diff --git a/.changelogrc.js b/.changelogrc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b116ddc..0000000
--- a/.changelogrc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-// ? See https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog
-const debug = require('debug')(
- `${require('./package.json').name}:conventional-changelog-config`
-const semver = require('semver');
-const execa = require('execa');
-// ? Commit types that trigger releases by default (using angular configuration)
-// ? See https://github.com/semantic-release/commit-analyzer/blob/master/lib/default-release-rules.js
-const DEFAULT_RELEASED_TYPES = ['feat', 'fix', 'perf'];
-// ? Same options as commit-analyzer's releaseRules (see
-// ? https://github.com/semantic-release/commit-analyzer#releaserules) with the
-// ? addition of the `title` property to set the resulting section title
- { type: 'build', release: 'patch', title: 'Build System' }
-const changelogTitle =
- `# Changelog\n\n` +
- `All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.\n\n` +
- `The format is based on [Conventional Commits](https://conventionalcommits.org),\n` +
- `and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org).`;
-// ? Strings in commit messages that, when found, are skipped
-// ! These also have to be updated in build-test-deploy.yml and cleanup.yml
-const SKIP_COMMANDS = '[skip ci], [ci skip], [skip cd], [cd skip]'.split(', ');
-// ! XXX: dark magic to synchronously deal with this async package
-// TODO: XXX: fork this package and offer a sync export instead of this dark magic
-let wait;
-try {
- wait = execa.sync('node', [
- '-e',
- 'require("conventional-changelog-angular").then(o => console.log(o.writerOpts.transform.toString()));'
- ]).stdout;
-} catch (e) {
- throw new Error(`failed to acquire angular transformation: ${e}`);
-const transform = Function(`"use strict";return (${wait})`)();
-const sentenceCase = (s) => s.toString().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.toString().slice(1);
-const extraReleaseTriggerCommitTypes = ADDITIONAL_RELEASE_RULES.map((r) => r.type);
-const allReleaseTriggerCommitTypes = [
- extraReleaseTriggerCommitTypes
-debug('extra types that trigger releases: %O', extraReleaseTriggerCommitTypes);
-debug('all types that trigger releases: %O', allReleaseTriggerCommitTypes);
-// ? Releases made before this repo adopted semantic-release. They will be
-// ? collected together under a single header
-const legacyReleases = [];
-let shouldGenerate = true;
-module.exports = {
- changelogTitle,
- additionalReleaseRules: ADDITIONAL_RELEASE_RULES.map(({ title, ...r }) => r),
- parserOpts: {
- mergePattern: /^Merge pull request #(\d+) from (.*)$/,
- mergeCorrespondence: ['id', 'source'],
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- warn: console.warn.bind(console)
- },
- writerOpts: {
- generateOn: (commit) => {
- const decision =
- shouldGenerate === 'always' ||
- (shouldGenerate &&
- !!semver.valid(commit.version) &&
- !semver.prerelease(commit.version));
- debug(`::generateOn shouldGenerate: ${shouldGenerate} [decision: ${decision}]`);
- shouldGenerate = true;
- return decision;
- },
- transform: (commit, context) => {
- const version = commit.version || null;
- const firstRelease = version === context.gitSemverTags?.slice(-1)[0]?.slice(1);
- debug('::transform encountered commit: %O', commit);
- debug(`::transform commit version: ${version}`);
- debug(`::transform commit firstRelease: ${firstRelease}`);
- if (commit.revert) {
- debug('::transform coercing to type "revert"');
- commit.type = 'revert';
- } else if (commit.type == 'revert') {
- debug('::transform ignoring malformed revert commit');
- return null;
- }
- commit.originalType = commit.type;
- if (!firstRelease || commit.type) {
- // ? This commit does not have a type, but has a version. It must be a
- // ? legacy release!
