diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 61b5ce00b..098f523b3 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ cache:
- - os: linux
- env: CONDA=2.7
- #- os: linux
- # env: CONDA=3.6
+ - env: CONDA=2.7
+ - env: CONDA=3.6
- |
diff --git a/data/HB2B_1017_NoMask_Gold.h5 b/data/HB2B_1017_NoMask_Gold.h5
index ff65df997..3e4816b65 100644
Binary files a/data/HB2B_1017_NoMask_Gold.h5 and b/data/HB2B_1017_NoMask_Gold.h5 differ
diff --git a/data/HB2B_1017_Pixels_Gold.h5 b/data/HB2B_1017_Pixels_Gold.h5
index 20361580e..50b619a1f 100644
Binary files a/data/HB2B_1017_Pixels_Gold.h5 and b/data/HB2B_1017_Pixels_Gold.h5 differ
diff --git a/data/HB2B_CAL_Si333.json b/data/HB2B_CAL_Si333.json
index 86436853c..c50b51faf 100644
--- a/data/HB2B_CAL_Si333.json
+++ b/data/HB2B_CAL_Si333.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Status": 3, "error_Rot_z": -1.0, "error_Shift_z": -1.0, "error_Rot_x": -1.0, "error_Rot_y": -1.0, "error_Shift_x": 0.0001, "Shift_z": 0.0, "Shift_x": 7.903208284128856e-05, "Shift_y": 0.0, "error_Lambda": 0.0001, "Rot_z": 0.0, "Rot_y": 0.0, "Rot_x": 0.0, "error_Shift_y": -1.0, "Lambda": 1.456274820626443}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Status": 3, "error_Rot_z": -1.0, "error_Shift_z": -1.0, "error_Rot_x": -1.0, "error_Rot_y": -1.0, "error_Shift_x": 0.0001, "Shift_z": 0.0, "Shift_x": 0.000343639741127, "Shift_y": 0.0, "error_Lambda": 0.0001, "Rot_z": 0.0, "Rot_y": 0.0, "Rot_x": 0.0, "error_Shift_y": -1.0, "Lambda": 1.4499332864}
diff --git a/data/XRay_Definition_1K.txt b/data/XRay_Definition_1K.txt
index 9ed854177..1596d940b 100644
--- a/data/XRay_Definition_1K.txt
+++ b/data/XRay_Definition_1K.txt
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
arm = 0.985
rows = 1024
columns = 1024
-pixel_size_x = 0.0003
-pixel_size_y = 0.0003
+pixel_size_x = 0.00029296875
+pixel_size_y = 0.00029296875
diff --git a/prototypes/load_split_subruns_numpy.py b/prototypes/load_split_subruns_numpy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7268e1928..000000000
--- a/prototypes/load_split_subruns_numpy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# This is a numpy version for prototyping to load NeXus and split events for sub runs
-# by numpy and hdf5
-import h5py
-import numpy as np
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-import datetime
-from mantid.simpleapi import Load, FilterByLogValue, DeleteWorkspace
-import os
-def load_nexus(nexus_file_name):
- nexus_h5 = h5py.File(nexus_file_name, 'r')
- return nexus_h5
-def get_scan_indexes(nexus_h5):
- scan_index_times = nexus_h5['entry']['DASlogs']['scan_index']['time'].value
- scan_index_values = nexus_h5['entry']['DASlogs']['scan_index']['value'].value
- if scan_index_values[0] == 0:
- scan_index_times = scan_index_times[1:]
- scan_index_values = scan_index_values[1:]
- if scan_index_times.shape != scan_index_values.shape:
- raise RuntimeError('Scan index time and value not in same shape')
- if scan_index_times.shape[0] % 2 == 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Scan index are not in (1, 0) pair")
- return scan_index_times, scan_index_values
-def split_sub_runs(nexus_h5, scan_index_times, scan_index_values):
- # pulse times
- pulse_time_array = nexus_h5['entry']['bank1_events']['event_time_zero'].value
- # search scan index boundaries in pulse time array
- subrun_pulseindex_array = np.searchsorted(pulse_time_array, scan_index_times)
- print('Scan Index Times: {}'.format(scan_index_times))
- print('Pulse Ends: {}'.format(pulse_time_array[-1]))
- print('Matched Pulse Indexes: {}'.format(subrun_pulseindex_array))
- # get event index array: same size as pulse times
- event_index_array = nexus_h5['entry']['bank1_events']['event_index'].value
- event_id_array = nexus_h5['entry']['bank1_events']['event_id'].value
- # histogram boundaries
- # bound_x = np.arange(1024 ** 2 + 1).astype(float) - 0.1
- # split data
- print(scan_index_values)
- num_sub_runs = scan_index_values.shape[0] / 2
- # sub_run_data_set = np.ndarray((num_sub_runs, 1024**2), dtype=float)
- sub_run_counts_dict = dict()
- for i_sub_run in range(num_sub_runs):
- # get the start and stop index in pulse array
- start_pulse_index = subrun_pulseindex_array[2 * i_sub_run]
- stop_pulse_index = subrun_pulseindex_array[2 * i_sub_run + 1]
- # get start andn stop event ID from event index array
- start_event_id = event_index_array[start_pulse_index]
- if stop_pulse_index >= event_index_array.size:
- print('[WARNING] for sub run {} out of {}, stop pulse index {} is out of boundary of {}'
- ''.format(i_sub_run, num_sub_runs, stop_pulse_index, event_index_array.shape))
- # stop_pulse_index = event_index_array.size - 1
- # supposed to be the last pulse and thus use the last + 1 event ID's index
- stop_event_id = event_id_array.shape[0]
- else:
- # natural one
- stop_event_id = event_index_array[stop_pulse_index]
- print('Sub run {}: Stop Event ID = {}'.format(i_sub_run, stop_event_id))
- # get sub set of the events falling into this range
- sub_run_events = event_id_array[start_event_id:stop_event_id]
- # convert to float
- counts = sub_run_events.astype(float)
- # histogram
- # hist = np.histogram(counts, bound_x)[0]
- hist = np.bincount(sub_run_events, minlength=1024**2)
- # sub_run_data_set[i_sub_run] = hist
- sub_run_counts_dict[int(scan_index_values[2 * i_sub_run])] = hist
- return sub_run_counts_dict
-def verify(nexus, sub_run_list, sub_run_data_dict):
- # Load
- ws = Load(Filename=nexus, OutputWorkspace=os.path.basename(nexus).split('.')[0])
- pp_str = ''
- for sub_run in sub_run_list:
- sub_run_ws = FilterByLogValue(InputWorkspace=ws,
- OutputWorkspace=str(ws) + '_{}'.format(sub_run),
- LogName='scan_index',
- LogBoundary='Left',
- MinimumValue=float(sub_run) - .25,
- MaximumValue=float(sub_run) + .25)
- counts_vec = sub_run_ws.extractY().reshape((1024**2,))
- diff = np.abs(sub_run_data_dict[sub_run] - counts_vec)
- print('sub run {}: counts = {}, total difference = {}, maximum difference = {}'
- ''.format(sub_run, np.sum(counts_vec), diff.sum(), diff.max()))
- pp_str += 'sub run {}: counts = {}, total difference = {}, maximum difference = {}\n' \
- ''.format(sub_run, np.sum(counts_vec), diff.sum(), diff.max())
- DeleteWorkspace(Workspace=sub_run_ws)
- # END
- print(pp_str)
-def main():
- start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
- # split_sub_runs = '/HFIR/HB2B/IPTS-22048/nexus/HB2B_1205.nxs.h5'
- nexus = '/HFIR/HB2B/IPTS-22731/nexus/HB2B_1017.nxs.h5'
- nexus_h5 = load_nexus(nexus)
- scan_index_times, scan_index_values = get_scan_indexes(nexus_h5)
- frames = split_sub_runs(nexus_h5, scan_index_times, scan_index_values)
- stop_time = datetime.datetime.now()
- duration = (stop_time - start_time).total_seconds()
- print('Processing time = {}; Per sub run = {}'.format(duration, duration * 1. / len(frames)))
- verify(nexus, range(1, len(frames) + 1), frames)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/prototypes/temp/convert_hzb_data.py b/prototypes/temp/convert_hzb_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c0a56429..000000000
--- a/prototypes/temp/convert_hzb_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Convert HZB data to standard transformed-HDF5 format considering all the sample log values and instrument information
-# This may be executed only once and moved out of build
-import numpy
-import os
-from pyrs.utilities import file_util
-from pyrs.utilities import rs_project_file
-import pandas as pd
-def parse_hzb_tiff(tiff_file_name):
- """
- Parse HZB TIFF (image) data to numpy array (1D)
- :param tiff_file_name:
- :return: (1) 1D array (column major, from lower left corner) (2) (num_row, num_cols)
- """
- # is it rotated?
- # rotated
- counts_array = file_util.load_rgb_tif(tiff_file_name, True)
- return counts_array
-def load_excel_file(excel_file):
- """ Load EXCEL file
- Note: Excel file is closed after read (99%)
- :param excel_file: name of Excel file
- :return: pandas instance (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)
- """
- # use pandas to load
- df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
- return df
-def import_hzb_summary(summary_excel):
- """
- import and parse HZB summary file in EXCEL format
- [ u'E3 file', u'Tiff', u'Tiff_Index', u'Index',
- u'2th', u'mon', u'2th.1', u'Unnamed: 7',
- u'L2', u'ADET', u'Unnamed: 10', u'Unnamed: 11',
- u'Unnamed: 12', u'Unnamed: 13', u'SDET'],
- # ['Tiff'][i] = E3-Y2O3 42-50
- # ['Tiff Index] = 1, 2, 3, ...
