diff --git a/config/README.md b/config/README.md
index fc8453cd..713db5a6 100644
--- a/config/README.md
+++ b/config/README.md
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ https://github.com/ngocjohn/hass-config/assets/96962827/acc1a4db-b92e-4ab1-ac9d-
- 35,894 |
+ 35,928 |
34 |
- 154 |
+ 156 |
63 |
54 |
32 |
- 1065 |
+ 1071 |
201 |
38 |
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ https://github.com/ngocjohn/hass-config/assets/96962827/acc1a4db-b92e-4ab1-ac9d-
- [Govee](https://github.com/LaggAt/hacs-govee)
- [HACS](https://github.com/hacs/integration)
- [Hass Favicon](https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-favicon)
+- [Ingress](https://github.com/lovelylain/hass_ingress)
- [Lunar Phase](https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase)
- [Mercedesme 2020](https://github.com/ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020)
- [Node Red Companion](https://github.com/zachowj/hass-node-red)
diff --git a/config/automations.yaml b/config/automations.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e17c7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/automations.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1292 @@
+- id: '1668864895588'
+ alias: Main Door Open
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: ios.action_fired
+ event_data:
+ actionName: Main Door Open
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: lock.open
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: lock.nuki_vchod_lock
+ mode: single
+- id: '1677334681247'
+ alias: Dock lock state
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - binary_sensor.nuki_neklanka_byt_locked
+ from:
+ - 'on'
+ - 'off'
+ to:
+ - 'on'
+ - 'off'
+ action:
+ - service: input_boolean.toggle
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.door_lock
+ mode: parallel
+- id: '1681806258876'
+ alias: z left
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.gle
+ attribute: Street
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - input_boolean.z_occupacy
+ to: 'on'
+ id: home
+ - platform: geo_location
+ source: person.huong_giang
+ zone: zone.smichov
+ event: enter
+ id: smichov
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.ngoc_keys_airtag
+ attribute: Street
+ id: ngockey
+ enabled: false
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - if:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id:
+ - home
+ - smichov
+ then:
+ - service: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ title: Location
+ message: '{{ state_attr(''sensor.gle'', ''Formatted Address'') }}'
+ data:
+ push:
+ sound:
+ name: findmy.wav
+ critical: 1
+ volume: 1
+ action_data:
+ latitude: '{{ state_attr(''device_tracker.findmy_d098350b38e241d3972ad394a27f38b6'',
+ ''latitude'') }}'
+ longitude: '{{ state_attr(''device_tracker.findmy_d098350b38e241d3972ad394a27f38b6'',
+ ''longitude'') }}'
+ latitude_delta: '0'
+ longitude_delta: '0.01'
+ else:
+ - service: notify.ngoc_devices
+ data:
+ title: Location
+ message: '{{ state_attr(''sensor.gle'', ''Formatted Address'') }}'
+ data:
+ action_data:
+ latitude: '{{ state_attr(''device_tracker.findmy_d098350b38e241d3972ad394a27f38b6'',
+ ''latitude'') }}'
+ longitude: '{{ state_attr(''device_tracker.findmy_d098350b38e241d3972ad394a27f38b6'',
+ ''longitude'') }}'
+ latitude_delta: '0'
+ longitude_delta: '0.01'
+ enabled: true
+ - choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id:
+ - ngockey
+ sequence:
+ - service: notify.ngoc_devices
+ data:
+ title: Ngoc Key
+ message: '{{ state_attr(''sensor.ngoc_keys_airtag'', ''Formatted Address'')
+ }}'
+ data:
+ action_data:
+ latitude: '{{ state_attr(''device_tracker.findmy_f28d260523a64f37b0595dfcd64d3b73'',
+ ''latitude'') }}'
+ longitude: '{{ state_attr(''device_tracker.findmy_f28d260523a64f37b0595dfcd64d3b73'',
+ ''longitude'') }}'
+ latitude_delta: '0'
+ longitude_delta: '0.01'
+ mode: single
+- id: '1681905795903'
+ alias: camera snapshot
+ description: ''
+ triggers:
+ - at: 05:00:00
+ id: delete
+ trigger: time
+ - hours: /1
+ trigger: time_pattern
+ conditions:
+ - condition: time
+ after: 05:00:00
+ before: 00:00:00
+ actions:
+ - if:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: delete
+ then:
+ - data:
+ folder: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/
+ time: 0
+ only_extensions:
+ - .png
+ - .jpg
+ action: delete.files_in_folder
+ - data:
+ folder: /config/www/tmp/kids/
+ time: 0
+ only_extensions:
+ - .png
+ - .jpg
+ action: delete.files_in_folder
+ - parallel:
+ - action: button.press
+ metadata: {}
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: button.kids_room_start_rtsp_stream
+ - data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - camera.doorway
+ - camera.terasa
+ - camera.zahrada
+ action: camera.turn_on
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: camera.doorway
+ state: streaming
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: camera.terasa
+ state: streaming
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room
+ state: streaming
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: camera.zahrada
+ state: streaming
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 2
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - parallel:
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/camera.doorway{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ }}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.doorway
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/camera.kids_room{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ }}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/camera.terasa{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ }}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.terasa
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/camera.zahrada{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ }}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.zahrada
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 2
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - parallel:
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/camera.doorway-latest.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.doorway
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/kids/camera.kids_room-latest{{now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - action: input_text.set_value
+ metadata: {}
+ data:
+ value: kids_room-latest{{now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: input_text.kids_camera_snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/camera.terasa-latest.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.terasa
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/camera.zahrada-latest.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.zahrada
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 5
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - camera.doorway
+ - camera.terasa
+ - camera.zahrada
+ action: camera.turn_off
+ - action: button.press
+ metadata: {}
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: button.kids_room_stop_rtsp_stream
+ mode: single
+- id: '1683903230879'
+ alias: Bedroom Cover Night
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: sun
+ event: sunset
+ offset: 00:30:00
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: cover.close_cover
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ area_id: bedroom
+ mode: single
+- id: '1684613417245'
+ alias: Cover Night Mode
+ description: ''
+ trigger: []
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: cover.close_cover
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - cover.bedroom_shutters
+ - cover.living_room_cover
+ mode: single
+- id: '1688809817206'
+ alias: Guest Mode notify
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: zone
+ entity_id: person.viet_ngoc
+ zone: zone.home
+ event: leave
+ condition:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
+ state: 'on'
+ action:
+ - alias: Set up variables for the actions
+ variables:
+ action_yes: '{{ ''YES_'' ~ context.id }}'
+ action_no: '{{ ''NO_'' ~ context.id }}'
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 5
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - alias: Ask to stop or no guest mode
+ service: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ message: Do you want to stop this?
