings
NOV503+CR SPKE GPS-503 L1/L2 with chokerings
NOV531 NONE GPS-531 L1
NOV531+CR NONE GPS-531 L1 with chokerings
NOV533 RADM L1/L2 compact CR, ANT-533 w/radome
NOV600 NONE L1/L2 GPS Antenna (Pinwheel Technology)
NOV701GG_1.03 NONE GPS-701-GG
NOV701GGL NONE GPS-701GG GPS L1, GLONASS L1, L-Band (Pinwheel Tech.)
NOV702 NONE GPS-702 RoHS-compliant GPS L1/L2 (Pinwheel Tech.)
NOV702_3.00 NONE GPS-702 L1/L2
NOV702GG NONE GPS-702GG GPS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2 (Pinwheel Tech.)
NOV702GG_1.02 NONE GPS-702-GG
NOV702GG_1.03 NONE GPS-702-GG
NOV702L_1.01 NONE GPS-702L
NOV702L_1.03 NONE GPS-702L
NOV750.R4 NONE Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring ground plane rev. 4 GPS: L1,L2,L2C,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: L1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND
NOV750.R4 NOVS Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring ground plane rev. 4 GPS: L1,L2,L2C,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: L1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND
NOV750.R4 SCIS Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring ground plane rev. 4 GPS: L1,L2,L2C,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: L1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND
NOV750.R4 SCIT Dorne Margolin with 3D choke ring ground plane rev. 4 GPS: L1,L2,L2C,L5 GLONASS: L1,L2,L3 Galileo: L1, E5a,E5b,E6,AltBOC BeiDou: B1,B2,B3 L-BAND
RNG80971.00 NONE Boreas GNSS antenna L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
RNG80971.00 SCIT Boreas GNSS antenna L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
RNG80971.00 TZGD Boreas GNSS antenna L1/L2/L5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E2/E5ab/E6/BeiDou
RNGSMAXGEO-A NONE S-MAX GEO, 240 channels GPS L1/L2, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, SBAS, L-band integrated receiver/ant.
SEN67157514 NONE L1/L2, (+26dB amp)
SEN67157514+CR NONE L1/L2, (+26dB amp), +cr
SEN67157549 NONE L1
SEN67157549+CR NONE L1, +chokerings
SEN67157596 NONE L1/L2
SEN67157596+CR NONE Sensor Systems L1/L2, PN:S67-1575-96 + chokerings
SEP_POLANT+ NONE GPS L1/L2, AT2775-229S, N arrow on top
SEP_POLANT+_GG NONE GNSS L1/L2, AT1675-29S, N arrow on top
SEPCHOKE_B3E6 NONE multi-constellation choke ring GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5a/E5b/E6,
SEPCHOKE_B3E6 SPKE multi-constellation choke ring GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO L1/L2/L3, GAL E1/E5a/E5b/E6,
SEPCHOKE_MC NONE multi-constellation choke ring GPS/GAL/BDS:L1+L2+L5/E5 GLO:L1+L2+L3 L-band
SEPCHOKE_MC SPKE multi-constellation choke ring GPS/GAL/BDS:L1+L2+L5/E5 GLO:L1+L2+L3 L-band
SEPPOLANT_X_MF NONE multi-constellation antenna GPS/GAL:L1/E1+L2+L5/E5 BDS:B1/B2 GLO:L1+L2+L3 L-band
SOK_GSR2700IS NONE Sokkia GSR2700 IS (L1/L2) Pinwheel Tech
SOK_GSR2700ISX NONE Sokkia GSR2700 ISX, 14 GPS L1, 14 GPS L2, 6 GPS L5 12 GLONASS L1, 12 GLONASS L2 + 2 SBAS
SOK_RADIAN_IS NONE Radian IS L1/L2 RTK GPS integrated receiver+antenna
