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File metadata and controls

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Extract Transform Load (ETL) for infra-risk-vis (IRV)


This directory contains the logic, configuration and documentation for acquiring, processing and ingesting data such that a running IRV stack may host as tilesets.

The data processing steps are broadly as follows:


  • Download data if possible
  • Reproject to WGS84 if necessary
  • Set zeros to no data value
  • Clip to remove polar regions
  • Cloud optimise
  • Ingest into terracotta, creating a metadata database for dataset if necessary
  • Create dataset metadata in Postgres database


Vector data are yet to be incorporated in the unified ETL workflow. See the relevant pipeline readme files for more information. The rest of this section describes the general approach.

We use tippecanoe to generate Mapbox Vector Tiles, stored in .mbtiles files. Follow the installation or build instructions in their documentation.

Step 1 is to have the features prepared in GeoJSON.

The simplest tippecanoe example command often works well enough:

tippecanoe -zg -o landslide_forest.mbtiles --drop-densest-as-needed landslide_forest.geojson

Here's a version with options that should work a little better for a larger dataset:

tippecanoe  -o landslide_forest.mbtiles \
    --use-attribute-for-id=feature_id \
    -zg \
    --minimum-zoom=4 \
    --read-parallel \
    --drop-densest-as-needed \
    --extend-zooms-if-still-dropping \
    --simplification=10 \
    --simplify-only-low-zooms \

NB that --read-parallel works with GeoJSONSeq (line-delimited GeoJSON with one feature per line and no wrapping FeatureCollection). You could use ogr2ogr or something like this Python script to convert from regular GeoJSON to a line-delimited series of features:

import json
with open('features.geojson', 'r') as fh_in:
    with open('features.geojsonld', 'w') as fh_out:
        for f in data['features']:
            line = json.dumps(f)

Once generated, the mbtiles file needs to sit in ./tileserver/vector/data and have an entry in config.json or config-dev.json.

The file and volume mapping for vector tiles is configured in the docker-compose (e.g. here for dev).


The ETL process is currently implemented with a combination of scripts and snakemake rules. There is currently an effort underway to move all processing logic into snakemake rules.

The Snakefile and .smk files contain the rule definitions for deciding how to transform some input file into an output. Many datasets have some of their own specific rules, typically for downloading and initial processing, for instance, reprojection.


Software environment

Install the necessary dependencies:

micromamba create -f environment.yml -y

To activate the environment:

micromamba activate irv-etl

Required services

The last two stages of the ETL pipeline (ingestion and metadata creation) involve interacting with the database service defined in the parent directory to this one.

To bring up the database, refer to the readme in the parent directory for a full explanation of the required env files, etc., but briefly:

docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up db -d

Awkward files

Unfortunately, not all the source data is openly available on the internet. Some files must be manually copied into the appropriate location prior to running the ETL process.

The affected datasets include:

  • iris

Check the snakemake rules for more information, but source raster data should typically reside in raster/raw/<dataset>/.

You may wish to remove write permissions to these files once they have been installed, e.g. chmod ug-w raster/raw/iris/*.tif. This means rm -r raster will remove files than can be replaced automatically, but not the awkward files.


The ETL pipeline is primarily configured with an environment file, located at ../envs/{dev|prod}/.etl.env. This contains details for connections to services and authentication information for pipelines which require it.

Here is an example environment file to use as a template:

# configuration for terracotta

# connecting to database

# data downloading
COPERNICUS_CDS_API_KEY=  # "<uid>:<token>"


With the software environment activated (see above), one can request files via snakemake to invoke jobs. These may be processed rasters, or in the case of database operations, dummy files with the extension .flag. Requesting any missing output implies its ancestors are also required.

Running a single raster

To request a cloud optimised raster, invoke snakemake as follows:

snakemake --cores <n_cores> -- raster/cog/<dataset>/<key>.tif

For example:

snakemake --cores <n_cores> -- raster/cog/exposure_nature/ocs_0-30cm_mean_1000.tif

N.B. The --dry-run or -n option can be used to preview which jobs snakemake has determined are necessary prior to executing.

To request a raster processed to another stage in the pipeline, substitute raw, no_data or clip for cog in the above paths.