+ data:
+ actions:
+ - action: '{{ action_yes }}'
+ title: 'YES'
+ - action: '{{ action_no }}'
+ title: 'NO'
+ title: Guest mode
+ - alias: Wait for a response
+ wait_for_trigger:
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
+ event_data:
+ action: '{{ action_yes }}'
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
+ event_data:
+ action: '{{ action_no }}'
+ - alias: Perform the action
+ choose:
+ - conditions: '{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action == action_yes }}'
+ sequence:
+ - service: input_boolean.turn_off
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
+ state: 'off'
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 2
+ - service: input_boolean.turn_on
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.leaving_home
+ - conditions: '{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action == action_no }}'
+ sequence:
+ - service: input_boolean.turn_on
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.guest_mode
+ enabled: false
+ - stop: ''
+ mode: single
+- id: '1688940697804'
+ alias: Alarm
+ description: ''
+ triggers:
+ - entity_id:
+ - script.homepod_alarm
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 5
+ enabled: true
+ to: 'on'
+ trigger: state
+ conditions: []
+ actions:
+ - alias: Set up variables for the actions
+ variables:
+ action_stop: '{{ ''STOP_'' ~ context.id }}'
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - alias: Ask to close or open the blinds
+ data:
+ message: Do you want to stop this?
+ data:
+ push:
+ sound:
+ name: findmy.wav
+ critical: 1
+ volume: 1
+ actions:
+ - action: '{{ action_stop }}'
+ title: Stop alarm
+ title: Alarm Clock
+ action: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ - alias: Wait for a response
+ wait_for_trigger:
+ - event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
+ event_data:
+ action: '{{ action_stop }}'
+ trigger: event
+ - alias: Perform the action
+ choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action == action_stop }}'
+ sequence:
+ - data: {}
+ action: media_player.media_pause
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom
+ - action: media_player.turn_off
+ metadata: {}
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom
+ mode: single
+- id: '1693488019712'
+ alias: Nuki Vchod Open
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - input_button.nuki_vchod
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: lock.open
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: lock.nuki_vchod_lock
+ mode: single
+- id: '1694516012171'
+ alias: Only update vaze information every 20 minutes when I'm home
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: time_pattern
+ minutes: /20
+ id: 20min
+ condition:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: device_tracker.viet_ngoc
+ state: not_home
+ action:
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: sensor.waze_ngoc_home
+- id: '1694721012171'
+ alias: Spotify Vibrant Color
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.vibrant_color
+ condition:
+ - condition: and
+ conditions:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: light.office_led_light_strip
+ state: 'on'
+ - condition: or
+ conditions:
+ - condition: device
+ device_id: d8496daf7e926630a7431da013a83590
+ domain: media_player
+ entity_id: 952057f8ccc2766d1d825168186a225a
+ type: is_playing
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: media_player.mass_universal_airplay
+ state: playing
+ action:
+ - service: light.turn_on
+ data:
+ transition: 5
+ rgb_color: '{{states(''sensor.vibrant_color'')}}'
+ target:
+ entity_id: light.office_led_light_strip
+ mode: single
+- id: '1695149693530'
+ alias: Notify HA started
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: homeassistant
+ event: start
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - data:
+ message: Home assistant started
+ data:
+ tag: hastarted
+ action: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 10
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - data:
+ message: clear_notification
+ data:
+ tag: hastarted
+ action: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ - action: readme.generate
+ data: {}
+ mode: single
+- id: '1695935011647'
+ alias: dismiss_lovelace_updated
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: lovelace_updated
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ target:
+ entity_id: sensor.code_line_count
+ data: {}
+ - repeat:
+ count: 5
+ sequence:
+ - delay: 0.5
+ - service: browser_mod.notification
+ data:
+ duration: 1
+ message: ' '
+ target:
+ device_id:
+ - 4f43e0dc2e03b71c2e137f9696a04a2c
+ - service: browser_mod.notification
+ data:
+ duration: 1
+ message: ' '
+ target:
+ device_id: 0604abf0d6d8e6f72903f0cc77d83b3d
+ mode: restart
+- id: '1696553366478'
+ alias: 'Dishwasher Set Timer '
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.mycka_nadobi_operation_state
+ to: Run
+ condition:
+ - condition: or
+ conditions:
+ - condition: not
+ conditions:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: sensor.mycka_nadobi_remaining_program_time
+ state: unknown
+ - condition: not
+ conditions:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: sensor.mycka_nadobi_remaining_program_time
+ state: unavailable
+ action:
+ - service: timer.start
+ data:
+ duration: '{{ (as_timestamp(states.sensor.mycka_nadobi_remaining_program_time.state))
+ - (as_timestamp(now())) | round(0)}}'
+ target:
+ entity_id: timer.dishwasher_remaining
+ initial_state: true
+ mode: restart
+- id: 34ba1897-ec7a-4cb3-a12b-fb0a1e9e495e
+ alias: vacuum_start_cleaning
+ mode: queued
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: sensor.vacuum_status
+ from: '9'
+ to: '4'
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: sensor.vacuum_status
+ from: '6'
+ to: '4'
+ action:
+ service: script.vacuum_notify
+ data:
+ title: Little messy there
+ message: The vacuum cleaner started cleaning!
