diff --git a/MulimgViewer.py b/MulimgViewer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..492a952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MulimgViewer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import wx
+from main import MulimgViewer
+from path_select import PathSelectFrame
+import wx.lib.inspection
+class GuiManager():
+ def __init__(self, UpdateUI, get_type):
+ self.UpdateUI = UpdateUI
+ self.get_type = get_type
+ self.frameDict = {}
+ def GetFrame(self, type):
+ frame = self.frameDict.get(type)
+ if frame is None:
+ frame = self.CreateFrame(type)
+ self.frameDict[type] = frame
+ return frame
+ def CreateFrame(self, type):
+ if type == 0:
+ return MulimgViewer(None, self.UpdateUI, self.get_type)
+ elif type == 1:
+ return PathSelectFrame(None, self.UpdateUI, self.get_type)
+class MainAPP(wx.App):
+ def OnInit(self):
+ self.manager = GuiManager(self.UpdateUI, self.get_type)
+ self.frame = []
+ self.frame.append(self.manager.GetFrame(0))
+ self.frame.append(self.manager.GetFrame(1))
+ self.frame[0].Show()
+ self.SetTopWindow(self.frame[0])
+ self.type = 0 # init show MulimgViewer
+ return True
+ def UpdateUI(self, type, input_path=None):
+ # type=1: PathSelectFrame
+ # type=0: MulimgViewer
+ # type=-1: Close
+ self.type = type
+ if input_path != None:
+ if len(input_path) != 0:
+ # refresh one_dir_mul_dir_manual path
+ self.frame[0].ImgManager.init(
+ input_path, 1)
+ self.frame[1].refresh_txt(input_path)
+ self.frame[0].show_img_init()
+ self.frame[0].ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
+ self.frame[0].show_img()
+ if type == -1:
+ # close window
+ self.frame[0].close(None)
+ self.frame[1].close(None)
+ elif type == 0:
+ # hidden PathSelectFrame, show MulimgViewer
+ self.frame[1].Show(False)
+ self.frame[type].Show(True)
+ elif type == 1:
+ # show PathSelectFrame
+ self.frame[type].Show(True)
+ return True
+ def get_type(self):
+ return self.type
+def main():
+ app = MainAPP()
+ # debug
+ # wx.lib.inspection.InspectionTool().Show()
+ app.MainLoop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 24aa779..5d10253 100755
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,85 +1,797 @@
import wx
-from mulimg_viewer import MulimgViewer
-from path_select import PathSelectFrame
-import wx.lib.inspection
+from wx.core import App
+from main_gui import MulimgViewerGui
+import numpy as np
+from about import About
+from utils import ImgManager
+from index_table import IndexTable
+from pathlib import Path
+import copy
+from utils import get_resource_path
-class GuiManager():
- def __init__(self, UpdateUI, get_type):
+class MulimgViewer (MulimgViewerGui):
+ def __init__(self, parent, UpdateUI, get_type):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.create_ImgManager()
self.UpdateUI = UpdateUI
self.get_type = get_type
- self.frameDict = {}
- def GetFrame(self, type):
- frame = self.frameDict.get(type)
- if frame is None:
- frame = self.CreateFrame(type)
- self.frameDict[type] = frame
- return frame
- def CreateFrame(self, type):
- if type == 0:
- return MulimgViewer(None, self.UpdateUI, self.get_type)
- elif type == 1:
- return PathSelectFrame(None, self.UpdateUI, self.get_type)
-class MainAPP(wx.App):
- def OnInit(self):
- self.manager = GuiManager(self.UpdateUI, self.get_type)
- self.frame = []
- self.frame.append(self.manager.GetFrame(0))
- self.frame.append(self.manager.GetFrame(1))
- self.frame[0].Show()
- self.SetTopWindow(self.frame[0])
- self.type = 0 # init show MulimgViewer
- return True
- def UpdateUI(self, type, input_path=None):
- # type=1: PathSelectFrame
- # type=0: MulimgViewer
- # type=-1: Close
- self.type = type
- if input_path != None:
- if len(input_path) != 0:
- # refresh one_dir_mul_dir_manual path
- self.frame[0].ImgManager.init(
- input_path, 1)
- self.frame[1].refresh_txt(input_path)
- self.frame[0].show_img_init()
- self.frame[0].ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
- self.frame[0].show_img()
- if type == -1:
- # close window
- self.frame[0].close(None)
- self.frame[1].close(None)
- elif type == 0:
- # hidden PathSelectFrame, show MulimgViewer
- self.frame[1].Show(False)
- self.frame[type].Show(True)
- elif type == 1:
- # show PathSelectFrame
- self.frame[type].Show(True)
- return True
- def get_type(self):
- return self.type
-def main():
- app = MainAPP()
- # debug
- # wx.lib.inspection.InspectionTool().Show()
- app.MainLoop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ acceltbl = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_UP,
+ self.menu_up.GetId()),
+ self.menu_down.GetId()),
+ self.menu_right.GetId()),
+ self.menu_left.GetId()),
+ self.menu_delete_box.GetId())
+ ])
+ self.SetAcceleratorTable(acceltbl)
+ # self.img_Sizer = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSizer()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.close)
+ # self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ # parameter
+ self.out_path_str = ""
+ self.img_name = []
+ self.position = [0, 0]
+ self.Uint = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
+ self.Status_number = self.m_statusBar1.GetFieldsCount()
+ self.img_size = [-1, -1]
+ self.width = 950
+ self.height = 600
+ self.start_flag = 0
+ self.x = -1
+ self.x_0 = -1
+ self.y = -1
+ self.y_0 = -1
+ self.color_list = []
+ self.box_id = -1
+ self.xy_magnifier = []
+ self.icon = wx.Icon(get_resource_path('mulimgviewer.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
+ self.SetIcon(self.icon)
+ def frame_resize(self, event):
+ self.auto_layout(frame_resize=True)
+ def open_all_img(self, event):
+ input_mode = self.choice_input_mode.GetSelection()
+ if input_mode == 0:
+ self.one_dir_mul_img(event)
+ elif input_mode == 1:
+ self.one_dir_mul_dir_auto(event)
+ elif input_mode == 2:
+ self.one_dir_mul_dir_manual(event)
+ elif input_mode == 3:
+ self.onefilelist(event)
+ def close(self, event):
+ if self.get_type() == -1:
+ self.Destroy()
+ else:
+ self.UpdateUI(-1)
+ def next_img(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(["Next", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.add()
+ self.show_img()
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
+ def last_img(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(["Last", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.subtract()
+ self.show_img()
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
+ def skip_to_n_img(self, event):
+ if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(self.slider_img.GetValue())
+ self.show_img()
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
+ def slider_value_change(self, event):
+ try:
+ value = int(self.slider_value.GetValue())
+ except:
+ self.slider_value.SetValue(str(self.ImgManager.action_count))
+ else:
+ if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(value)
+ self.show_img()
+ self
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
+ def save_img(self, event):
+ layout_params = self.set_img_layout()
+ if layout_params != False:
+ self.ImgManager.layout_params = layout_params
+ type_ = self.choice_output.GetSelection()
+ if self.auto_save_all.Value:
+ last_count_img = self.ImgManager.action_count
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
+ if Path(self.out_path_str).is_dir():
+ continue_ = True
+ else:
+ continue_ = False
+ if continue_:
+ for i in range(self.ImgManager.max_action_num):
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count])+", saving img***", "-1"])
+ self.ImgManager.get_flist()
+ self.ImgManager.save_img(self.out_path_str, type_)
+ self.ImgManager.add()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(last_count_img)
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Finish***", "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count])+", saving img...***", "-1"])
+ except:
+ pass
+ flag = self.ImgManager.save_img(self.out_path_str, type_)
+ if flag == 0:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["Save", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "Save "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + " success!", "-1"])
+ elif flag == 1:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
+ elif flag == 2:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "***Error: "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + ", during stitching images***", "-1"])
+ elif flag == 3:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "***Error: "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + ", the number of img in sub folders is different***", "-1"])
+ self.refresh(event)
+ def refresh(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(["Refresh", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.show_img()
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
+ def one_dir_mul_dir_auto(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(["input_path", "", "", "-1"])
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Parallel auto choose input directory", "",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self.ImgManager.init(dlg.GetPath(), 0)
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
+ self.show_img()
+ self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(1)
+ def one_dir_mul_dir_manual(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(["input_path", "", "", "-1"])
+ try:
+ if self.ImgManager.type == 1:
+ input_path = self.ImgManager.input_path
+ else:
+ input_path = None
+ except:
+ input_path = None
+ self.UpdateUI(1, input_path)
+ self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(2)
+ def one_dir_mul_img(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["Sequential choose input directory", "", "", "-1"])
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Choose input directory", "",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self.ImgManager.init(dlg.GetPath(), 2)
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
+ self.show_img()
+ self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(0)
+ def onefilelist(self, event):
+ self.SetStatusText_(["choose the File List", "", "", "-1"])
+ wildcard = "List file (*.txt; *.csv)|*.txt;*.csv|" \
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*"
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "choose the Images List", "", "",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self.ImgManager.init(dlg.GetPath(), 3)
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
+ self.show_img()
+ self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(3)
+ def input_flist_parallel_manual(self, event):
+ wildcard = "List file (*.txt;)|*.txt;|" \
+ "All files (*.*)|*.*"
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "choose the Images List", "", "",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ with open(dlg.GetPath(), "r") as f:
+ input_path = f.read().split('\n')
+ self.ImgManager.init(input_path[0:-1], 1)
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
+ self.show_img()
+ self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(2)
+ def save_flist_parallel_manual(self, event):
+ if self.out_path_str == "":
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
+ else:
+ try:
+ np.savetxt(Path(self.out_path_str)/"input_flist_parallel_manual.txt",
+ self.ImgManager.input_path, fmt='%s')
+ except:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select parallel manual***", "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "Save" + str(Path(self.out_path_str)/"input_flist_parallel_manual.txt")+" success!", "-1"])
+ def out_path(self, event):
+ if len(self.img_name) != 0:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["out_path", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), self.img_name[self.ImgManager.action_count], "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(["out_path", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Choose out directory", "",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self.out_path_str = dlg.GetPath()
+ self.m_statusBar1.SetStatusText(self.out_path_str, 3)
+ def colour_change(self, event):
+ c = self.colourPicker_gap.GetColour()
+ self.ImgManager.gap_color = (
+ c.red, c.green, c.blue, self.ImgManager.gap_alpha)
+ def background_alpha(self, event):
+ c = self.colourPicker_gap.GetColour()
+ self.ImgManager.gap_alpha = self.background_slider.GetValue()
+ self.ImgManager.gap_color = (
+ c.red, c.green, c.blue, self.ImgManager.gap_alpha)
+ def foreground_alpha(self, event):
+ self.ImgManager.img_alpha = self.foreground_slider.GetValue()
+ def delete_box(self, event):
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ if self.box_id != -1:
+ self.xy_magnifier.pop(self.box_id)
+ self.refresh(event)
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["delete "+str(self.box_id)+"-th box", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.xy_magnifier = []
+ self.refresh(event)
+ self.SetStatusText_(["delete all box", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ def up_img(self, event):
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ if self.box_id != -1:
+ box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
+ show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
+ x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
+ x = x+0
+ y = y-1
+ self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
+ x, y, show_scale)
+ self.refresh(event)
+ else:
+ size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
+ self.position[0] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
+ self.position[1] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
+ if self.position[1] > 0:
+ self.position[1] -= 1
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
+ self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
+ self.SetStatusText_(["up", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ def down_img(self, event):
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ if self.box_id != -1:
+ box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
+ show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
+ x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
+ x = x+0
+ y = y+1
+ self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
+ x, y, show_scale)
+ self.refresh(event)
+ else:
+ size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
+ self.position[0] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
+ self.position[1] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
+ if (self.position[1]-1)*self.Uint[1] < size[1]:
+ self.position[1] += 1
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
+ self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
+ else:
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
