diff --git a/assets/multiqc_config.yml b/assets/multiqc_config.yml
index 331a476f..368215a8 100644
--- a/assets/multiqc_config.yml
+++ b/assets/multiqc_config.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
report_comment: >
- This report has been generated by the nf-core/crisprseq
+ This report has been generated by the nf-core/crisprseq
analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the
- documentation.
+ documentation.
order: -1000
diff --git a/bin/cigar_parser.R b/bin/cigar_parser.R
index 6bb972ca..2018d686 100755
--- a/bin/cigar_parser.R
+++ b/bin/cigar_parser.R
@@ -946,7 +946,8 @@ if (dim(alignment_info)[1] != 0){
dels <- separated_indels %>% filter(Modification == "del")
dels_count <- dim(dels)[1]
if ( t_type == "dels-out" || t_type == "dels-in"){
- dels_count <- dels_count - t_reads
+ t_in_dels <- dels %>% filter(Ids %in% t_ids[[1]])
+ dels_count <- dels_count - dim(t_in_dels)[1]
ins <- separated_indels %>% filter(Modification == "ins")
ins_count <- dim(ins)[1]
diff --git a/bin/plotter.R b/bin/plotter.R
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8d0fd8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/plotter.R
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+#### Plot editing results
+#### author: Marta Sanvicente
+#### modified by: JĂșlia Mir @mirpedrol
+#### Released under the MIT license. See git repository (https://github.com/nf-core/crisprseq) for full license text.
+#### Original code https://bitbucket.org/synbiolab/crispr-a_nextflow/src/master/bin/get_plots.R
+args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
+### Load command line arguments ####
+option_list = list(
+ make_option(c("-i", "--indels_info"), type="character", default=NULL,
+ help="CSV with information of INDEL editions", metavar="character"),
+ make_option(c("-r", "--reference"), type="character", default=NULL,
+ help="Reference fasta file", metavar="character"),
+ make_option(c("-g", "--gRNA_sequence"), type="character", default=NULL,
+ help="gRNA sequence", metavar="character"),
+ make_option(c("-n", "--sample_name"), type="character", default=NULL,
+ help="Sample ID", metavar="character"),
+ make_option(c("-c", "--cut_site"), type="numeric", default=NULL,
+ help="Cut position", metavar="numeric"),
+ make_option(c("-s", "--substitutions_info"), type="character", default=NULL,
+ help="CSV with information of substitution editions", metavar="character")
+opt_parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list);
+opt = parse_args(opt_parser);
+sample_name <- opt$sample_name
+indels_info <- opt$indels_info
+reference <- opt$reference
+gR <- opt$gRNA_sequence
+substitutions_info <- opt$substitutions_info
+rel_cut_site <- as.numeric(opt$cut_site)
+data <- read.csv(indels_info)
+ref_seq <- readFasta(reference)
+subs_plup <- read.csv(substitutions_info, row.names = 1)
+##### CRISPR-GA-1 like plot https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4184265/
+plotIndels_gg <- function(indels_data, cut){
+ # Split insertions from deletions
+ l <- length(indels_data$Modification) + indels_data$wt_reads[1] + data$t_reads[1]
+ dels <- indels_data %>% filter(Modification == "del")
+ ins <- indels_data %>% filter(Modification == "ins")
+ #Metadata deletion
+ if (length(dels$X)>0){
+ metadels <- as.data.frame(table(dels$Start,dels$Length))
+ metadels <- metadels[which(metadels$Freq>0),]
+ colnames(metadels) <- c("Start","length","Freq")
+ metadels$End <- 0
+ metadels$changes <- sum((as.integer(as.character(metadels$Freq)) * as.integer(as.character(metadels$length)))) #Now the changes column corrspond to a constant that will be used in the creation of accumulative. This variable stores the total number of changes per position
+ for (i in 1:length(metadels$Start)){
+ metadels$End[i] = as.integer(as.character(metadels$Start[i])) + as.integer(as.character(metadels$length[i])) - 1
+ }
+ }else{
+ metadels <- list()
+ }
+ exportJson <- jsonlite::toJSON(metadels)
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_metadels.json",sep=""))