+- id: 2dedd749-b65a-49e0-8747-2dce6dd995a4
+ alias: vacuum_show_error
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.vacuum_fault
+ from: No Faults
+ condition:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{% if is_state_attr(''vacuum.roidmi_eve'',''vacuum.fault'',0)
+ or is_state_attr(''vacuum.roidmi_eve'',''vacuum.fault'',None) %}False{% else
+ %}True{% endif %}'
+ enabled: true
+ action:
+ - service: script.vacuum_notify
+ data:
+ title: Something is wrong with robot
+ message: '{{states(''sensor.vacuum_fault'')}}.'
+ mode: queued
+- id: '1700514428812'
+ alias: Notify HA System usage
+ description: Memory or CPU leak
+ triggers:
+ - entity_id:
+ - sensor.ha_system_memory_usage
+ - sensor.ha_system_cpu_usage
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 7
+ seconds: 0
+ above: 70
+ trigger: numeric_state
+ conditions: []
+ actions:
+ - parallel:
+ - data:
+ message: Memory {{ states.sensor.ha_system_memory_usage.state }}% - CPU {{
+ states.sensor.ha_system_cpu_usage.state }}%
+ title: System
+ action: notify.notify
+ mode: single
+- id: '1701118898607'
+ alias: Notify_Github
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - update.home_assistant_core_update
+ from: 'on'
+ to: 'off'
+ id: ha_version
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id:
+ - ha_version
+ enabled: true
+ sequence:
+ - service: readme.generate
+ data: {}
+ initial_state: true
+ mode: single
+- id: '1701556784590'
+ alias: Update YouTube Sensor
+ description: ''
+ triggers:
+ - entity_id:
+ - media_player.living_room_tv
+ - media_player.bedroom_tv
+ attribute: media_title
+ trigger: state
+ id: title_change
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 2
+ - entity_id:
+ - media_player.living_room_tv
+ - media_player.bedroom_tv
+ trigger: state
+ id: reset_title
+ attribute: app_id
+ from: com.google.ios.youtube
+ conditions: []
+ actions:
+ - choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: and
+ conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id:
+ - title_change
+ - condition: or
+ conditions:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: "{% if state_attr('media_player.living_room_tv', 'media_title')
+ != None %} \n{{ is_state_attr('media_player.living_room_tv', 'app_id',
+ 'com.google.ios.youtube') and state_attr('media_player.living_room_tv',
+ 'media_title') != state_attr('sensor.youtube_thumbnail', 'title') }}\n{%
+ endif%}"
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ is_state_attr(''media_player.bedroom_tv'', ''source'',
+ ''YouTube'') and state_attr(''media_player.bedroom_tv'', ''media_title'')
+ != state_attr(''sensor.youtube_thumbnail'', ''title'') }}'
+ sequence:
+ - event: youtube_update
+ event_data: {}
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id:
+ - reset_title
+ sequence:
+ - event: youtube_reset
+ event_data: {}
+ max_exceeded: silent
+ mode: single
+- id: '1702444277863'
+ alias: 'Event_Unifi Archive Alert '
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - input_button.unifi_archive_alerts
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - event: archive_alerts
+ event_data: {}
+ mode: single
+- id: '1706827614119'
+ alias: kodi_lib_scan
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - input_button.kodi_lib_scan
+ to:
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - event: kodi_library_scan
+ event_data: {}
+ - event: fetch_upcoming_movies
+ event_data: {}
+ - event: kodi_video_scan
+ event_data: {}
+ mode: single
+- id: '1706968812356'
+ alias: Roidmi Camera Update
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - if:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ states.vacuum.roidmi_eve.state in ["unavailable", "unknown",
+ "docked"] }} '
+ then:
+ - service: camera.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - camera.roidmi_eve
+ data: {}
+ else:
+ - service: camera.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - camera.roidmi_eve
+ data: {}
+ mode: single
+- id: '1715819993809'
+ alias: Kodi Update Picture Sensor
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - media_player.kodi_atv
+ attribute: media_title
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: kodi.call_method
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.kodi_atv
+ data:
+ method: Player.GetItem
+ playerid: 0
+ properties:
+ - title
+ - art
+ mode: single
+- id: '1716484682108'
+ alias: Vacum Set Property
+ description: Set Roidmi Vacuum sensors value
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_led_switch
+ id: led_switch
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_lidar_collision
+ id: lidar_collision
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_auto_boost
+ id: auto_boost
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_number.vacuum_volume
+ id: volume
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_double_clean
+ id: double_clean
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_edge_sweep
+ id: edge_sweep
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_water_level
+ id: water_level
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_station_key
+ id: station_key
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_station_led
+ id: station_led
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_mute
+ id: mute
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_work_station_freq
+ id: work_station_freq
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_mode
+ id: vacuum_mode
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_sweep_type
+ id: vacuum_sweep_type
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: led_switch
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 22
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_led_switch'', ''off'') else
+ 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: lidar_collision
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 23
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_lidar_collision'', ''off'')
+ else 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: auto_boost
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 9
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_auto_boost'', ''off'') else
+ 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: volume
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 9
+ piid: 1
