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BDPA Elections Public API

The live API used by solutions to the Elections NHSCC problem statement. It was built according to JAMstack principles using TypeScript (JavaScript) and MongoDB. The production instance is hosted on Vercel with MongoDB Atlas. The code is highly documented. You can clone this repo and run a fully functional version of this API locally following the instructions below.

If you run into any issues or find any bugs, please report them!

Root URI:
Documentation and playground with examples:

Running a local version of the API

You should be using the production version of the API (and your key) for your application. However, for development purposes, you can also run a local version of the API to make requests against. This API is self-contained aside from MongoDB; everything you need to run it locally is in this repo (except a running MongoDB instance). Follow the instructions below:

This project has been tested on Linux (Kubuntu) and Windows 10 Pro. If you encounter any issues (especially Windows-specific issues), please report them.

  1. Ensure the latest NodeJS and MongoDB are installed and set up.
  2. Clone this repo using your favorite terminal
  3. From the terminal, with the repo as the current working directory, run npm install
    • If you're on Windows, you should also run npm install -g gulp-cli before continuing
  4. Copy the file dist.env to .env
    • Install MongoDB if you have not already and start it up
      • If you're on Windows, you might also be interested in MongoDB Compass (bundled with the installer)
    • Add your MongoDB connect URI to the MONGODB_URI environment variable in .env
      • The URI should look like this: mongodb://localhost:your-port-number/my-test-db-name, i.e. mongodb://localhost:27017/test
      • It is important that you include the name of the test database after the slash (you can just make something up) like in the above examples
    • Set HYDRATE_DB_ON_STARTUP=true in .env to have the database you specified in the connect URI automatically configured and hydrated
  5. At this point you should test that the API will work on your system. To do this, run the command npm test in your terminal
  6. If all tests passed, you can start up the API in development mode by running the npm run dev command
    • If you're on Windows, run npm run dev-windows instead!
  7. If you set HYDRATE_DB_ON_STARTUP=true previously, navigate to the API's URI (details below) using your browser to finish setting up the database
    • If you're using MongoDB Compass, you'll be able to visually explore the dummy database's data
  8. You can now interact with the API using your browser, Postman, or otherwise
    • You should see a line on the console that looks like ready - started server on <URI HERE>. Use that URI to access the API.

Note: if you choose to run the API with NODE_ENV=production or npm start, the database will not be automatically setup nor hydrated. Better to run the API in development mode (the default).

Available commands

To get a list of possible actions, run the following from your terminal:

$ npm run list-tasks

Project structure

This API uses the following technologies:

  • Node and NPM to run JavaScript locally
  • TypeScript for producing typed JavaScript
  • Babel for compiling (transpiling) TypeScript + ESNext syntax
  • Gulp for running complex tasks
  • Git for version control
  • ESLint for TypeScript and JavaScript linting
  • Webpack for tree-shaking and asset bundling
  • JSX, React, and Next for modern web development
  • MongoDB Node driver for database access
  • Jest for unit and integration testing

Files and directories

tsconfig controls the TypeScript settings used when type checking the project. Type checks are run once before the project is built during production deployments, otherwise they must be run manually (inconvenient) or by your IDE. If you're using a modern IDE like vscode (highly recommended!), you don't have to do anything as it's all handled for you.

package.json and package-lock.json are used by NPM to describe the dependencies that will be automatically installed when executing npm install.

next.config.js and gulpfile.js are transpiled scripts and should generally be ignored. You can find the real versions under the config/ directory. config/gulpfile.ts defines all the Gulp tasks that can be run. config/next.config.ts returns a JSON object used to configure Next. If you make changes to config/gulpfile.ts or config/next.config.ts, be sure to run npm run regenerate afterwards to apply your changes.

dist.env is the distributed environment file. It's meaningless on its own, but when copied and renamed to .env, it will be used by the API to define certain environment variables.

next-env.d.ts is a TypeScript types file. It's a special type of JavaScript file that globally defines TypeScript types used by other files. The types/ folder serves a similar purpose.

babel.config.js returns a JSON object used to configure Babel.

lib/ contains TypeScript modules shared between projects.

src/ contains the source code of the application. src/__test__ contains the unit and integration tests for the API. src/backend contains business logic and the database ORM layer (kept thin thanks to MongoDB). src/pages contains React (JSX) TypeScript code (.tsx files). src/pages/api contains the actual API endpoints. The directories and files are so named to take advantage of Next dynamic routing.