- Make
- Error handler to each of the existing ajax request sugar functions
- Error-handler accidentally firing
- Allow on-error and error-handler params to ajax requests
- Allow handler param to ajax requests (alias for on-success)
- Handle fn or dispatcher for ajax requests
- reg-ajax-delete-event
- Ability to alter on-success keys for ajax events, as well as manipulate DB with a DB fn
- sort-fn arg to reg-basic-sub (3-arity)
- Bump all dependencies (breaking changes to cljs-ajax)
- Nested get for subscriptions not working
- reg-sub-by-id
- Data not returning following error being thrown
- reg-update-by-id-event
- reg-add-or-update-by-id-event
- reg-ajax-post-event
- reg-ajax-put-event
- Allow for reframe-utils/http effect to take a variable number of parameters for any custom parameters passed to the ajax.core requests
- Bump clojurescript to 1.9.293
- Prototype reg-ajax-get-event
- Bump clojurescript to 1.9.229
- Add docstrings
- reg-basic-sub
- reg-set-event
- reg-add-event
- reg-update-event
- reg-remove-event
- multi-generation
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of keepachangelog.com.