+ value: '{{states(''input_number.vacuum_volume'')|round(0)}}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: double_clean
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 20
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_double_clean'', ''off'')
+ else 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: edge_sweep
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 13
+ piid: 8
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_edge_sweep'', ''off'') else
+ 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: water_level
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 11
+ value: "{%- if is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_water_level\", \"No water\")
+ -%}\n 0\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_water_level\", \"Small\")
+ -%}\n 1\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_water_level\", \"Middle\")
+ -%}\n 2\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_water_level\", \"MAX\")
+ -%}\n 3\n{% else %} {% endif %}\n"
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: station_key
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 24
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_station_key'', ''off'')
+ else 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: station_led
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 25
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_station_led'', ''off'')
+ else 1 }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: mute
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 9
+ piid: 2
+ value: '{{ 0 if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_mute'', ''off'') else 1
+ }}'
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: work_station_freq
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ piid: 2
+ value: "{%- if is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_work_station_freq\", \"Not
+ to throw away\") -%}\n 0\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_work_station_freq\",
+ \"Every time\") -%}\n 1\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_work_station_freq\",
+ \"Every second\") -%}\n 2\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_work_station_freq\",
+ \"Every third\") -%}\n 3\n{% else %} {% endif %}\n"
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: vacuum_mode
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 2
+ piid: 4
+ value: "{%- if is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_mode\", \"Sweep\") -%}\n 0\n{%-
+ elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_mode\", \"Silent\") -%}\n 1\n{%-
+ elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_mode\", \"Basic\") -%}\n 2\n{%- elif
+ is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_mode\", \"Strong\") -%}\n 3\n{%- elif
+ is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_mode\", \"Full Speed\") -%}\n 4\n{% else
+ %} {% endif %}\n"
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: vacuum_sweep_type
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.set_miot_property
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 2
+ piid: 8
+ value: "{%- if is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_sweep_type\", \"Sweep\") -%}\n
+ \ 0\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_sweep_type\", \"Mop\") -%}\n
+ \ 1\n{%- elif is_state(\"input_select.vacuum_sweep_type\", \"Mop And Sweep\")
+ -%}\n 2\n{% else %} {% endif %}\n"
+ mode: single
+- id: '1716484803294'
+ alias: Vacuum Get Property
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'custom.led_switch', 1) %}\n
+ \ input_boolean.turn_on\n{% else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_led_switch
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'custom.lidar_collision', 1)
+ %}\n input_boolean.turn_on\n{% else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif
+ %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_lidar_collision
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'custom.auto_boost', 1) %}\n
+ \ input_boolean.turn_on\n{% else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_auto_boost
+ - service: input_number.set_value
+ entity_id: input_number.vacuum_volume
+ data_template:
+ value: '{{ state_attr("vacuum.roidmi_eve","speaker.volume") }}'
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'custom.double_clean', 1) %}\n
+ \ input_boolean.turn_on\n{% else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_double_clean
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'map.path_type', 1) %}\n input_boolean.turn_on\n{%
+ else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_edge_sweep
+ - service: input_select.select_option
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_water_level
+ data_template:
+ option: "{%- if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.water_level',0) -%}\n
+ \ No water\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.water_level',1)
+ -%}\n Small\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.water_level',2)
+ -%}\n Middle\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.water_level',3)
+ -%}\n MAX\n{%- else -%} {%- endif -%}\n"
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'custom.station_key', 1) %}\n
+ \ input_boolean.turn_on\n{% else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_station_key
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'custom.station_led', 1) %}\n
+ \ input_boolean.turn_on\n{% else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_station_led
+ - service: "{% if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve', 'speaker.mute', 1) %}\n input_boolean.turn_on\n{%
+ else %}\n input_boolean.turn_off\n{% endif %}\n"
+ data:
+ entity_id: input_boolean.vacuum_mute
+ - service: input_select.select_option
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_work_station_freq
+ data_template:
+ option: "{%- if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.work_station_freq',0)
+ -%}\n Not to throw away\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.work_station_freq',1)
+ -%}\n Every time\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.work_station_freq',2)
+ -%}\n Every second\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','custom.work_station_freq',3)
+ -%}\n Every third\n{%- else -%} {%- endif -%}\n"
+ - service: input_select.select_option
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_mode
