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Email Input

LukeW edited this page Jan 17, 2012 · 9 revisions

Email Input

Part of speccing out a cross-device Javascript input library for the Web. Goal is to optimize popular input controls/types across mobile, desktop, tbalet, and beyond throuhg a series of detialed/designed input controls.

Email is a common input with strict formatting rules. In cases where a specific domain are required, an input mask can help maintain valid entries. As email addresses are not prose, autocorrect and autocapitailize should be off.


  • Should use type of emial to bring up proper softkeys

      <input type="email">
  • Must be a valid email format (reg-ex can be validated through JS or HTML5 pattern)

  • Proper pattern for email is:

      1*( atext / "." ) "@" ldh-str 1*( "." ldh-str )
  • If browser does not understand type="email" it will default to "text". Need a JS validation fallback in this case?

  • Should include autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" to avoid mobile OS caps & automatic corrections (don't need spelling corrections on an email address after all)

      autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"
  • Optional inlcusion of multiple & autofocus

      multiple = "multiple" or ""
      autofocus = "autofocus" or "" 
  • Optional inclusion of an input mask when a specific domain is required (i.e. email has to end in "")

  • Input mask should be ghosted, then stay visible thorughout input process:

  • Entry of an @ or anything after should be ignored

  • More on input masks: MSFT Office

Nice to Have

  • Optional ability to set valid format to only a few domains (probably not needed)
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