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ninESP is a modular firmware for ESP8266 SoC based on SmingFramework.

It is designed to work with a few kinds of different sensors which you can attach to it and then acts as an MQTT Client which serves you telemetry data or let you control things. So you can easily switch relays or simply as a relay server for RC Plugs (All RCSwitch compatible Plugs and Protocols) or just a timer based MQTT publish of sensor values. You can find all currently supported modules/sensors below in the "Peripheral Modules" section.

Also it can start an UDP Server and Serial Console to act/react for most of the peripherals, you can find a protocol description is down below.

Everything should be accessible and especially configurable from a simple webinterface. The Webinterface based on the NetworkConfig Example of the SmingFramework.

On first run it starts a Wifi Accesspoint from itself with name "ninHome Configuration" which you can connect from any Wifi enabled device and then connect with a webbrowser to "" to get into the webinterface. There you can first configure the Wifi it should connect to, the mqtt settings and the connected periphals and the corresponding mqtt topics. After you configured your ninESP you can find the current IP Address on the defined LWT MQTT Topic when the client is online, if it disconnects it will just say "Offline" in the LWT Topic.

In Version 0.2 the library for the MAX7219 control changed to a more modern and flexible library which can do a lot of more animations. MD_MAX72xx and MD_Parola which are from MajicDesigns Since this version (0.2) your flash size has to be at least a 1M type.

The firmware itself should be mostly compatible to the closed source firmware for the inwall esp8266 which you can find and buy on ebay.

You can find the latest firmware version in a binary format in the firmware folder in the root of this repository

Also there is a project description on about the MAX72xx Module in the ninESP


wifi networks mqtt settings

Peripheral Modules

Peripheral modules which are currently build in or in development state

PeripheryWorking state
Status LED on any free GPIOworking
Relay Module on any free GPIO
with optional Hardware switch support
Status LED on any free GPIOworking
Analog Sensor on Pin A0
Reference Voltage of 3v3
HC-SR501 Motion Sensor on any free GPIOworking
MAX7219 LED Matrix
currently only with Hardware SPI Support
Pins for HW SPI are IO13 (MOSI) and IO14 (CLK) the CS Pin is free assignable
RCSwitch Support for 868/433MHz Remote Plugsworking
but configuration Webinterface missing, configuration of plugs currently in config file only
HD44780 LCD Display over I2Cnot fully implemented
WS281x LED Stripnot fully implemented
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensoron the roadmap

Known Working Boards/Chips

Here you find a list of development boards and modules which are known to work with ninESP firmware. ESP-201 Modules will work but some of them are only manufactured with an 512k flash so it is too small for the ninESP firmware.

Board / ModuleWorking state
WeMos D1 mini clone
NodeMCU v0.9
ESP-201 Module
work partially (need at least 1M flash)


The project relies on SmingFramework for ESP8266, the SmingFramework is as submodule added but not the esp-open-sdk , which you had to install also and by yourself. As other submodules are the libraries of MajicDesigns included. MD_MAX72xx - MAX72xx Driver Library MD_Parola - Animation Library for MAX72XX

It uses a slightly modified version of the SmingFramework MQTTClient Class, cause i needed some small additions to that.

How to use

If ninESP is configured correctly and is connected to your defined MQTT broker, you can send/receive data on the specified topics for the periphery you want to control,

Examples with mosquitto client:

#####MAX72XX Module:

In the examples we use a topic prefix of "client/display/"

Send a new text "Hello World" to Display with topic "client/display/text" mosquitto_pub -h YOURMQTTBROKER -u MQTTUSER -P MQTTPASS -r -t client/display/text -m "Hello World"

Enable inverting of the Display with topic "client/display/invert" mosquitto_pub -h YOURMQTTBROKER -u MQTTUSER -P MQTTPASS -r -t client/display/invert -m 1

#####Relay Module:

Switch relay to ON state on topic "client/relay" mosquitto_pub -h YOURMQTTBROKER -u MQTTUSER -P MQTTPASS -r -t client/relay -m 1

#####RCSwitch Module:

In the examples we use a topic prefix of "client/rcswitch/"

Switch Plug 1 to OFF state on topic "client/rcswitch/1" mosquitto_pub -h YOURMQTTBROKER -u MQTTUSER -P MQTTPASS -r -t client/rcswitch/1 -m 0

You can use any mqtt client to interact with ninESP, for example an mobile android mqtt client is MQTT Dash

MQTT Topic Structure

MQTT Settings Page
LWT TopicDefault: lwt/client

Last Will and Testament Topic
In this topic the actual IP Adress will be published or after timeout a "Offline" string
Command TopicDefault: cmd/client

General Command Topic where global commands can be run (not implemented yet)
Publish TopicDefault: clients/client

General Publiush Topic where global message can be seen (not implemented yet)
Peripheral Settings Page - Relay Module
Switch Command TopicDefault: client/relay

Switch the state of the relay
"on" or 1 enables relay
"off" or 0 disables relay

Should be retained and QoS of at least 1 to recover the last state on reboot
Switch Publish TopicDefault: client/relaystate

Actual state of the relay
Peripheral Settings Page - Analog Sensor Module
Publish Topic ADC ValueDefault: client/adc