+ data_template:
+ option: "{%- if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.mode',0) -%}\n Sweep\n{%-
+ elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.mode',1) -%}\n Silent\n{%-
+ elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.mode',2) -%}\n Basic\n{%-
+ elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.mode',3) -%}\n Strong\n{%-
+ elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.mode',4) -%}\n Full Speed\n{%-
+ else -%} {%- endif -%}\n"
+ - service: input_select.select_option
+ entity_id: input_select.vacuum_sweep_type
+ data_template:
+ option: "{%- if is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.sweep_type',0) -%}\n
+ \ Sweep\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.sweep_type',1)
+ -%}\n Mop\n{%- elif is_state_attr('vacuum.roidmi_eve','vacuum.sweep_type',2)
+ -%}\n Mop And Sweep\n{%- else -%} {%- endif -%}\n"
+ mode: single
+- id: '1719003861113'
+ alias: HA updated
+ description: 'Ha updated generate readme '
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - update.home_assistant_core_update
+ from: 'on'
+ to: 'off'
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.current_version
+ from:
+ condition: []
+ action:
+ - service: readme.generate
+ metadata: {}
+ data: {}
+ mode: single
+- id: '1719583633037'
+ alias: Vanny skolka
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: template
+ value_template: '{% set lag_in_minute = 10 %} {% set travel_time_in_minute = states("sensor.waze_ngoc_jahoda")|int
+ %} {% set target_time = now().replace(hour=16).replace(minute=45).replace(second=0)
+ %} {{ as_timestamp(target_time) - (travel_time_in_minute+lag_in_minute)*60 <=
+ as_timestamp(now())}}'
+ condition:
+ - condition: not
+ conditions:
+ - condition: zone
+ entity_id: device_tracker.viet_ngoc
+ zone: zone.smichov
+ action:
+ - service: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ message: '{{ states(''sensor.waze_ngoc_jahoda'')}}min {{ state_attr(''sensor.waze_ngoc_jahoda'',''route'')}}'
+ title: Vanesska Jesle
+ data:
+ shortcut:
+ name: Jahoda Direction
+ ignore_result: ignore
+ push:
+ sound:
+ name: findmy.wav
+ critical: 1
+ volume: 1
+ mode: single
+- id: '1719583833596'
+ alias: Vanny skolka waze
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ - platform: time_pattern
+ minutes: /2
+ id: 20min
+ condition:
+ - condition: time
+ after: '14:00:00'
+ before: '17:00:00'
+ weekday:
+ - fri
+ - thu
+ - wed
+ - tue
+ - mon
+ action:
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.waze_ngoc_jahoda
+ - sensor.waze_ngoc_smichov_oc
+ mode: single
+- id: '1727802647185'
+ alias: person_home_change
+ description: ''
+ trigger:
+ platform: state
+ entity_id:
+ - person.viet_ngoc
+ from:
+ - home
+ - not_home
+ to:
+ - home
+ - not_home
+ action:
+ data:
+ topic: 'homeassistant/persistence/{{ trigger.to_state.name | lower }}
+ '
+ payload: '{{ now() }}
+ '
+ retain: true
+ action: mqtt.publish
+ mode: parallel
+- id: '1733711039643'
+ alias: Disable Vacuum Camera
+ description: ''
+ use_blueprint:
+ path: PiotrMachowski/disable_vacuum_camera_update_when_docked.yaml
+ input:
+ vacuum: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ camera: camera.roidmi_eve
+- id: '1737054227949'
+ alias: Kids room camera snapshot
+ description: ''
+ triggers:
+ - at: 05:00:00
+ id: delete
+ trigger: time
+ - hours: /1
+ trigger: time_pattern
+ conditions:
+ - condition: time
+ after: 05:00:00
+ before: 00:00:00
+ actions:
+ - if:
+ - condition: trigger
+ id: delete
+ then:
+ - data:
+ folder: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/
+ time: 0
+ only_extensions:
+ - .png
+ - .jpg
+ action: delete.files_in_folder
+ - data:
+ folder: /config/www/tmp/kids/
+ time: 0
+ only_extensions:
+ - .png
+ - .jpg
+ action: delete.files_in_folder
+ - parallel:
+ - action: button.press
+ metadata: {}
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: button.kids_room_start_rtsp_stream
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room
+ state: streaming
+ for:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 2
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - parallel:
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/www/tmp/snapshots/camera.kids_room{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ }}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - action: input_text.set_value
+ metadata: {}
+ data:
+ value: camera.kids_room{{now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")}}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: input_text.kids_camera_snapshot
+ - data:
+ filename: /config/tmp/camera.kids_room{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") }}.jpg
+ target:
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room
+ action: camera.snapshot
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 5
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - action: button.press
+ metadata: {}
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: button.kids_room_stop_rtsp_stream
+ mode: single
+- id: '1737074902973'
+ alias: test video notify
+ description: ''
+ triggers: []
+ conditions: []
+ actions:
+ - action: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ message: Test video
+ data:
+ video: /media/local/test_video.mp4
+ enabled: false
+ - action: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ message: browse
+ data:
+ actions:
+ - action: URI
+ title: Browse media
+ uri: /media-browser/browser
+ enabled: false
+ - action: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ message: Motion Detected in the Living Room
+ data:
+ entity_id: camera.kids_room_cam
+ push:
+ category: camera
+ mode: single
diff --git a/config/custom_components/ingress/manifest.json b/config/custom_components/ingress/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22c8001d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/custom_components/ingress/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "domain": "ingress",
+ "name": "Ingress",
+ "after_dependencies": ["panel_custom"],
+ "codeowners": ["@lovelylain"],
+ "config_flow": false,
+ "dependencies": ["http"],
+ "documentation": "https://github.com/lovelylain/hass_ingress",
+ "iot_class": "local_push",
+ "issue_tracker": "https://github.com/lovelylain/hass_ingress/issues",
+ "version": "1.2.5"