+ self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], size[1])
+ self.SetStatusText_(["down", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ def right_img(self, event):
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ if self.box_id != -1:
+ box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
+ show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
+ x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
+ x = x+1
+ y = y+0
+ self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
+ x, y, show_scale)
+ self.refresh(event)
+ else:
+ size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
+ self.position[0] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
+ self.position[1] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
+ if (self.position[0]-1)*self.Uint[0] < size[0]:
+ self.position[0] += 1
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
+ self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
+ else:
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
+ self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], size[0])
+ self.SetStatusText_(["right", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ def left_img(self, event):
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ if self.box_id != -1:
+ box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
+ show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
+ x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
+ x = x-1
+ y = y+0
+ self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
+ x, y, show_scale)
+ self.refresh(event)
+ else:
+ size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
+ self.position[0] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
+ self.position[1] = int(
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
+ if self.position[0] > 0:
+ self.position[0] -= 1
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
+ self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
+ self.SetStatusText_(["left", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ def SetStatusText_(self, texts):
+ for i in range(self.Status_number):
+ if texts[i] != '-1':
+ self.m_statusBar1.SetStatusText(texts[i], i)
+ def img_left_click(self, event):
+ if self.magnifier.Value:
+ x_0, y_0 = event.GetPosition()
+ self.x_0 = x_0
+ self.y_0 = y_0
+ self.x = x_0
+ self.y = y_0
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ # select box
+ x, y = event.GetPosition()
+ id = self.get_img_id_from_point([x, y])
+ xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
+ x = x-xy_grid[0]
+ y = y-xy_grid[1]
+ x_y_array = []
+ for i in range(len(self.ImgManager.crop_points)):
+ x_y_array.append(self.get_center_box(
+ self.ImgManager.crop_points[i]))
+ x_y_array = np.array(x_y_array)
+ dist = (x_y_array[:, 0]-x)**2+(x_y_array[:, 1]-y)**2
+ self.box_id = np.array(dist).argmin()
+ str_ = str(self.box_id)
+ self.SetStatusText_(["select "+str_+"-th box", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
+ self.start_flag = 0
+ else:
+ # magnifier
+ if self.magnifier.Value:
+ self.start_flag = 1
+ else:
+ self.start_flag = 0
+ # rotation
+ if self.rotation.Value:
+ x, y = event.GetPosition()
+ self.ImgManager.rotate(self.get_img_id_from_point([x, y]))
+ self.refresh(event)
+ def img_left_dclick(self, event):
+ if self.select_img_box.Value:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.start_flag = 0
+ self.xy_magnifier = []
+ self.color_list = []
+ def img_left_move(self, event):
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57342753/how-to-select-a-rectangle-of-the-screen-to-capture-by-dragging-mouse-on-transpar
+ if self.magnifier.Value != False and self.start_flag == 1:
+ x, y = event.GetPosition()
+ id = self.get_img_id_from_point([self.x_0, self.y_0])
+ xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
+ xy_limit = np.array(xy_grid) + \
+ np.array(self.ImgManager.img_resolution_show)
+ if self.x_0 < xy_limit[0] and self.y_0 < xy_limit[1]:
+ if x < xy_limit[0] and y < xy_limit[1]:
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ elif x > xy_limit[0] and y > xy_limit[1]:
+ self.x = xy_limit[0]
+ self.y = xy_limit[1]
+ elif x > xy_limit[0]:
+ self.x = xy_limit[0]
+ self.y = y
+ elif y > xy_limit[1]:
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = xy_limit[1]
+ def img_left_release(self, event):
+ if self.magnifier.Value != False:
+ self.start_flag = 0
+ id = self.get_img_id_from_point([self.x_0, self.y_0])
+ xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
+ x = self.x-xy_grid[0]
+ y = self.y-xy_grid[1]
+ x_0 = self.x_0 - xy_grid[0]
+ y_0 = self.y_0 - xy_grid[1]
+ width = np.abs(x-x_0)
+ height = np.abs(y-y_0)
+ if width > 5 and height > 5:
+ self.xy_magnifier = []
+ self.color_list.append(self.colourPicker_draw.GetColour())
+ show_scale = self.show_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ show_scale = [float(x) for x in show_scale]
+ points = self.ImgManager.sort_box_point(
+ [x_0, y_0, x, y], show_scale, first_point=True)
+ self.xy_magnifier.append(points+show_scale)
+ self.refresh(event)
+ def img_right_click(self, event):
+ x, y = event.GetPosition()
+ id = self.get_img_id_from_point([x, y])
+ xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
+ x = x-xy_grid[0]
+ y = y-xy_grid[1]
+ # magnifier
+ if self.magnifier.Value:
+ self.color_list.append(self.colourPicker_draw.GetColour())
+ try:
+ show_scale = self.show_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ show_scale = [float(x) for x in show_scale]
+ points = self.move_box_point(x, y, show_scale)
+ self.xy_magnifier.append(points+show_scale)
+ except:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "Drawing a box need click left mouse button!", "-1", "-1"])
+ self.refresh(event)
+ def move_box_point(self, x, y, show_scale):
+ x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1 = self.xy_magnifier[0][0:4]
+ show_scale_old = self.xy_magnifier[0][4:6]
+ scale = [show_scale[0]/show_scale_old[0],
+ show_scale[1]/show_scale_old[1]]
+ x_0 = int(x_0*scale[0])
+ x_1 = int(x_1*scale[0])
+ y_0 = int(y_0*scale[1])
+ y_1 = int(y_1*scale[1])
+ x_center_old, y_center_old = self.get_center_box(
+ [x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1])
+ delta_x = x-x_center_old
+ delta_y = y-y_center_old
+ return self.ImgManager.sort_box_point([x_0+delta_x, y_0+delta_y, x_1+delta_x, y_1+delta_y], show_scale)
+ def get_center_box(self, box, more=False):
+ x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1 = box
+ width = abs(x_0-x_1)
+ height = abs(y_0-y_1)
+ x_center_old = x_0+int((width)/2)
+ y_center_old = y_0+int((height)/2)
+ if more:
+ return [x_center_old, y_center_old, width, height]
+ else:
+ return [x_center_old, y_center_old]
+ def magnifier_fc(self, event):
+ self.start_flag = 0
+ if self.magnifier.Value != False:
+ self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_CROSS))
+ if self.rotation.Value != False:
+ self.rotation.Value = False
+ else:
+ self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
+ self.Refresh()
+ def rotation_fc(self, event):
+ if self.rotation.Value != False:
+ self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT))
+ if self.magnifier.Value != False:
+ self.magnifier.Value = False
+ else:
+ self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
+ self.Refresh()
+ def show_img_init(self):
