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164 lines (113 loc) · 7.12 KB

Pasecinic Nichita

Real-Time Programming in Elixir


# clone the reporsitory 
$ git clone
# instal dependencies
$ mix deps.get
# pull the docker image
$ docker pull alexburlacu/rtp-server:faf18x
# start the docker container on port 4000
$ docker run -p 4000:4000 alexburlacu/rtp-server:faf18x
# Compile the project and start a new `iex` session inside it
$ iex -S mix
# Start the builtin observer tool
iex(1)> :observer.start()
# Connect via telnet (any other client) to the server (the application accepts simultaneous connections from multiple terminal - clients)
$ telnet localhost 8080
# run the twitter command

See available configurations here. To inspect and understand better the system is recommended to set following flags:

enable_autoscaler: false,
ignore_panic_message: true,
streams_no: 1



A simple TCP server from the docs. It accepts connections on given port (8080 in my case) and spawns other tasks (under Task.Supervisor Server.TaskSupervisor) that servers the requests (parses and runs the twitter command via Command module).


Utility to parse and run a client command (handling onlytwitter command for now).


Application main supervisor all other supervisors or actors will start under this one. Currently it starts only a single supervisor StreamSupervisor


The supervisor for a single SSE Stream, all actors related to the tweet processing stream will be started under StreamSupervisor. Currently it starts actors as Statistic, Hashtag, DBService, Receiver, UserEngagement, Batcher, Aggregator and 3 workers pools of Worker.Sentiment, Worker.Engagement, Worker.Logger


A generic implementation for a worker pool. It will handle routing the messages to workers, auto-scale the workers pool, load balancing, starting, terminating and monitoring the workers. A simple usage would be

{:ok, worker_pool_pid} = DynamicSupervisor.start_child(
      YourWorkerPoolDynamicSupervisor, # a worker pool is required to be started under a dynmic supervisor
            pool_supervisor_name: YourWorkerPoolDynamicSupervisor,
            worker: Worker.Sentiment, # The actual workers
            workerArgs: %{:some: "initial args for your workers"}, 

App (App.ActorName)


It starts a new EventsourceEx session for the given SSE stream url, passing the received to the given worker pool PID and sending a {:increment} message to given Counter PID


Calculates some statistics for a configured time-frame: execution time percentile (75%, 85%, 95%) for a bulk insert of a bulk insert for users and tweets collections, for Worker.Logger tweet processing time (actually sleep time), their crash number and ingested users and tweets.


Calculates the hashtag occurrences and it dumps it into a JSON file.


An actor that is being started for each SSE stream. In its' internal state saves the data aggregated - received from the Sentiment and Engagement workers, so when a tweet was fully processed by the workers the aggregator will forward the scores and tweet to be further handled by the Batcher. The Aggregator main internal state Maps are: tweets_sentiment_scores and tweets_engagement_scores.

	"123123": %{
		score: 0.2,
		original_tweet: %{ 
			# original tweet data here
		# other fields used on score calculation

The key for each Map value is the tweet id. Once for a tweet there exists values in both of the above Maps then the tweet is being removed from the Map and send to the Batcher.


Accumulates the tweets with their scores from the Aggregator into batches of a configurable size limit and time frame (see config.exs), then perform a bulk upload once is encountered the limit or it ticks the time frame interval by sending to DBService the tweets and users data.


Another batcher that only works with tweet engagement score, it saves them as a list in a Map with user ID as key. It has as well a configurable time frame for doing a bulk insert / update on users engagement ratio via DBService


MongoDB was selected to be the application database because of the greatest elixir driver for mongodb that supports bulk writes. It is used by Batcher and has some utility methods for inserting multiple documents to tweets and users collections as well as for inserting / updating the engagement ratio per user. It does an extremely fast Mongo.UnorderedBulk.write and it was used Stream API to optimize and reduce the memory usage even more. See config.exs for max bulk size for Stream and max bulk size for processing a collection.

Workers (Worker.WorkerName)


Calculates the engagement score of a tweet based on the following formula score = (favorites + retweets) / followers. Sends to the Aggregator and UserEngagement the score together with all formula arguments.


Computes the sentiments score based on tweet text. We have this huge map of word-score values that we look in for each word from a tweet, score is equal with the mean of those values.


Each tweet will go thru it, and will be firstly displayed on the client terminal. The Logger worker will handle panic messages and parsing tweet data, then it will route the tweet to theSentiments and Engagement worker pools as well as to the Hastag statistic actor.

Visual representation of supervision tree with :observer tool