+ #Metadata insertion
+ if(length(ins$X)>0){
+ metains <- as.data.frame(table(ins$Start,ins$Length))
+ metains <- metains[which(metains$Freq>0),]
+ colnames(metains) <- c("Start","length","Freq")
+ metains$End <- 0
+ metains$changes <- sum((as.integer(as.character(metains$Freq)) * as.integer(as.character(metains$length)))) #Now the changes column corrspond to a constant that will be used in the creation of accumulative. This variable stores the total number of changes per position
+ for (i in 1:length(metains$Start)){
+ metains$End[i] = as.integer(as.character(metains$Start[i])) + as.integer(as.character(metains$length[i])) - 1
+ }
+ }else{
+ metains <- list()
+ }
+ exportJson <- jsonlite::toJSON(metains)
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_metains.json",sep=""))
+ # Count accumulated insertions and deletions by position
+ accum.dels=c()
+ accum.dels=unlist(apply(dels,1,function(X) return( seq(as.integer(X[3]), as.integer(X[3]) + as.integer(X[4])) )))
+ accum.ins=c()
+ accum.ins=unlist(apply(ins,1,function(X) return( seq(as.integer(X[3]), as.integer(X[3]) + as.integer(X[4])) )))
+ # Plot
+ a_dels <- data.frame(location = c(accum.dels))
+ a_ins <- data.frame(location = c(accum.ins))
+ ###############################################
+ ###############################################
+ if ( dim(dels)[1] != 0 ){
+ acc_dels <- as.data.frame(table(a_dels))
+ acc_dels <- acc_dels[acc_dels$Freq>0,]
+ acc_dels$percent <- (acc_dels$Freq/sum(acc_dels$Freq))*100
+ del_acumm <- plot_ly(y = ~acc_dels$percent, x= ~as.numeric(as.character(acc_dels$location)),type = "bar",hovertemplate = paste('Percentage: %{y}','Counts: ',acc_dels$Freq)) %>%
+ layout(xaxis = list(title="Accumulative Deletion Location",rangeslider = list()), yaxis = list(fixedrange = FALSE,title = "Reads Percentage(%)"), barmode = 'stack')%>%
+ layout(shapes = list(list(
+ type = "line",
+ y0 = 0,
+ y1 = 100,
+ yref = "paper",
+ x0 = cut_site,
+ x1 = cut_site,
+ line = list(color = "red", dash="dot")
+ )))%>%
+ add_text(showlegend = FALSE, x=cut_site, y=max(acc_dels$percent),text = "Cut site", hovertemplate = paste("Cut site ", cut_site),
+ textfont = list(color= c("red")))
+ }else {
+ acc_dels <- data.frame()
+ }
+ if ( dim(ins)[1] != 0 ){
+ acc_ins <- as.data.frame(table(a_ins))
+ acc_ins <- acc_ins[acc_ins$Freq>0,]
+ acc_ins$percent <- (acc_ins$Freq/sum(acc_ins$Freq))*100
+ ins_acumm <- plot_ly(y = ~acc_ins$percent, x= ~as.numeric(as.character(acc_ins$location)),type = "bar",hovertemplate = paste('Percentage: %{y}','Counts: ',acc_ins$Freq)) %>%
+ layout(xaxis = list(title="Accumulative Insertion Location",rangeslider = list()), yaxis = list(fixedrange = FALSE,title = "Reads Percentage(%)"), barmode = 'stack')%>%
+ layout(shapes = list(list(
+ type = "line",
+ y0 = 0,
+ y1 = 100,
+ yref = "paper",
+ x0 = cut_site,
+ x1 = cut_site,
+ line = list(color = "red", dash="dot")
+ )))%>%
+ add_text(showlegend = FALSE, x=cut_site, y=max(acc_ins$percent),text = "Cut site", hovertemplate = paste("Cut Site ", cut_site),
+ textfont = list(color= c("red")))
+ }else {
+ acc_ins <- data.frame()
+ }
+ if( (dim(ins)[1] != 0) && (dim(dels)[1] != 0) ){
+ accummulative <- subplot(del_acumm, ins_acumm, shareY = T,shareX = F,titleX = T,titleY = T)
+ } else if( dim(ins)[1] != 0 ){
+ accummulative <- subplot(ins_acumm, shareY = T,shareX = F,titleX = T,titleY = T)
+ } else {
+ accummulative <- subplot(del_acumm, shareY = T,shareX = F,titleX = T,titleY = T)
+ }
+ #Elements for dynamic table
+ sequece_length <- max(indels_data$Start+indels_data$Length)
+ exportJson <- jsonlite::toJSON(sequece_length)
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_length.json",sep=""))
+ exportJson <- jsonlite::toJSON(l)
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_Total_reads.json",sep=""))
+ ###############################################
+ ###############################################
+ pattern = ins
+ #defensive programming against file with no insertions
+ if(length(pattern$Modification)>0){