+ layout_params = self.set_img_layout()
+ if layout_params != False:
+ # setting
+ self.ImgManager.layout_params = layout_params
+ if self.ImgManager.type == 0 or self.ImgManager.type == 1:
+ if self.parallel_sequential.Value:
+ self.ImgManager.set_count_per_action(layout_params[1])
+ else:
+ self.ImgManager.set_count_per_action(1)
+ elif self.ImgManager.type == 2 or self.ImgManager.type == 3:
+ self.ImgManager.set_count_per_action(
+ layout_params[0]*layout_params[1]*layout_params[2])
+ def set_img_layout(self):
+ try:
+ num_per_img = int(self.num_per_img.GetLineText(0))
+ if num_per_img == -1:
+ row_col = self.ImgManager.layout_advice()
+ self.img_num_per_row.SetValue(str(row_col[1]))
+ self.img_num_per_column.SetValue(str(row_col[0]))
+ num_per_img = 1
+ img_num_per_row = int(self.img_num_per_row.GetLineText(0))
+ img_num_per_column = int(self.img_num_per_column.GetLineText(0))
+ gap = self.gap.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ gap = [int(x) for x in gap]
+ show_scale = self.show_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ show_scale = [float(x) for x in show_scale]
+ output_scale = self.output_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ output_scale = [float(x) for x in output_scale]
+ img_resolution = self.img_resolution.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ img_resolution = [int(x) for x in img_resolution]
+ magnifier_scale = self.magnifier_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
+ magnifier_scale = [float(x) for x in magnifier_scale]
+ if self.checkBox_auto_draw_color.Value:
+ # 10 colors built into the software
+ color = [wx.Colour(217, 26, 42, 85/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(147, 81, 166, 65/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(85, 166, 73, 65/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(242, 229, 48, 95/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(242, 116, 5, 95/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(242, 201, 224, 95/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(36, 132, 191, 75/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(65, 166, 90, 65/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(214, 242, 206, 95/100*255),
+ wx.Colour(242, 163, 94, 95/100*255)]
+ else:
+ color = self.color_list
+ line_width = int(self.line_width.GetLineText(0))
+ except:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: setting***", "-1"])
+ return False
+ else:
+ return [img_num_per_row,
+ num_per_img,
+ img_num_per_column,
+ gap,
+ show_scale,
+ output_scale,
+ img_resolution,
+ 1 if self.magnifier.Value else 0,
+ magnifier_scale,
+ color,
+ line_width,
+ self.move_file.Value,
+ self.keep_magnifer_size.Value,
+ self.image_interp.GetSelection(),
+ self.show_box.Value,
+ self.checkBox_orientation.Value]
+ def show_img(self):
+ # check layout_params change
+ try:
+ if self.layout_params_old[0:3] != self.ImgManager.layout_params[0:3]:
+ action_count = self.ImgManager.action_count
+ self.ImgManager.init(
+ self.ImgManager.input_path, self.ImgManager.type)
+ self.show_img_init()
+ self.ImgManager.set_action_count(action_count)
+ self.index_table.show_id_table(
+ self.ImgManager.name_list, self.ImgManager.layout_params)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.layout_params_old = self.ImgManager.layout_params
+ self.slider_img.SetValue(self.ImgManager.action_count)
+ self.slider_value.SetValue(str(self.ImgManager.action_count))
+ self.slider_value_max.SetLabel(
+ str(self.ImgManager.max_action_num-1))
+ # # Destroy the window to avoid memory leaks
+ # try:
+ # for i in range(self.img_Sizer.ItemCount):
+ # self.img_Sizer.Children[0].GetWindow().Destroy()
+ # except:
+ # pass
+ try:
+ self.img_last.Destroy()
+ except:
+ pass
+ # show img
+ if self.ImgManager.max_action_num > 0:
+ self.slider_img.SetMax(self.ImgManager.max_action_num-1)
+ self.ImgManager.get_flist()
+ flag = self.ImgManager.stitch_images(
+ 0, copy.deepcopy(self.xy_magnifier))
+ if flag != 1:
+ bmp = self.ImgManager.img
+ self.img_size = bmp.size
+ bmp = self.ImgManager.PIL2wx(bmp)
+ self.img_panel.SetSize(
+ wx.Size(self.img_size[0]+100, self.img_size[1]+100))
+ self.img_last = wx.StaticBitmap(parent=self.img_panel,
+ bitmap=bmp)
+ self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.img_left_click)
+ self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.img_left_dclick)
+ self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
+ wx.EVT_MOTION, self.img_left_move)
+ self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
+ wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.img_left_release)
+ self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
+ wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.img_right_click)
+ # status
+ if self.ImgManager.type == 2 or ((self.ImgManager.type == 0 or self.ImgManager.type == 1) and self.parallel_sequential.Value):
+ try:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[0])+"x"+str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[1])+" pixels / "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_count])+"-"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_count+self.ImgManager.count_per_action-1]), "-1"])
+ except:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[0])+"x"+str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[1])+" pixels / "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_count])+"-"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_num-1]), "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[0])+"x"+str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[1])+" pixels / "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]), "-1"])
+ if flag == 1:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "***Error: "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + ", during stitching images***", "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: no image in this dir! Maybe you can choose parallel mode!***", "-1"])
+ self.auto_layout()
+ def auto_layout(self, frame_resize=False):
+ # Auto Layout
+ self.displaySize = wx.Size(wx.DisplaySize())
+ if self.auto_layout_check.Value and (not frame_resize):
+ if self.img_size[0] < self.width:
+ if self.img_size[0]+300 < self.width:
+ w = self.width
+ else:
+ w = self.img_size[0]+300
+ elif self.img_size[0]+300 > self.displaySize[0]:
+ w = self.displaySize[0]
+ else:
+ w = self.img_size[0]+300
+ if self.img_size[1] < self.height:
+ if self.img_size[1]+200 < self.height:
+ h = self.height
+ else:
+ h = self.img_size[1]+200
+ elif self.img_size[1]+200 > self.displaySize[1]:
+ h = self.displaySize[1]
+ else:
+ h = self.img_size[1]+200
+ self.Size = wx.Size((w, h))
+ self.scrolledWindow_set.SetMinSize(
+ wx.Size((300, -1)))
+ self.scrolledWindow_img.SetMinSize(
+ wx.Size((self.Size[0]-300, self.Size[1]-150)))
+ self.Layout()
+ self.Refresh()
+ def about_gui(self, event):
+ about = About(None)
+ about.Show(True)
+ def index_table_gui(self, event):
+ if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
+ if self.ImgManager.dataset_mode and self.out_path_str == "":
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
+ else:
+ if self.ImgManager.dataset_mode:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "index_table.txt saving...", "-1"])
+ if self.ImgManager.type == 3:
+ self.index_table = IndexTable(
+ None, self.ImgManager.path_list, self.ImgManager.layout_params, self.ImgManager.dataset_mode, self.out_path_str, self.ImgManager.type, self.parallel_sequential.Value)
+ else:
+ self.index_table = IndexTable(
+ None, self.ImgManager.name_list, self.ImgManager.layout_params, self.ImgManager.dataset_mode, self.out_path_str, self.ImgManager.type, self.parallel_sequential.Value)
+ if self.ImgManager.dataset_mode:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "-1", "index_table.txt save in "+self.out_path_str, "-1"])
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText_(
+ ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
+ def create_ImgManager(self):
+ self.ImgManager = ImgManager()
+ self.colour_change([])
+ return self.ImgManager
+ def change_img_stitch_mode(self, event):
+ self.ImgManager.img_stitch_mode = self.choice_normalized_size.GetSelection()
+ def get_img_id_from_point(self, xy):
+ # get img_id from grid points
+ xy_grid = np.array(self.ImgManager.xy_grid)
+ xy_cur = np.array([xy])
+ xy_cur = np.repeat(xy_cur, xy_grid.shape[0], axis=0)
+ res_ = xy_cur - xy_grid
+ id_list = []
+ for i in range(xy_grid.shape[0]):
+ if res_[i][0] >= 0 and res_[i][1] >= 0:
+ id_list.append(i)
+ else:
+ id_list.append(0)
+ return max(id_list)
diff --git a/mulimg_viewer_gui.py b/main_gui.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 100%
rename from mulimg_viewer_gui.py
rename to main_gui.py
diff --git a/mulimg_viewer.py b/mulimg_viewer.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ac43680..0000000
--- a/mulimg_viewer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
-import wx
-from wx.core import App
-from mulimg_viewer_gui import MulimgViewerGui
-import numpy as np
-from about import About
-from utils import ImgManager
-from index_table import IndexTable
-from pathlib import Path
-import copy
-from utils import get_resource_path
-class MulimgViewer (MulimgViewerGui):
- def __init__(self, parent, UpdateUI, get_type):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self.create_ImgManager()
- self.UpdateUI = UpdateUI
- self.get_type = get_type
- acceltbl = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_UP,
- self.menu_up.GetId()),
- self.menu_down.GetId()),
- self.menu_right.GetId()),
- self.menu_left.GetId()),
- self.menu_delete_box.GetId())
- ])
- self.SetAcceleratorTable(acceltbl)
- # self.img_Sizer = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSizer()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.close)
- # self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
- # parameter
- self.out_path_str = ""
- self.img_name = []
- self.position = [0, 0]
- self.Uint = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
- self.Status_number = self.m_statusBar1.GetFieldsCount()
- self.img_size = [-1, -1]
- self.width = 950
- self.height = 600
- self.start_flag = 0
- self.x = -1
- self.x_0 = -1
- self.y = -1
- self.y_0 = -1
- self.color_list = []
- self.box_id = -1
- self.xy_magnifier = []
- self.icon = wx.Icon(get_resource_path('mulimgviewer.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
- self.SetIcon(self.icon)
- def frame_resize(self, event):
- self.auto_layout(frame_resize=True)
- def open_all_img(self, event):
- input_mode = self.choice_input_mode.GetSelection()
- if input_mode == 0:
- self.one_dir_mul_img(event)
- elif input_mode == 1:
- self.one_dir_mul_dir_auto(event)
- elif input_mode == 2:
- self.one_dir_mul_dir_manual(event)
- elif input_mode == 3:
- self.onefilelist(event)
- def close(self, event):
- if self.get_type() == -1:
- self.Destroy()
- else:
- self.UpdateUI(-1)
- def next_img(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(["Next", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.add()
- self.show_img()
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
- def last_img(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(["Last", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.subtract()
- self.show_img()
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
- def skip_to_n_img(self, event):
- if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(self.slider_img.GetValue())
- self.show_img()
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
- def slider_value_change(self, event):
- try:
- value = int(self.slider_value.GetValue())
- except:
- self.slider_value.SetValue(str(self.ImgManager.action_count))
- else:
- if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(value)
- self.show_img()
- self
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
- def save_img(self, event):
- layout_params = self.set_img_layout()
- if layout_params != False:
- self.ImgManager.layout_params = layout_params
- type_ = self.choice_output.GetSelection()
- if self.auto_save_all.Value:
- last_count_img = self.ImgManager.action_count
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
- if Path(self.out_path_str).is_dir():
- continue_ = True
- else:
- continue_ = False
- if continue_:
- for i in range(self.ImgManager.max_action_num):
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count])+", saving img***", "-1"])
- self.ImgManager.get_flist()
- self.ImgManager.save_img(self.out_path_str, type_)
- self.ImgManager.add()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(last_count_img)
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Finish***", "-1"])
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
- else:
- try:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count])+", saving img...***", "-1"])
- except:
- pass
- flag = self.ImgManager.save_img(self.out_path_str, type_)
- if flag == 0:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["Save", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "Save "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + " success!", "-1"])
- elif flag == 1:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
- elif flag == 2:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "***Error: "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + ", during stitching images***", "-1"])
- elif flag == 3:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "***Error: "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + ", the number of img in sub folders is different***", "-1"])
- self.refresh(event)
- def refresh(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(["Refresh", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
- self.show_img_init()
- self.show_img()
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
- def one_dir_mul_dir_auto(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(["input_path", "", "", "-1"])
- dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Parallel auto choose input directory", "",
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- self.ImgManager.init(dlg.GetPath(), 0)
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
- self.show_img()
- self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(1)
- def one_dir_mul_dir_manual(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(["input_path", "", "", "-1"])
- try:
- if self.ImgManager.type == 1:
- input_path = self.ImgManager.input_path
- else:
- input_path = None
- except:
- input_path = None
- self.UpdateUI(1, input_path)
- self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(2)
