This is now deprecated and raven should be used instead.
Linux i3-based theme switcher and initalizer. Features support for polybar, conky, wallpaper, rofi, i3, vim and terminal colorschemes, plus a rofi-based menu.
You'll want rofi, node, polybar, conky, termite, i3, and feh. Conky, polybar and rofi are not required, though they are highly reccomended. To install, run:
git clone && cd themejs
node theme.js [theme]
I reccomend binding thememenu to a keyboard shortcut like $mod+Shift+t
Just run node theme.js to reset to the last used theme, with node theme.js [theme name] to switch to a theme.
Colorschemes should be stored in ~/.colors, while themes should be stored in ~/themes. Each theme should contain a 'theme.json' similar to the example.json provided. i3 will be appended to a file named ~/.central, which should be your universal i3 configs like keyboard shortcuts. Vimcolor will be written to /tmp/vimcolor, and should be used as you see fit to set your vim colorscheme.