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Releases: nasa/cumulus


31 Oct 19:20
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Notable changes


  • CUMULUS-2998
    • Added Memory Size and Timeout terraform variable configuration for the following Cumulus tasks:
      • fake_processing_task_timeout and fake_processing_task_memory_size
      • files_to_granules_task_timeout and files_to_granule_task_memory_size
      • hello_world_task_timeout and hello_world_task_memory_size
      • sf_sqs_report_task_timeout and sf_sqs_report_task_memory_size
  • CUMULUS-2986
    • Adds Terraform memory_size configurations to lambda functions with customizable timeouts enabled (the minimum default size has also been raised from 256 MB to 512 MB)
      allowed properties include:
      • add_missing_file_checksums_task_memory_size
      • discover_granules_task_memory_size
      • discover_pdrs_task_memory_size
      • hyrax_metadata_updates_task_memory_size
      • lzards_backup_task_memory_size
      • move_granules_task_memory_size
      • parse_pdr_task_memory_size
      • pdr_status_check_task_memory_size
      • post_to_cmr_task_memory_size
      • queue_granules_task_memory_size
      • queue_pdrs_task_memory_size
      • queue_workflow_task_memory_size
      • sync_granule_task_memory_size
      • update_cmr_access_constraints_task_memory_size
      • update_granules_cmr_task_memory_size
    • Initializes the lambda_memory_size(s) variable in the Terraform variable list
  • CUMULUS-2631
    • Added 'Bearer token' support to s3credentials endpoint
  • CUMULUS-2787
    • Added lzards-api-client package to Cumulus with submitQueryToLzards method
  • CUMULUS-2944
    • Added configuration to increase the limit for body-parser's JSON and URL encoded parsers to allow for larger input payloads


  • Updated example/cumulus-tf/ to have cmr_oauth_provider default to launchpad
  • CUMULUS-2787
    • Updated lzards-backup-task to send Cumulus provider and granule createdAt values as metadata in LZARDS backup request to support querying LZARDS for reconciliation reports
  • CUMULUS-2913
    • Changed process-dead-letter-archive lambda to put messages from S3 dead
      letter archive that fail to process to new S3 location.
  • CUMULUS-2974
    • The DELETE /granules/<granuleId> endpoint now includes additional details about granule
      deletion, including collection, deleted granule ID, deleted files, and deletion time.
  • CUMULUS-3027
    • Pinned typescript to ~4.7.x to address typing incompatibility issues
      discussed in knex/knex#5279
    • Update generate-ts-build-cache script to always install root project dependencies
  • CUMULUS-3104
    • Updated Dockerfile of async operation docker image to build from node:14.19.3-buster
    • Sets default async_operation_image version to 43.
    • Upgraded saml2-js 4.0.0, rewire to 6.0.0 to address security vulnerabilities
    • Fixed TS compilation error caused by @aws-sdk/client-s3 3.190->3.193 upgrade


10 Oct 21:18
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Please note changes in 13.3.2 may not yet be released in future versions, as
this is a backport and patch release on the 13.3.x series of releases. Updates that
are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future


  • CUMULUS-3024
    • Update PUT /granules endpoint to operate consistently across datastores
      (PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, DynamoDB). Previously it was possible, given a
      partial Granule payload to have different data in Dynamo/ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL
    • Given a partial Granule object, the /granules update endpoint now operates
      with behavior more consistent with a PATCH operation where fields not provided
      in the payload will not be updated in the datastores.
    • Granule translation (db/src/granules.ts) now supports removing null/undefined fields when converting from API to Postgres
      granule formats.
    • Update granule write logic: if a null files key is provided in an update payload (e.g. files: null),
      an error will be thrown. null files were not previously supported and would throw potentially unclear errors. This makes the error clearer and more explicit.
    • Update granule write logic: If an empty array is provided for the files key, all files will be removed in all datastores
  • CUMULUS-2557
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3/moveObject to handle zero byte files (0 byte files).
  • CUMULUS-2971
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3ObjectStore class to take string query parameters and
      its methods signGetObject and signHeadObject to take parameter presignOptions
  • CUMULUS-3021
    • Updated @cumulus/api-client/collections and @cumulus/integration-tests/api to encode
      collection version in the URI path


10 Oct 20:17
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Please note changes in 12.0.3 may not yet be released in future versions, as
this is a backport and patch release on the 12.0.x series of releases. Updates that
are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future


