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rules examples

Thibault "bui" Koechlin edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 3 revisions

Go to Rules Explanation

'generic' rules

Search for string 0x in any POST/PUT arg, any part of the URL, any GET arg, or the HTTP header named cookie (extracted from naxsi_core.rules). If rule matches, $SQL score is increased by 2. Rule can be whitelisted via id 1002.

MainRule "str:0x" "msg:0x, possible hex encoding" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:2" id:1002;


Sometime, you can write rules to enforce best practices or simply to deter automated attacks.

Blocking "bad" user agents

MainRule "" "msg:DN SCAN w3af User Agent" "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:User-Agent" "s:$UWA:8" id:42000041 ;  

Block w3af user-agent (

Blocking "bad" referers

BasicRule "str:" "msg:Bad referer" "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:referer" "s:DROP" id:20001;

Blocking dangerous directories

ie. following CVE-2015-2067 on magento's plugin "magmi", you want to block access to the plugin :

MainRule "str:/magmi/" "msg:Access to magmi folder" "mz:URL" "s:$UWA:8" id:42000400;
MainRule "str:/magmi.php" "msg:Access to magmi.php" "mz:URL" "s:$UWA:8" id:42000401;

Vpatching Examples

Virtual patching usually aims at protecting a vulnerable software from exploitation.

Simple/Generic XSS

There is a reflected XSS in GET variable "foo" on URL "/target" :

MainRule id:4242 "str:<" "msg:xss (angle bracket)" "mz:$ARGS_VAR:foo|$URL:/target" s:DROP;

This rule will stop any request containing the character '<' at the targeted location.

Simple/Generic (wider) XSS

There is a reflected XSS in GET variable "foo" on all product URLs :

MainRule id:4242 "str:<" "msg:xss (angle bracket)" "mz:$ARGS_VAR_X:^foo$|$URL_X:^/product/[0-9]+/product$" s:DROP;

Simple/Generic File Upload

Blocking asp/php file upload (part of core rules). Increases $UPLOAD by 8 if the string uploaded file names contains ph (.php / .pht ...) .asp or .ht (.htaccess ...).

MainRule "rx:\.ph|\.asp|\.ht" "msg:asp/php file upload!" "mz:FILE_EXT" "s:$UPLOAD:8" id:1500;

Raw Body

Raw Body zone is meant for the content-types that naxsi can't parse (XML, java serialized objects, unorthodox developments). See RAW_BODY for details on RAW_BODY behaviour.

MainRule "id:4241" "s:DROP" "str:RANDOMTHINGS" "mz:RAW_BODY";

LibInjection (XSS) Virtual Patching

(>= 0.55rc1)

Will drop any request for which libinjection detects content of GET var foo as an XSS.

MainRule "id:4241" "s:DROP" "d:libinj_xss" "mz:$ARGS_VAR:foo";

LibInjection (SQL) Virtual Patching

(>= 0.55rc1)

Will drop any request for which libinjection detects content of GET var foo as an SQLi.

MainRule "id:4241" "s:DROP" "d:libinj_sql" "mz:$ARGS_VAR:foo";

Negative rule

Will drop any request for which the URL doesn't start with "/rest/"

MainRule "id:4241" negative "s:DROP" "rx:^/rest/" "mz:URL";
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