diff --git a/config/packages/hassio/hass_frontend.yaml b/config/packages/hassio/hass_frontend.yaml
index d5049004..bc0c6a3b 100644
--- a/config/packages/hassio/hass_frontend.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/hassio/hass_frontend.yaml
@@ -45,3 +45,14 @@ panel_custom:
url_path: 'config/automation/dashboard'
ingress: core_configurator
+ local_homebridge:
+ work_mode: iframe
+ ui_mode: normal
+ title: Homebridge
+ icon: si:homebridge
+ url:
+ match: !secret external_url
+ replace: !secret homebridge_url
+ default:
diff --git a/config/packages/hassio/hass_system.yaml b/config/packages/hassio/hass_system.yaml
index 15dca3ae..23cdbd1e 100644
--- a/config/packages/hassio/hass_system.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/hassio/hass_system.yaml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ recorder:
- sensor.date
- sensor.hassio_addons_use
- sensor.zhimi_mb4_b008_moto_speed_rpm
+ - script.fade_music
- sensor.*_motor_speed
- sensor.browser_*
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ recorder:
- sensor.kodi_*
- sensor.amg_43_*
- sensor.*_write
- - sensor.prague_*
+ - sensor.prague_next_*
- sensor.*_utilization
- sensor.*_clients
- sensor.*_voltage
@@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ recorder:
- sensor.motion_sensor_*
- sensor.*_outage_count
- sensor.*_speed_rpm
+ - sensor.*_clients
+ - sensor.*_containers_cpu_usage
default: error
diff --git a/config/scripts.yaml b/config/scripts.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..549cd833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/scripts.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+ alias: Restart Pi Docker
+ sequence:
+ - service: shell_command.pidocker_restart
+ data: {}
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:reload
+ alias: Purge docker log
+ sequence:
+ - service: shell_command.purge_dockerlog
+ data: {}
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:archive-remove
+ alias: SAMSUNG turn on off
+ sequence:
+ - if:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom_tv
+ state: 'off'
+ then:
+ - service: media_player.turn_on
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom_tv
+ else:
+ - service: media_player.turn_off
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom_tv
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:power
+ alias: ATV Sleep
+ sequence:
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ command:
+ - home_hold
+ - select
+ delay_secs: 1
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ enabled: false
+ - service: media_player.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.atv
+ data: {}
+ enabled: false
+ - if:
+ - condition: or
+ conditions:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: media_player.atv
+ attribute: app_id
+ state: com.google.ios.youtube
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: media_player.atv
+ attribute: app_id
+ state: org.xbmc.kodi-tvos
+ then:
+ - service: script.atv_quit
+ data: {}
+ - service: remote.turn_off
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.sony_bravia_tv
+ else:
+ - service: remote.turn_off
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.sony_bravia_tv
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:power
+ alias: Apple TV Power
+ sequence:
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ command:
+ - home_hold
+ - select
+ delay_secs: 1
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:power
+ alias: ATV Volume up
+ sequence:
+ - service: media_player.volume_up
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:volume-plus
+ alias: ATV Volume down
+ sequence:
+ - service: media_player.volume_down
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:volume-minus
+ alias: ATV Turn on off
+ sequence:
+ - if:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
+ state: 'off'
+ then:
+ - service: media_player.turn_on
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
+ else:
+ - service: media_player.turn_off
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:power
+ alias: Vacuum Notify
+ mode: queued
+ icon: mdi:vacuum
+ description: Send a pushover notification
+ fields:
+ title:
+ description: The title of the notification
+ example: State change
+ message:
+ description: The message content
+ example: The light is on!
+ data:
+ description: The data content
+ example: icons push sound
+ sequence:
+ - service: notify.mobile_app_viet_ngoc
+ data:
+ title: '{{ title }}'
+ message: '{{ message }}'
+ alias: zuzu entities
+ sequence:
+ - parallel:
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.gle
+ - device_tracker.findmy_d098350b38e241d3972ad394a27f38b6
+ mode: single
+ alias: Atv quit
+ sequence:
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ num_repeats: 1
+ delay_secs: 0.4
+ hold_secs: 0
+ command:
+ - home
+ - top_menu
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ enabled: true
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 1
+ milliseconds: 0
+ enabled: true
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ delay_secs: 0.2
+ command:
+ - home
+ num_repeats: 2
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 1
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ num_repeats: 1
+ delay_secs: 0.4
+ hold_secs: 0
+ command:
+ - left
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 1
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ delay_secs: 0.2
+ command:
+ - up
+ num_repeats: 2
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ num_repeats: 1
+ delay_secs: 0.4
+ hold_secs: 0
+ command:
+ - left
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 1
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ delay_secs: 0.2
+ command:
+ - up
+ num_repeats: 2
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ num_repeats: 1
+ delay_secs: 0.4
+ hold_secs: 0
+ command:
+ - left
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 1
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ delay_secs: 0.2
+ command:
+ - up
+ num_repeats: 2
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ - service: remote.send_command
+ data:
+ num_repeats: 1
+ delay_secs: 0.4
+ hold_secs: 0
+ command:
+ - top_menu
+ target:
+ entity_id: remote.atv
+ mode: single
+ alias: Fade the volume of a media player
+ mode: parallel
+ fields:
+ target_player:
+ name: Target media player
+ description: Target media player of volume fade.
