make up
- visit
for uvicorn server, orhttp://localhost
for nginx server - Backend, JSON based web API based on OpenAPI:
- Automatic interactive documentation with Swagger UI (from the OpenAPI backend):
Initialize first migration (project must be up with docker compose up and contain no 'version' files)
$ make alembic-init
Create new migration file
$ docker compose exec {{ cookiecutter.backend_container_name }} alembic revision --autogenerate -m "some cool comment"
Apply migrations
$ make alembic-migrate
Every migration after that, you can create new migrations and apply them with
$ make alembic-make-migrations "cool comment dude"
$ make alembic-migrate
See the Makefile to view available commands.
By default, the dependencies are managed with Poetry, go there and install it.
From ./{{ cookiecutter.backend_container_name }}/
you can install all the dependencies with:
$ poetry install
If you haven't already done so, download pre-commit system package and install. Once done, install the git hooks with
$ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
The Nginx webserver acts like a web proxy, or load balancer rather. Incoming requests can get proxy passed to various upstreams eg. /:service1:8001,/static:service2:8002
{{ cookiecutter.nginx_container_name }}:
image: your-registry/{{ cookiecutter.nginx_container_name }}
# OR you can do the following
# build:
# context: ./{{ cookiecutter.nginx_container_name }}
# dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
- UPSTREAMS=/:{{ cookiecutter.backend_container_name }}:8000
- [email protected]
- ''
- ''
- proxydata-vol:/etc/letsencrypt
Some of the environment variables available:
UPSTREAMS=/:{{ cookiecutter.backend_container_name }}:8000
a comma separated list of <path>:<upstream>:<port>. Each of those of those elements creates a location block with proxy_pass in it.HTTPS_REDIRECT=true
enabled a standard, ELB compliant https redirect.ENABLE_SSL=true
to enable redirects to https from httpNGINX_SERVER_NAME
name of the server and used as path name to store ssl fullchain and privkey[email protected]
the email to register with Certbot.DOMAIN_LIST
domain(s) you are requesting a certificate for.BASIC_AUTH_USER
username for basic auth.BASIC_AUTH_PASS
password for basic auth.
When SSL is enabled, server will install Cerbot in standalone mode and add a new daily periodic script to /etc/periodic/daily/
to run a cronjob in the background. This allows you to automate cert renewing (every 3 months). See [docker-entrypoint]({{ cookiecutter.nginx_container_name }}/ for details.
{%- if cookiecutter.deployments == "yes" %}
A common scenario is to use an orchestration tool, such as docker swarm, to deploy your containers to the cloud (DigitalOcean). This can be automated via GitHub Actions workflow. See main.yml for more.
You will be required to add secrets
in your repo settings:
- DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN: your DigitalOcean api token
- REGISTRY: container registry url where your images are hosted
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password to postgres database
- STAGING_HOST_IP: ip address of the staging droplet
- PROD_HOST_IP: ip address of the production droplet
- SSH_KEY: ssh key of user connecting to server (
in this case) {%- endif %}