- # 2th = 2th.1
- # L2: unit == mm
- # tif_name = '{}_{:05}.tiff'.format(df['Tiff'][0], int(df['Tiff_Index'][0]))
- :param summary_excel: experiment summary file in Excel format
- :return:
- """
- # load data
- summary_pandas_data = load_excel_file(summary_excel)
- # get list of interested items
- scan_index_array = numpy.array(summary_pandas_data['Index'])
- two_theta_array = numpy.array(summary_pandas_data['2th'])
- tiff_header_array = numpy.array(summary_pandas_data['Tiff'])
- tiff_order_array = numpy.array(summary_pandas_data['Tiff_Index'])
- monitor_array = numpy.array(summary_pandas_data['mon'])
- l2_array = numpy.array(summary_pandas_data['L2']) * 1.E-3 # convert to meter
- # combine to files
- tiff_files = list()
- for item_index in range(len(tiff_header_array)):
- tiff_header_i = tiff_header_array[item_index]
- tiff_order_i = tiff_order_array[item_index]
- tiff_file_i = '{}_{:05}.tiff'.format(tiff_header_i, int(tiff_order_i))
- tiff_files.append(tiff_file_i)
- # create a dictionary of dictionary for the information
- summary_dict = dict()
- for item_index in range(len(tiff_files)):
- scan_i_dict = {'2theta': two_theta_array[item_index],
- 'Tiff': tiff_files[item_index],
- 'Monitor': monitor_array[item_index],
- 'L2': l2_array[item_index]}
- if scan_index_array[item_index] in summary_dict:
- raise RuntimeError('Experiment summary file {} contains 2 entries with same (scan) Index {}'
- ''.format(summary_excel, scan_index_array[item_index]))
- summary_dict[scan_index_array[item_index]] = scan_i_dict
- return summary_dict, {'Scan Index': scan_index_array, '2Theta': two_theta_array,
- 'Monitor': monitor_array, 'L2': l2_array}
-def main(argv):
- """
- main for the workflow to create the HDF5
- :param argv:
- :return:
- """
- # process inputs ...
- exp_summary_excel = argv[1]
- exp_data_dir = argv[2]
- project_file_name = argv[3]
- # parse EXCEL spread sheet
- exp_summary_dict, exp_logs_dict = import_hzb_summary(exp_summary_excel)
- # start project file
- project_file = rs_project_file.HydraProjectFile(project_file_name,
- mode=rs_project_file.HydraProjectFileMode.OVERWRITE)
- # add sample log data
- for log_name in ['Scan Index', '2Theta', 'Monitor', 'L2']:
- project_file.add_experiment_log(log_name, exp_logs_dict[log_name])
- # parse and add counts
- sub_run_list = exp_summary_dict.keys()
- for sub_run_i in sorted(sub_run_list):
- tiff_name = exp_summary_dict[sub_run_i]['Tiff']
- counts_array = parse_hzb_tiff(os.path.join(exp_data_dir, tiff_name))
- print(counts_array.min(), counts_array.max(), (numpy.where(counts_array > 0.5)[0]).shape)
- project_file.add_raw_counts(sub_run_i, counts_array)
- # save
- project_file.close()
- return
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(['Whatever',
- '/SNS/users/wzz/Projects/HB2B/Quasi_HB2B_Calibration/calibration.xlsx',
- '/SNS/users/wzz/Projects/HB2B/Quasi_HB2B_Calibration/',
- 'tests/testdata/hzb/hzb_calibration.hdf5'])
diff --git a/pyrs/calibration/peakfit_calibration.py b/pyrs/calibration/peakfit_calibration.py
index 9905ee5f0..c6b0ce435 100644
--- a/pyrs/calibration/peakfit_calibration.py
+++ b/pyrs/calibration/peakfit_calibration.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Migrated from /HFIR/HB2B/shared/Quick_Calibration.py
# Original can be found at ./Quick_Calibration_v3.py
# Renamed from ./prototypes/calibration/Quick_Calibration_Class.py
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
import numpy as np
import time
import json
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ def FitDetector(self, fun, x0, jac='3-point', bounds=[], method='trf', ftol=1e-0
s_sq = (residual**2).sum()/(len(residual)-len(x0))
pcov = pcov * s_sq
- pcov = np.inf
+ pcov = np.diag([np.inf]*len(pfit))
error = [0.0] * len(pfit)
for i in range(len(pfit)):
@@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ def FitDetector(self, fun, x0, jac='3-point', bounds=[], method='trf', ftol=1e-0
except ValueError:
error[i] = (0.00)
- print [pfit, np.array(error), success]
+ print([pfit, np.array(error), success])
return [pfit, np.array(error), success]
@@ -528,7 +529,7 @@ def peak_alignment_single(self, x, roi_vec_set=None, ConstrainPosition=False, Re
paramVec = np.copy(self._calib)
paramVec[i_index] = x[0]
- print x
+ print(x)
residual = self.get_alignment_residual(paramVec, roi_vec_set, ConstrainPosition, False, start, stop)
if ReturnScalar:
@@ -599,7 +600,7 @@ def peaks_alignment_all(self, x, roi_vec_set=None, ConstrainPosition=False,
- print x
+ print(x)
residual = self.get_alignment_residual(x, roi_vec_set, True, False, start, stop)
if ReturnScalar:
diff --git a/pyrs/core/nexus_conversion.py b/pyrs/core/nexus_conversion.py
index 3c971a9d1..fdbf53f03 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/nexus_conversion.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/nexus_conversion.py
@@ -2,22 +2,209 @@
Convert HB2B NeXus file to Hidra project file for further reduction
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
-import bisect
-from mantid.kernel import FloatPropertyWithValue, FloatTimeSeriesProperty, Int32TimeSeriesProperty, \
- Int64TimeSeriesProperty, logger, Logger
-from mantid.simpleapi import mtd, ConvertToMatrixWorkspace, DeleteWorkspace, FilterByLogValue, \
- FilterByTime, LoadEventNexus, LoadMask, MaskDetectors
-import numpy
+import h5py
+from mantid.kernel import Logger, BoolTimeSeriesProperty, FloatFilteredTimeSeriesProperty, FloatTimeSeriesProperty
+from mantid.kernel import Int32TimeSeriesProperty, Int64TimeSeriesProperty, Int32FilteredTimeSeriesProperty,\
+ Int64FilteredTimeSeriesProperty
+from mantid.simpleapi import mtd, DeleteWorkspace, LoadEventNexus, LoadMask
+import numpy as np
import os
from pyrs.core import workspaces
from pyrs.core.instrument_geometry import AnglerCameraDetectorGeometry, HidraSetup
from pyrs.dataobjects import HidraConstants
from pyrs.projectfile import HidraProjectFile, HidraProjectFileMode
from pyrs.utilities import checkdatatypes
-from pyrs.split_sub_runs.load_split_sub_runs import load_split_nexus_python
SUBRUN_LOGNAME = 'scan_index'
+NUM_PIXEL_1D = 1024
+ARM_LENGTH = 0.985
+def convert_pulses_to_datetime64(h5obj):
+ '''The h5object is the h5py handle to ``event_time_zero``. This only supports pulsetimes in seconds'''
+ if h5obj.attrs['units'].decode() != 'second':
+ raise RuntimeError('Do not understand time units "{}"'.format(h5obj.attrs['units']))
+ # the value is number of seconds as a float
+ pulse_time = h5obj.value
+ # Convert deltas to times with units. This has to be done through
+ # nanoseconds because numpy truncates things to integers during the conversion
+ pulse_time = pulse_time * 1.e9 * np.timedelta64(1, 'ns')
+ # get absolute offset and convert to absolute time
+ start_time = np.datetime64(h5obj.attrs['offset'])
+ return pulse_time + start_time
+def calculate_sub_run_time_average(log_property, time_filter):
+ '''Determine the time average value of the supplied log'''
+ if log_property.size() == 1: # single value property just copy
+ time_average_value = log_property.value
+ elif time_filter is None: # no filtering means use all values
+ time_average_value = log_property.timeAverageValue()
+ else:
+ # filter and get time average value
+ if isinstance(log_property, FloatTimeSeriesProperty):
+ filtered_tsp = FloatFilteredTimeSeriesProperty(log_property, time_filter)
+ elif isinstance(log_property, Int32TimeSeriesProperty):
+ filtered_tsp = Int32FilteredTimeSeriesProperty(log_property, time_filter)
+ elif isinstance(log_property, Int64TimeSeriesProperty):
+ filtered_tsp = Int64FilteredTimeSeriesProperty(log_property, time_filter)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError('TSP log property {} of type {} is not supported'
+ ''.format(log_property.name, type(log_property)))
+ time_average_value = filtered_tsp.timeAverageValue()
+ del filtered_tsp
+ return time_average_value
+class Splitter(object):
+ def __init__(self, runObj):
+ self._log = Logger(__name__)
+ if runObj['scan_index'].size() == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('"scan_index" is empty')
+ # Get the time and value from the run object
+ scan_index_times = runObj['scan_index'].times # absolute times
+ scan_index_value = runObj['scan_index'].value
+ # TODO add final time from pcharge logs + 1s with scan_index=0
+ if np.unique(scan_index_value).size == 1:
+ raise RuntimeError('WARNING: only one scan_index value') # TODO should be something else
+ self.times = None
+ self.subruns = None
+ self.propertyFilters = list()
+ self.__generate_sub_run_splitter(scan_index_times, scan_index_value)
+ self.__correct_starting_scan_index_time(runObj)
+ self._createPropertyFilters()
+ def __generate_sub_run_splitter(self, scan_index_times, scan_index_value):
+ """Generate event splitters according to sub runs
+ """
+ # Init
+ sub_run_time_list = list()
+ sub_run_value_list = list()
+ num_scan_index = scan_index_times.shape[0]
+ # Loop through all scan indexes to get the correct splitters
+ curr_sub_run = 0
+ for i_scan in range(num_scan_index):
+ if scan_index_value[i_scan] != curr_sub_run:
+ # New run no same as old one: There will be some change!
