Changes in v4.0.0
- More options for options (arithmetic parsing, more functions)
- Laplacian solvers in X-Y and X-Z
- Staggered 3rd order WENO scheme
- Multigrid Laplacian
- 4th order Neumann boundaries
- Improved Arakawa brackets
- More time solver schemes
- Colouring for IMEX
- C++11 features (e.g. range-based loops, auto)
- FCI parallel boundaries
- Zoidberg FCI grid generation
- Unification of parallel transform mechanisms
- More interpolation schemes
- OpenMP DataIterator
- Internal changes to array storage
- Big changes to mesh
- Separation of coordinate system from underlying grid
- Removed support for PDB files
- Support for non-orthogonal meshes
- Ability to output backtrace on crash
- Improved default Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
- Subscripting fields with "[x][y][z]" replaced with "(x,y,z)"
- Lots of bug fixes!