SOK502 NONE Sokkia SK520 L1/L2 GPS antenna
SOK600 NONE Sokkia SK600 L1/L2 GPS antenna
SOK702 NONE Sokkia SK702 L1/L2 GPS antenna
SOKA110 NONE Sokkia A110 (L1)
SOKA120 NONE Sokkia A120 (L1/L2)
SOKGRX1 NONE L1L2, TPS ctrl pnl->N
SOKGRX1+10 NONE 10-cm standoff#808100
SOKGRX2 NONE GRX2 Display to North
SOKGRX2+10 NONE cm standoff P/N 808100
SOKSTRATUS NONE Sokkia Stratus (L1)
SPP101861 NONE SP60 TMT to North
SPP39105.90 NONE Epoch L1/L2 w/o GP
SPP571212238+GP NONE Spectra Precision groundplane
SPP571908273+CR SPKE chokerings, oblong antenna element
SPP68410_10 NONE EPOCH 50, 220 channels GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS integrated receiver/antenna
SPP89823_10 NONE ProMark 700, 220 channel GPS/GLONASS L1/L2, SBAS integrated receiver/antenna
SPP91564_1 NONE SP80, 240 channels GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, SBAS integrated receiver/antenna
SPP91564_2 NONE SP80 with comm module MMI to North
SPP98147_10 NONE SPP98147_10
SPPSP85 NONE Integrated GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/ E5ab; BDS: B1/B2; QZSS: L1/L2/L5; IRNSS L5; SBAS L1/ L5; L-band antenna
SPPSP85 UHF NONE Integrated GPS: L1/L2/L5; GLO: L1/L2/L3; GAL: E1/E2/ E5ab; BDS: B1/B2; QZSS: L1/L2/L5; IRNSS L5; SBAS L1/ L5; L-band antenna
STHS82_7224V3.0 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLONASS, SBAS SOUTH S82T/S82V GNSS antenna
STHS82HX-BS601A NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLONASS, BDS, SBAS SOUTH S82-2013 GNSS antenna
STHS86_7224V3.1 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLONASS, BDS, SBAS SOUTH S86T GNSS antenna
STHS86HX-BS611A NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLONASS, BDS, SBAS SOUTH S86-2013 GNSS antenna
STXS9PX001A NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, SBAS STONEX S9III+ GNSS antenna
STXS9SA7224V3.0 NONE Integrated GPS L1/L2+L2C/L5, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, SBAS STONEX S9II GNSS antenna
THA800961+REC NONE Z-Max receiver + ant
THA800961+RTK NONE Z-Max w/RTK adaptor
THA800961RECUHF NONE Z-Max receiver +UHF Vortex adaptor
THA800961RTKUHF NONE Z-Max Receiver+RTK+UHF Vortex adaptors
THANAP002 NONE microstrip, Geodetic
TOP700779A NONE Model 700779.A (same as ASH700718A)
TOP72110 NONE Model 72110, used with the TURBO-SII receiver small radius with Dorne Margolin element
TPS_CR.3 SCIS radome #0010
TPS_CR4+RD SCIS Choke Ring+rd
TPS_MC.A5 NONE Topcon MC-A5 L1
TPSCR.G3 NONE Topcon GPS/GLONASS/Galileo choke ring antenna
TPSCR.G3 SCIS Topcon GPS/GLONASS/Galileo choke ring antenna
TPSCR.G3 SCIT Topcon GPS/GLONASS/Galileo choke ring antenna
TPSCR.G3 TPSH Topcon GPS/GLONASS/Galileo choke ring antenna
TPSCR.G5 NONE Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Choke Ring Ant.
TPSCR.G5 SCIS Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Choke Ring Ant.
TPSCR.G5 SCIT Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Choke Ring Ant.
TPSCR.G5 TPSH Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Choke Ring Ant.
