Mongeasy aims to streamline the management of models and schemas in your projects by utilizing a simple syntax. This is achieved by employing CSS (Carnage Schema Syntax), which is
a flag-based declaration and modification language designed by Nikhil Swami also visit . CSS is just a shortcut way of
writing mongoose schemas, which is a superset of mongoose. It is not a new library, it is just a new way of writing mongoose schemas, which is more readable, clean and easy to
maintain. It is not a replacement for mongoose, rather an extension. if you know how ls -la
works in linux, you know this package half already!
- easy to use, mongeasy!
- light weight less than 100 kb.
- lesser boilerplate and redeclarations.
- 66% shorter code!
- reverse compatibility, fallback to mongoose anytime, without breaking anything.
npm i mongeasy
pnpm i mongeasy
yarn i mongeasy
bun i mongeasy
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { models } from 'mongeasy';
let Models = models({
Computer: [
'name |String |!|*|#|(3,16)', // ! = unique, * = required, # = index, (3,16) = minlength,maxlength
'price |Number |+U|+R|+I', // same as above, +U = unique, +R = required, +I = index
'madeIn |ObjectId|ref:CountryNames', // ref:CountryNames = reference to another model
'dateOfPurchase |Date |*', // Date = Date , * = required
"color |String |['red','blue','green']", // ['red','blue','green'] = enum
'inStock |Boolean|',
'storageTemp |Number |(-10,60)', // (0,) = min no upper limit
'globalStockQty |Number |(0,)', // (0,) = min, no upper limit // (,100) = no lower limit
Employee: [
// Connect to database , connection is same
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
// add a computer as usual
let c = new Models.Computer({
name: 'Macbook Pro 2',
price: 2000 + Math.random() * 1000,
madeIn: 'India',
dateOfPurchase: new Date(),
color: 'red',
inStock: true,
storageTemp: 50,
globalStockQty: 100,
// exit
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
- the name of field - emojis also supported
Type :
all supported, as we directly pass to Core Library
- [ Array, Boolean, BigInt, Buffer, Date, Decimal, Decimal128, DocumentArray, Map, Mixed, Number, ObjectId, String, Subdocument, UUID, Oid, Object, Bool, ObjectID ]
The syntax consists of the following elements: Note: "/" means "either option" refer
- +U / ! = unique
- +R / * = required
- +I / # = index
- (0, 999) = min,max
- ['adam', 'eve'] = enum
This CSS-based declaration paradigm aims to provide a simplified way of defining Mongoose schemas, making it easier to work with MongoDB data models.