+ LOC <- as.data.frame(table(pattern$Start,pattern$Length,pattern$ins_nt))
+ LOC <- LOC[which(LOC$Freq>0),]
+ LOC$percent <- (LOC$Freq/l)*100
+ Ins_location <- plot_ly() %>%
+ layout(xaxis = list(title="Insertion Location",rangeslider = list()), yaxis = list(fixedrange = FALSE,title = "Reads Percentage(%)"), barmode = 'stack')
+ Ins_location <- Ins_location %>% add_trace(x = ~as.numeric(as.character(LOC$Var1)),
+ y= ~LOC$percent, color = ~LOC$Var3, type = 'bar',
+ marker = list(~LOC$Freq), legendgroup = ~LOC$Var3,
+ hovertemplate = paste('Percentage: %{y}','Counts: ',LOC$Freq))
+ Ins_location <- Ins_location %>% layout(shapes = list(list(
+ type = "line",
+ y0 = 0,
+ y1 = 100,
+ yref = "paper",
+ x0 = cut_site,
+ x1 = cut_site,
+ line = list(color = "red", dash="dot")
+ ))) %>% add_text(showlegend = FALSE, x=cut_site,y=max(LOC$percent),text = "Cut site", hovertemplate = paste("Cut site ", cut_site),
+ textfont = list(color= c("red")))
+ ###############################################
+ # SIZES #
+ ###############################################
+ Ins_sizes <- plot_ly() %>%
+ layout(xaxis = list(title="Insertion Sizes",rangeslider = list()), yaxis = list(title = "Reads Percentage(%)"), barmode = 'stack')
+ Ins_sizes <- Ins_sizes %>% add_trace(x = ~as.numeric(as.character(LOC$Var2)),
+ y= ~LOC$percent, color = ~LOC$Var3, type = 'bar',
+ marker = list(~LOC$Freq), showlegend = F, legendgroup = ~LOC$Var3,
+ hovertemplate = paste(' Percentage: %{y}','Count: ',LOC$Freq))
+ ###############################################
+ ###############################################
+ insertions <- subplot(Ins_location,Ins_sizes, titleY = F, titleX = T) %>% layout(title = "Insertions",yaxis = list(title = "Reads Percentage (%)"))
+ }else{
+ insertions<-empty_plot("No Insertions were detected.")
+ }
+ #pattern filter (A,C,T,G) -> NHEJ
+ pattern <- dels
+ #defensive programming against file with no insertions
+ if(length(pattern$Modification)){
+ for(i in 1:length(pattern$patterns)){
+ if(length(strsplit(pattern$patterns[i],split = "")[[1]])==1){
+ pattern$patterns[i] <- "NHEJ"
+ }
+ }
+ ###############################################
+ ###############################################
+ LOC <- as.data.frame(table(pattern$Start,pattern$patterns,pattern$Length))
+ LOC <- LOC[which(LOC$Freq>0),]
+ LOC$percent <- (LOC$Freq/l)*100
+ Del_location <- plot_ly() %>%
+ layout(xaxis = list(title="Deletion Location",rangeslider = list()), yaxis = list(fixedrange = FALSE,title = "Reads Percentage(%)"), barmode = 'stack')
+ Del_location <- Del_location %>% add_trace(x = ~as.numeric(as.character(LOC$Var1)),
+ y= ~LOC$percent, color = ~LOC$Var2, type = 'bar',
+ marker = list(~LOC$Freq), legendgroup = ~LOC$Var2,
+ hovertemplate = paste('Percentage: %{y}','Counts: ',LOC$Freq))
+ Del_location <- Del_location %>% layout(shapes = list(list(
+ type = "line",
+ y0 = 0,
+ y1 = 100,
+ yref = "paper",
+ x0 = cut_site,
+ x1 = cut_site,
+ line = list(color = "red", dash="dot")
+ )))%>%
+ add_text(showlegend = FALSE, x=cut_site,y=max(LOC$percent),text = "Cut site", hovertemplate = paste("Cut site ", cut_site),
+ textfont = list(color= c("red")))
+ ###############################################
+ # SIZES #
+ ###############################################
+ Del_sizes <- plot_ly() %>%
+ layout(xaxis = list(title="Deletion Sizes",rangeslider = list()), yaxis = list(title = "Reads Percentage(%)"), barmode = 'stack')
+ Del_sizes <- Del_sizes %>% add_trace(x = ~as.numeric(as.character(LOC$Var3)),
+ y= ~LOC$percent, color = ~LOC$Var2, type = 'bar',
+ marker = list(~LOC$Freq), showlegend=F, legendgroup = ~LOC$Var2,
+ hovertemplate = paste('Size: ',LOC$Var3,' Percentage: %{y}'))
+ ###############################################
+ ###############################################
+ deletions <- subplot(Del_location,Del_sizes, titleY = F, titleX = T) %>% layout(title = "Deletions",yaxis = list(title = "Reads Percentage (%)"))
+ }else{
+ deletions<-empty_plot("No deletions were detected.")
