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191 lines (164 loc) · 9.18 KB

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191 lines (164 loc) · 9.18 KB


Hi there! First off, we're thrilled 🤩 you want contribute to this project!

First time contributor to a GitHub project? If you could use some help getting started, take a look at this quick and easy guide. 💜

Briefly: Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

See also:

This repository uses a fully automated continuous linting (CL), integration testing (CI), and deployment (CD) semantic-release-based pipeline for integrating PRs and publishing releases. The nice thing about a fully automated CL/CI/CD pipeline is that anyone anywhere can make a contribution quickly and with minimal tedium all around!

This repository makes extensive use of debug (through rejoinder). Should you wish to view all possible debugging output, export DEBUG='*'. To get debugging output for just this project's components, export DEBUG='next-test-api-route-handler:*'.

The ideal contributor flow is as follows:

  1. Fork this repository and clone it locally.
  2. Configure and install dependencies with npm ci.
    • You use npm ci here instead of npm install to prevent unnecessary updates to package.json and package-lock.json, but if it makes more sense to use npm install feel free to use that instead.
    • If .env.example exists, consider copying it to .env and configuring sensible defaults.
    • If you're using npm@<=6, you'll need to install any peer dependencies manually. If you're using npm@>=7, you may have to forcefully allow peer deps to be satisfied by custom forks of certain packages.
  3. Before making any changes, ensure all unit tests are passing with npm run test.
  4. (optional but recommended) Create a new branch, usually off main.
    • Example: git checkout -b contrib-feature-1
  5. Make your changes and commit. Thanks to CL, your work will be checked as you commit it; any problems will abort the commit attempt
    • Ensure any new tests still pass even when the DEBUG environment variable is defined.
    • Various import aliases are available in some projects. Check the tsconfig.json "paths" key to see which if any aliases this project supports.
  6. Push your commits to your fork and, when you're ready, fearlessly submit your PR! Your changes will be tested in our CI pipeline.
  7. Pat yourself on the back! Your hard work is well on its way to being reviewed and, if everything looks good, merged and released 🚀

Additionally, there are a few things you can do to increase the likelihood your PR passes review:

  • Do open an issue and discuss your proposed changes (to prevent wasting your valuable time, e.g. maybe we're already working on a fix!), and search to see if there are any existing issues related to your concerns
  • Do practice atomic committing
  • Do not reduce code coverage (codecov checks are performed during CI)
  • Do follow convention when coming up with your commit messages
  • Do not circumvent CL, i.e. automated pre-commit linting, formatting, and unit testing
  • Do ensure and other documentation that isn't autogenerated is kept consistent with your changes
  • Do not create a PR to introduce purely cosmetic commits
    • Code de-duplication and other potential optimizations we do not consider purely cosmetic 🙂
  • Do ensure your tests still pass in the presence of the DEBUG environment variable
  • Do keep your PR as narrow and focused as possible
    • If you ran npm install instead of npm ci and it updated package.json or package-lock.json and those updates have nothing to do with your PR (e.g. random nested deps were updated), do not stage changes to those files
    • If there are multiple related changes to be made but (1) they do not immediately depend on one another or (2) one implements extended/alternative functionality based on the other, consider submitting them as separate PRs instead 👍🏿

Be aware: all contributions to this project, regardless of committer, origin, or context and immediately upon push to this repository, are released in accordance with this project's license.

At this point, you're ready to create your PR and ✨ contribute ✨!

NPM Scripts

This repo ships with several NPM scripts. Use npm run list-tasks to see which of the following scripts are available for this project.

Using these scripts requires a linux-like development environment. None of the scripts are likely to work on non-POSIX environments. If you're on Windows, use WSL.


  • npm run dev to start a development server or instance
  • npm run lint to run a project-wide type check (handled by CL/CI)
  • npm run test (or npm test, npm run test-unit) to run the unit tests (handled by CL/CI)
    • Also gathers test coverage data as HTML files (under coverage/)
    • Can also run npm run test-integration to run all the integration tests
  • npm run test-integration-node to run integration tests on the last three LTS Node versions (handled by CI)
  • npm run test-integration-client to run client (browser/cli/etc) integration tests with puppeteer (handled by CI)
  • npm run test-integration-webpack to run tests verifying the distributable can be bundled with Webpack 5 (as both ESM and CJS) (handled by CI)
  • npm run test-integration-externals to run tests on compiled external executables (under external-scripts/bin/) (handled by CI)

Other Development Scripts

  • npm run test-repeat to run the entire test suite 100 times
    • Good for spotting bad async code and heisenbugs
  • npm run generate to transpile config files (under config/) from scratch
  • npm run regenerate to quickly re-transpile config files (under config/)
  • npm run postinstall to (re-)install Husky Git hooks if not in a CI environment (handled by NPM)

Building and Deploying

  • npm run build (alias: npm run build-dist) to compile src/ into dist/ (or build/), which is what ships to production (handled by CI/CD)
  • npm run format to run source formatting over the codebase (handled by CL/CI/CD)
  • npm run start to deploy a local production mode instance
  • npm run deploy to deploy to production (bring your own auth tokens) (handled by CD)

Other Build Scripts

  • npm run clean to delete all build process artifacts (except node_modules/)
  • npm run build-changelog to re-build the changelog (handled by CI/CD)
    • You can run this as CHANGELOG_SKIP_TITLE=true npm run build-changelog to skip prepending the header
  • npm run build-docs to re-build the documentation (handled by CI/CD)
  • npm run build-externals to compile external-scripts/ into external-scripts/bin/
  • npm run build-stats to gather statistics about Webpack (look for bundle-stats.ignore.json)

NPX Scripts

These commands might be installed as a project dependency but are expected to be run using npx X instead of npm run X regardless.

  • npx npm-force-resolutions to forcefully patch security audit problems (rarely necessary)
  • npx semantic-release -d to run the CD pipeline locally (in dry-run mode)