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KVM Admin Proxy

Depending on the Apigee deployment model you might have Managment APIs for acessing and modifying the content of Apigee Key Value Maps (KVMs). In cases where the access to the KVMs is not provided via the Apigee APIs you will need to leverage policies to perform CRUD operations on the KVM contents.

This project provides a reference implementation for how to read, write and delete entries within environment scoped KVMs inside Apigee regardless of the deployment model and the existence of KVM management APIs.

Note: This reference implementation does not include authentication or authorization controls. Before exposing this API proxy, think about how you would secure it from anonymous clients. Use of this proxy as-is, without such controls, could lead to unauthorized manipulation of KVMs within your org.

(Prerequisite) Create a KVM

Note: Apigee SaaS currently does not allow for dynamic KVM names via the MapName element. It will automatically default to a KVM called kvmap and ignore the provided map name in the path.

export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
export APIGEE_ORG=my-org-name
export APIGEE_ENV=my-env
export KVM_NAME=my-kvm

curl -X POST \
    "${APIGEE_ORG}/environments/$APIGEE_ENV/keyvaluemaps" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data "{\"name\":\"$KVM_NAME\",\"encrypted\": true}"

Create the Proxy

Google APIs (Apigee hybrid)

mvn clean install -ntp -B -Pgoogleapi -Dtoken=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \
  -Dorg=$APIGEE_ORG -Dapigee.env=$APIGEE_ENV

Apigee APIs (Apigee Public Cloud)

mvn clean install -ntp -B -Papigeeapi -Dorg=$APIGEE_ORG -Denv=$APIGEE_ENV \
  -Dusername=$APIGEE_USER -Dpassword=$APIGEE_PASS

Use the KVM Proxy

First, set the hostname for your API (i.e. the virtualhost for your Apigee public cloud or your hostname for your env group in Apigee hybrid.)

# or
export $

Create or Update a KVM entry

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "foo", "value": "bar" }' "https://$API_HOSTNAME/kvm-admin/v1/kvms/$KVM_NAME/entries"

Read a KVM entry

curl -X GET "https://$API_HOSTNAME/kvm-admin/v1/kvms/$KVM_NAME/entries/foo"

Delete a KVM entry

curl -X DELETE "https://$API_HOSTNAME/kvm-admin/v1/kvms/$KVM_NAME/entries/foo"