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File metadata and controls

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Vault Audit Filter

vault-audit-filter is a Go-based tool designed to filter and log HashiCorp Vault audit logs based on configurable rules. It provides fine-grained control over how Vault audit events are processed and categorized, allowing you to capture critical events while reducing noise from routine operations.


  • Configurable Rule-Based Filtering: Define rules to match specific audit events, such as read, write, delete, or specific paths in Vault.
  • Multiple Rule Groups: Organize rules into groups and log them to separate files.
  • Dynamic Logging: Log audit events to specified files with log rotation and size limits.
  • Supports Multiple Operations: Filters common Vault operations, including KV operations, metadata updates, and deletion events.
  • Performance-Oriented: Built with gnet to handle high concurrency.
  • Flexible Forwarding: Forward filtered audit logs to specified UDP addresses for further processing or monitoring.
  • Messaging Integration: Send notifications about matched audit logs to messaging platforms like Mattermost.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up and run vault-audit-filter on your local machine.



Clone the repository:

git clone
cd vault-audit-filter

Build the Project

To build the binary:

go build -o vault-audit-filter .

Running the Application

Once you have built the project, you can run the vault-audit-filter executable:

./vault-audit-filter --config config.yaml


vault-audit-filter uses a YAML-based configuration file that allows you to define rule groups, specify logging files, configure Vault settings, set up forwarding options, and configure messaging integration.

Sample Configuration (config.yaml)

  address: ""
  token: "your-vault-token"
  audit_path: "/vault-audit-filter"
  audit_address: ""
  audit_description: "Vault Audit Filter Device"

  - name: "normal_operations"
      - 'Request.Operation in ["read", "update"] && Request.Path startsWith "secret/data/" && Auth.PolicyResults.Allowed == true'
      file_path: "/var/log/vault_normal_operations.log"
      max_size: 100      # Max size in MB
      max_backups: 5     # Max number of backup files
      max_age: 30        # Max age in days
      compress: true     # Compress rotated files
      enabled: true
      address: ""
      type: "mattermost_webhook"
      webhook_url: ""

  - name: "critical_events"
      - 'Request.Operation == "delete" && Auth.PolicyResults.Allowed == true'
      - 'Request.Path startsWith "secret/metadata/" && Auth.PolicyResults.Allowed == true'
      file_path: "/var/log/vault_critical_events.log"
      max_size: 100
      max_backups: 5
      max_age: 30
      compress: true
      enabled: true
      address: ""
      type: "mattermost"
      url: ""
      token: "your-bot-token"
      channel: "your-channel-id"

Configuration Parameters

  • Vault Settings:

    • vault.address: The address of your Vault instance.
    • vault.token: Vault token for authentication.
    • vault.audit_path: The path for Vault's audit device.
    • vault.audit_address: The address for receiving audit logs.
    • vault.audit_description: Description for the Vault audit device.
  • Rule Groups:

    • The name of the rule group.
    • rule_groups.rules: A list of expressions using expr to define rules for audit log filtering.
    • log_file.file_path: The file path where matching logs will be written.
    • log_file.max_size: The maximum size of the log file in MB before rotation.
    • log_file.max_backups: The number of backup logs to keep.
    • log_file.max_age: The maximum number of days to retain logs.
    • log_file.compress: Whether to compress the old log files.
    • forwarding.enabled: Whether to enable forwarding for this rule group.
    • forwarding.address: The UDP address to forward matching audit logs to.
    • messaging.type: The type of messaging integration ("mattermost" or "mattermost_webhook").
    • messaging.webhook_url: The webhook URL for Mattermost (when using "mattermost_webhook" type).
    • messaging.url: The Mattermost server URL (when using "mattermost" type).
    • messaging.token: The bot token for Mattermost (when using "mattermost" type).
    • The channel ID for Mattermost messages (when using "mattermost" type).

Rule Syntax

Rules are written using the expr language, a simple and safe expression language for Go. Rules can be based on the following properties of audit logs:

  • Request.Operation: The type of operation (read, update, delete, etc.).
  • Request.Path: The Vault path being accessed.
  • Auth.PolicyResults.Allowed: Whether the operation was allowed.

Example Rule:

'Request.Operation == "update" && Request.Path startsWith "secret/data/" && Auth.PolicyResults.Allowed == true'


To run vault-audit-filter with your configuration file, use:

$ ./vault-audit-filter --config config.yaml

Command-Line Options

  • --config: Specify the path to the configuration file (default is config.yaml).
  • --log-level: Set the logging level (debug, info, warn, error).

Environment Variables

You can also define environment variables to override configuration file values. For example:

$ export VAULT_ADDRESS=""
$ export VAULT_TOKEN="your-vault-token"


To run the test suite for vault-audit-filter, use the following command:

go test -v ./...

For running tests with race condition detection:

go test -race -v ./...

To run a specific test, such as the concurrent forwarding test:

go test -v -run TestUDPForwarder_ConcurrentForwarding ./pkg/forwarder

To generate a test coverage report:

go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out


For development purposes, you can use the provided Makefile located at configs/development/Makefile to build and run the project using Docker and Docker Compose. This is how I test my changes and have a playground of sorts.


We welcome contributions from the community! Before submitting a pull request, ensure that:

  • The code compiles without errors.
  • All tests pass.
  • Your changes are well-documented.
  • You've added or updated tests to cover your changes.


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.