- def one_dir_mul_img(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["Sequential choose input directory", "", "", "-1"])
- dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Choose input directory", "",
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- self.ImgManager.init(dlg.GetPath(), 2)
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
- self.show_img()
- self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(0)
- def onefilelist(self, event):
- self.SetStatusText_(["choose the File List", "", "", "-1"])
- wildcard = "List file (*.txt; *.csv)|*.txt;*.csv|" \
- "All files (*.*)|*.*"
- dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "choose the Images List", "", "",
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- self.ImgManager.init(dlg.GetPath(), 3)
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
- self.show_img()
- self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(3)
- def input_flist_parallel_manual(self, event):
- wildcard = "List file (*.txt;)|*.txt;|" \
- "All files (*.*)|*.*"
- dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "choose the Images List", "", "",
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- with open(dlg.GetPath(), "r") as f:
- input_path = f.read().split('\n')
- self.ImgManager.init(input_path[0:-1], 1)
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(0)
- self.show_img()
- self.choice_input_mode.SetSelection(2)
- def save_flist_parallel_manual(self, event):
- if self.out_path_str == "":
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
- else:
- try:
- np.savetxt(Path(self.out_path_str)/"input_flist_parallel_manual.txt",
- self.ImgManager.input_path, fmt='%s')
- except:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select parallel manual***", "-1"])
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "Save" + str(Path(self.out_path_str)/"input_flist_parallel_manual.txt")+" success!", "-1"])
- def out_path(self, event):
- if len(self.img_name) != 0:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["out_path", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), self.img_name[self.ImgManager.action_count], "-1"])
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(["out_path", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Choose out directory", "",
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- self.out_path_str = dlg.GetPath()
- self.m_statusBar1.SetStatusText(self.out_path_str, 3)
- def colour_change(self, event):
- c = self.colourPicker_gap.GetColour()
- self.ImgManager.gap_color = (
- c.red, c.green, c.blue, self.ImgManager.gap_alpha)
- def background_alpha(self, event):
- c = self.colourPicker_gap.GetColour()
- self.ImgManager.gap_alpha = self.background_slider.GetValue()
- self.ImgManager.gap_color = (
- c.red, c.green, c.blue, self.ImgManager.gap_alpha)
- def foreground_alpha(self, event):
- self.ImgManager.img_alpha = self.foreground_slider.GetValue()
- def delete_box(self, event):
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- if self.box_id != -1:
- self.xy_magnifier.pop(self.box_id)
- self.refresh(event)
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["delete "+str(self.box_id)+"-th box", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- else:
- self.xy_magnifier = []
- self.refresh(event)
- self.SetStatusText_(["delete all box", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- def up_img(self, event):
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- if self.box_id != -1:
- box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
- show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
- x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
- x = x+0
- y = y-1
- self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
- x, y, show_scale)
- self.refresh(event)
- else:
- size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
- self.position[0] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
- self.position[1] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
- if self.position[1] > 0:
- self.position[1] -= 1
- self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
- self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
- self.SetStatusText_(["up", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- def down_img(self, event):
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- if self.box_id != -1:
- box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
- show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
- x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
- x = x+0
- y = y+1
- self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
- x, y, show_scale)
- self.refresh(event)
- else:
- size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
- self.position[0] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
- self.position[1] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
- if (self.position[1]-1)*self.Uint[1] < size[1]:
- self.position[1] += 1
- self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
- self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
- else:
- self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
- self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], size[1])
- self.SetStatusText_(["down", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- def right_img(self, event):
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- if self.box_id != -1:
- box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
- show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
- x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
- x = x+1
- y = y+0
- self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
- x, y, show_scale)
- self.refresh(event)
- else:
- size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
- self.position[0] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
- self.position[1] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
- if (self.position[0]-1)*self.Uint[0] < size[0]:
- self.position[0] += 1
- self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
- self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
- else:
- self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
- self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], size[0])
- self.SetStatusText_(["right", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- def left_img(self, event):
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- if self.box_id != -1:
- box_point = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4]
- show_scale = self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][4:6]
- x, y = self.get_center_box(box_point)
- x = x-1
- y = y+0
- self.xy_magnifier[self.box_id][0:4] = self.move_box_point(
- x, y, show_scale)
- self.refresh(event)
- else:
- size = self.scrolledWindow_img.GetSize()
- self.position[0] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)/self.Uint[0])
- self.position[1] = int(
- self.scrolledWindow_img.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)/self.Uint[1])
- if self.position[0] > 0:
- self.position[0] -= 1
- self.scrolledWindow_img.Scroll(
- self.position[0]*self.Uint[0], self.position[1]*self.Uint[1])
- self.SetStatusText_(["left", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- def SetStatusText_(self, texts):
- for i in range(self.Status_number):
- if texts[i] != '-1':