+ if curr_sub_run > 0:
+ # previous run shall be saved: it is ending: record the ending time/current time
+ sub_run_time_list.append(scan_index_times[i_scan])
+ if scan_index_value[i_scan] > 0:
+ # new scan index is valid: a new run shall start: record the starting time and sub run value
+ sub_run_time_list.append(scan_index_times[i_scan])
+ sub_run_value_list.append(scan_index_value[i_scan])
+ # Update the curr_sub_run
+ curr_sub_run = scan_index_value[i_scan]
+ # Note: there is one scenario to append 2 and same time stamp: scan index change from i to j, where
+ # both i and j are larger than 0
+ # END-IF
+ # Check the ending
+ if curr_sub_run > 0:
+ # In case the stop (scan_index = 0) is not recorded
+ sub_run_time_list.append(np.nan)
+ # Convert from list to array
+ self.times = np.array(sub_run_time_list)
+ self.subruns = np.array(sub_run_value_list)
+ # Sanity check
+ if self.times.shape[0] % 2 == 1 or self.times.shape[0] == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('Algorithm error: Failed to parse\nTime: {}\nValue: {}.\n'
+ 'Current resulted time ({}) is incorrect as odd/even'
+ ''.format(scan_index_times, scan_index_value, self.times))
+ if self.times.shape[0] != self.subruns.shape[0] * 2:
+ raise RuntimeError('Sub run number {} and sub run times do not match (as twice)'
+ ''.format(self.subruns, self.times))
+ def __correct_starting_scan_index_time(self, runObj, abs_tolerance=0.05):
+ """Correct the DAS-issue for mis-record the first scan_index/sub run before the motor is in position
+ This goes through a subset of logs and compares when they actually
+ get to their specified setpoint, updating the start time for
+ event filtering. When this is done ``self._starttime`` will have been updated.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ start_time: numpy.datetime64
+ The start time according to the scan_index log
+ abs_tolerance: float
+ When then log is within this absolute tolerance of the setpoint, it is correct
+ Returns
+ -------
+ float
+ Corrected value or None
+ """
+ start_time = self.times[0]
+ # loop through the 'special' logs
+ for log_name in ['sx', 'sy', 'sz', '2theta', 'omega', 'chi', 'phi']:
+ if log_name not in runObj:
+ continue # log doesn't exist - not a good one to look at
+ if log_name + 'Setpoint' not in runObj:
+ continue # log doesn't have a setpoint - not a good one to look at
+ if runObj[log_name].size() == 1:
+ continue # there is only one value
+ # get the observed values of the log
+ observed = runObj[log_name].value
+ if observed.std() <= .5 * abs_tolerance:
+ continue # don't bother if the log is constant within half of the tolerance
+ # look for the setpoint and find when the log first got there
+ # only look at first setpoint
+ set_point = runObj[log_name + 'Setpoint'].value[0]
+ for log_time, value in zip(runObj[log_name].times, observed):
+ if abs(value - set_point) < abs_tolerance:
+ # pick the larger of what was found and the previous largest value
+ if log_time > start_time:
+ start_time = log_time
+ break
+ self._log.debug('Shift from start_time {} to {}'.format(np.datetime_as_string(self.times[0]),
+ np.datetime_as_string(start_time)))
+ self.times[0] = start_time
+ @property
+ def durations(self):
+ return (self.times[1::2] - self.times[::2]) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
+ def _createPropertyFilters(self):
+ self.propertyFilters = list()
+ if self.subruns.size == 1:
+ self.propertyFilters.append(None)
+ else:
+ for subrun_index in range(self.subruns.size):
+ subrun_start_time = self.times[2 * subrun_index]
+ subrun_stop_time = self.times[2 * subrun_index + 1]
+ # create a Boolean time series property as the filter
+ time_filter = BoolTimeSeriesProperty('filter')
+ time_filter.addValue(subrun_start_time, True)
+ time_filter.addValue(subrun_stop_time, False)
+ self.propertyFilters.append(time_filter)
class NeXusConvertingApp(object):
@@ -37,11 +224,11 @@ def __init__(self, nexus_file_name, mask_file_name=None):
# configure logging for this class
self._log = Logger(__name__)
- # NeXus name
+ # validate NeXus file exists
checkdatatypes.check_file_name(nexus_file_name, True, False, False, 'NeXus file')
self._nexus_name = nexus_file_name
- # Mask
+ # validate mask file exists
if mask_file_name is None:
self._mask_file_name = None
@@ -54,156 +241,248 @@ def __init__(self, nexus_file_name, mask_file_name=None):
# workspaces
self._event_ws_name = os.path.basename(nexus_file_name).split('.')[0]
- self._sample_log_dict = dict()
+ self.__load_logs()
+ # load the mask
+ self.mask_array = None # TODO to promote direct access
+ if mask_file_name:
+ self.__load_mask(mask_file_name)
+ self._hidra_workspace = workspaces.HidraWorkspace(self._nexus_name)
- self._hydra_workspace = workspaces.HidraWorkspace(self._nexus_name)
# Set a default instrument with this workspace
# set up instrument
- # initialize instrument: hard code!
- instrument = AnglerCameraDetectorGeometry(1024, 1024, 0.0003, 0.0003, 0.985, False)
- self._hydra_workspace.set_instrument_geometry(instrument)
+ # initialize instrument with hard coded values
+ instrument = AnglerCameraDetectorGeometry(NUM_PIXEL_1D, NUM_PIXEL_1D, PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE,
+ ARM_LENGTH, False)
+ self._hidra_workspace.set_instrument_geometry(instrument)
# project file
self._project_file = None
- self._starttime = 0. # start filtering at the beginning of the run
def __del__(self):
- # all of the workspaces that were created should be deleted if they haven't been already
- for name in [self._event_ws_name]:
- if name in mtd:
- DeleteWorkspace(Workspace=name)
+ if self._event_ws_name in mtd:
+ DeleteWorkspace(Workspace=self._event_ws_name, EnableLogging=False)
+ def __load_logs(self):
+ '''Use mantid to load the logs then set up the Splitters object'''
+ self._event_wksp = LoadEventNexus(Filename=self._nexus_name, OutputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name,
+ MetaDataOnly=True, LoadMonitors=False)
+ # raise an exception if there is only one scan index entry
+ # this is an underlying assumption of the rest of the code
+ if self._event_wksp.run()['scan_index'].size() == 1 \
+ or np.unique(self._event_wksp.run()['scan_index'].value).size == 1:
+ self._splitter = None
+ else:
+ # object to be used for splitting times
+ self._splitter = Splitter(self._event_wksp.run())
+ def __load_mask(self, mask_file_name):
+ # Check input
+ checkdatatypes.check_file_name(mask_file_name, True, False, False, 'Mask XML file')
+ if self._event_wksp is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('Meta data only workspace {} does not exist'.format(self._event_ws_name))
+ # Load mask XML to workspace
+ mask_ws_name = os.path.basename(mask_file_name.split('.')[0])
+ mask_ws = LoadMask(Instrument='nrsf2', InputFile=mask_file_name, RefWorkspace=self._event_wksp,
+ OutputWorkspace=mask_ws_name)
+ # Extract mask out
+ # get the Y array from mask workspace: shape = (1048576, 1)
+ self.mask_array = mask_ws.extractY().flatten()
+ # in Mantid's mask workspace: one stands delete, zero stands for keep
+ # we multiply by the value: zero is delete, one is keep
+ self.mask_array = 1 - self.mask_array.astype(int)
+ # clean up
+ DeleteWorkspace(Workspace=mask_ws_name)
+ def _generate_subrun_event_indices(self, pulse_time_array, event_index_array, num_events):
+ # convert times to array indices
+ subrun_pulseindex_array = np.searchsorted(pulse_time_array, self._splitter.times)
+ # locations that are greater than the number of pixels
+ mask = subrun_pulseindex_array < event_index_array.size
+ # it doesn't matter what the initial values are
+ subrun_event_index = np.empty(subrun_pulseindex_array.size, dtype=subrun_pulseindex_array.dtype)
+ # standard method is mappping
+ subrun_event_index[mask] = event_index_array[subrun_pulseindex_array[mask]]
+ # things off the end should be set to consume the rest of the events
+ subrun_event_index[np.logical_not(mask)] = num_events + 1
+ # make sure filter is sorted
+ if not np.all(subrun_event_index[:-1] <= subrun_event_index[1:]):
+ raise RuntimeError('Filter indices are not ordered: {}'.format(subrun_event_index))
+ return subrun_event_index
+ def split_events_sub_runs(self):
+ '''Filter the data by ``scan_index`` and set counts array in the hidra_workspace'''
+ # Load: this h5 will be opened all the time
+ with h5py.File(self._nexus_name, 'r') as nexus_h5:
+ bank1_events = nexus_h5['entry']['bank1_events']
+ # Check number of neutron events. Raise exception if there is no neutron event
+ if bank1_events['total_counts'].value[0] < 0.1:
+ # no counts
+ raise RuntimeError('Run {} has no count. Proper reduction requires the run to have count'
+ ''.format(self._nexus_name))
+ # detector id for the events
+ event_id_array = bank1_events['event_id'].value
+ if self._splitter:
+ # get event index array: same size as pulse times
+ event_index_array = bank1_events['event_index'].value
+ # get pulse times
+ pulse_time_array = convert_pulses_to_datetime64(bank1_events['event_time_zero'])
+ subrun_eventindex_array = self._generate_subrun_event_indices(pulse_time_array, event_index_array,
+ event_id_array.size)
+ # reduce memory foot print
+ del pulse_time_array, event_index_array
+ # split data
+ subruns = list()
+ if self._splitter:
+ for subrun, start_event_index, stop_event_index in zip(self._splitter.subruns.tolist(),
+ subrun_eventindex_array[::2].tolist(),
+ subrun_eventindex_array[1::2].tolist()):
+ subruns.append(subrun)
+ # get sub set of the events falling into this range
+ # and count the occurrence of each event ID (aka detector ID) as counts on each detector pixel
+ hist = np.bincount(event_id_array[start_event_index:stop_event_index], minlength=HIDRA_PIXEL_NUMBER)
+ # mask (set to zero) the pixels that are not wanted
+ if self.mask_array is not None:
+ assert hist.shape == self.mask_array.shape
+ hist *= self.mask_array
+ # set it in the workspace
+ self._hidra_workspace.set_raw_counts(int(subrun), hist)
+ else: # or histogram everything
+ subruns.append(1)
+ hist = np.bincount(event_id_array, minlength=HIDRA_PIXEL_NUMBER)
+ # mask (set to zero) the pixels that are not wanted
+ if self.mask_array is not None:
+ assert hist.shape == self.mask_array.shape
+ hist *= self.mask_array
+ # set it in the workspace
+ self._hidra_workspace.set_raw_counts(1, hist)
+ return np.array(subruns)
+ def split_sample_logs(self, subruns):
+ """Create dictionary for sample log of a sub run
- def convert(self, use_mantid=False):
- """Main method to convert NeXus file to HidraProject File by
+ Goal:
+ 1. set sample logs on the hidra workspace
+ 2. set duration on the hidra worksapce
+ """
+ run_obj = self._event_wksp.run()
- 1. split the workspace to sub runs
- 2. for each split workspace, aka a sub run, get the total counts for each spectrum and save to a 1D array
+ # this contains all of the sample logs
+ sample_log_dict = dict()
- Parameters
- ----------
- use_mantid : bool
- Flag to use Mantid library to convert NeXus (True);
- Otherwise, use PyRS/Python algorithms to convert NeXus
+ if self._splitter:
+ log_array_size = self._splitter.subruns.shape[0]
+ else:
+ log_array_size = 1
- Returns
- -------
- pyrs.core.workspaces.HidraWorkspace
- HidraWorkspace for converted data
+ # loop through all available logs
+ for log_name in run_obj.keys():
+ # create and calculate the sample log
+ sample_log_dict[log_name] = self.__split_property(run_obj, log_name, log_array_size)
- """
- # This is a quick fix: TODO will make a proper refactor in future
- if not use_mantid:
- # Use PyRS/converter to load and split sub runs
- try:
- sub_run_counts, self._sample_log_dict, mask_array = load_split_nexus_python(self._nexus_name,
- self._mask_file_name)
- # set counts to each sub run
- for sub_run in sub_run_counts:
- self._hydra_workspace.set_raw_counts(sub_run, sub_run_counts[sub_run])
- # set mask
- if mask_array is not None:
- self._hydra_workspace.set_detector_mask(mask_array, is_default=True)
- # get sub runs
- sub_runs = numpy.array(sorted(sub_run_counts.keys()))
- except RuntimeError as run_err:
- if str(run_err).count('Sub scan') == 1 and str(run_err).count('is not valid') == 1:
- # RuntimeError: Sub scan (time = [0.], value = [0]) is not valid
- # use Mantid to reduce
- use_mantid = True
- else:
- # unhandled exception: re-throw
- raise run_err
+ # create a fictional log for duration
+ if HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION not in sample_log_dict:
+ if self._splitter:
+ sample_log_dict[HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION] = self._splitter.durations
+ else:
+ duration = np.ndarray(shape=(log_array_size,), dtype=float)
+ duration[0] = run_obj.getPropertyAsSingleValue('duration')
+ sample_log_dict[HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION] = duration
- if use_mantid:
- # Use Mantid algorithms to load and split sub runs
- # Load data file, split to sub runs and sample logs
- self._load_mask_event_nexus(True)
- self._determine_start_time()
- self._split_sub_runs()
- sub_runs = self._sample_log_dict['scan_index']
- # END-IF
- # Add the sample logs to the hidra workspace
- # sub_runs = self._sample_log_dict['scan_index']
- for log_name in self._sample_log_dict:
+ # set the logs on the hidra workspace
+ for log_name, log_value in sample_log_dict.items():
if log_name in ['scan_index', HidraConstants.SUB_RUNS]:
continue # skip 'SUB_RUNS'
- self._hydra_workspace.set_sample_log(log_name, sub_runs, self._sample_log_dict[log_name])
- return self._hydra_workspace
+ self._hidra_workspace.set_sample_log(log_name, subruns, log_value)
- def _set_counts(self, sub_run, wkspname):
- self._hydra_workspace.set_raw_counts(sub_run, mtd[wkspname].extractY())
+ return sample_log_dict # needed for testing
- def _create_sample_log_dict(self, wkspname, sub_run_index, log_array_size):
- """Create dictioonary for sample log of a sub run
- Goal:
- 1. set self._sample_log_dict[log_name][sub_run_index] with log value (single or time-averaged)
- 2. set self._sample_log_dict[HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION][sub_run_index] with duration
+ def __split_property(self, runObj, log_name, log_array_size):
+ """Calculate the mean value of the sample log "within" the sub run time range
- wkspname
- sub_run_index
+ log_property
+ splitter_times
+ numpy.ndarray
+ split logs
- # this contains all of the sample logs
- runObj = mtd[wkspname].run()
- # loop through all available logs
- for log_name in runObj.keys():
- log_value, log_dtype = self._get_log_value_and_type(runObj, log_name)
- # if the entry for this log is not created, create it!
- if log_name not in self._sample_log_dict:
- self._sample_log_dict[log_name] = numpy.ndarray(shape=(log_array_size, ),
- dtype=log_dtype)
- self._sample_log_dict[log_name][sub_run_index] = log_value
+ # Init split sample logs
+ log_property = runObj[log_name]
+ log_dtype = log_property.dtype()
+ split_log = np.ndarray(shape=(log_array_size,), dtype=log_dtype)
- # create a fictional log for duration
- if HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION not in self._sample_log_dict:
- self._sample_log_dict[HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION] = numpy.ndarray(shape=(log_array_size, ),
- dtype=float)
- self._sample_log_dict[HidraConstants.SUB_RUN_DURATION][sub_run_index] \
- = self._calculate_sub_run_duration(runObj)
+ if self._splitter and isinstance(log_property.value, np.ndarray) and str(log_dtype) in ['f', 'i']:
+ # Float or integer time series property: split and get time average
+ for i_sb in range(log_array_size):
+ split_log[i_sb] = calculate_sub_run_time_average(log_property,
+ self._splitter.propertyFilters[i_sb])
+ else:
+ try:
+ split_log[:] = runObj.getPropertyAsSingleValue(log_name)
+ except ValueError:
+ if isinstance(log_property.value, str):
+ split_log[:] = log_property.value
+ elif isinstance(log_property.value, list):
+ split_log[:] = log_property.value[0]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot filter log "{}" of type "{}"'.format(log_name, log_dtype))
- def _calculate_sub_run_duration(self, runObj):
- """Calculate the duration of a sub run from the logs
+ return split_log
- The duration of each sub run is calculated from sample log 'splitter' with unit as second
+ def convert(self, use_mantid=False):
+ """Main method to convert NeXus file to HidraProject File by
+ 1. split the workspace to sub runs
+ 2. for each split workspace, aka a sub run, get the total counts for each spectrum and save to a 1D array
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ use_mantid : bool
+ Flag to use Mantid library to convert NeXus (True);
+ Otherwise, use PyRS/Python algorithms to convert NeXus
- float
- The sub run's duration
+ pyrs.core.workspaces.HidraWorkspace
+ HidraWorkspace for converted data
- # get splitter
- if runObj.hasProperty('splitter'):
- # calculate duration
- splitter_times = runObj.getProperty('splitter').times.astype(float) * 1E-9
- splitter_value = runObj.getProperty('splitter').value
+ if use_mantid:
+ raise RuntimeError('use_mantid=True is no longer supported')
- if splitter_value[0] == 0:
- splitter_times = splitter_times[1:]
- assert len(splitter_times) % 2 == 0, 'If splitter starts from 0, there will be odd number of ' \
- 'splitter times; otherwise, even number'
+ # set counts to each sub run
+ sub_runs = self.split_events_sub_runs()
- sub_split_durations = splitter_times[1::2] - splitter_times[::2]
+ # set mask
+ if self.mask_array is not None:
+ self._hidra_workspace.set_detector_mask(self.mask_array, is_default=True)
- duration = numpy.sum(sub_split_durations)
- else:
- # no splitter (which is not right), use the duration property
- duration = runObj.getPropertyAsSingleValue('duration')
+ self.split_sample_logs(sub_runs)
- return duration
+ return self._hidra_workspace
def save(self, projectfile):
@@ -222,359 +501,6 @@ def save(self, projectfile):
hydra_file = HidraProjectFile(projectfile, HidraProjectFileMode.OVERWRITE)
# Set geometry
- # if instrument is None:
- # # initialize instrument: hard code!
- # instrument = AnglerCameraDetectorGeometry(1024, 1024, 0.0003, 0.0003, 0.985, False)
- hydra_file.write_instrument_geometry(HidraSetup(self._hydra_workspace.get_instrument_setup()))
- self._hydra_workspace.save_experimental_data(hydra_file)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_log_value_and_type(runObj, name):
- """
- Calculate the mean value of the sample log "within" the sub run time range
- :param name: Mantid run property's name
- :return:
- """
- log_property = runObj.getProperty(name)
- log_dtype = log_property.dtype()
- try:
- log_value = time_average_value(runObj, name)
- # return runObj.getPropertyAsSingleValue(name), log_dtype
- return log_value, log_dtype
- except ValueError:
- # if the value is a string, just return it
- if isinstance(log_property.value, str):
- return log_property.value, log_dtype
- elif isinstance(log_property.value, list):
- return log_property.value[0], log_dtype
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot convert "{}" to a single value'.format(name))
- def _load_mask_event_nexus(self, extract_mask):
- """Loads the event file using instance variables
- If mask file is not None, then also mask the EventWorkspace
- Parameters
- ----------
- extract_mask : bool
- If True, extract the mask out of MaskWorkspace and set HidraWorkspace
- Returns
- -------
- None
- """
- # Load
- ws = LoadEventNexus(Filename=self._nexus_name, OutputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name)
- # Mask
- if self._mask_file_name is not None:
- # Load mask with reference to event workspace just created
- mask_ws_name = os.path.basename(self._mask_file_name).split('.')[0] + '_mask'
- # check zero spectrum
- counts_vec = ws.extractY()
- num_zero = numpy.where(counts_vec < 0.5)[0].shape[0]
- mask_ws = LoadMask(Instrument='nrsf2', InputFile=self._mask_file_name, RefWorkspace=self._event_ws_name,
- OutputWorkspace=mask_ws_name)
- # Extract mask out
- if extract_mask:
- # get the Y array from mask workspace: shape = (1048576, 1)
- mask_array = mask_ws.extractY()
- # in Mantid's mask workspace, 1 stands for mask (value cleared), 0 stands for non-mask (value kept)
- mask_array = 1 - mask_array.astype(int)
- # set the HidraWorkspace
- self._hydra_workspace.set_detector_mask(mask_array, is_default=True)
- # Mask detectors and set all the events in mask to zero
- MaskDetectors(Workspace=self._event_ws_name, MaskedWorkspace=mask_ws_name)
- ws = mtd[self._event_ws_name]
- counts_vec = ws.extractY()
- self._log.information('{}: number of extra masked spectra = {}'
- ''.format(self._event_ws_name, numpy.where(counts_vec < 0.5)[0].shape[0] - num_zero))
- # get the start time from the run object
- self._starttime = numpy.datetime64(mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()['start_time'].value)
- return
- def _determine_start_time(self, abs_tolerance=0.05):
- '''This goes through a subset of logs and compares when they actually
- get to their specified setpoint, updating the start time for
- event filtering. When this is done ``self._starttime`` will have been updated.