  • CUMULUS-3024
    • Update PUT /granules endpoint to operate consistently across datastores
      (PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, DynamoDB). Previously it was possible, given a
      partial Granule payload to have different data in Dynamo/ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL
    • Given a partial Granule object, the /granules update endpoint now operates
      with behavior more consistent with a PATCH operation where fields not provided
      in the payload will not be updated in the datastores.
    • Granule translation (db/src/granules.ts) now supports removing null/undefined fields when converting from API to Postgres
      granule formats.
    • Update granule write logic: if a null files key is provided in an update payload (e.g. files: null),
      an error will be thrown. null files were not previously supported and would throw potentially unclear errors. This makes the error clearer and more explicit.
    • Update granule write logic: If an empty array is provided for the files key, all files will be removed in all datastores
  • CUMULUS-2971
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3ObjectStore class to take string query parameters and
      its methods signGetObject and signHeadObject to take parameter presignOptions
  • CUMULUS-2557
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3/moveObject to handle zero byte files (0 byte files).
  • CUMULUS-3021
    • Updated @cumulus/api-client/collections and @cumulus/integration-tests/api to encode
      collection version in the URI path


07 Oct 13:25
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Please note changes in 11.1.7 may not yet be released in future versions, as
this is a backport and patch release on the 11.1.x series of releases. Updates that
are included in the future will have a corresponding CHANGELOG entry in future


  • CUMULUS-3024
    • Update PUT /granules endpoint to operate consistently across datastores
      (PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, DynamoDB). Previously it was possible, given a
      partial Granule payload to have different data in Dynamo/ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL
    • Given a partial Granule object, the /granules update endpoint now operates
      with behavior more consistent with a PATCH operation where fields not provided
      in the payload will not be updated in the datastores.
    • Granule translation (db/src/granules.ts) now supports removing null/undefined fields when converting from API to Postgres
      granule formats.
    • Update granule write logic: if a null files key is provided in an update payload (e.g. files: null),
      an error will be thrown. null files were not previously supported and would throw potentially unclear errors. This makes the error clearer and more explicit.
    • Update granule write logic: If an empty array is provided for the files key, all files will be removed in all datastores
  • CUMULUS-2971
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3ObjectStore class to take string query parameters and
      its methods signGetObject and signHeadObject to take parameter presignOptions
  • CUMULUS-2557
    • Updated @cumulus/aws-client/S3/moveObject to handle zero byte files (0 byte files).
  • CUMULUS-3021
    • Updated @cumulus/api-client/collections and @cumulus/integration-tests/api to encode
      collection version in the URI path
  • CUMULUS-3027
    • Pinned typescript to ~4.7.x to address typing incompatibility issues
      discussed in knex/knex#5279
    • Update generate-ts-build-cache script to always install root project dependencies


25 Aug 17:23
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Notable Changes

  • CUMULUS-2930
    • The GET /granules endpoint has a new optional query parameter:
      searchContext, which is used to resume listing within the same search
      context. It is provided in every response from the endpoint as
      meta.searchContext. The searchContext value must be submitted with every
      consequent API call, and must be fetched from each new response to maintain
      the context.
    • Use of the searchContext query string parameter allows listing past 10,000 results.
    • Note that using the from query param in a request will cause the searchContext to
      be ignored and also make the query subject to the 10,000 results cap again.
    • Updated GET /granules endpoint to leverage ElasticSearch search-after API.
      The endpoint will only use search-after when the searchContext parameter
      is provided in a request.


11 Aug 15:19
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Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-3019
    • Fix file write logic to delete files by granule_cumulus_id instead of
      cumulus_id. Previous logic removed files by matching file.cumulus_id
      to granule.cumulus_id.


11 Aug 21:10
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Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-3019
    • Fix file write logic to delete files by granule_cumulus_id instead of
      cumulus_id. Previous logic removed files by matching file.cumulus_id
      to granule.cumulus_id.


10 Aug 20:50
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Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-3019
    • Fix file write logic to delete files by granule_cumulus_id instead of
      cumulus_id. Previous logic removed files by matching file.cumulus_id
      to granule.cumulus_id.


05 Aug 14:47
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  • CUMULUS-2940
    • Updated bulk operation lambda to utilize system wide rds_connection_timing
      configuration parameters from the main cumulus module
  • CUMULUS-2954
    • Updated Backup LZARDS task to run as a single task in a step function workflow.
    • Updated task to allow user to provide collectionId in workflow input and
      updated task to use said collectionId to look up the corresponding collection record in RDS.


