+ Serverless node runtime: {nodeVersion}
+ Xunn.at runtime: {`v${pkgVersion}`}
+ Environment: {nodeEnv}
+ Production mode:{' '}
+ {isInProduction ? (
+ yes
+ ) : (
+ no
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/test/api/integration.fixtures.ts b/test/api/integration.fixtures.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb0c645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/api/integration.fixtures.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2391 @@
+import { name as pkgName } from 'package';
+import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
+import { toss } from 'toss-expression';
+import { dummyDbData } from 'testverse/db';
+import { GuruMeditationError } from 'universe/backend/error';
+import { getEnv } from 'universe/backend/env';
+import debugFactory from 'debug';
+import { toPublicMeme } from './setup';
+import type { PatchUser, PublicMeme, PublicUser } from 'types/global';
+import type { NextApiHandler, PageConfig } from 'next';
+import type { Promisable } from 'type-fest';
+// TODO: XXX: turn a lot of this into some kind of package; needs to be generic
+// TODO: XXX: enough to handle various use cases though :) Maybe
+// TODO: XXX: @xunnamius/test-factory for the generic version, along with
+// TODO: XXX: @xunnamius/test-factory-next, @xunnamius/test-factory-next-api (below),
+// TODO: XXX: @xunnamius/test-factory-X plugins
+// TODO: XXX: add an `id` param that allows getResultAt using that `id` (along with
+// TODO: XXX: index)
+// TODO: XXX: document functionality: RUN_ONLY='#, ##,###,...'
+// TODO: XXX: "fail fast" should be optional
+const debug = debugFactory(`${pkgName}:integration-fixtures`);
+export type NextApiHandlerMixin = NextApiHandler