- Parameters
- ----------
- abs_tolerance: float
- When then log is within this absolute tolerance of the setpoint, it is correct
- '''
- # static view of the run object
- runObj = mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()
- # loop through the 'special' logs
- for logname in ['sx', 'sy', 'sz', '2theta', 'omega', 'chi', 'phi']:
- if logname not in runObj:
- continue # log doesn't exist - not a good one to look at
- if logname + 'Setpoint' not in runObj:
- continue # log doesn't have a setpoint - not a good one to look at
- # get the observed values of the log
- observed = runObj[logname].value
- if len(observed) <= 1 or observed.std() <= .5 * abs_tolerance:
- continue # don't bother if the log is constant within half of the tolerance
- # look for the setpoint and find when the log first got there
- setPoint = runObj[logname + 'Setpoint'].value[0] # only look at first setpoint
- for i, value in enumerate(observed):
- if abs(value - setPoint) < abs_tolerance:
- # pick the larger of what was found and the previous largest value
- self._starttime = max(runObj[logname].times[i], self._starttime)
- break
- # unset the start time if it is before the actual start of the run
- if self._starttime <= numpy.datetime64(mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()['start_time'].value):
- self._starttime = None
- else:
- print('[DEBUG] Shift from start_time = {}'
- ''.format(self._starttime - numpy.datetime64(mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()['start_time'].value)))
- def _split_sub_runs(self):
- """Performing event filtering according to sample log sub-runs
- DAS log may not be correct from the run start,
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- split workspaces: key = sub run number (integer), value = workspace name (string)
- """
- # first remove the data before the previously calculated start time
- # don't bother if starttime isn't set
- if self._starttime:
- # numpy only likes integers for timedeltas
- duration = int(mtd[self._event_ws_name].run().getPropertyAsSingleValue('duration'))
- duration = numpy.timedelta64(duration, 's') + numpy.timedelta64(300, 's') # add 5 minutes
- FilterByTime(InputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name,
- OutputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name,
- AbsoluteStartTime=str(self._starttime),
- AbsoluteStopTime=str(self._starttime + duration))
- # determine the range of subruns being used
- scan_index = mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()[SUBRUN_LOGNAME].value
- scan_index_min = scan_index.min()
- scan_index_max = scan_index.max()
- multiple_subrun = bool(scan_index_min != scan_index_max)
- if multiple_subrun:
- # determine the duration of each subrun by correlating to the scan_index
- scan_times = mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()[SUBRUN_LOGNAME].times
- durations = {}
- for timedelta, subrun in zip(scan_times[1:] - scan_times[:-1], scan_index[:-1]):
- timedelta /= numpy.timedelta64(1, 's') # convert to seconds
- if subrun not in durations:
- durations[subrun] = timedelta
- else:
- durations[subrun] += timedelta
- if 0 in durations:
- del durations[0]
- durations[scan_index_max] = 0.
- numpy.sum(durations.values())
- durations[scan_index_max] = mtd[self._event_ws_name].run()['duration'].value \
- - numpy.sum(durations.values())
- if durations[scan_index_max] < 0.:
- raise RuntimeError('Got negative duration ({}s) for subrun={}'
- ''.format(durations[scan_index_max], scan_index_max))
- # create the sorted, unique value version of the scan index and set it on the output workspace
- scan_index = numpy.unique(scan_index)
- scan_index.sort()
- if scan_index[0] == 0:
- scan_index = scan_index[1:]
- self._hydra_workspace.set_sub_runs(scan_index)
- # skip scan_index=0
- # the +1 is to make it inclusive
- for subrun_index, subrun in enumerate(scan_index):
- self._log.information('Filtering scan_index={}'.format(subrun))
- # pad up to 5 zeros
- ws_name = '{}_split_{:05d}'.format(self._event_ws_name, subrun)
- # filter out the subrun - this assumes that subruns are integers
- FilterByLogValue(InputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name,
- OutputWorkspace=ws_name,
- LogBoundary='Left',
- MinimumValue=float(subrun) - .25,
- MaximumValue=float(subrun) + .25)
- # update the duration in the filtered workspace
- duration = FloatPropertyWithValue('duration', durations[subrun])
- duration.units = 'second'
- mtd[ws_name].run()['duration'] = duration
- # subrun found should match what was requested
- if abs(mtd[ws_name].run().getPropertyAsSingleValue('scan_index') - subrun) > .1:
- subrun_obs = mtd[ws_name].run().getPropertyAsSingleValue('scan_index')
- # TODO this should match exactly - doesn't in test_split_log_time_average
- self._log.warning('subrun {:.1f} is not the expected value {}'.format(subrun_obs, subrun))
- # raise RuntimeError('subrun {:.1f} is not the expected value {}'.format(subrun_obs, subrun))
- # put the counts in the workspace
- self._set_counts(subrun, ws_name)
- # put the sample logs together
- self._create_sample_log_dict(ws_name, subrun_index, len(scan_index))
- # cleanup
- DeleteWorkspace(Workspace=ws_name)
- else: # nothing to filter so just histogram it
- self._hydra_workspace.set_sub_runs(numpy.arange(1, 2))
- subrun = 1
- ConvertToMatrixWorkspace(InputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name,
- OutputWorkspace=self._event_ws_name)
- # put the counts in the workspace
- self._set_counts(subrun, self._event_ws_name)
- # put the sample logs together
- self._create_sample_log_dict(self._event_ws_name, 0, 1)
- # force the subrun number rather than just using it
- self._sample_log_dict['scan_index'][0] = subrun
-def time_average_value(run_obj, log_name):
- """Get time averaged value for TimeSeriesProperty or single value
- Parameters
- ----------
- run_obj
- log_name
- Returns
- -------
- """
- # Get property
- log_property = run_obj.getProperty(log_name)
- has_splitter_log = run_obj.hasProperty('splitter')
- if has_splitter_log:
- splitter_times = run_obj.getProperty('splitter').times
- splitter_value = run_obj.getProperty('splitter').value
- else:
- splitter_times = splitter_value = None
- if has_splitter_log and isinstance(log_property,
- (Int32TimeSeriesProperty, Int64TimeSeriesProperty, FloatTimeSeriesProperty)):
- # Integer or float time series property and this is a split workspace
- try:
- log_value = calculate_log_time_average(log_property.times, log_property.value,
- splitter_times, splitter_value)
- except RuntimeError as run_err:
- # Sample log may not meet requirement
- # TODO - log the error!
- logger.warning('Failed on sample log {}. Cause: {}'.format(log_name, run_err))
- # use current Mantid method instead
- log_value = run_obj.getPropertyAsSingleValue(log_name)
- else:
- # No a split workspace
- # If a split workspace: string, boolean and others won't have time average issue
- # Get single value
- log_value = run_obj.getPropertyAsSingleValue(log_name)
- # this is a workaround for some runs where there is more than one value
- # in the scan_index log. It takes the largest unique value
- if log_name == 'scan_index':
- log_value = log_property.value.max()
- return log_value
-def calculate_log_time_average(log_times, log_value, splitter_times, splitter_value):
- """Calculate time average for sample log of split
- Parameters
- ----------
- log_times : ~numpy.ndarray
- sample log series time. Allowed value are float (nanosecond) or numpy.datetime64
- log_value : numpy.ndarray
- sample log value series
- splitter_times : ndarray
- numpy array for splitter time
- splitter_value : ndarray
- numpy array for splitter value wit alternative 0 and 1. 1 stands for the period of events included
- Returns
- -------
- Float
- """
- # Determine T0 (starting of the time period)
- start_split_index = 0 if splitter_value[0] == 1 else 1
- # Convert time to float and in unit of second (this may not be necessary but good for test)
- splitter_times = splitter_times.astype(float) * 1E-9
- time_start = splitter_times[start_split_index]
- # convert splitter time to relative to time_start in unit of second
- splitter_times -= time_start
- # convert log time to relative to time_start in unit of second
- log_times = log_times.astype(float) * 1E-9
- log_times -= time_start
- # Calculate time average
- total_time = 0.
- weighted_sum = 0.