+ }
+ plots <- list(deletions,insertions,accummulative)
+ return(plots)
+#### Reverse complement
+ return(c2s(rev(comp(s2c(X)))))
+### Cut site
+get_cutSite <- function(gRNA_seq, reference, rel_cut){
+ ### gRNA seq to upper case
+ gRNA_seq <- toupper(gRNA_seq)
+ ### Check orientation of gRNA in reference sequence and cut site
+ rvComp_seq <- strComp(as.character(sread(reference)[[1]]))
+ align <- pairwiseAlignment(toupper(gRNA_seq), toupper(as.character(sread(reference)[[1]])), type="global-local")
+ alignRevComp <- pairwiseAlignment(toupper(gRNA_seq), toupper(rvComp_seq), type="global-local")
+ if (score(align) > score(alignRevComp)){
+ if (rel_cut > 0){
+ cut_site <- start(subject(align))+rel_cut-1
+ } else {
+ cut_site <- start(subject(align)) + ( nchar(gRNA_seq) + rel_cut ) -1
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (rel_cut > 0){
+ cut_site <- nchar(as.character(sread(reference)[[1]])) - end(subject(alignRevComp)) + (nchar(gRNA_seq)-rel_cut)
+ } else {
+ cut_site <- nchar(as.character(sread(reference)[[1]])) - end(subject(alignRevComp)) - rel_cut
+ }
+ }
+ return(cut_site)
+#### Empty Plots
+empty_plot <- function(title = NULL){
+ p <- plotly_empty(type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
+ config(
+ displayModeBar = FALSE
+ ) %>%
+ layout(
+ title = list(
+ text = title,
+ yref = "paper",
+ y = 0.5
+ )
+ )
+ return(p)
+##### Alleles percentages plot
+indel_count_seq <- function(indel_data){
+ # Get table with percentages of indels among all genotypes
+ indel_count <- indel_data %>% group_by(Start, Length, Modification) %>% dplyr::summarise(freq=n())
+ #indel_count <- plyr::count(indel_data, vars = c("Start", "Length", "Modification"))
+ indel_count <- indel_count[order(indel_count$freq, decreasing = TRUE),]
+ indel_count$Perc <- (indel_count$freq/sum(indel_count$freq)) * 100
+ return(as.data.frame(indel_count))
+get_sequences <- function(indels, ref_seq){
+ edited_sequences <- c()
+ seqs <- lapply(c(1:dim(indels)[1]), function(num) {
+ ref_seq_test <- as.character(sread(ref_seq))
+ if (indels$Modification[[num]] == "del"){
+ substr(ref_seq_test, indels$Start[[num]], indels$Start[[num]]+indels$Length[[num]]-1) <- paste0(rep("-", indels$Length[[num]]), collapse = "")
+ edited_sequences <- c(edited_sequences, ref_seq_test)
+ } else {
+ seq <- paste(substring(ref_seq_test, 1, indels$Start[[num]]), paste0(rep("N", indels$Length[[num]]), collapse = ""), substring(ref_seq_test, indels$Start[[num]]+1, nchar(ref_seq_test)), sep = "")
+ edited_sequences <- c(edited_sequences, seq)
+ }
+ })
+##### Substitutions at -+25 of the gRNA plot
+subs_plot <- function(subsperc, gRNA_seq, cut_site){
+ ### Get the gRNA region
+ pre_cut_site <- cut_site - (nchar(gRNA_seq)-3) ## instead of 17 to allow different gRNA lengths instead of only 20
+ post_cut_site <- cut_site + 3 + 1
+ ### gRNA nucleotides to use them in the axis
+ ref_nt <- stringr::str_split(gRNA_seq, "")[[1]]
+ ### Get the plot
+ plot <- ggplot(data=subsperc %>% filter(pos > pre_cut_site - 25) %>% filter(pos < post_cut_site + 25), aes(x=ordered(pos), y=percentage, fill=nucleotide, alpha=ifelse(percentage<95,1,0))) +
+ geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme_classic() + scale_fill_manual("Nuclotides", values = c("A" = "#109648", "C" = "#86b7ed", "G" = "#f7b32b", "T" = "#d62839", "-" = "#f2f2f2")) +
