There are 2 files in droplet-u22, which used for droplet ubuntu 22.10. After creating Droplets, SSH to Droplets and run these script as the role below:
You can run the fast script using this command:
git clone
cd ./k8s_learning_example/
git checkout develop
cd ~
sh ./k8s_learning_example/dotest/droplet-u20/
To start cluster with terraform script, you will need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Create an API keys in your DO account:
Go to your project -> Click on API -> Tokens -> Generate new Tokens -> Copy the new token generated
Step 2: Config API Key for project
Option 1: Assign key directly into project. (This is fast, but it is not recommended in the production project)
File terraform.tfvars
can be created from terraform.tfvars.example. Using this command inside ./self-manage-cluster
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
Make changes to newly created terraform.tfvars
do_token = "<input your api key here>"
Option 2: Using environment variables:
You can use this command in your environment
export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your-token-here>
Step 3: Generate terraform project inside this folder and you can create cluster:
terraform init
terraform apply