- num_periods = int(.5 * splitter_times.shape[0])
- for iperiod in range(num_periods):
- # determine the start and stop time
- start_time = splitter_times[2 * iperiod + start_split_index]
- stop_time = splitter_times[2 * iperiod + start_split_index + 1]
- logger.debug('Start/Stop Time: {} {}'.format(start_time, stop_time))
- # update the total time
- total_time += stop_time - start_time
- # get the (partial) interval from sample log
- # logger.debug('Log times: {}'.format(log_times))
- log_start_index = bisect.bisect(log_times, start_time)
- log_stop_index = bisect.bisect(log_times, stop_time)
- logger.debug('Start/Stop index: {} {}'.format(log_start_index, log_stop_index))
- if log_start_index == 0:
- logger.information('Sample log time start time: {}'.format(log_times[0]))
- logger.information('Splitter star time: {}'.format(start_time))
- raise RuntimeError('It is not expected that the run (splitter[0]) starts with no sample value recorded')
- # set the partial log time
- partial_time_size = log_stop_index - log_start_index + 2
- partial_log_times = numpy.ndarray((partial_time_size, ), dtype=float)
- partial_log_times[0] = start_time
- partial_log_times[-1] = stop_time
- # to 1 + time size - 2 = time size - 1
- partial_log_times[1:partial_time_size - 1] = log_times[log_start_index:log_stop_index]
- # logger.debug('Processed log times: {}'.format(partial_log_times))
- # set the partial value: v[0] is the value before log_start_index (to the right)
- # so it shall start from log_start_index - 1
- # the case with log_start_index == 0 is ruled out
- partial_log_value = log_value[log_start_index - 1:log_stop_index]
- # logger.debug('Partial log value: {}'.format(partial_log_value))
- # Now for time average
- weighted_sum += numpy.sum(partial_log_value * (partial_log_times[1:] - partial_log_times[:-1]))
- time_averaged = weighted_sum / total_time
- return time_averaged
+ hydra_file.write_instrument_geometry(HidraSetup(self._hidra_workspace.get_instrument_setup()))
+ # save experimental data/detector counts
+ self._hidra_workspace.save_experimental_data(hydra_file)
diff --git a/pyrs/core/peak_profile_utility.py b/pyrs/core/peak_profile_utility.py
index 935acd58e..85b53167a 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/peak_profile_utility.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/peak_profile_utility.py
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ def __str__(self):
def getShape(shape):
+ try: # for python 3
+ shape = shape.decode()
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ pass
if shape in PeakShape:
return shape
@@ -46,6 +50,10 @@ def __str__(self):
def getFunction(function):
+ try: # for python 3
+ function = function.decode()
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ pass
if function in BackgroundFunction:
return function
@@ -381,13 +389,13 @@ def calculate_effective_parameters(self, param_value_array, param_error_array):
# Set
- eff_error_array['Center'] = param_value_array['PeakCentre'] # center
+ eff_error_array['Center'] = param_error_array['PeakCentre'] # center
eff_error_array['Height'] = heights_error[:] # height
- eff_error_array['FWHM'] = param_value_array['FWHM'] # FWHM
- eff_error_array['Mixing'] = param_value_array['Mixing'] # no mixing for Gaussian
- eff_error_array['A0'] = param_value_array['A0'] # A0
- eff_error_array['A1'] = param_value_array['A1'] # A1
- eff_error_array['Intensity'] = param_value_array['Intensity'] # intensity
+ eff_error_array['FWHM'] = param_error_array['FWHM'] # FWHM
+ eff_error_array['Mixing'] = param_error_array['Mixing'] # no mixing for Gaussian
+ eff_error_array['A0'] = param_error_array['A0'] # A0
+ eff_error_array['A1'] = param_error_array['A1'] # A1
+ eff_error_array['Intensity'] = param_error_array['Intensity'] # intensity
return eff_value_array, eff_error_array
diff --git a/pyrs/core/powder_pattern.py b/pyrs/core/powder_pattern.py
index 29437274c..5f2d6e3f8 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/powder_pattern.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/powder_pattern.py
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ def load_hidra_workspace(self, hd_workspace):
- # set workspace to reduction manager
- self._reduction_manager.init_session(self._session, hd_workspace)
# set the workspace to self
self._hydra_ws = hd_workspace
+ # set workspace to reduction manager
+ self._reduction_manager.init_session(self._session, self._hydra_ws)
def reduce_data(self, sub_runs, instrument_file, calibration_file, mask, mask_id=None,
van_file=None, num_bins=1000):
@@ -137,10 +137,11 @@ def reduce_data(self, sub_runs, instrument_file, calibration_file, mask, mask_id
- sub_runs : List or None
+ sub_runs : List or numpy.ndarray or None
sub run numbers to reduce
- calibration_file
+ calibration_file : str or None
+ path of calibration file (optionally)
mask : str or numpy.ndarray or None
Mask name or mask (value) array. None for no mask
mask_id : str or None
@@ -158,8 +159,6 @@ def reduce_data(self, sub_runs, instrument_file, calibration_file, mask, mask_id
# Check inputs
if sub_runs is None or not bool(sub_runs): # None or empty list
sub_runs = self._hydra_ws.get_sub_runs()
- else:
- checkdatatypes.check_list('Sub runs', sub_runs)
# instrument file
if instrument_file is not None:
@@ -171,8 +170,10 @@ def reduce_data(self, sub_runs, instrument_file, calibration_file, mask, mask_id
geometry_calibration = False
if calibration_file is not None:
if calibration_file.lower().endswith('.json'):
- geometry_calibration =\
- calibration_file_io.read_calibration_json_file(calibration_file_name=calibration_file)[0]
+ calib_values = calibration_file_io.read_calibration_json_file(calibration_file_name=calibration_file)
+ geometry_calibration = calib_values[0]
+ wave_length = calib_values[2]
+ self._hydra_ws.set_wavelength(wave_length, True)
geometry_calibration =\
@@ -209,12 +210,14 @@ def plot_reduced_data(self, sub_run_number=None):
plt.plot(vec_x, vec_y)
- def save_diffraction_data(self, output_file_name=None):
+ def save_diffraction_data(self, output_file_name=None, append_mode=False):
"""Save reduced diffraction data to Hidra project file
output_file_name: None or str
if None, then append result to the input file
+ append_mode : bool
+ flag to force project file in appending/READWRITE mode
@@ -223,6 +226,10 @@ def save_diffraction_data(self, output_file_name=None):
if output_file_name is None or output_file_name == self._hydra_file_name:
file_name = self._hydra_file_name
mode = HidraProjectFileMode.READWRITE
+ elif append_mode:
+ # Append to existing file
+ file_name = output_file_name
+ mode = HidraProjectFileMode.READWRITE
file_name = output_file_name
mode = HidraProjectFileMode.OVERWRITE
@@ -239,5 +246,8 @@ def save_diffraction_data(self, output_file_name=None):
if mode == HidraProjectFileMode.OVERWRITE:
self._hydra_ws.save_experimental_data(out_file, ignore_raw_counts=True)
+ # Calibrated wave length shall be written
+ self._hydra_ws.save_wavelength(out_file)
# Write & close
diff --git a/pyrs/core/reduce_hb2b_pyrs.py b/pyrs/core/reduce_hb2b_pyrs.py
index 6e49ca58e..54d0c5998 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/reduce_hb2b_pyrs.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/reduce_hb2b_pyrs.py
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ def reduce_to_2theta_histogram(self, two_theta_bins, mask_array,
two_theta_bins : numpy.ndarray
2theta bin boundaries to binned to
mask_array : numpy.ndarray or None
- mask
+ mask: 1 to keep, 0 to mask (exclude)
is_point_data : bool
Flag whether the output is point data (numbers of X and Y are same)
vanadium_counts_array : None or numpy.ndarray
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ def reduce_to_2theta_histogram(self, two_theta_bins, mask_array,
# exclude mask from histogramming
counts_array = counts_array[np.where(mask_array == 1)]
pixel_2theta_array = pixel_2theta_array[np.where(mask_array == 1)]
- if vanadium_counts_array:
+ if vanadium_counts_array is not None:
vanadium_counts_array = vanadium_counts_array[np.where(mask_array == 1)]
# no mask: do nothing
diff --git a/pyrs/core/reduction_manager.py b/pyrs/core/reduction_manager.py
index 3c7750d31..e376657eb 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/reduction_manager.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/reduction_manager.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Reduction engine including slicing
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
import os
import numpy as np
from pyrs.core import workspaces
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ def get_reduced_diffraction_data(self, session_name, sub_run=None, mask_id=None)
:param mask_id:
:return: 2-vectors: 2theta and intensity
- checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, self._session_dict.keys())
+ checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, list(self._session_dict.keys()))
workspace = self._session_dict[session_name]
data_set = workspace.get_reduced_diffraction_data(sub_run, mask_id)
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ def get_sub_runs(self, session_name):
:param session_name:
- checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, self._session_dict.keys())
+ checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, list(self._session_dict.keys()))
workspace = self._session_dict[session_name]
return workspace.get_sub_runs()
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ def get_sub_run_detector_counts(self, session_name, sub_run):
:param sub_run:
- checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, self._session_dict.keys())
+ checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, list(self._session_dict.keys()))
workspace = self._session_dict[session_name]
return workspace.get_detector_counts(sub_run)
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ def get_sub_run_2theta(self, session_name, sub_run):
:param sub_run:
- checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, self._session_dict.keys())
+ checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, list(self._session_dict.keys()))
workspace = self._session_dict[session_name]
return workspace.get_detector_2theta(sub_run)
@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ def get_hidra_workspace(self, session_name):
:param session_name: string as the session/workspace name
:return: HidraWorkspace instance
- checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, self._session_dict.keys())
+ checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Session name', session_name, list(self._session_dict.keys()))
# Check availability
if session_name not in self._session_dict:
@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ def get_mask_vector(self, mask_id):
:param mask_id: String as ID
:return: a 1D array (0: mask, 1: keep)
- checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Mask ID', mask_id, self._loaded_mask_dict.keys())
+ checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Mask ID', mask_id, list(self._loaded_mask_dict.keys()))
return self._loaded_mask_dict[mask_id][0]
@@ -443,20 +444,23 @@ def reduce_diffraction_data(self, session_name, apply_calibrated_geometry, num_b
workspace = self._session_dict[session_name]
# Process mask: No mask, Mask ID and mask vector
+ default_mask = workspace.get_detector_mask(is_default=True, mask_id=None)
if mask is None:
- mask_vec = None
- # mask_id = None
+ # No use mask: use default detector mask. It could be None but does not matter
+ mask_vec = default_mask
elif isinstance(mask, str):
# mask is determined by mask ID
mask_vec = self.get_mask_vector(mask)
- # mask_id = mask
# user supplied an array for mask
checkdatatypes.check_numpy_arrays('Mask', [mask], dimension=1, check_same_shape=False)
mask_vec = mask
- # mask_id = 'Mask_{0:04}'.format(random.randint(1, 1000))
+ # Operate AND with default mask
+ if default_mask is not None:
+ mask_vec *= default_mask
# Apply (or not) instrument geometry calibration shift
if isinstance(apply_calibrated_geometry, instrument_geometry.AnglerCameraDetectorShift):
det_pos_shift = apply_calibrated_geometry
@@ -591,7 +595,8 @@ def convert_counts_to_diffraction(self, reduction_engine, l2, instrument_2theta,
- mask_array
+ mask_array : numpy.ndarray or None
+ mask: 1 to keep, 0 to mask (exclude)
diff --git a/pyrs/core/summary_generator.py b/pyrs/core/summary_generator.py
index 68091e978..bd8383f50 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/summary_generator.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/summary_generator.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
This module generates reduction summary for user in plain text CSV file
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
from pyrs.core.peak_profile_utility import EFFECTIVE_PEAK_PARAMETERS # TODO get from the first peak collection
# Default summary titles shown in the CSV file. This is a list of tuples ot enforce order
@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ def write_csv(self, sample_logs, peak_collections, tolerance=1E-10):
def _classify_logs(self, sample_logs, tolerance):
self._constant_logs = [logname for logname in sample_logs.constant_logs(tolerance)
if logname in self._sample_log_list]
+ self._constant_logs.sort() # keep the order stable for python3 tests
# loop through all of the requested logs and classify as present or missing
for logname in self._sample_log_list:
@@ -141,6 +143,10 @@ def _write_header_information(self, handle, sample_logs):
value = ''
if logname in sample_logs:
value = sample_logs[logname][0] # only use first value
+ try: # for python 3
+ value.decode()
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ pass
self._header_information[logname] = value
# fix up particular values
@@ -148,11 +154,19 @@ def _write_header_information(self, handle, sample_logs):
if logname == 'run_number':
self._header_information[logname] = int(self._header_information[logname])
elif logname == 'experiment_identifier':
- self._header_information[logname] = self._header_information[logname].split('-')[-1]
+ try: # for python 3
+ experiment_identifier = self._header_information[logname].decode()
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ experiment_identifier = self._header_information[logname]
+ self._header_information[logname] = experiment_identifier.split('-')[-1]
# write out the text
for logname, label in HEADER_MAPPING:
value = self._header_information[logname]
+ try: # for python 3
+ value = value.decode()
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ pass
if value:
line = ' = '.join((label, str(value)))
@@ -168,13 +182,17 @@ def _write_header_constants(self, handle, sample_logs):
'''Write only the sample logs that are constants into the header. These do not appear in the body.