+ scale_x_discrete(breaks = (pre_cut_site+1):(post_cut_site-1), labels = ref_nt) + xlab(NULL) + scale_alpha(guide = 'none') + ylab('nt (%)') +
+ geom_text(aes(label = ifelse(percentage<50 & percentage>5,100-percentage,"")),
+ hjust = 0, vjust = 1.5, angle = 90, nudge_x = -.5,
+ size = 2.5) +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 11), legend.position = "bottom")
+ return(plot)
+### Substitutions logo plot
+subs_logo_plot <- function(subsperc, gRNA_seq, cut_site){
+ ### Positions related to the cut site
+ pre_cut_site <- cut_site - (nchar(gRNA_seq)-3)
+ post_cut_site <- cut_site + 6 + 1
+ #
+ ### From percentages table to matrix
+ fper_filtered <- subsperc %>% filter(pos > pre_cut_site) %>% filter(pos < post_cut_site) %>% filter(nucleotide != "-")
+ nuc_pos <- pivot_wider(fper_filtered, names_from = pos, values_from = percentage)
+ nuc_pos[is.na(nuc_pos)] <- 0
+ nuc_pos[nuc_pos == 100] <- 0
+ nuc_pos_matrix <- data.matrix(nuc_pos[,-1])
+ nuc_pos_matrix <- nuc_pos_matrix+0.00001 ### This is done to avoid problems in case of a matrix full of 0s
+ rownames(nuc_pos_matrix) <- nuc_pos$nucleotide
+ #
+ ### gRNA nucleotides to use them in the axis
+ ref_nt <- c(str_split(gRNA_seq, "")[[1]], "N", "G", "G")
+ logo <- ggseqlogo(nuc_pos_matrix, method='custom', seq_type='dna') + ylab('nt (%)')
+ logo$scales$scales[[1]] <- scale_x_continuous(breaks= 1:length(ref_nt),labels=ref_nt)
+ logo_plot <- logo + annotate('rect', xmin = length(ref_nt)-2.5, xmax = length(ref_nt)+0.5, ymin = -5, ymax = 105, alpha = .1, col='black', fill='yellow')
+ return(logo_plot)
+### Top variants plots
+### Logo plot of top indels
+get_logo_top_vars <- function(selected_reference, change_len, pattern_indel, modification, str_pos, cut_site){
+ # This function is used to generate the logo of the alleles that appear most times in data.
+ all_pre_nt <- list(A = "", C = "", T = "", G = "")
+ for (j in c("A", "C", "G", "T")){
+ per_nt <- lapply(1:length(selected_reference), {
+ function(i){
+ if(i < 11 || i > 10+l || modification == "ins"){
+ if(selected_reference[i] == j){
+ return(1-0.00001)
+ } else {
+ return(0.00001)
+ }
+ } else {
+ return(0.00001)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ all_pre_nt[[j]] <- per_nt
+ }
+ ## Data frame with the probability of each position
+ df<-NULL
+ df <- rbind(df, unlist(all_pre_nt$A))
+ df <- rbind(df, unlist(all_pre_nt$C))
+ df <- rbind(df, unlist(all_pre_nt$G))
+ df <- rbind(df, unlist(all_pre_nt$T))
+ pos_matrix <- data.matrix(df)
+ rownames(pos_matrix) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
+ if(modification == "ins"){
+ cut_correction <- change_len
+ } else {
+ cut_correction <- 0
+ }
+ logo <- ggseqlogo(pos_matrix, method='custom', seq_type='dna') + ylab('') +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12 , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5),
+ axis.text.x = element_blank(),
+ axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
+ ggtitle(paste0(l, "nt ", mod, "; Start: ", str_pos)) +
+ annotate('segment', x = cut_site-str_pos+11+0.5+cut_correction , xend=cut_site-str_pos+11+0.5+cut_correction, y=-0.08, yend=1.08, linewidth=1, color="red")
+ if (is.na(pattern_indel) && modification != "ins"){
+ return(logo)
+ } else if (modification == "ins"){
+ logo_plot <- logo + annotate('rect', xmin = 11-0.5, xmax = 10+change_len+0.5, ymin = -0.05, ymax = 1.05, alpha = .1, col='black', fill='yellow')