- if (version && !commit.type) {
- debug('::transform determined commit is legacy release');
- legacyReleases.push(commit);
- commit = null;
- shouldGenerate = false;
- } else {
- let fakeFix = false;
- if (extraReleaseTriggerCommitTypes.includes(commit.type)) {
- debug(`::transform encountered custom commit type: ${commit.type}`);
- commit.type = 'fix';
- fakeFix = true;
- }
- commit = transform(commit, context);
- debug('::transform angular transformed commit: %O', commit);
- if (commit) {
- if (fakeFix) {
- commit.type = ADDITIONAL_RELEASE_RULES.find(
- (r) => r.type == commit.originalType
- )?.title;
- debug('::transform debug: %O', ADDITIONAL_RELEASE_RULES);
- debug(`::transform commit type set to custom title: ${commit.type}`);
- } else commit.type = sentenceCase(commit.type);
- // ? Ignore any commits with skip commands in them
- if (SKIP_COMMANDS.some((cmd) => commit.subject?.includes(cmd))) {
- debug(`::transform saw skip command in commit message; commit skipped`);
- return null;
- }
- if (commit.subject) {
- // ? Make scope-less commit subjects sentence case in the
- // ? changelog per my tastes
- if (!commit.scope) commit.subject = sentenceCase(commit.subject);
- // ? Italicize reverts per my tastes
- if (commit.originalType == 'revert') commit.subject = `*${commit.subject}*`;
- }
- // ? For breaking changes, make all scopes and subjects bold.
- // ? Scope-less subjects are made sentence case. All per my
- // ? tastes
- commit.notes.forEach((note) => {
- if (note.text) {
- debug('::transform saw BC notes for this commit');
- const [firstLine, ...remainder] = note.text.trim().split('\n');
- note.text =
- `**${!commit.scope ? sentenceCase(firstLine) : firstLine}**` +
- remainder.reduce((result, line) => `${result}\n${line}`, '');
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // ? If this is the commit representing the earliest release (and there
- // ? are legacy releases), use this commit to report collected legacy
- // ? releases
- else {
- debug('::transform generating summary legacy release commit');
- shouldGenerate = 'always';
- const getShortHash = (h) => h.substring(0, 7);
- const shortHash = getShortHash(commit.hash);
- const url = context.repository
- ? `${context.host}/${context.owner}/${context.repository}`
- : context.repoUrl;
- const subject = legacyReleases
- .reverse()
- .map(({ hash, version }) => ({
- url: `[${getShortHash(hash)}](${url}/commit/${hash})`,
- version
- }))
- .reduce(
- (subject, { url, version }) => `Version ${version} (${url})\n\n- ${subject}`,
- `Version ${commit.version}`
- );
- commit = {
- type: null,
- scope: null,
- subject,
- id: null,
- source: null,
- merge: null,
- header: null,
- body: null,
- footer: null,
- notes: [],
- references: [],
- mentions: [],
- revert: null,
- hash: commit.hash,
- shortHash,
- gitTags: null,
- committerDate: 'pre-CI/CD',
- version: 'Archived Releases'
- };
- }
- debug('::transform final commit: %O', commit);
- return commit;
- }
- }
-debug('exports: %O', module.exports);
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG_REPORT.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG_REPORT.md
index fe51f08..a94a69a 100644
@@ -4,17 +4,14 @@ about: Alert us about an issue
labels: bug
-Problematic behavior
+The problem
@@ -22,43 +19,59 @@ problem simply and in as few lines of code as possible!
Reproduction steps
+🚩 Required (2 of 2): please replace this comment with a link to a repo
+demonstrating your issue *using as few lines of code as possible*. If we can't
+reproduce the problem on our side, how can we ever hope to fix it for you 🤷🏾?
+If your issue is simple enough that it doesn't warrant a demo repo, include
+instead the simplest most basic possible steps to reproduce your problem; e.g.:
+1. Clone the dummy repo I made based on the docs example: https://github.com/...