for name in self._constant_logs:
+ try: # for python 3
+ value = sample_logs[name].decode()
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ value = sample_logs[name]
- handle.write('# {} = {:.5g} +/- {:.2g}\n'.format(name, sample_logs[name].mean(),
- sample_logs[name].std()))
+ handle.write('# {} = {:.5g} +/- {:.2g}\n'.format(name, value.mean(),
+ value.std()))
except TypeError:
# strings don't have a "mean" or "std" so use the first value
# this is intended for strings
- handle.write('# {} = {}\n'.format(name, sample_logs[name][0]))
+ handle.write('# {} = {}\n'.format(name, value[0]))
def _write_column_names(self, handle, peak_collections):
'''This writes the names of all of the columns'''
@@ -186,9 +204,11 @@ def _write_column_names(self, handle, peak_collections):
for peak_collection in peak_collections:
tag = peak_collection.peak_tag # name of the peak
# values first
+ column_names.append('{}_dspacing_center'.format(tag))
column_names.append('{}_{}'.format(tag, param))
# errors after values
+ column_names.append('{}_dspacing_center_error'.format(tag))
column_names.append('{}_{}_error'.format(tag, param))
@@ -203,23 +223,26 @@ def _write_data(self, handle, sample_logs, peak_collections):
log_names = [name for name in self._present_logs
if name not in self._constant_logs]
- for i in range(len(sample_logs.subruns)):
+ for subrun_index in range(len(sample_logs.subruns)):
line = []
# sub-run goes in first
- line.append(str(sample_logs.subruns[i]))
+ line.append(str(sample_logs.subruns[subrun_index]))
# then sample logs
for name in log_names:
- line.append(str(sample_logs[name][i])) # get by index rather than subrun
+ line.append(str(sample_logs[name][subrun_index])) # get by index rather than subrun
for peak_collection in peak_collections:
fit_cost = peak_collection.fitting_costs
+ dspacing_center, dspacing_center_error = peak_collection.get_dspacing_center()
values, errors = peak_collection.get_effective_params()
- for value in values[i]:
+ line.append(str(dspacing_center[subrun_index]))
+ for value in values[subrun_index]:
- for value in errors[i]:
+ line.append(str(dspacing_center_error[subrun_index]))
+ for value in errors[subrun_index]:
- line.append(str(fit_cost[i]))
+ line.append(str(fit_cost[subrun_index]))
handle.write(self.separator.join(line) + '\n')
diff --git a/pyrs/core/workspaces.py b/pyrs/core/workspaces.py
index 791230368..c25ad9509 100644
--- a/pyrs/core/workspaces.py
+++ b/pyrs/core/workspaces.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Data manager
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
import numpy
from pyrs.dataobjects import HidraConstants, SampleLogs
from pyrs.projectfile import HidraProjectFile
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ def __init__(self, name='hidradata'):
self._raw_counts = dict() # dict [sub-run] = count vector
# wave length
+ self._wave_length = None # single wave length for all sub runs
self._wave_length_dict = None
self._wave_length_calibrated_dict = None
@@ -56,6 +58,16 @@ def name(self):
return self._name
+ @property
+ def hidra_project_file(self):
+ """Name of the associated HiDRA project file
+ Returns
+ -------
+ """
+ return self._project_file_name
def _load_raw_counts(self, hidra_file):
""" Load raw detector counts from HIDRA file
:param hidra_file:
@@ -132,11 +144,12 @@ def _load_instrument(self, hidra_file):
self._instrument_setup = hidra_file.read_instrument_geometry()
def _load_masks(self, hidra_file):
- """
+ """Load masks from Hidra project file
- hidra_file
+ hidra_file : pyrs.projectfile.file_object.HidraProjectFile
+ Hidra project file instance
@@ -169,14 +182,22 @@ def _load_sample_logs(self, hidra_file):
self._sample_logs = hidra_file.read_sample_logs()
def _load_wave_length(self, hidra_file):
- """ Load wave length
- :param hidra_file: HIDRA project file instance
- :return:
+ """Load wave length from HidraProject file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ hidra_file : pyrs.projectfile.file_object.HidraProjectFile
+ Project file (instance)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None
checkdatatypes.check_type('HIDRA project file', hidra_file, HidraProjectFile)
# reset the wave length (dictionary) from HIDRA project file
- self._wave_length_dict = hidra_file.read_wavelengths()
+ self._wave_length = hidra_file.read_wavelengths()
def get_detector_2theta(self, sub_run):
""" Get 2theta value from sample log
@@ -222,12 +243,19 @@ def get_instrument_setup(self):
return self._instrument_setup
def get_detector_counts(self, sub_run):
+ """Get the detector counts of a sub run (split)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sub_run : int
+ sub run number
+ Returns
+ -------
+ numpy.ndarray
- Get raw detector counts in the order of pixel IDs by a given sub run
- :param sub_run:
- :return:
- """
- checkdatatypes.check_int_variable('Sub run number', sub_run, (1, None))
+ checkdatatypes.check_int_variable('Sub run number', sub_run, (0, None)) # consider 0 as a single sub run
if int(sub_run) not in self._raw_counts:
raise RuntimeError('Sub run {} does not exist in loaded raw counts. FYI loaded '
'sub runs are {}'.format(sub_run, self._raw_counts.keys()))
@@ -248,12 +276,27 @@ def get_sub_runs(self):
return self._sample_logs.subruns
- def get_wavelength(self, calibrated, throw_if_not_set):
- """ Get the wave length from the workspace
- :param calibrated: Flag for returning calibrated wave length
- :param throw_if_not_set: Flag to throw an exception if relative wave length (dict) is not set
- :return:
+ def get_wavelength(self, calibrated, throw_if_not_set, sub_run=None):
+ """Get wave length
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ calibrated : bool
+ whether the wave length is calibrated or raw
+ throw_if_not_set : bool
+ throw an exception if wave length is not set to workspace
+ sub_run : None or int
+ sub run number for the wave length associated with
+ Returns
+ -------
+ float or dict
+ # Return the universal wave length if it is set
+ if sub_run is None and self._wave_length is not None:
+ return self._wave_length
if calibrated:
# calibrated wave length
if self._wave_length_calibrated_dict is None:
@@ -274,6 +317,10 @@ def get_wavelength(self, calibrated, throw_if_not_set):
wave_length_dict = self._wave_length_dict
+ # Return the wave length of the sub run
+ if sub_run is not None:
+ return wave_length_dict[sub_run]
return wave_length_dict
def load_hidra_project(self, hidra_file, load_raw_counts, load_reduced_diffraction):
@@ -322,8 +369,8 @@ def get_detector_mask(self, is_default, mask_id=None):
- numpy.ndarray
- detector mask
+ numpy.ndarray or None
+ detector mask. None in case no default detector mask
# Default mask
@@ -442,7 +489,7 @@ def get_reduced_diffraction_data(self, sub_run, mask_id=None):
return vec_2theta, vec_intensity
def get_sample_log_names(self):
- return self._sample_logs.keys()
+ return sorted(self._sample_logs.keys())
def get_sample_log_value(self, sample_log_name, sub_run=None):
@@ -459,7 +506,7 @@ def get_sample_log_value(self, sample_log_name, sub_run=None):
checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Sample log name', sample_log_name,
- self._sample_logs.keys())
+ list(self._sample_logs.keys()))
log_value = self._sample_logs[sample_log_name, sub_run]
@@ -494,7 +541,7 @@ def get_sample_log_values(self, sample_log_name, sub_runs=None):
return self.get_sub_runs()
checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Sample log name', sample_log_name,
- self._sample_logs.keys())
+ list(self._sample_logs.keys()))
return self._sample_logs[sample_log_name, sub_runs]
@@ -763,6 +810,20 @@ def save_experimental_data(self, hidra_project, sub_runs=None, ignore_raw_counts
hidra_project.append_experiment_log(log_name, sample_log_value)
+ # Save default mask
+ if self._default_mask is not None:
+ hidra_project.write_mask_detector_array(HidraConstants.DEFAULT_MASK, self._default_mask)
+ # Save other masks
+ for mask_id in self._mask_dict:
+ hidra_project.write_mask_detector_array(mask_id, self._mask_dict[mask_id])
+ # Save wave length
+ self.save_wavelength(hidra_project)
+ def save_wavelength(self, hidra_project):
+ if self._wave_length is not None:
+ hidra_project.write_wavelength(self._wave_length)
def save_reduced_diffraction_data(self, hidra_project):
""" Export reduced diffraction data to project
:param hidra_project: HidraProjectFile instance
@@ -778,7 +839,7 @@ def sample_log_names(self):
return the sample log names
- return self._sample_logs.keys()
+ return sorted(self._sample_logs.keys())
def sample_logs_for_plot(self):
@@ -792,6 +853,9 @@ def set_wavelength(self, wave_length, calibrated):
:param calibrated: Flag for calibrated wave length
+ # Set universal wave length
+ self._wave_length = wave_length
# Get the sub runs
sub_runs = self.get_sub_runs()
diff --git a/pyrs/dataobjects/sample_logs.py b/pyrs/dataobjects/sample_logs.py
index 868ec98f5..ab8c4cc25 100644
--- a/pyrs/dataobjects/sample_logs.py
+++ b/pyrs/dataobjects/sample_logs.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# extentable version of dict https://treyhunner.com/2019/04/why-you-shouldnt-inherit-from-list-and-dict-in-python/
