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File metadata and controls

105 lines (78 loc) · 4.87 KB

Pasecinic Nichita

Real-Time Programming in Elixir

MessageBroker is TCP server running on port 8000 created with erlang :gen_tcp module, any client / producer can connect to it via a tool like telnet or netcat.

$ telnet localhost 8000 # if running the app locally 

The list of commands is defined in config.ex (using a shorthand command for dev mode, but those can be easily changed):

  • pub (PUBLISH) - publish a message to a topic, if topic does not exist it will create it, usage: pub topic JSON_escaped_data (e.g.: pub tweets {"id":"1", "priority": 3, "msg":"tweet 1"})
  • sub (SUBSCRIBE) - subscribes a client to a topic, respond with error message if topic does not exist, usage: sub topic (e.g.: sub tweets)
  • unsub (UNSUBSCRIBE) - unsubscribes a subscriber from a topic, usage: unsub topic (e.g.: unsub tweets)
  • ack (ACKNOWLEDGE)- notifies the MessageBroker about a successful delivered message from subscriber, usage: ack topic event_id (e.g.: ack tweets 1)

Each received event for a pub command is expected to be of an DTO.Event format. For each topic is created a log file with the topic name (e.g.: tweets.json), the logs directory is git-ignored. An example of how this a topic log file is structure is the logs.public.json file:

// tweets.json
  "subscriber": [
      "timestamp": 1650054011933,
      "priority": 5,
      "msg": "msg",
      "id": "1"
      "timestamp": 1650054144283,
      "priority": 4,
      "msg": "msg",
      "id": "2"
// real tweets.json
  "#Port<0.6>": [
      "timestamp": 1650308403348,
      "priority": 6,
      "msg": "tweet text",
      "id": "042"
      "timestamp": 1650308398178,
      "priority": 6,
      "msg": "tweet text",
      "id": "04c"

The key is the subscriber/client, it can be used any client identifiers, now using the Elixir Port for the subscriber connection (e.g.: #Port<0.5>), and the values is list (our Priority queue) of events that did not received yet an acknowledgment from subscriber (ack command).

MessageBroker actors

  • Server - TCP server, not really an actor, but it spawns new Tasks for the subscribers and publishers connection to the message broker
  • Manager - The first actor to get the command from subscriber/publisher and somehow process it (add topic, check subscription), lays the ground for the command to be further processed
  • WorkerPool - generic WP implementation, used to spawn a Worker.Controller workers
  • Worker.Controller - multiple workers that handles the client commands (:pub, :unsub, :ack)
  • Util.JSONLog - a helper actor for message broker log file operations (IO read, write) and DTOs conversion and some PSQ (priority search queue) utility
  • EventsBatcher - an actor that is responsible for transforming current session events (saved in Agent.Events state) to message broker per topic logs, so it resets the Agent.Events state (which has per topic / subscriber PQs) and merges it to previous logs. It does that in a timeframe of 1 second, because doing IO operations (with the file logs) at the same rate as events are coming from publisher stream is highly inefficiently and fills up the workers message_queue extremely fast
  • Agent.Events - an elixir Agent - shared state / store for keeping current session (before EventsBatcher resets it) of published events, main keys are topic names with a map of subscribers as keys and Priority search Queue (PSQ) of events as values
  • Agent.Subscriptions - another elixir Agent for keeping and sharing current topics subscriptions and subscribers counter of unacknowledged messages (in order to know if we can notify a subscriber about a newly published event or we should wait for some :acks commands to decrease the counter, why doing this with a counter in the state and not reading from logs? again, IO performance)

MessageBroker supervision tree


MessageBroker general diagram


MessageBroker message exchange diagrams

  • Common - from publisher / subscriber to Manager


  • :sub - Add a new subscriber to topic


  • :unsub - Remove a subscriber from a topic


  • :ack - Handle subscriber acknowledge for a sent event


  • :pub - Handle publishing a new event