TPSCR.G5C NONE GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO G1/G2/G3, GAL E1/E5ab/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, SBAS geodetic choke ring antenna with enhanced interference suppression, P/N 01-070801-02LF
TPSCR.G5C TPSH GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO G1/G2/G3, GAL E1/E5ab/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, SBAS geodetic choke ring antenna with enhanced interference suppression, P/N 01-070801-02LF
TPSCR3_GGD CONE Part No. 01-031401-01
TPSCR3_GGD NONE Part No. 01-031401-01
TPSCR3_GGD OLGA Part No. 01-031401-01
TPSCR3_GGD PFAN Part No. 01-031401-01
TPSCR4 CONE P/N 01-840002-01 Choke ring L1/L2
TPSCR4 NONE P/N 01-840002-01 Choke ring L1/L2
TPSG3_A1 NONE Topcon GPS/GLONASS/Galileo antenna with ground plane
TPSG3_A1 TPSD Topcon GPS/GLONASS/Galileo antenna with ground plane
TPSG5_A1 NONE GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO G1/G2/G3, GAL E1/E5ab/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, SBAS antenna with integrated ground plane, P/N 1004478-01
TPSGR3 NONE Integrated antenna/receiver/modem GNSS L1/L2
TPSGR5 NONE GNSS integrated antenna/receiver 216 channel
TPSHIPER_GD NONE P/N 01-830401-01 Integrated antenna+receiver
TPSHIPER_GGD NONE P/N 01-840401-01 Antenna+receiver GPS/GLONASS
TPSHIPER_II+10 NONE 10-cm standoff #51949
TPSHIPER_LITE NONE P/N 01-840802-03 Antenna+receiver+wireless, GPS
TPSHIPER_PLUS NONE P/N 01-840801-01 Antenna+receiver+wireless, G/G
TPSHIPER_SR+10 NONE 10cm standoff P/N:51949
TPSHIPER_V NONE Hiper V,Display to North
TPSHIPER_V+10 NONE 10cm standoff P/N:51949
TPSLEGANT NONE LegAnt, P/N : 01-830004-01,Arrow->N
TPSLEGANT_G NONE P/N 01-830005-01 L1
TPSLEGANT2 NONE P/N 01-830004-02 L1/L2
TPSLEGANT3_UHF NONE P/N 01-830004-03 L1/L2
TPSODYSSEY_I NONE Integrated antenna/receiver L1/L2
TPSPG_A1 NONE P/N 01-840201-04 L1/L2 without groundplane
TPSPG_A1 TPSD P/N 01-840201-04 L1/L2 without groundplane
TPSPG_A1_6 NONE PG-A1 arrow->N
TPSPG_A1_6+GP NONE PG-A1 w/GP, arrow->N
TPSPG_A1+GP NONE P/N 01-840201-04 L1/L2 with groundplane
TPSPG_A2 NONE microstrip
TPSPG_F1 NONE P/N 01-080201-01 without GP Arrow->N
TPSPG_F1+GP NONE P/N 01-080201-01 w/ground plane Arrow->N
TPSPG_S1 NONE P/N 01-100301-01 without groundplane
TPSPG_S1+GP NONE P/N 01-100301-01 with groundplane
TPSPN.A5 NONE Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Antenna with convex impedance ground plane
TPSPN.A5 SCIS Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Antenna with convex impedance ground plane
TPSPN.A5 SCIT Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Antenna with convex impedance ground plane
TPSPN.A5 TPSH Topcon Multi-Constellation Geodetic Antenna with convex impedance ground plane
TWIVC6050 NONE VeraChoke 6050 with 50 dB LNA, GPS/QZSS L1/L2/L5 GLONASS G1/G2/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/ E5b/E6, BDS B1/ B2/B2a/B3, QZSS L6, NavIC L5, L-band corrections
TWIVC6050 SCIS VeraChoke 6050 with 50 dB LNA, GPS/QZSS L1/L2/L5 GLONASS G1/G2/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/ E5b/E6, BDS B1/ B2/B2a/B3, QZSS L6, NavIC L5, L-band corrections
TWIVC6050 SCIT VeraChoke 6050 with 50 dB LNA, GPS/QZSS L1/L2/L5 GLONASS G1/G2/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/ E5b/E6, BDS B1/ B2/B2a/B3, QZSS L6, NavIC L5, L-band corrections
TWIVC6150 NONE VeraChoke 6150 with 50 dB LNA, GPS/QZSS L1/L2/L5 GLONASS G1/G2/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/ E5b/E6, BDS B1/ B2/B2a/B3, QZSS L6, NavIC L5, L-band corrections
TWIVC6150 SCIS VeraChoke 6150 with 50 dB LNA, GPS/QZSS L1/L2/L5 GLONASS G1/G2/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/ E5b/E6, BDS B1/ B2/B2a/B3, QZSS L6, NavIC L5, L-band corrections
TWIVP6000 NONE VeraPhase 6000 with 35 dB LNA in flat housing, P/N 33-603500-xx-01-11, GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO G1/G2/G3, GAL E1/E5/E5a+b/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, L-band corrections
TWIVP6050_CONE NONE VeraPhase 6000 with 50 dB LNA in conical housing, P/N 33-605000-xx-01-01, GPS L1/L2/L5, GLO G1/G2/G3, GAL E1/E5/E5a+b/E6, BDS B1/B2/B3, L-band corrections
TWIVSP6037L NONE VeroStar VSP6037L with 37 dB LNA, GPS/QZSS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS G1/G2/G3, Galileo E1/E5a/E5b/E6, BDS B1/ B2/B2a/B3, QZSS L6, NavIC L5, L-band corrections

Data sources