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
from collections import Iterable, MutableMapping
import numpy as np
from pyrs.dataobjects import HidraConstants
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ def constant_logs(self, atol=0.):
Logs with a smaller stddev than the atol (inclusive) will be considered constant'''
result = list()
# plottable logs are the numeric ones
- for key in self.keys():
+ for key in sorted(self.keys()):
if key == self.SUBRUN_KEY:
elif key in self._plottable: # plottable things are numbers
diff --git a/pyrs/icons/horitzontal_splitter.png b/pyrs/icons/horitzontal_splitter.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2616af355..000000000
Binary files a/pyrs/icons/horitzontal_splitter.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pyrs/icons/horizontal_splitter_short.png b/pyrs/icons/horizontal_splitter_short.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6749fe2ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/pyrs/icons/horizontal_splitter_short.png differ
diff --git a/pyrs/icons/icons.qrc b/pyrs/icons/icons.qrc
index e515ee249..05aa22484 100644
--- a/pyrs/icons/icons.qrc
+++ b/pyrs/icons/icons.qrc
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+ horizontal_splitter_short.png
+ vertical_splitter_short.png
diff --git a/pyrs/icons/icons_rc.py b/pyrs/icons/icons_rc4.py
similarity index 56%
rename from pyrs/icons/icons_rc.py
rename to pyrs/icons/icons_rc4.py
index 968a0ea0d..e955cf7e7 100644
--- a/pyrs/icons/icons_rc.py
+++ b/pyrs/icons/icons_rc4.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
-from qtpy import QtCore
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
qt_resource_data = "\
@@ -244,6 +244,431 @@
@@ -590,6 +1015,368 @@
@@ -1019,11 +1806,21 @@
@@ -1033,10 +1830,12 @@
qt_resource_struct = "\
def qInitResources():
diff --git a/pyrs/icons/icons_rc5.py b/pyrs/icons/icons_rc5.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e7a0da21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyrs/icons/icons_rc5.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1847 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Resource object code
+# Created by: The Resource Compiler for PyQt5 (Qt v5.9.2)
+# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+from PyQt5 import QtCore
+qt_resource_data = b"\
+qt_resource_name = b"\
+qt_resource_struct = b"\
+def qInitResources():
+ QtCore.qRegisterResourceData(0x01, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data)
+def qCleanupResources():
+ QtCore.qUnregisterResourceData(0x01, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data)
diff --git a/pyrs/icons/vertical_splitter_short.png b/pyrs/icons/vertical_splitter_short.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..828631197
Binary files /dev/null and b/pyrs/icons/vertical_splitter_short.png differ
diff --git a/pyrs/interface/advpeakfitdialog.py b/pyrs/interface/advpeakfitdialog.py
index a7fee1a2b..4bbde50f7 100644
--- a/pyrs/interface/advpeakfitdialog.py
+++ b/pyrs/interface/advpeakfitdialog.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) # python3 compatibility
from pyrs.utilities import load_ui
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QDialog, QMainWindow
import os
-import gui_helper
+from . import gui_helper
class SmartPeakFitControlDialog(QDialog):
diff --git a/pyrs/interface/designer/manualreductionwindow.ui b/pyrs/interface/designer/manualreductionwindow.ui
index 68812274c..abbedf588 100644
--- a/pyrs/interface/designer/manualreductionwindow.ui
+++ b/pyrs/interface/designer/manualreductionwindow.ui
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
- 1422
- 857
+ 1308
+ 840
@@ -19,38 +19,42 @@
+ Run Number
+ -
Calibration File
- -
- Output DIR
+ Vanadium
- -
- Browse
+ Mask File
- -
- 0
- 0
+ Browse
- -
@@ -60,29 +64,25 @@
- -
- Run Number
+ Output DIR
- -
- Mask File
+ Default
- -
+ true
- -
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- -
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
@@ -127,18 +127,49 @@
- -
+ 0
+ 0
+ -
- Default
+ Browse
+ -
+ Browse
+ -
+ <html><head/><body><p>Vanadium run number (integer) for detector pixels' efficiecy correction.</p></body></html>
- -
+ -
@@ -147,132 +178,28 @@
- Calibration
- 0
- 0
- 120
- 16777215
- -
- 9
- Arm Length
- -
- 9
- Shift X
- -
- 0
- 0
- 120
- 16777215
- -
- 9
- Shift Y
- -
- 9
- 2theta Zero
- -
- 0
- 0
- 120
- 16777215
- -
- 0
- 0
- 120
- 16777215
+ -
+ 75
+ true
+ Split (sub run) / Convert (powder pattern) / Save
Simple Reduction
@@ -280,45 +207,7 @@
- Run Numbers
- -
- 0
- 0
- <html><head/><body><p>Experiment numbers in numpy convention:</p><p>a, b:c, d:e, f, ...</p></body></html>
- all
- -
- Reduce
- -
- Save
@@ -347,6 +236,157 @@
+ Powder Pattern
+ -
+ Calibration
+ 0
+ 0
+ 120
+ 16777215
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 120
+ 16777215
+ -
+ 9
+ Shift X
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 120
+ 16777215
+ -
+ false
+ Convert to Powder Pattern
+ -
+ 9
+ Arm Length
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 120
+ 16777215
+ -
+ 9
+ 2theta Zero
+ -
+ 9
+ Shift Y
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ 20
+ 40
Slice and Reduce
@@ -740,24 +780,17 @@
+ Qt::Horizontal
- 100
- 16777215
+ 40
+ 20
- Plot Option
- -
- <html><head/><body><p>For chopped run only!</p></body></html>
@@ -777,8 +810,8 @@
- 1422
- 22
+ 1308
+ 25
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ Fitting Functions
- 0
- 0
- Sub. Runs.
+ <html><head/><body><p>Peak types</p><p><br/></p></body></html>
+ PseudoVoigt
+ -
+ Gaussian
+ -
+ Voigt
- false
+ -
+ Linear
- -
- 0
- 0
- 16777215
- 16777215
- 2
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- -1
- -
+ -
+ Flat
- true
+ -
+ Quadratic
- -
- false
- 1
- -
- false
- (ex: 1,2,3)
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QSizePolicy::Minimum
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ Fit Peak(s)
- 0
- 0
- Fitting Functions
- <html><head/><body><p>Peak types</p><p><br/></p></body></html>
- PseudoVoigt
- -
- Gaussian
- -
- Voigt
- -
- Linear
- -
- Flat
- -
- Quadratic
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- QSizePolicy::Minimum
- 40
- 20
- -
- Fit Peak(s)
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
- -
- 120
- 0
- 120
- 16777215
- Export CSV ...
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ 120
+ 0
+ 120
+ 16777215
+ Export CSV ...
@@ -549,409 +525,450 @@
- 10
- false
- Qt::Vertical
- false
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 75
- 16777215
- 75
- QFrame::StyledPanel
- QFrame::Raised
- 0
- 0
- 60
- 16777215
- X-axis
- -
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- QSizePolicy::Ignored
- 40
- 20
- -
- 0
- 0
- 60
- 16777215
- Y-axis
- -
- -
- d0
- -
- 70
- 0
- 70
- 16777215
- -
- microstrength
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
- -
- 0
- 0
- <html><head/><body><p>Single peak fit</p></body></html>
- -
- QFrame::StyledPanel
- QFrame::Raised
- -
- false
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 75
- 16777215
- 75
- QFrame::StyledPanel
- QFrame::Raised
- 0
- 0
- 60
- 16777215
- X-axis
- -
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- QSizePolicy::Ignored
- 40
- 20
- -
- 0
- 0
- 60
- 16777215
- Y-axis
- -
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- QSizePolicy::Ignored
- 40
- 20
- -
- 0
- 0
- 60
- 16777215
- Z-axis
- -
- -
- d0
- -
- 70
- 0
- 70
- 16777215
- -
- microstrength
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
- -
- List sub-runs
- -
- -
- -
- ex: 1,3:5,7
+ false
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 75
+ 16777215
+ 75
+ QFrame::StyledPanel
+ QFrame::Raised
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 60
+ 16777215
+ X-axis
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QSizePolicy::Ignored
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 60
+ 16777215
+ Y-axis
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ d0
+ -
+ 70
+ 0
+ 70
+ 16777215
+ -
+ microstrength
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ <html><head/><body><p>Single peak fit</p></body></html>
+ -
+ QFrame::StyledPanel
+ QFrame::Raised
+ -
+ false
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 110
+ 16777215
+ 110
+ QFrame::StyledPanel
+ QFrame::Raised
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ Contour
+ false
+ -
+ 3D line
+ false
+ -
+ 3D scatter
+ true
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 60
+ 16777215
+ X-axis
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QSizePolicy::Ignored
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 60
+ 16777215
+ Y-axis
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QSizePolicy::Ignored
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 60
+ 16777215
+ Z-axis
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ d0
+ -
+ 70
+ 0
+ 70
+ 16777215
+ -
+ microstrength
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ List sub-runs
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ ex: 1,3:5,7
@@ -965,8 +982,8 @@
- 1363
- 22
+ 1527
+ 23