+ required: true
+ example: media_player.spotify
+ selector:
+ entity:
+ domain: media_player
+ target_volume:
+ name: Target volume
+ description: Volume the media play will be at the end of the fade duration.
+ required: true
+ default: 0.5
+ example: '0.5'
+ selector:
+ number:
+ max: 1
+ min: 0
+ step: 0.01
+ mode: slider
+ duration:
+ name: Fade duration
+ description: Length of time in seconds the fade should take.
+ required: true
+ default: 5
+ example: '5'
+ selector:
+ number:
+ mode: box
+ min: 0
+ max: 100000
+ unit_of_measurement: s
+ curve:
+ name: Fade curve algorithm
+ description: Shape of the fade curve to apply.
+ required: true
+ default: logarithmic
+ example: logarithmic
+ selector:
+ select:
+ options:
+ - logarithmic
+ - bezier
+ - linear
+ variables:
+ steps_per_second: 10
+ total_steps: '{{ (steps_per_second * duration) | int(0) }}'
+ start_volume: '{{ state_attr(target_player, ''volume_level'') | float(0) }}'
+ start_diff: '{{ (target_volume - start_volume) | float(0) }}'
+ sequence:
+ - repeat:
+ while:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ repeat.index < total_steps }}'
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ ((state_attr(target_player, "volume_level") - target_volume)
+ | abs) > 0.001 }}'
+ sequence:
+ - service: media_player.volume_set
+ data_template:
+ entity_id: '{{ target_player }}'
+ volume_level: "{% set t = repeat.index / total_steps %} {% if curve == 'logarithmic'
+ %}\n {{ (start_volume + (t / (1 + (1 - t))) * start_diff) | float(0)
+ }}\n{% elif curve == 'bezier' %}\n {{ (start_volume + (t * t * (3 - 2
+ * t)) * start_diff) | float(0) }}\n{% else %}\n {{ (start_volume + t
+ * start_diff) | float(0) }}\n{% endif %}\n"
+ - delay: '00:00:00.1'
+ - service: media_player.volume_set
+ data_template:
+ entity_id: '{{ target_player }}'
+ volume_level: '{{ target_volume }}'
+ icon: mdi:tune-vertical
+ alias: morning cover
+ sequence:
+ - choose:
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: and
+ conditions:
+ - condition: numeric_state
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ below: 100
+ attribute: current_tilt_position
+ above: 0
+ - condition: numeric_state
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ below: 100
+ attribute: current_position
+ above: 0
+ sequence:
+ - service: cover.set_cover_tilt_position
+ data:
+ tilt_position: 100
+ target:
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: numeric_state
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ above: 0
+ attribute: current_position
+ sequence:
+ - service: cover.close_cover
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ - wait_template: '{{ state_attr("cover.living_room_cover", "current_position")
+ == 0 }}'
+ continue_on_timeout: true
+ - service: cover.set_cover_tilt_position
+ data:
+ tilt_position: 100
+ target:
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ - conditions:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ state: closed
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{{ state_attr("cover.living_room_cover", "current_tilt_position")
+ == 0 }}'
+ sequence:
+ - service: cover.set_cover_tilt_position
+ data:
+ tilt_position: 100
+ target:
+ entity_id: cover.living_room_cover
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:window-shutter
+ alias: Sony Kodi
+ sequence:
+ - service: media_player.play_media
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.sony_bravia_tv
+ data:
+ media_content_id: com.sony.dtv.org.xbmc.kodi.org.xbmc.kodi.Splash
+ media_content_type: app
+ metadata:
+ title: Kodi
+ thumbnail: /api/media_player_proxy/media_player.sony_bravia_tv/browse_media/app/com.sony.dtv.org.xbmc.kodi.org.xbmc.kodi.Splash?token=19dfbdc46bb386e62043ad04e52fe924017b25b51b690470442047d5a6b75110
+ media_class: app
+ children_media_class:
+ navigateIds:
+ - {}
+ - media_content_type: apps
+ media_content_id: apps
+ mode: single
+ alias: Download a map from the cloud
+ mode: single
+ icon: mdi:cloud-download-outline
+ sequence:
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data:
+ entity_id: camera.roidmi_eve
+ - delay: 00:00:02
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data:
+ entity_id: camera.roidmi_eve
+ - delay: 00:00:02
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data:
+ entity_id: camera.roidmi_eve
+ - delay: 00:00:02
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data:
+ entity_id: camera.roidmi_eve
+ alias: Cleaning rooms according to the list
+ icon: mdi:delete-sweep-outline
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: '{% if is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room1'',''on'') or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room2'',''on'')
+ or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room3'',''on'') or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room4'',''on'')
+ or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room5'',''on'') or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room6'',''on'')
+ or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room7'',''on'') or is_state(''input_boolean.vacuum_room8'',''on'')%}True{%
+ else %}False{% endif %} '
+ - service: script.turn_on
+ entity_id: script.vacuum_clean_select_room
+ data_template:
+ variables:
+ rooms: "{%- set text = '' -%}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room1','on')