+2. Run `npm install`
+3. Run `npx jest`
+4. See error "xyz" at test 2, which shouldn't be happening
+ -->
+Optional: uncomment this block and replace this text with any additional
+information that might help us figure out what's going on. This could be dense
+runtime details, lengthy error logs, assets links, or what have you; e.g.:
+- OS: ubuntu 26.04
+- Node version: 20
+- Babel: yes, version 8.1.0
+- TypeScript: yes, version 5.2.0
+- Browser: firefox 171, chrome 190
+- List of installed packages: https://github.com/.../main/package.json
+Relevant log lines:
+(super long error log lines pasted here)
index 1bd3eb8..e699b28 100644
@@ -4,33 +4,23 @@ about: Tell us about your awesome idea
labels: enhancement
-### The solution
+Alternatives and workarounds
-### Alternatives considered
-Additional context
+For posterity, uncomment this block and replace this text with a clear and
+concise description of any alternative solutions you've encountered or any
+temporary workarounds you've come up with.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 15e71c5..970b82b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/.spellcheckignore b/.spellcheckignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/.vercelignore b/.vercelignore
index 1570bfe..2cecbe8 100644
--- a/.vercelignore
+++ b/.vercelignore
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
# Re-add root-level files
# Custom adds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6b30b6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Contributing
+Hi there! First off, we're thrilled 🤩 you want contribute to this project!
+First time contributor to a GitHub project? If you could use some help getting
+started, [take a look at this quick and easy guide][1]. 💜
+## Briefly: Submitting a Pull Request (PR)
+> See also: [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md][2]
+This repository uses a [fully automated][3] [continuous linting][4] (CL),
+[integration testing][5] (CI), and [deployment][5] (CD)
+[semantic-release][6]-based pipeline for integrating PRs and publishing
+releases. The nice thing about a fully automated CL/CI/CD pipeline is that
+anyone anywhere can make a contribution quickly and with minimal tedium all
+This repository makes extensive use of [debug][7] (through [rejoinder][8]).
+Should you wish to view all possible debugging output, [export `DEBUG='*'`][9].
+To get debugging output for just this project's components, [export
+The ideal contributor flow is as follows:
+1. [Fork][10] this repository and [clone it locally][11].
+2. Configure and install dependencies with `npm ci`.
+ - You use `npm ci` here instead of `npm install` to [prevent unnecessary
+ updates to `package.json` and `package-lock.json`][12], but if it makes
+ more sense to use `npm install` feel free to use that instead.
+ - If `.env.example` exists, consider copying it to `.env` and configuring
+ sensible defaults.
+ - If you're using `npm@<=6`, you'll need to install any [peer
+ dependencies][13] manually. If you're using `npm@>=7`, you may have to
+ [forcefully][14] allow peer deps to be satisfied by custom forks of
+ certain packages.
+3. Before making any changes, ensure all unit tests are passing with
+ `npm run test`.
+4. _(optional but recommended)_ Create a new branch, usually off `main`.
+ - Example: `git checkout -b contrib-feature-1`
+5. Make your changes and commit. Thanks to CL, your work will be checked as you
+ commit it; any problems will abort the commit attempt
+ - Ensure any new tests still pass even when the `DEBUG` environment variable
+ is defined.
+ - Various [import aliases][24] are available in some projects. Check the
+ [tsconfig.json][25] `"paths"` key to see which if any aliases this project
+ supports.
+6. Push your commits to your fork and, when you're ready, [_fearlessly_ submit
+ your PR][15]! Your changes will be tested in our CI pipeline.
+7. Pat yourself on the back! Your hard work is well on its way to being
+ reviewed and, if everything looks good, merged and released 🚀
+Additionally, there are a few things you can do to increase the likelihood your
+PR passes review:
+- **Do** [open an issue][16] and discuss your proposed changes (to prevent
+ wasting your valuable time, e.g. _maybe we're already working on a fix!_), and
+ [search][17] to see if there are any existing issues related to your concerns
+- **Do** practice [atomic committing][18]
+- **Do not** reduce code coverage ([codecov][19] checks are performed during CI)
+- **Do** [follow convention][20] when coming up with your commit messages
+- **Do not** circumvent CL, i.e. automated pre-commit linting, formatting, and
+ unit testing
+- **Do** ensure `README.md` and other documentation that isn't autogenerated is
+ kept consistent with your changes
+- **Do not** create a PR to introduce [_purely_ cosmetic commits][21]
+ - Code de-duplication and other potential optimizations we **do not** consider
+ _purely_ cosmetic 🙂
+- **Do** ensure your tests still pass in the presence of the `DEBUG` environment
+ variable
+- **Do** keep your PR as narrow and focused as possible
+ - If you ran `npm install` instead of `npm ci` and it updated `package.json`
+ or `package-lock.json` and those updates have nothing to do with your PR
+ (e.g. random nested deps were updated), **do not** stage changes to those
+ files
+ - If there are multiple related changes to be made but (1) they do not
+ immediately depend on one another or (2) one implements extended/alternative
+ functionality based on the other, consider submitting them as separate PRs
+ instead 👍🏿
+> Be aware: all contributions to this project, regardless of committer, origin,
+> or context and immediately upon push to this repository, are [released][22] in
+> accordance with [this project's license][23].
