- use G number
- "1 not one.."
- Settings -> General -> Enable Master Password (so it doesn't open without prompting)
- open preferences -> enable PIN / Touch ID
- Login
ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_ngpersonal -C "ngpersonal@dmbpm1max"
cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_ngpersonal.pub| pbcopy
- Upload public key to your Github account
open https://github.com/settings/keys
ln -s ~/src/nicolas-g/dotfiles/.pre-commit-config.yaml .; ln -s ~/src/nicolas-g/dotfiles/.prettierrc.yaml .
pre-commit install --install-hooks
go install golang.org/x/lint/golint@latest
- Open Brave and configure Sync using the sync code from "password manager" or other existing device with Brave
open -a "Brave Browser" -u brave://settings/braveSync
- click on Sync everything
- Toggle “Always use secure connections”
- Toggle "Use secure DNS"
- Select With Custom and choose Cloudflare ( as a service provider from the drop-down menu
Settings -> Files -> Enable Finder integration - "Mac FUSE" (Benjamin Fleischer developer)
Settings -> Advanced -> Uncheck [] Always stay logged in
- or if this is not working do:
MacOS -> System Settings -> "General" -> Login Items & Extensions -> Remove Keybase from the Open at Login list
Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and give Full Disk Access to Alacritty.
- Caffeine (keep active)
open /Applications/Maccy.app
#Preferences -> Launch at login
Launch at login
Check for updates automatically
increase history size to 999
open /Applications/Dozer.app
#Preferences -> Launch at login
- System Preferences -> Touch ID (set Apple ID finger print)
- System Preferences -> Desktop & Screen saver -> Screen saver -> Hot Corners
- System Preferences -> Dock : (size,automatically hide and show the dock)
Finder -> Settings ... -> Sidebar tab -> check user home
System Settings -> Control Center -> Bluetooth -> "Show in menu bar"
- pair bluetooth devices
Trackpad 3 fingers drag You can drag with 3 fingers instead of click and dragging on the trackpad. Turn on this gesture, your fingers will thank you! You can find it in:
Preferences > Accessibility > Pointer Control -> Mouse & Trackpad > Trackpad Options... > Enable dragging > three finger drag
add the bellow in the second line of file /private/etc/pam.d/sudo
# sudo: auth account password session
auth sufficient pam_tid.so
Turn on biometric unlock
- Open 1Password.
- Click the account or collection at the top of the sidebar and choose Preferences > Security.
- Select Touch ID.
- Click Developer in the sidebar.
- Select Biometric Unlock for 1Password CLI.
Link devices, 2 profiles "GR" "US"
keybase fs ls -a -l -t -r keybase://private/${keybase_user_id}/backups/backup.daily/
mv ~/.zsh_history ~/.zsh_history.bak
keybase fs cp keybase://private/${keybase_user_id}/backups/backup.daily/zsh_history_08-05-2022_1652039349 ~/.zsh_history.bak
mkdir -p ~/src/nicolas-g/wiki
- Open folder as a vault -> choose wiki ^
- settings- > core plugins -> sync -> choose
vault - decryption key for wiki vault in password manager
- enable all sync options (audio/video/plugins/configuration etc...)
- Login
- add wroskspaces in Slack ** spotinst.slack.com ** kubernetes.slack.com ** istio.slack.com ** rancher-users.slack.com ** confluentcommunity.slack.com ** datadoghq.slack.com
- configure plugins folder
- setup DasKeyboard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St2jUxnCVKI)
find "string id"
global ❯ find $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Google -depth -path '*walkme*'
/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 2/Extensions/fckonodhlfjlkndmedanenhgdnbopbmh
remove using the "string id"
global ❯ find $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Google -depth -path '*fckonodhlfjlkndmedanenhgdnbopbmh*' -delete
- Missoin control doesn't like how Aerospace hide windows, if you open mission control and want to have a better view:
- Open
Desktop & Dock
- enable
Group windows by application
- Open