- Post to pnut.io. API Key specified in configs.php.
- The liveblog no longer breaks when reading an 'older' format posts file. Regression information removed.
- The stored password is now a sha256 hash of the user's password. This substantially improves the security of the liveblog.
- Syndication link to crosspost in withKnown
- Tweetstorm handling - splits long posts at 140 chars and post to twitter.
- configs.php now allows the user to turn on/off syndication posts on a per-service basis. Empty elements in the results array are still entered for each service to avoid later issues.
- Support for Mastodon, the federated Social Network.
- Switched to using icomoon svg instead of the overhead of fontawesome.
- Tidied up some of the css information and the headers
- Syndication links to the posted content on 10C and twitter.
- Font-Awesome for the icons used in the syndic links
- Made the posts success more apparent, just posting the links to the actual content as opposed to a screen full of arrays.
- Moved to Bootstrap v4
- Made the passphrase entry an actual password field, allowing use of password managers