+ %}\n {%- set text = '1' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room2','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'2' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room3','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'3' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room4','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'4' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room5','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'5' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room6','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'6' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room7','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'7' %}{% endif %}\n{%- if is_state('input_boolean.vacuum_room8','on')
+ %}\n {%- if text != '' %}{%- set text = text+',' %}{% endif %}\n {%- set
+ text = text+'8' %}{% endif %}\n{%- set text = '[2,\"{\\\\\"mapId\\\\\":1696538829,\\\\\"segmentId\\\\\":['
+ + text + ']}\"]' %}\n{{text}}\n"
+ alias: Cleaning of selected rooms
+ mode: single
+ fields:
+ rooms:
+ description: Command with room numbers
+ example: Specifies the full cleaning command of the room
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 14
+ aiid: 1
+ params: '{{ rooms }}'
+ alias: Cleaning the entire apartment
+ icon: mdi:vacuum-outline
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - service: vacuum.start
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ alias: Robot locate
+ icon: mdi:vacuum-outline
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ aiid: 1
+ alias: Vacuum empty bin
+ icon: mdi:vacuum-outline
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - if:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ state: docked
+ then:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ aiid: 6
+ else:
+ - service: vacuum.return_to_base
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ - wait_template: '{{ is_state(''vacuum.roidmi_eve'', ''docked'') }}'
+ continue_on_timeout: true
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ did: 558429891
+ siid: 8
+ aiid: 6
+ alias: Reset readings
+ icon: mdi:backup-restore
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ siid: 11
+ aiid: 1
+ params: []
+ throw: false
+ - delay: 00:20:00
+ alias: Reset readings
+ icon: mdi:backup-restore
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ siid: 12
+ aiid: 1
+ params: []
+ throw: false
+ - delay: 00:20:00
+ alias: Reset readings
+ icon: mdi:backup-restore
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ siid: 15
+ aiid: 1
+ params: []
+ throw: false
+ - delay: 00:20:00
+ alias: Reset readings
+ icon: mdi:backup-restore
+ mode: single
+ sequence:
+ - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
+ data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.roidmi_eve
+ siid: 10
+ aiid: 1
+ params: []
+ throw: false
+ - delay: 00:20:00
+ alias: Homepod alarm
+ sequence:
+ - action: media_player.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom
+ data: {}
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - data:
+ volume_level: 0.2
+ action: media_player.volume_set
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - action: media_player.shuffle_set
+ metadata: {}
+ data:
+ shuffle: true
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom
+ - data:
+ media_content_id: library://playlist/4
+ media_content_type: playlist
+ metadata:
+ title: 500 Random tracks (from library)
+ thumbnail:
+ media_class: playlist
+ children_media_class: track
+ navigateIds:
+ - {}
+ - media_content_type: mass
+ media_content_id: playlists
+ - media_content_type: music
+ media_content_id: library://playlist/4
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.bedroom
+ action: media_player.play_media
+ - delay:
+ hours: 0
+ minutes: 0
+ seconds: 3
+ milliseconds: 0
+ - parallel:
+ - data:
+ target_volume: 0.7
+ duration: 30
+ curve: logarithmic
+ target_player: media_player.bedroom
+ action: script.fade_music
+ mode: single
+ icon: phu:homepod-mini
+ alias: run plugin
+ sequence:
+ - service: kodi.call_method
+ metadata: {}
+ data:
+ method: Player.Open
+ item:
+ file: '{{ file }}'
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.kodi_atv
+ mode: single
+ alias: update entitites
+ sequence:
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ data: {}
+ target:
+ entity_id: '{%- for state in states if state.domain == "update" and state.state
+ != "unavailable" -%} - {{ state.entity_id }} {%- endfor -%}
+ '
+ description: ''
+ icon: mdi:update
+ sequence:
+ - action: hassio.backup_partial
+ metadata: {}
+ data:
+ compressed: true
+ homeassistant_exclude_database: true
+ addons:
+ - '{{ addon_slug }}'
+ name: '{{ addon_slug }}_{{ version }}_{{ now().strftime(''%d_%m_%H_%M'') }}'
+ alias: backup addon
+ description: ''
diff --git a/config/secrets_redacted.yaml b/config/secrets_redacted.yaml
index 3a78b17f..063597c3 100644
--- a/config/secrets_redacted.yaml
+++ b/config/secrets_redacted.yaml
@@ -97,3 +97,5 @@ accuweather_api_hourly: '***REDACTED***'
waqi_api: '***REDACTED***'
github_token: '***REDACTED***'
+homebridge_url: '***REDACTED***'
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index fc8453cd..713db5a6 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ https://github.com/ngocjohn/hass-config/assets/96962827/acc1a4db-b92e-4ab1-ac9d-
- 35,894 |
+ 35,928 |
34 |
- 154 |
+ 156 |
63 |
54 |
32 |
- 1065 |
+ 1071 |
201 |
38 |
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ https://github.com/ngocjohn/hass-config/assets/96962827/acc1a4db-b92e-4ab1-ac9d-
- [Govee](https://github.com/LaggAt/hacs-govee)
- [HACS](https://github.com/hacs/integration)
- [Hass Favicon](https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-favicon)
+- [Ingress](https://github.com/lovelylain/hass_ingress)
- [Lunar Phase](https://github.com/ngocjohn/lunar-phase)
- [Mercedesme 2020](https://github.com/ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020)
- [Node Red Companion](https://github.com/zachowj/hass-node-red)