- I (Matt) am updating all .csv files to match current then will load them into the sql db so we can use
for testing
- Also updating exp.py and loader.py to contain updated table names
Thursday 4/4
- all sql tables functioning
Friday 4/5
- Matt: I am going to work on script that will use command line prompts (which will later be replaced
- by the front-end) to: fill new user info in the db,
- fill new strategy criteria in the db, calculate trades and portfolio values (run backtest)
Monday 4/8
- meeting scheduled w/ Hahn for that Thursday/Friday (this is when we show off the project for grading)
- have the session cookie update at login
- add functionality to create indicator references
- pull down menu for tying a indicator to a strategy
- Matt: fill out queries/explanation.md with concise descriptions of the functionality of each query
Tuesday 4/9
- Basic Flask app running, not w/ all functionalities
- Templates for all pages made
- CSS interfaced properly
Wednesday 4/10
- Vast majority of flask functioning
Thursday 4/11
- Finetuning and polishing
Friday 4/12
- Everything done
calculating MVA
- 5 and 10
- either pl-sql or python script
create a portfolio for every day in the interval
- either pl-sql or python script
CSV Files
While it's not absolutely necessary, it'd be nice for testing purposes
- trades
- portfolio
- security state
- Require only a security symbol to upload query_data
Web Front End
- Drop all the old tables
- Make them all
- Fix everything where there's an error