+At this point, you're ready to create your PR and ✨ contribute ✨!
+## NPM Scripts
+This repo ships with several [NPM scripts][49]. Use `npm run list-tasks` to see
+which of the following scripts are available for this project.
+> Using these scripts requires a linux-like development environment. None of the
+> scripts are likely to work on non-POSIX environments. If you're on Windows,
+> use [WSL][50].
+### Developing
+- `npm run dev` to start a development server or instance
+- `npm run lint` to run a project-wide type check (handled by CL/CI)
+- `npm run test` (or `npm test`, `npm run test-unit`) to run the unit tests
+ (handled by CL/CI)
+ - Also [gathers test coverage data][51] as HTML files (under `coverage/`)
+ - Can also run `npm run test-integration` to run all the integration tests
+- `npm run test-integration-node` to run integration tests on the last three LTS
+ Node versions (handled by CI)
+- `npm run test-integration-client` to run client (browser/cli/etc) integration
+ tests with [puppeteer][52] (handled by CI)
+- `npm run test-integration-webpack` to run tests verifying the distributable
+ can be bundled with Webpack 5 (as both ESM and CJS) (handled by CI)
+- `npm run test-integration-externals` to run tests on compiled external
+ executables (under `external-scripts/bin/`) (handled by CI)
+#### Other Development Scripts
+- `npm run test-repeat` to run the entire test suite 100 times
+ - Good for spotting bad async code and heisenbugs
+- `npm run generate` to transpile config files (under `config/`) from scratch
+- `npm run regenerate` to quickly re-transpile config files (under `config/`)
+- `npm run postinstall` to (re-)install [Husky Git hooks][53] if not in a CI
+ environment (handled by NPM)
+### Building and Deploying
+- `npm run build` (alias: `npm run build-dist`) to compile `src/` into `dist/`
+ (or `build/`), which is what ships to production (handled by CI/CD)
+- `npm run format` to run source formatting over the codebase (handled by
+- `npm run start` to deploy a _local production mode_ instance
+- `npm run deploy` to deploy to production (bring your own auth tokens) (handled
+ by CD)
+#### Other Build Scripts
+- `npm run clean` to delete all build process artifacts (except `node_modules/`)
+- `npm run build-changelog` to re-build the changelog (handled by CI/CD)
+ - You can run this as `CHANGELOG_SKIP_TITLE=true npm run build-changelog` to
+ skip prepending the header
+- `npm run build-docs` to re-build the documentation (handled by CI/CD)
+- `npm run build-externals` to compile `external-scripts/` into
+ `external-scripts/bin/`
+- `npm run build-stats` to gather statistics about Webpack (look for
+ `bundle-stats.ignore.json`)
+### NPX Scripts
+> These commands might be installed as a project dependency but are expected to
+> be run using [`npx X`][54] instead of `npm run X` regardless.