- self.m_statusBar1.SetStatusText(texts[i], i)
- def img_left_click(self, event):
- if self.magnifier.Value:
- x_0, y_0 = event.GetPosition()
- self.x_0 = x_0
- self.y_0 = y_0
- self.x = x_0
- self.y = y_0
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- # select box
- x, y = event.GetPosition()
- id = self.get_img_id_from_point([x, y])
- xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
- x = x-xy_grid[0]
- y = y-xy_grid[1]
- x_y_array = []
- for i in range(len(self.ImgManager.crop_points)):
- x_y_array.append(self.get_center_box(
- self.ImgManager.crop_points[i]))
- x_y_array = np.array(x_y_array)
- dist = (x_y_array[:, 0]-x)**2+(x_y_array[:, 1]-y)**2
- self.box_id = np.array(dist).argmin()
- str_ = str(self.box_id)
- self.SetStatusText_(["select "+str_+"-th box", "-1", "-1", "-1"])
- self.start_flag = 0
- else:
- # magnifier
- if self.magnifier.Value:
- self.start_flag = 1
- else:
- self.start_flag = 0
- # rotation
- if self.rotation.Value:
- x, y = event.GetPosition()
- self.ImgManager.rotate(self.get_img_id_from_point([x, y]))
- self.refresh(event)
- def img_left_dclick(self, event):
- if self.select_img_box.Value:
- pass
- else:
- self.start_flag = 0
- self.xy_magnifier = []
- self.color_list = []
- def img_left_move(self, event):
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57342753/how-to-select-a-rectangle-of-the-screen-to-capture-by-dragging-mouse-on-transpar
- if self.magnifier.Value != False and self.start_flag == 1:
- x, y = event.GetPosition()
- id = self.get_img_id_from_point([self.x_0, self.y_0])
- xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
- xy_limit = np.array(xy_grid) + \
- np.array(self.ImgManager.img_resolution_show)
- if self.x_0 < xy_limit[0] and self.y_0 < xy_limit[1]:
- if x < xy_limit[0] and y < xy_limit[1]:
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- elif x > xy_limit[0] and y > xy_limit[1]:
- self.x = xy_limit[0]
- self.y = xy_limit[1]
- elif x > xy_limit[0]:
- self.x = xy_limit[0]
- self.y = y
- elif y > xy_limit[1]:
- self.x = x
- self.y = xy_limit[1]
- def img_left_release(self, event):
- if self.magnifier.Value != False:
- self.start_flag = 0
- id = self.get_img_id_from_point([self.x_0, self.y_0])
- xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
- x = self.x-xy_grid[0]
- y = self.y-xy_grid[1]
- x_0 = self.x_0 - xy_grid[0]
- y_0 = self.y_0 - xy_grid[1]
- width = np.abs(x-x_0)
- height = np.abs(y-y_0)
- if width > 5 and height > 5:
- self.xy_magnifier = []
- self.color_list.append(self.colourPicker_draw.GetColour())
- show_scale = self.show_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- show_scale = [float(x) for x in show_scale]
- points = self.ImgManager.sort_box_point(
- [x_0, y_0, x, y], show_scale, first_point=True)
- self.xy_magnifier.append(points+show_scale)
- self.refresh(event)
- def img_right_click(self, event):
- x, y = event.GetPosition()
- id = self.get_img_id_from_point([x, y])
- xy_grid = self.ImgManager.xy_grid[id]
- x = x-xy_grid[0]
- y = y-xy_grid[1]
- # magnifier
- if self.magnifier.Value:
- self.color_list.append(self.colourPicker_draw.GetColour())
- try:
- show_scale = self.show_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- show_scale = [float(x) for x in show_scale]
- points = self.move_box_point(x, y, show_scale)
- self.xy_magnifier.append(points+show_scale)
- except:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "Drawing a box need click left mouse button!", "-1", "-1"])
- self.refresh(event)
- def move_box_point(self, x, y, show_scale):
- x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1 = self.xy_magnifier[0][0:4]
- show_scale_old = self.xy_magnifier[0][4:6]
- scale = [show_scale[0]/show_scale_old[0],
- show_scale[1]/show_scale_old[1]]
- x_0 = int(x_0*scale[0])
- x_1 = int(x_1*scale[0])
- y_0 = int(y_0*scale[1])
- y_1 = int(y_1*scale[1])
- x_center_old, y_center_old = self.get_center_box(
- [x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1])
- delta_x = x-x_center_old
- delta_y = y-y_center_old
- return self.ImgManager.sort_box_point([x_0+delta_x, y_0+delta_y, x_1+delta_x, y_1+delta_y], show_scale)
- def get_center_box(self, box, more=False):
- x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1 = box
- width = abs(x_0-x_1)
- height = abs(y_0-y_1)
- x_center_old = x_0+int((width)/2)
- y_center_old = y_0+int((height)/2)
- if more:
- return [x_center_old, y_center_old, width, height]
- else:
- return [x_center_old, y_center_old]
- def magnifier_fc(self, event):
- self.start_flag = 0
- if self.magnifier.Value != False:
- self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_CROSS))
- if self.rotation.Value != False:
- self.rotation.Value = False
- else:
- self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
- self.Refresh()
- def rotation_fc(self, event):
- if self.rotation.Value != False:
- self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT))
- if self.magnifier.Value != False:
- self.magnifier.Value = False
- else:
- self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
- self.Refresh()
- def show_img_init(self):
- layout_params = self.set_img_layout()
- if layout_params != False:
- # setting
- self.ImgManager.layout_params = layout_params
- if self.ImgManager.type == 0 or self.ImgManager.type == 1:
- if self.parallel_sequential.Value:
- self.ImgManager.set_count_per_action(layout_params[1])
- else:
- self.ImgManager.set_count_per_action(1)
- elif self.ImgManager.type == 2 or self.ImgManager.type == 3:
- self.ImgManager.set_count_per_action(
- layout_params[0]*layout_params[1]*layout_params[2])
- def set_img_layout(self):
- try:
- num_per_img = int(self.num_per_img.GetLineText(0))
- if num_per_img == -1:
- row_col = self.ImgManager.layout_advice()
- self.img_num_per_row.SetValue(str(row_col[1]))
- self.img_num_per_column.SetValue(str(row_col[0]))
- num_per_img = 1
- img_num_per_row = int(self.img_num_per_row.GetLineText(0))
- img_num_per_column = int(self.img_num_per_column.GetLineText(0))
- gap = self.gap.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- gap = [int(x) for x in gap]
- show_scale = self.show_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- show_scale = [float(x) for x in show_scale]
- output_scale = self.output_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- output_scale = [float(x) for x in output_scale]
- img_resolution = self.img_resolution.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- img_resolution = [int(x) for x in img_resolution]
- magnifier_scale = self.magnifier_scale.GetLineText(0).split(',')
- magnifier_scale = [float(x) for x in magnifier_scale]
- if self.checkBox_auto_draw_color.Value:
- # 10 colors built into the software
- color = [wx.Colour(217, 26, 42, 85/100*255),
- wx.Colour(147, 81, 166, 65/100*255),
- wx.Colour(85, 166, 73, 65/100*255),
- wx.Colour(242, 229, 48, 95/100*255),
- wx.Colour(242, 116, 5, 95/100*255),
- wx.Colour(242, 201, 224, 95/100*255),
- wx.Colour(36, 132, 191, 75/100*255),
- wx.Colour(65, 166, 90, 65/100*255),
- wx.Colour(214, 242, 206, 95/100*255),
- wx.Colour(242, 163, 94, 95/100*255)]
- else:
- color = self.color_list
- line_width = int(self.line_width.GetLineText(0))
- except:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: setting***", "-1"])
- return False
- else:
- return [img_num_per_row,
- num_per_img,
- img_num_per_column,