+ return(logo_plot)
+ } else if (pattern_indel == "NHEJ"){
+ return(logo)
+ } else {
+ mh_len <- nchar(pattern_indel)
+ logo_plot <- logo + annotate('rect', xmin = 11+change_len-0.5, xmax = 10+change_len+mh_len+0.5, ymin = -0.05, ymax = 1.05, alpha = .1, col='black', fill='yellow')
+ return(logo_plot)
+ }
+### Get all plots
+#empty data troubleshooter, notice that 3 is choose to avoid counting small empty df product of read.csv function
+sampleName<-gsub('.{11}$', '', a)
+checkFaulty<-grep('Faulty', sampleName)
+a<-gsub('.{11}$', '', a)
+checkEmpty<-grep('Empt', a)
+checkFaulty<-grep('Badl', a)
+if (dim(data)[2]>3 && length(checkFaulty) == 0 && length(checkEmpty) == 0){ ### Substitutions percentages plot
+ cut_site <- get_cutSite(gR, ref_seq, rel_cut_site)
+ if (dim(subs_plup)[1] == 0){
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_subs-perc_plot.png"))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_subs-perc_plot_LOGO.png"))
+ } else {
+ sp <- subs_plot(subs_plup, gR, cut_site)
+ ggsave(paste0(sample_name, "_subs-perc_plot.png"), width = 12, height = 1.5)
+ ### Substitutions logo plot
+ sp_logo <- subs_logo_plot(subs_plup, gR, cut_site)
+ ggsave(paste0(sample_name, "_subs-perc_plot_LOGO.png"), width = 12, height = 1.5)
+ }
+ ### Counts plot
+ figure_counts <- plotIndels_gg(indels_data = data, cut = cut_site)
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(figure_counts[[1]]), paste0(sample_name,"_Deletions.html"))
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(figure_counts[[2]]), paste0(sample_name,"_Insertions.html"))
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(figure_counts[[3]]), paste0(sample_name,"_accumulative.html"))
+ ### Alleles plot (deletions)
+ indel_count <- indel_count_seq(data)
+ dels_count <- indel_count %>% filter(Modification == "del") ## Just deletions
+ if (dim(dels_count)[1] != 0){
+ dels_count$Start <- as.numeric(as.character(dels_count$Start))
+ dels_count$Length <- as.numeric(as.character(dels_count$Length))
+ seqs <- get_sequences(dels_count, ref_seq)
+ # Write fasta with the sequences and use it to get the alleles plot
+ if (length(seqs) < 10){
+ rep_seqs <- seqs[1:length(seqs)]
+ } else {
+ rep_seqs <- seqs[1:10]
+ }
+ write.fasta(sequences = rep_seqs, names = paste0(round(dels_count$Perc, 2), "_", dels_count$Modification, dels_count$Length, "_", seq(1, dim(dels_count)[1]))[1:10], file.out = paste0(sample_name, "_top10.fa"))
+ nt_sequences <- paste0(sample_name, "_top10.fa")
+ figure_alleles <- ggmsa(nt_sequences, cut_site-40, cut_site+40, color = "Chemistry_NT", seq_name = TRUE)
+ ggsave(paste0(sample_name, "_delAlleles_plot.png"))
+ } else {
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_delAlleles_plot.png"))
+ }
+ ######### Low variability or top variants plot
+ wt <- data$wt_reads[1] ### 7299
+ templata_based <- data$t_reads[1] ### 0
+ total_char <- wt + templata_based + dim(data)[1]
+ delCols_indels <- data %>% group_by(Modification, Start, Length, ins_nt, patterns) %>% dplyr::summarize(freq = n())
+ unique_variants <- rbind(as.data.frame(delCols_indels), c("wt", 0, 0, NA, NA, wt), c("template-based", 0, 0, NA, NA, templata_based))
+ uniq_indels_sorted <- unique_variants[order(as.numeric(unique_variants$freq), decreasing = TRUE),]
+ write.csv(uniq_indels_sorted,file=paste0(sample_name, "_unique-variants.csv"))