Actual value of Analog Port
Peripheral Settings Page - RCSwitch Module
Command Topic PrefixDefault: client/rcswitch/

Prefix to control the RC Plugs
For every defined RC Plug will be one topic reserved and could be switched then
the same way like the relay module for example:
client/rcswitch/1 for the first defined RC Plug
Peripheral Settings Page - Motion Sensor Module
Publish TopicDefault: client/motion

Actual state of motion
0 for no motion detected
1 for motion deteced
Peripheral Settings Page - MAX72XX LED Matrix Module
Topic PrefixDefault: client/display/

The Prefix of the control topic of the display
Enable TopicDefault: enable (client/display/enable)

Enable or disable display output
0 for disable
1 for enable
Display Text TopicDefault: text (client/display/text)

The text to display
Scrolling TopicDefault: scroll (client/display/scroll)

Enable scrolling of the displayed text
0 for disable
1 for enable
Scrolling Speed TopicDefault: speed (client/display/speed)

The delay of the text effect in ms.
Should be a value between 1 and 200
Charwidth TopicDefault: charwidth (client/display/charwidth)

The amount of pixels between every character displayed
Should be a value between 1 and 5
Intensity TopicDefault: intensity (client/display/intensity)

Sets the intensity of the display
Should be a value between 0 and 15 (default is 9)
Invert Display TopicDefault: invert (client/display/invert)

Enable inverting of the displayed text
0 for disable
1 for enable
Text Alignment TopicDefault: alignment (client/display/alignment)

Alignment of the displayed text
0 for left aligned
1 for centered text
2 for right aligned
Pause Time TopicDefault: pause (client/display/pause)

Delay time in ms of the staying of the displayed text if an text out effect is greater or equal than 1
Effect In TopicDefault: effectin (client/display/effectin)

0Used as a place filler, executes no operation
1Text just appears (printed)
2Text scrolls up through the display
3Text scrolls down through the display
4Text scrolls right to left on the display
5Text scrolls left to right on the display
6Text enters and exits using user defined sprite
7Text enters and exits a slice (column) at a time from the right
8Text enters and exits in columns moving in alternate direction (U/D)
9 Text enters and exits by fading from/to 0 and intensity setting
10Text dissolves from one display to another
11Text is replaced behind vertical blinds
12Text enters and exits as random dots
13Text appears/disappears one column at a time, looks like it is wiped on and off
14WIPE with a light bar ahead of the change
15Scan the LED column one at a time then appears/disappear at end
16Scan a blank column through the text one column at a time then appears/disappear at end
17Scan the LED row one at a time then appears/disappear at end
18Scan a blank row through the text one row at a time then appears/disappear at end
19Appear and disappear from the center of the display, towards the ends
20OPENING with light bars ahead of the change
21Appear and disappear from the ends of the display, towards the middle
22CLOSING with light bars ahead of the change
23Text moves in/out in a diagonal path up and left (North East)
24Text moves in/out in a diagonal path up and right (North West)
25Text moves in/out in a diagonal path down and left (South East)
26Text moves in/out in a diagonal path down and right (North West)
27Text grows from the bottom up and shrinks from the top down
28Text grows from the top down and and shrinks from the bottom up
Effect Out TopicDefault: effectout (client/display/effectout)

Same list as in Effect in Topic description. For a static text use no effect (0)
Reset Display Option TopicDefault: reset (client/display/reset)

Reset Display animations on changing settings?
0 for disable
1 for enable (default)

Serial Commands

You can interact with the firmware via the serial terminal and a baudrate of 115200baud

helpList of commands
ipDumps the actual ip and mac adress of the module.
Example output:
ip: mac: ecfabc123458
restartRestarts the module
lsDisplays a list of files in the SPIFFS
Example output:
filecount 13
infoDisplays some system information
Example output:
SDK: v1.5.2(80914727)
Free Heap: 28048
CPU Frequency: 80 MHz
System Chip ID: 143bc8
SPI Flash ID: 16405e
SPI Flash Size: 4194304

Flashing to your board

If you just want to flash the firmware without the compiling, you can take one of our binary releases from the firmware folder in the repository. There are zip archives with the firmware files in it. Its not one file builds so you have to flash it seperately. The flash addresses are the file names of the binaries. Except of the spiff rom, which had to be in this case on memory address 0x5A000. An example flashing command with esptool could look like this. -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 230400 write_flash -ff 40m -fm qio -fs 32m 0x00000 0x00000.bin 0xa000 0xa000.bin 0x5A000 spiff_rom.bin


Q. My MAX7219 Displays are mirrored or just displaying crap, what can i do? A. Look in the MAX72XX Submodule folder and open the MAX72xx.h in edit mode and search for the MAX7219 module settings. There you can change the type of module you got and will hopefully fix the displaying issue.

Q. The firmware want compile, it says "error: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration" A. Apply the MD_Parola.patch from the repositorys root folder. Or remove the "typedef" tag from MD_Parola.h by yourself

Q. Can i see or download the configuration files for later use? A. You can see or download the configuration files in json format if you open http://YOUR_ESP_IP/dumpcfg?type=TYPE and TYPE can be mqtt, network or periph

Last Edited on: Sonntag, 20. Mai 2018 01:40