- gap,
- show_scale,
- output_scale,
- img_resolution,
- 1 if self.magnifier.Value else 0,
- magnifier_scale,
- color,
- line_width,
- self.move_file.Value,
- self.keep_magnifer_size.Value,
- self.image_interp.GetSelection(),
- self.show_box.Value,
- self.checkBox_orientation.Value]
- def show_img(self):
- # check layout_params change
- try:
- if self.layout_params_old[0:3] != self.ImgManager.layout_params[0:3]:
- action_count = self.ImgManager.action_count
- self.ImgManager.init(
- self.ImgManager.input_path, self.ImgManager.type)
- self.show_img_init()
- self.ImgManager.set_action_count(action_count)
- self.index_table.show_id_table(
- self.ImgManager.name_list, self.ImgManager.layout_params)
- except:
- pass
- self.layout_params_old = self.ImgManager.layout_params
- self.slider_img.SetValue(self.ImgManager.action_count)
- self.slider_value.SetValue(str(self.ImgManager.action_count))
- self.slider_value_max.SetLabel(
- str(self.ImgManager.max_action_num-1))
- # # Destroy the window to avoid memory leaks
- # try:
- # for i in range(self.img_Sizer.ItemCount):
- # self.img_Sizer.Children[0].GetWindow().Destroy()
- # except:
- # pass
- try:
- self.img_last.Destroy()
- except:
- pass
- # show img
- if self.ImgManager.max_action_num > 0:
- self.slider_img.SetMax(self.ImgManager.max_action_num-1)
- self.ImgManager.get_flist()
- flag = self.ImgManager.stitch_images(
- 0, copy.deepcopy(self.xy_magnifier))
- if flag != 1:
- bmp = self.ImgManager.img
- self.img_size = bmp.size
- bmp = self.ImgManager.PIL2wx(bmp)
- self.img_panel.SetSize(
- wx.Size(self.img_size[0]+100, self.img_size[1]+100))
- self.img_last = wx.StaticBitmap(parent=self.img_panel,
- bitmap=bmp)
- self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
- wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.img_left_click)
- self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
- wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.img_left_dclick)
- self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
- wx.EVT_MOTION, self.img_left_move)
- self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
- wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.img_left_release)
- self.img_panel.Children[0].Bind(
- wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.img_right_click)
- # status
- if self.ImgManager.type == 2 or ((self.ImgManager.type == 0 or self.ImgManager.type == 1) and self.parallel_sequential.Value):
- try:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[0])+"x"+str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[1])+" pixels / "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_count])+"-"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_count+self.ImgManager.count_per_action-1]), "-1"])
- except:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[0])+"x"+str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[1])+" pixels / "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_count])+"-"+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.img_num-1]), "-1"])
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count), str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[0])+"x"+str(self.ImgManager.img_resolution[1])+" pixels / "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]), "-1"])
- if flag == 1:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", str(self.ImgManager.action_count)+' image', "***Error: "+str(self.ImgManager.name_list[self.ImgManager.action_count]) + ", during stitching images***", "-1"])
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: no image in this dir! Maybe you can choose parallel mode!***", "-1"])
- self.auto_layout()
- def auto_layout(self, frame_resize=False):
- # Auto Layout
- self.displaySize = wx.Size(wx.DisplaySize())
- if self.auto_layout_check.Value and (not frame_resize):
- if self.img_size[0] < self.width:
- if self.img_size[0]+300 < self.width:
- w = self.width
- else:
- w = self.img_size[0]+300
- elif self.img_size[0]+300 > self.displaySize[0]:
- w = self.displaySize[0]
- else:
- w = self.img_size[0]+300
- if self.img_size[1] < self.height:
- if self.img_size[1]+200 < self.height:
- h = self.height
- else:
- h = self.img_size[1]+200
- elif self.img_size[1]+200 > self.displaySize[1]:
- h = self.displaySize[1]
- else:
- h = self.img_size[1]+200
- self.Size = wx.Size((w, h))
- self.scrolledWindow_set.SetMinSize(
- wx.Size((300, -1)))
- self.scrolledWindow_img.SetMinSize(
- wx.Size((self.Size[0]-300, self.Size[1]-150)))
- self.Layout()
- self.Refresh()
- def about_gui(self, event):
- about = About(None)
- about.Show(True)
- def index_table_gui(self, event):
- if self.ImgManager.img_num != 0:
- if self.ImgManager.dataset_mode and self.out_path_str == "":
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "***Error: First, need to select the output directory***", "-1"])
- else:
- if self.ImgManager.dataset_mode:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "index_table.txt saving...", "-1"])
- if self.ImgManager.type == 3:
- self.index_table = IndexTable(
- None, self.ImgManager.path_list, self.ImgManager.layout_params, self.ImgManager.dataset_mode, self.out_path_str, self.ImgManager.type, self.parallel_sequential.Value)
- else:
- self.index_table = IndexTable(
- None, self.ImgManager.name_list, self.ImgManager.layout_params, self.ImgManager.dataset_mode, self.out_path_str, self.ImgManager.type, self.parallel_sequential.Value)
- if self.ImgManager.dataset_mode:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "-1", "index_table.txt save in "+self.out_path_str, "-1"])
- else:
- self.SetStatusText_(
- ["-1", "", "***Error: First, need to select the input directory***", "-1"])
- def create_ImgManager(self):
- self.ImgManager = ImgManager()
- self.colour_change([])
- return self.ImgManager
- def change_img_stitch_mode(self, event):
- self.ImgManager.img_stitch_mode = self.choice_normalized_size.GetSelection()
- def get_img_id_from_point(self, xy):
- # get img_id from grid points
- xy_grid = np.array(self.ImgManager.xy_grid)
- xy_cur = np.array([xy])
- xy_cur = np.repeat(xy_cur, xy_grid.shape[0], axis=0)
- res_ = xy_cur - xy_grid
- id_list = []
- for i in range(xy_grid.shape[0]):
- if res_[i][0] >= 0 and res_[i][1] >= 0:
- id_list.append(i)
- else:
- id_list.append(0)
- return max(id_list)
diff --git a/wxFromBuilder/about.fbp b/wxFromBuilder/about_gui.fbp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 100%
rename from wxFromBuilder/about.fbp
rename to wxFromBuilder/about_gui.fbp
diff --git a/wxFromBuilder/index_table.fbp b/wxFromBuilder/index_table_gui.fbp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 100%
rename from wxFromBuilder/index_table.fbp
rename to wxFromBuilder/index_table_gui.fbp
diff --git a/wxFromBuilder/newgui.fbp b/wxFromBuilder/main_gui.fbp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 99%
rename from wxFromBuilder/newgui.fbp
rename to wxFromBuilder/main_gui.fbp
index f53dfb1..5d2c88d
--- a/wxFromBuilder/newgui.fbp
+++ b/wxFromBuilder/main_gui.fbp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- mulimg_viewer_gui
+ main_gui
diff --git a/wxFromBuilder/manual_select_path.fbp b/wxFromBuilder/path_select_gui.fbp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 100%
rename from wxFromBuilder/manual_select_path.fbp
rename to wxFromBuilder/path_select_gui.fbp