25 Jul 15:10
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[v13.1.0] 2022-7-22


  • The changes introduced in CUMULUS-2962 will re-introduce a
    files_granules_cumulus_id_index on the files table in the RDS database.
    This index will be automatically created as part of the bootstrap lambda
    function on deployment of the data-persistence module.

    In cases where the index is already applied, this update will have no effect.

    Please Note: In some cases where ingest is occurring at high volume levels and/or the
    files table has > 150M file records, the migration may
    fail on deployment due to timing required to both acquire the table state needed for the
    migration and time to create the index given the resources available.

    For reference a rx.5 large Aurora/RDS database
    with no activity took roughly 6 minutes to create the index for a file table with 300M records and no active ingest, however timed out when the same migration was attempted
    in production with possible activity on the table.

    If you believe you are subject to the above consideration, you may opt to
    manually create the files table index prior to deploying this version of
    Core with the following procedure:

    • Verify you do not have the index:
    select * from pg_indexes where tablename = 'files';
     schemaname | tablename |        indexname        | tablespace |                                       indexdef
     public     | files     | files_pkey              |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX files_pkey ON public.files USING btree (cumulus_id)
     public     | files     | files_bucket_key_unique |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX files_bucket_key_unique ON public.files USING btree (bucket, key)

    In this instance you should not see an indexname row with
    files_granules_cumulus_id_index as the value. If you do, you should be
    clear to proceed with the installation.

    • Quiesce ingest

    Stop all ingest operations in Cumulus Core according to your operational
    procedures. You should validate that it appears there are no active queries that
    appear to be inserting granules/files into the database as a secondary method
    of evaluating the database system state:

    select pid, query, state, wait_event_type, wait_event from pg_stat_activity where state = 'active';

    If query rows are returned with a query value that involves the files table,
    make sure ingest is halted and no other granule-update activity is running on
    the system.

    Note: In rare instances if there are hung queries that are unable to resolve, it may be necessary to
    manually use psql Server Signaling

    pg_cancel_backend and/or
    pg_terminate_backend if the migration will not complete in the next step.

    • Create the Index

    Run the following query to create the index. Depending on the situation
    this may take many minutes to complete, and you will note your CPU load and
    disk I/O rates increase on your cluster:

    CREATE INDEX files_granule_cumulus_id_index ON files (granule_cumulus_id);

    You should see a response like:


    and can verify the index files_granule_cumulus_id_index was created:

    => select * from pg_indexes where tablename = 'files';
    schemaname | tablename |           indexname            | tablespace |                                           indexdef
     public     | files     | files_pkey                     |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX files_pkey ON public.files USING btree (cumulus_id)
     public     | files     | files_bucket_key_unique        |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX files_bucket_key_unique ON public.files USING btree (bucket, key)
     public     | files     | files_granule_cumulus_id_index |            | CREATE INDEX files_granule_cumulus_id_index ON public.files USING btree (granule_cumulus_id)
    (3 rows)
    • Once this is complete, you may deploy this version of Cumulus as you
      normally would.
      If you are unable to stop ingest for the above procedure and cannot
      migrate with deployment, you may be able to manually create the index while
      writes are ongoing using postgres's CONCURRENTLY option for CREATE INDEX.
      This can have significant impacts on CPU/write IO, particularly if you are
      already using a significant amount of your cluster resources, and may result
      in failed writes or an unexpected index/database state.

    provides more information on this option. Please be aware it is
    unsupported by Cumulus at this time, so community members that opt to go
    this route should proceed with caution.

Notable changes

  • CUMULUS-2962
    • Re-added database structural migration to files table to add an index on granule_cumulus_id
  • CUMULUS-2929
    • Updated move-granule task to check the optional collection configuration parameter
      meta.granuleMetadataFileExtension to determine the granule metadata file.
      If none is specified, the granule CMR metadata or ISO metadata file is used.


  • Updated Moment.js package to 2.29.4 to address security vulnerability
  • CUMULUS-2967
    • Added fix example/spec/helpers/Provider that doesn't fail deletion 404 in
      case of deletion race conditions


  • CUMULUS-2995

    • Updated Lerna package to 5.1.8 to address security vulnerability
  • CUMULUS-2863

    • Fixed @cumulus/api validateAndUpdateSqsRule method to allow 0 retries and 0 visibilityTimeout
      in rule's meta.
  • CUMULUS-2959

    • Fixed @cumulus/api granules module to convert numeric productVolume to string
      when an old granule record is retrieved from DynamoDB