+- `npx npm-force-resolutions` to forcefully patch security audit problems
+ (rarely necessary)
+- `npx semantic-release -d` to run the CD pipeline locally (in [dry-run
+ mode][55])
+[1]: https://www.dataschool.io/how-to-contribute-on-github
+[2]: /.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
+[3]: https://github.com/features/actions
+[4]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/tree/main/.husky
+[5]: .github/workflows/build-test.yml
+[6]: https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release#readme
+[7]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug
+[8]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rejoinder
+[9]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug#wildcards
+[10]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/fork
+ https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository
+[12]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/commands/npm-ci
+ https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/configuring-npm/package-json#peerdependencies
+ https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-install#configuration-options-affecting-dependency-resolution-and-tree-design
+[15]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/compare
+[16]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/issues/new/choose
+[17]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/issues?q=
+[18]: https://www.codewithjason.com/atomic-commits-testing/
+[19]: https://about.codecov.io/
+[20]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary
+[21]: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/13771#issuecomment-32746700
+ https://help.github.com/articles/github-terms-of-service/#6-contributions-under-repository-license
+[23]: LICENSE
+[49]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/commands/npm-run-script
+[50]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
+[51]: https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#--coverageboolean
+[52]: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer
+[53]: https://github.com/typicode/husky
+[54]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/npx
+ https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/configuration#dryrun
+ https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/module-resolution.html#path-mapping
+[25]: tsconfig.json
diff --git a/SECURITY.md b/SECURITY.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04bfe3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SECURITY.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Security ☠️ [![Known Vulnerabilities][2]][1]
+If the issue is related to a public alert from OWASP/GitHub/Dependabot/CVE/etc
+and [does not already have an open issue][3], feel free to [open a new
+issue][4]. Otherwise, please report any security vulnerability, other
+security-related incident, or otherwise sensitive subject to us [via email][5].
+Thank you for your contribution!
+[1]: https://snyk.io/test/github/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler
+[2]: https://snyk.io/test/github/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/badge.svg
+[3]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/issues?q=
+[4]: https://github.com/Xunnamius/next-test-api-route-handler/issues/new/choose
+ mailto:security@ergodark.com?subject=ALERT%3A%20SECURITY%20INCIDENT%3A%20%28five%20word%20summary%29
diff --git a/babel.config.js b/babel.config.js
index 0d13419..f128074 100644
--- a/babel.config.js
+++ b/babel.config.js
@@ -45,7 +45,14 @@ module.exports = {
plugins: [
- '@babel/plugin-transform-typescript'
+ '@babel/plugin-transform-typescript',
+ // ? Interoperable named CJS imports for free
+ [
+ 'transform-default-named-imports',
+ {
+ exclude: [/^next([/?#].+)?/, /^mongodb([/?#].+)?/]
+ }
+ ]
// ? Sub-keys under the "env" config key will augment the above
// ? configuration depending on the value of NODE_ENV and friends. Default
@@ -85,7 +92,7 @@ module.exports = {
presets: [
['@babel/preset-env', { targets: { node: true } }],
['@babel/preset-typescript', { allowDeclareFields: true }]
- // ? Webpack will handle minification
+ // ? Minification is handled by Webpack
diff --git a/commitlint.config.js b/commitlint.config.js
index 2877826..73f7aaf 100644
--- a/commitlint.config.js
+++ b/commitlint.config.js
@@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ module.exports = {
+ 'feature',
+ 'perf',
+ 'revert',
+ 'build',
- 'revert',
- 'debug',
- 'build',
+ 'ci',
+ 'cd',
diff --git a/conventional.config.js b/conventional.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb01d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conventional.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+'use strict';
