Releases: naavis/haloray
Releases · naavis/haloray
HaloRay 2.2.0
- Created an application icon for HaloRay
- Added possibility to add preset crystal populations
- Disabled "Remove population" button when there is only one population in simulation
- Added multiple crystal populations by default
HaloRay 2.1.1
- Fixed bug where removing the only crystal population caused the UI controls not to work anymore
HaloRay 2.1.0
- Gave main window an initial size hint
- Support for multiple crystal populations!
- Made sidebar scrollable when the window is small enough
- Made UI show field of view in degrees
- Limited field of view for stereographic, rectilinear and orthographic projections
- Fixed bug where field of view sometimes did not update correctly when choosing a new projection
HaloRay 2.0.0
This is the second major release of HaloRay. Functionality has not changed much, but the OpenGL-rendered Nuklear user interface was replaced with the more maintainable and futureproof Qt library.
- Replaced Nuklear UI with Qt
HaloRay 1.1.0
- Renamed C-axis orientation to simply C-axis tilt
- Fixed bug where uniform C-axis orientation was messing with C-axis rotation
HaloRay 1.0.0
First official release of HaloRay!
Current features include the following:
- Real-time color rendering with OpenGL 4.4 and newer
- Single ice crystal population
- Only normal hexagonal crystals, no pyramidal crystals yet
- Changing camera orientation by dragging
- Toggle UI visibility by hitting the spacebar
- Multiple different camera projections
- Stereographic
- Rectilinear
- Equidistant
- Equal area
- Orthographic