+ # Check if there are enogh indels to have 5 top
+ if(dim(uniq_indels_sorted)[1] < 5 ){
+ num_top <- dim(delCols_indels)[1]
+ } else { num_top <- 5 }
+ # Get to variants
+ top_5 <- uniq_indels_sorted[1:num_top,]
+ top5_names <- lapply(c(1:dim(top_5)[1]),
+ function(i){
+ if( top_5[i,]$Modification == "del" ) {
+ return(paste0(top_5[i,]$Start, "_", top_5[i,]$Modification, top_5[i,]$Length, "_", top_5[i,]$pattern))
+ } else if ( top_5[i,]$Modification == "ins" ) {
+ return(paste0(top_5[i,]$Start, "_", top_5[i,]$Modification, top_5[i,]$ins_nt))
+ } else {
+ return(top_5[i,]$Modification)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ wt_pos <- which(unlist(top5_names) == "wt")
+ if (length(wt_pos) == 0){
+ cols_list = c("#bebebe", rep("#9394f7", num_top + 1))
+ } else if (wt_pos == num_top){
+ cols_list = c("#bebebe", "#9394f7", rep("#9394f7", num_top - 1), "#1cf453")
+ } else if (wt_pos == 1) {
+ cols_list = c("#bebebe", "#9394f7", "#1cf453", rep("#9394f7", num_top - 1))
+ } else {
+ cols_list = c("#bebebe", rep("#9394f7", wt_pos), "#1cf453", rep("#9394f7", num_top-wt_pos))
+ }
+ reads_classes <- c("Other alleles", "Top alleles", unlist(top5_names))
+ reads_counts <- c(total_char - sum(as.numeric(top_5$freq)), sum(as.numeric(top_5$freq)), as.numeric(top_5$freq))
+ reads_summary <- data.frame(classes = unlist(reads_classes), counts = unlist(reads_counts))
+ reads_summary$parents = c("", "", rep("Top alleles", num_top))
+ fig <- plot_ly(reads_summary,
+ labels = ~ classes,
+ parents = ~ parents,
+ values = ~ counts,
+ type = 'sunburst',
+ branchvalues = 'total',
+ textinfo = "label+percent entry",
+ marker = list(colors = cols_list, color = "black"),
+ textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 20)
+ )
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(fig), paste0(sample_name,"_top.html"))
+ ### Logo plot
+ all_each_logo <- list()
+ list_num <- 1
+ sel_top <- top_5 %>% filter(Modification %in% c("del", "ins"))
+ if (dim(sel_top)[1] > 0){
+ for (i in c(1:dim(sel_top)[1])){
+ if (sel_top[i,]$Modification == "ins"){
+ selfil_1 <- data %>% filter(Modification == sel_top[i,]$Modification) %>% filter(Start == sel_top[i,]$Start) %>% filter(Length == sel_top[i,]$Length) %>% filter(ins_nt == sel_top[i,]$ins_nt)
+ } else {
+ selfil_1 <- data %>% filter(Modification == sel_top[i,]$Modification) %>% filter(Start == sel_top[i,]$Start) %>% filter(Length == sel_top[i,]$Length)
+ }
+ s <- selfil_1[1,]$Start
+ l <- selfil_1[1,]$Length
+ if( s > 12 && (nchar(as.character(sread(ref_seq)[[1]])) > (s+l+9) )){
+ ref_splited <- c(str_split(toupper(as.character(sread(ref_seq)[[1]])), "")[[1]])
+ sel_ref <- ref_splited[(s-10):(s+l+9)]
+ mod <- selfil_1[1,]$Modification
+ if (mod == "ins"){
+ sel_ref <- c(sel_ref[1:10], c(str_split(toupper(selfil_1[1,]$ins_nt), "")[[1]]), sel_ref[11:length(sel_ref)])
+ }
+ p <- selfil_1[1,]$patterns
+ each_logo <- get_logo_top_vars(sel_ref, l, p, mod, s, cut_site)
+ all_each_logo[[list_num]] <- each_logo
+ list_num <- list_num + 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(all_each_logo) > 0){
+ plot_grid(plotlist = all_each_logo, ncol = 1)
+ ggsave(paste0(sample_name, "_top-alleles_LOGO.png"))
+ } else {
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_top-alleles_LOGO.png"))
+ }
+} else {
+ fig<-empty_plot("No alignments were produced.