+module.exports = require('@xunnamius/conventional-changelog-projector')({
+ // * Your customizations here
diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js
index f86250c..90d6acd 100644
--- a/jest.config.js
+++ b/jest.config.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module.exports = {
testEnvironment: 'node',
testRunner: 'jest-circus/runner',
// ? 1 hour so MMS and other tools don't choke during debugging
- testTimeout: 3600000,
+ testTimeout: 60000,
verbose: false,
testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/'],
// ! If changed, also update these aliases in tsconfig.json,
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 100f553..69feb61 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
"babel-jest": "^27.0.6",
"babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
"babel-plugin-explicit-exports-references": "^1.0.1",
+ "babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports": "^1.0.9",
"clone-deep": "^4.0.1",
"confusing-browser-globals": "^1.0.10",
"conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.1.1",
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
"webpack-node-externals": "^3.0.0"
"engines": {
- "node": ">=12.x"
+ "node": ">=12"
"node_modules/@babel/cli": {
@@ -5392,6 +5393,20 @@
"@babel/core": "^7.0.0-0"
+ "node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports": {
+ "version": "1.0.9",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports/-/babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports-1.0.9.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-1ck8vBMMo4o05zpNuOd67EHNeDgGKDsEHIbOc9dsGd1Ugo+LPZ7azZ7lQOJg/Nva6vzaJhs5aL5QEJIZU9CF4g==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@babel/core": "^7.12.13",
+ "@babel/types": "^7.12.13",
+ "webpack-node-module-types": "^1.0.6"
+ },
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">= 12.x"
+ }
+ },
"node_modules/babel-preset-current-node-syntax": {
"version": "1.0.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/babel-preset-current-node-syntax/-/babel-preset-current-node-syntax-1.0.1.tgz",
@@ -25083,6 +25098,15 @@
"node": ">=6"
+ "node_modules/webpack-node-module-types": {
+ "version": "1.0.7",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/webpack-node-module-types/-/webpack-node-module-types-1.0.7.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-Bii2Fi6mQ4IwBQg7VNaWFX8qWnTZ5YeEcj3pzxmfYDBz70T2qQvkQcT/yoOgnROkWmzD81R77e1BJfHit41jRQ==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">= 12.x"
+ }
+ },
"node_modules/webpack-sources": {
"version": "3.2.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/webpack-sources/-/webpack-sources-3.2.0.tgz",
@@ -29419,6 +29443,17 @@
"@babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider": "^0.2.2"
+ "babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports": {
+ "version": "1.0.9",
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"__test-repeat-unit": "echo 'Repeating test suite [initializing]...'; (i=0; while [ \"$((( i += 1 ) <= 100 ))\" -ne 0 ]; do sleep 0.1 && echo \"\\r\\033[1A\\033[0KRepeating test suite [run $i/100]...\" && JEST_SILENT_REPORTER_SHOW_WARNINGS=true BABEL_ENV=test npx jest --reporters=jest-silent-reporter --testPathIgnorePatterns test/integration-*.test.ts dist || exit; done) && echo \"All tests passed! Congrats!\"",
"__test-repeat-all": "echo 'Repeating test suite [initializing]...'; (i=0; while [ \"$((( i += 1 ) <= 100 ))\" -ne 0 ]; do sleep 0.1 && echo \"\\r\\033[1A\\033[0KRepeating test suite [run $i/100]...\" && JEST_SILENT_REPORTER_SHOW_WARNINGS=true BABEL_ENV=test npx jest --reporters=jest-silent-reporter || exit; done) && echo \"All tests passed! Congrats!\"",
"build": "npm run build-dist --",
- "build-changelog": "conventional-changelog --outfile CHANGELOG.md --preset angular --config .changelogrc.js --release-count 0 --skip-unstable && (if [ \"$CHANGELOG_SKIP_TITLE\" != 'true' ]; then { node -e 'console.log(require(\"./.changelogrc.js\").changelogTitle)'; cat CHANGELOG.md; } > CHANGELOG.md.ignore && mv CHANGELOG.md.ignore CHANGELOG.md; fi) && remark -o --use reference-links --use gfm --use frontmatter CHANGELOG.md && prettier --write CHANGELOG.md",
+ "build-changelog": "conventional-changelog --outfile CHANGELOG.md --config conventional.config.js --release-count 0 --skip-unstable && (if [ \"$CHANGELOG_SKIP_TITLE\" != 'true' ]; then { node -e 'console.log(require(\"./conventional.config.js\").changelogTitle)'; cat CHANGELOG.md; } > CHANGELOG.md.ignore && mv CHANGELOG.md.ignore CHANGELOG.md; fi) && remark -o --use reference-links --use gfm --use frontmatter CHANGELOG.md && prettier --write CHANGELOG.md",
