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Monitoring NGINX Plus with Prometheus and Grafana


In this lab, you will be exploring the integration between NGINX Plus, Prometheus and Grafana.

This Solution requires the use of the NGINX provided Javascript and Prometheus modules to collect metrics from the NGINX Plus API, and export those metrics as an HTTP html/text page, commonly called the scaper page because it scrapes statistics for publication. The metrics on this export page are then read and imported into Prometheus and Grafana's time-series database. Once these metrics are in the database, you can create many different Dashboards, Thresholds, Alerts, and other types of graphs for Visualization and Reporting. As you can imagine, there are literally hundreds of Grafana dashboards written by users of NGINX that you can try out for free. Grafana also allows you to create and edit your own Dashboards.

NGINX Plus Prometheus Grafana
NGINX Plus Prom Grafana

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lab you will be able to:

  • Enable and configure NGINX Java Script
  • Create Prometheus Exporter configuration
  • Test the Prometheus Server
  • Test the Grafana Server
  • View Grafana Dashboard


  • You must have Docker installed and running
  • You must have Docker-compose installed
  • You must an NGINX Plus license, Trial or subscription
  • See Lab0 for instructions on setting up your system for this Workshop
  • Familiarity with basic Linux commands and commandline tools
  • Familiarity with basic Docker concepts and commands
  • Familiarity with basic HTTP protocol
  • Familiarity with Prometheus
  • Familiartiy with Grafana

As part of your Dockerfile, your NGINX Plus container already has the added NGINX Java Script and NGINX Prometheus dynamic module installed during the build process. Refer to the Dockerfile if you want to check it out.

  1. Ensure you are in the lab6 folder. Using a Terminal, run Docker Compose to build and run all the containers.

     cd lab6
     docker compose up --force-recreate -d
  2. Edit your nginx.conf file, you will make 2 changes.

    • Uncomment Line #8 to enable the ngx_http_js_module module.
    • Uncomment Line #37 to set a parameter for an NGINX buffer called subrequest_output_buffer_size.
    user  nginx;
    worker_processes  auto;
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log info;
    pid        /var/run/;
    # Uncomment to enable NGINX JavaScript module
    load_module modules/;   # Added for Prometheus
        # Uncomment for Prometheus scraper page output
        subrequest_output_buffer_size 32k;       # Added for Prometheus
  3. Inspect the prometheus.conf file in the labs/lab6/nginx-plus/etc/nginx/conf.d folder. This is the NGINX config file which opens up port 9113, and provides access to the scraper page. Uncomment all the lines to enable this.

    # NGINX Plus Prometheus configuration, for HTTP scraper page
    # Chris Akker, Shouvik Dutta - Feb 2024
    # Nginx Basics
    # Uncomment all lines below
    js_import /usr/share/nginx-plus-module-prometheus/prometheus.js;
    server {
        listen 9113;               # This is the default port for Prometheus scraper page
        location = /metrics {
            js_content prometheus.metrics;
        location /api {
  4. Once the contents of both files has been updated and saved, Docker Exec into the nginx-plus container.

     docker exec -it nginx-plus bin/bash
  5. Test and reload your NGINX config by running nginx -t and nginx -s reload commands respectively from within the container.

  6. Start the WRK load generation tool. This will provide some traffic to the nginx-plus container, so the statistics will be increasing.

    docker run --name wrk --network=lab6_default --rm williamyeh/wrk -t4 -c200 -d20m -H 'Host:' --timeout 2s http://nginx-plus/coffee
  7. Test the Prometheus scraper page. Open your browser to http://localhost:9113/metrics. You should see an html/text page like this one. You will notice there are MANY statistcs available, this page is like a text version of the NGINX Plus dashboard. This page can be easily imported into your existing Performance Management and Monitoring tools. You will see how to do this in the next section with Prometheus and Grafana.

    Click refresh a couple times, and some of the metrics should increment.

    Scraper page

Prometheus and Grafana Server Docker containers

prometheus grafana
  1. Inspect your docker-compose.yml file, you will see it includes 2 additional Docker containers for this lab, one for a Prometheus server, and one for a Grafana server. These have been configured to run for you, but the images will be pulled from public repos.

        hostname: prometheus
        container_name: prometheus
        image: prom/prometheus
            - ./nginx-plus/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
            - "9090:9090"
        restart: always
            - nginx-plus
        hostname: grafana
        container_name: grafana
            - grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana
        image: grafana/grafana
            - "3000:3000"
        restart: always
            - nginx-plus
        name: "grafana-storage"
        external: false
  2. Verify these 2 containers are running.

    docker ps -a
    ##Sample output##
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                      NAMES
    8a61c66fc511   prom/prometheus         "/bin/prometheus --c…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes>9090/tcp                                                                     prometheus
    4d38710ed4ec   grafana/grafana         "/"                36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes>3000/tcp                                                                     grafana


Prometheus is a software package that can watch and collect statistics from many different NGINX instances. The Prometheus server will collect the statistics from the scraper page that you enabled in the previous section.

  1. Using Chrome, navigate to http://localhost:9090. You should see a Prometheus webpage like this one. Search for nginxplus_ in the query box to see a list of all the statistics that Prometheus is collecting for you. Select nginxplus_http_requests_total from the list, click on Graph, and then click the "Execute" Button. Change the Time window if needed. This will provide a graph similar to this one:

    Prom Graph

    Take a few minutes to explore other metrics available from NGINX Plus. What is the Upstream Response Time of your 3 backend web servers???


Grafana is a data visualization tool, which contains a time series database and graphical web presentation tools. Grafana imports the Prometheus scraper page statistics into it's database, and allows you to create Dashboards of the statistics that are important to you.

  1. Log into the Web console access for Grafana at http://localhost:3000. The default Login should be user/pass of admin/admin. This will present the main Grafana page.

  2. Create a Prometheus Data Source. In the middle of the Grafana Welcome page, click on Add Data Source, and Select the Prometheus icon.

  3. Set the Connection URL to http://prometheus:9090 as shown:

    Prom Datasource

  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save and Test. You should see a green Successfully queried the Prometheus API message.

  5. Import the provided labs/lab6/NGINX-Basics.json file to see statistics like the NGINX Plus HTTP Requests Per Second and Upstream Response Times. Click on Create New Dashboard from Home page and then Import. Copy and Paste the labs/lab6/NGINX-Basics.json file provided. Click on the Load button. Set the data source to prometheus and then click on the Import button. You should see a dashboard like this one:

    Grafana Dashboard

    There are many different Grafana Dashboards available, and you have the option to create and build dashboards to suite your needs. NGINX Plus provides over 240 metrics for TCP, HTTP, SSL, Virtual Servers, Locations, Rate Limits, and Upstreams.

If wrk load generation tool is still running, then you can stop it by pressing ctrl + c.

If you are finished with this lab, you can use Docker Compose to shut down your test environment. Make sure you are in the lab6 folder:

cd lab6
docker compose down
##Sample output##
Running 5/5
Container nginx-plus         Removed
Container web2               Removed
Container prometheus         Removed
Container web3               Removed
Container web1               Removed
Container grafana            Removed                            
Network lab6_default         Removed

This completes Lab6.



  • Chris Akker - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.
  • Shouvik Dutta - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.

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