Releases: nacos-group/nacos-spring-project
Releases · nacos-group/nacos-spring-project
0.2.2-RC1 (Dec 13, 2018)
- [#64] PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer 重复注册导致 Spring Boot 2.1.0 启动失败
- [#68] [Optimization] The setter method is no longer needed when dynamically updating the configuration using @NacosValue.
- [#70] [Optimization] Enhance the precedence of @NacosPropertySource process
- [#72] "ListableBeanFactory.getBeansOfType" will trigger some beans to be initialized before the configuration from Nacos is loaded.
- [#74] [Optimization] Enhance @NacosValue
0.1.0-RC1 (Sept 26, 2018)
nacos-spring-project 0.1.0-RC1 , more details please refer to Milestone 0.1.0.