"build-dist": "if [ -r ./next.config.js ]; then next build; else NODE_ENV=production tsc --project tsconfig.types.json && NODE_ENV=production webpack --config-name lib && if [ -r ./src/cli.ts ]; then NODE_ENV=production webpack --config-name cli && chmod +x ./dist/cli.js; fi && NODE_ENV=esm babel src --extensions .ts --out-dir dist/esm --out-file-extension .mjs; fi",
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"format": "sort-package-json && remark -o --use reference-links --use gfm --use frontmatter '{{,.}*.md,!(node_modules)/**/{,.}*.md,.*/**/{,.}*.md}' && prettier --write '{{,.}*.md,!(node_modules)/**/{,.}*.md,.*/**/{,.}*.md}' && if [ -z \"$ALLOW_DISABLED_LINKS\" ] && grep -qR --exclude-dir=node_modules --include='*.md' '\\\\\\[[^\\]*\\]\\\\' .; then echo '---\nWARNING: disabled links were found in the following files:'; grep -R --color=always --exclude-dir=node_modules --include='*.md' '\\\\\\[[^\\]*\\]\\\\' .; echo '(to ignore this error, run this command again with ALLOW_DISABLED_LINKS=1)'; exit 1; fi",
"lint": "stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 tsc --project tsconfig.lint.json; X=$?; stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 eslint --parser-options=project:tsconfig.lint.json src; Y=$?; remark --quiet --use gfm --use frontmatter --use lint-final-newline --use lint-no-auto-link-without-protocol --use lint-no-blockquote-without-marker --use lint-ordered-list-marker-style --use lint-hard-break-spaces --use lint-no-duplicate-definitions --use lint-no-heading-content-indent --use lint-no-inline-padding --use lint-no-undefined-references --use lint-no-unused-definitions --use validate-links '{{,.}*.md,!(node_modules)/**/{,.}*.md,.*/**/{,.}*.md}'; Z=$?; [ $X -eq 0 ] && [ $Y -eq 0 ] && [ $Z -eq 0 ]",
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"prepare": "if [ -z \"$CI\" ] && [ \"$NODE_ENV\" = \"development\" ]; then npx --no husky install; else echo 'skipped installing husky git hooks'; fi",
- "start": "next start",
"test": "npm run test-unit --",
"test-integration": "BABEL_ENV=test jest $JEST_CLI test/integration-*.test.ts* --testPathIgnorePatterns dist",
"test-integration-client": "BABEL_ENV=test jest $JEST_CLI test/integration-client*.test.ts* --testPathIgnorePatterns dist",
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
"babel-jest": "^27.0.6",
"babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
"babel-plugin-explicit-exports-references": "^1.0.1",
+ "babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports": "^1.0.9",
"clone-deep": "^4.0.1",
"confusing-browser-globals": "^1.0.10",
"conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.1.1",
@@ -153,17 +154,6 @@
"webpack-node-externals": "^3.0.0"
"engines": {
- "node": ">=12.x"
- },
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+ }
diff --git a/release.config.js b/release.config.js
index e2bac4f..6b62b82 100644
--- a/release.config.js
+++ b/release.config.js
@@ -4,22 +4,18 @@ const debug = require('debug')(
-const SHOULD_DEPLOY = process.env.SHOULD_DEPLOY === 'true';
+// TODO: turn this into @xunnamius/semantic-release-projector-config
+const updateChangelog =
+ process.env.UPDATE_CHANGELOG === 'true' ||
+ // ? Legacy
+ process.env.SHOULD_UPDATE_CHANGELOG === 'true';
-const {
- changelogTitle,
- parserOpts,
- writerOpts,
- additionalReleaseRules
-} = require('./.changelogrc.js');
+debug(`will update changelog: ${updateChangelog ? 'yes' : 'no'}`);
+const { changelogTitle, parserOpts, writerOpts } = require('./conventional.config.js');
-// ? See: https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/configuration#options
module.exports = {
- // ? For branches, it's important that each entry only have higher version numbers than the last, which is why maintenance branches appear first.
branches: [
@@ -33,20 +29,28 @@ module.exports = {
- preset: 'angular',
- releaseRules: additionalReleaseRules
+ releaseRules: [
+ // ? releaseRules are checked first; if none match, defaults are
+ // ? checked next.
+ // ! These two lines must always appear first and in order:
+ { breaking: true, release: 'major' },
+ { revert: true, release: 'patch' },
+ // * Custom release rules, if any, may appear next:
+ { type: 'build', release: 'patch' }
+ ]
- preset: 'angular',
+ ...(updateChangelog
? [
@@ -84,17 +88,7 @@ module.exports = {
message: 'release: ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}'
- ['@semantic-release/github'],
- ? [
- [
- '@semantic-release/exec',
- {
- successCmd: 'npm run deploy'
- }
- ]
- ]
- : [])
+ ['@semantic-release/github']