+ Please check your files and references")
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(fig), paste0(sample_name,"_Deletions.html"))
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(fig), paste0(sample_name,"_Insertions.html"))
+ htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(fig), paste0(sample_name,"_accumulative.html"))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_delAlleles_plot.png"))
+ #Elements for dynamic table IF THERE ARE NO ALIGNMENTS
+ empty_list = list()
+ exportJson <- jsonlite::toJSON(empty_list)
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_length.json",sep=""))
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_Total_reads.json",sep=""))
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_metadels.json",sep=""))
+ write(exportJson, paste(sample_name,"_metains.json",sep=""))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_top.html"))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_top-alleles_LOGO.png"))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_counts_plot.png"))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_subs-perc_plot_LOGO.png"))
+ system(paste0("touch ", sample_name, "_subs-perc_plot.png"))
diff --git a/conf/modules.config b/conf/modules.config
index f78266e9..b282aebc 100644
--- a/conf/modules.config
+++ b/conf/modules.config
@@ -231,6 +231,15 @@ process {
ext.args = '--cut_site=-3'
+ ext.args = '--cut_site=-3'
+ publishDir = [
+ path: { "${params.outdir}/plots" },
+ mode: params.publish_dir_mode,
+ saveAs: { filename -> filename.equals('versions.yml') ? null : filename }
+ ]
+ }
publishDir = [
path: { "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info" },
diff --git a/modules/local/cigar_parser.nf b/modules/local/cigar_parser.nf
index 5073ab26..5b87bba4 100644
--- a/modules/local/cigar_parser.nf
+++ b/modules/local/cigar_parser.nf
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ process CIGAR_PARSER {
tuple val(meta), path(reads), path(index), path(reference), val(protospacer), path(template), path(template_bam), path(reference_template), path(summary)
- tuple val(meta), path("*indels.csv"), path("*_subs-perc.csv"), emit: indels
+ tuple val(meta), path("*[!QC-]indels.csv"), path("*_subs-perc.csv"), emit: indels
tuple val(meta), path("*.html"), path("*edits.csv") , emit: edition
tuple val(meta), path("*cutSite.json") , emit: cutsite
tuple val(meta), path("*_QC-indels.csv") , emit: qcindels
diff --git a/modules/local/crisprseq_plotter.nf b/modules/local/crisprseq_plotter.nf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5612260e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/local/crisprseq_plotter.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ tag "$meta.id"
+ label 'process_medium'
+ conda 'r-ggplot2=3.4.3 bioconductor-shortread=1.58.0 r-ggpubr=0.6.0 r-ggmsa=1.0.2 r-seqmagick=0.1.6 r-tidyr=1.3.0 r-ggseqlogo=0.1 r-cowplot=1.1.1 r-seqinr=4.2_30 r-optparse=1.7.3 r-dplyr=1.1.2 r-plyr=1.8.8 r-stringr=1.5.0 r-plotly=4.10.2'
+ container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ?
+ 'https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/mulled-v2-6de07928379e6eface08a0019c4a1d6b5192e805:0d77388f37ddd923a087f7792e30e83ab54c918c-0' :
+ 'biocontainers/mulled-v2-6de07928379e6eface08a0019c4a1d6b5192e805:0d77388f37ddd923a087f7792e30e83ab54c918c-0' }"
+ input:
+ tuple val(meta), path(indels), path(substitutions), path(reference), val(protospacer)
+ output:
+ tuple val(meta), path("*_Deletions.html"), path("*_delAlleles_plot.png") , emit: deletions
+ tuple val(meta), path("*_Insertions.html") , emit: insertions
+ tuple val(meta), path("*_accumulative.html") , emit: accumulative
+ tuple val(meta), path("*_subs-perc_plot.png"), path("*_subs-perc_plot_LOGO.png"), emit: substitutions
+ tuple val(meta), path("*_top-alleles_LOGO.png"), path("*_top.html") , emit: topalleles
+ path "versions.yml" , emit: versions
+ when:
+ task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when
+ script:
+ def args = task.ext.args ?: ''
+ def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}"
+ """
+ plotter.R \\
+ $args \\
+ --indels_info=$indels \\
+ --reference=$reference \\
+ --gRNA_sequence=$protospacer \\
+ --sample_name=$prefix \\
+ --substitutions_info=$substitutions
+ cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
+ "${task.process}":
+ Rscript: \$(Rscript --version)
+ """
diff --git a/workflows/crisprseq_targeted.nf b/workflows/crisprseq_targeted.nf
index 15d870a0..33c2ee59 100644
--- a/workflows/crisprseq_targeted.nf
+++ b/workflows/crisprseq_targeted.nf
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ include { PREPROCESSING_SUMMARY } from '../modules/local/preprocessing_summary'
include { CLUSTERING_SUMMARY } from '../modules/local/clustering_summary'
include { ALIGNMENT_SUMMARY } from '../modules/local/alignment_summary'
include { TEMPLATE_REFERENCE } from '../modules/local/template_reference'
+include { CRISPRSEQ_PLOTTER } from '../modules/local/crisprseq_plotter'
@@ -706,12 +707,7 @@ workflow CRISPRSEQ_TARGETED {
- .join(ch_input.protospacer
- .map {
- meta, fastq ->
- [ meta , fastq ]
- }
- )
+ .join(ch_input.protospacer)
.join(ch_seq_template, remainder: true)
.join(ch_template_bam, remainder: true)
.join(TEMPLATE_REFERENCE.out.fasta, remainder: true)
@@ -740,6 +736,17 @@ workflow CRISPRSEQ_TARGETED {
ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(CIGAR_PARSER.out.versions.first())
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ CIGAR_PARSER.out.indels
+ .join(ORIENT_REFERENCE.out.reference)
+ .join(ch_input.protospacer)
+ )
+ ch_versions = ch_versions.mix(CRISPRSEQ_PLOTTER.out.versions.first())
// MODULE: Dump software versions