Running all rasters in a single pipeline

A list of datasets currently implemented in the unified workflow is kept as ALL_DATASETS in the Snakefile.

The full processing pipeline for a single raster dataset will acquire and process the rasters, ingest them and create a metadata record. Invoke it as follows:

snakemake --cores <n_cores> -- raster/metadata/<dataset_name>.flag

Running every pipeline

To run every pipeline, we do not request a file, but rather a target rule called all.

snakemake --cores <n_cores> -R all

This will create and ingest all the pertinent rasters and create metadata records for them.

Running other rules by name

The top-level Snakefile imports rules from the pipelines using module declarations, e.g.:

module land_cover:
    snakefile: "pipelines/land_cover/rules.smk"
    config: config
use rule * from land_cover as land_cover_*

To run any rule defined in a pipeline by name, include the prefix specified in the line use rule * from xxx as xxx_*.

For example, the rule download_300m_2020_from_CDS from pipelines/land_cover/rules.smk is imported as land_cover_* and can be run using:

snakemake --cores 1 land_cover_download_300m_2020_from_CDS

Adding new datasets


To add additional raster datasets to the ETL pipeline you will need several new files in pipelines/<new_dataset_name>:

  • describing the dataset
  • layers.csv table of layers
  • metadata.json metadata to be written to the Postgres database
  • rules.smk to acquire and process the data into a WGS84 raster. The rule(s) should write output files to raster/raw/<dataset>/. The shared rules will then clip, set zero to no data, and cloud optimise unless overridden by custom rules.

The layers.csv file must follow the example structure:

  • filename column must contain the file basename (no directory path)
  • one or more columns, to be listed as keys in the metadata.json must exist and be sufficient to uniquely identify each row
  • additional columns may exist (e.g. URL) to support the raster workflow but will be ignored in the metadata processing

The metadata.json must follow the example structure:

  • "domain" must be a short lower_snake_case string that will be exposed through the API and used by clients to request tiles. It will be prefixed by terracotta_ to give the metadata database name. A good default choice would be the same string as the directory name for the pipeline, which is picked up as the DATASET wildcard by snakemake.
  • "name" should be a short, readable description
  • "group" should be one of the high-level front-end groups (Hazard, Exposure, Vulnerability, Risk)
  • "description" should be a short description or citation
  • "license" should be a short code for the open data license
  • "keys" must be the list of metadata keys to be loaded to the terracotta metadata database, identical to the variable column names used in layers.csv to identify/address each layer
  "domain": "traveltime_to_healthcare",
  "name": "Global maps of travel time to healthcare facilities",
  "group": "Exposure",
  "description": "Weiss, D.J., Nelson, A., Vargas-Ruiz, C.A. et al. Global maps of travel time to healthcare facilities. Nat Med 26, 1835–1838 (2020).",
  "license": "CC-BY 4.0",
  "keys": ["mode"]

The Snakefile will also require modification:

  • If you have written a new rules.smk, you will need to import it as a module here. See existing datasets for more information.
  • If you wish to overwrite the behaviour of a common rule, e.g. clipping, cloud optimsation, etc, you can override rules when importing using snakemake's ruleorder directive.
  • You should also add your dataset to ALL_DATASETS so that the all target rule will work as expected.

Deploying a raster layer

After testing against a local backend, snakemake can run the final ingest/metadata steps against the production database.

Remove the flag files, then run with --config environment=prod to source environment files for the production database.

rm raster/{ingest,metadata}/social.flag
snakemake --cores 1 --config environment=prod  -- raster/metadata/social.flag

Copy up the COGs and update the backend service (see the top-level README).

Removing a source from the tileserver metastore

Connect to the database server and delete the metadata database and reference row in raster_tile_sources:

# Drop a metadata database
psql -h localhost -U global_dev -c 'DROP DATABASE terracotta_storm;'
# Delete a row from raster tile sources
psql -h localhost -U global_dev -c "DELETE FROM raster_tile_sources WHERE domain = 'storm';"

Check the current state of the local database server:

# List all databases
psql -h localhost -U global_dev -c '\l'
# List raster tile sources
psql -h localhost -U global_dev -c 'select id, domain, name, "group", keys FROM raster_tile_sources;'


To be implemented and then documented!