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MaintIE Scheme

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Entities
    1. PhysicalObject
    2. State
    3. Process
    4. Activity
    5. Property
    6. Entity Classes
  3. Relations
    1. Mereological Relations
    2. Property Relations
    3. Type Relations
    4. Participatory Relations
    5. Relation Classes
  4. Bibliography

1. Overview

The MaintIE annotation scheme is made up of 224 total entity classes and 6 relations that capture phenomena within MWO short texts. The MaintIE scheme is guided by the following design requirements:

  • [R1] Incorporate a minimal yet sufficient number of classes and relations to capture the information relevant to domain experts.
  • [R2] Include adequate instances within each class to support model training and generalisation without necessitating additional processing steps, such as oversampling.
  • [R3] Build upon existing general domain annotation efforts and semantic frameworks to ensure compatibility and leverage prior research.
  • [R4] Align with established international engineering standards to promote consistency and interoperability.
  • [R5] Enable the identification of implicit information or missing text, which results from shared engineering understanding of the context.
  • [R6] Implement a well-structured and accessible object hierarchy that is not overly complex or deep, facilitating annotator comprehension.
  • [R7] Integrate engineering common sense and domain-specific knowledge into the semantic formalisation of MWO texts.
  • [R8] Ensure usability by annotators who are either engineers or have received adequate training to become familiar with maintenance texts.

Notation: (X)[Y] represents an entity with the text X and class Y. (X1)[Y1]-[R]->(X2)[Y2] represents a triple composed of two entities and one relation (R). Hence, (car)[PhysicalObject]-[hasPart]->(engine)[PhysicalObject] represents the fact that a car of type PhysicalObject has the part engine of type PhysicalObject.

2. Entities

MaintIE consists of 224 unique entity classes, grouped into five top-level hierarchical classes: PhysicalObject, State, Process, Activity, and Property. An illustrative example of these classes is shown in the README. Each top-level class is described below, and more detailed information is outlined in the following table.

MaintIE Entity Hierarchy

2.1. Physical Object

MaintIE adopts a systems engineering approach to annotation of physical objects utilising the inherent function of objects as the basis for item classification1. This allows for the direct use of the function-based object classification section in the IEC 81346-2:2019 standard for Industrial Systems, installations and equipment and industrial products -- Structuring principles and reference designations -- Classification of objects and codes for classes2. MaintIE adopts the function-based taxonomy in the IEC 81346-2 Standard for the PhysicalObject entity class and extends this to incorporate a limited set of physical objects that have essential semantic roles in maintenance texts such as technicians (Person) and grease, oil, water (Substance). The resulting PhysicalObject class is a three-tiered hierarchy with 19 second-tier classes and 173 third-tier classes.

2.2. State

Discerning the state or condition of physical objects is crucial for interpreting MWO texts. Moreover, it is significant for practical applications such as reducing equipment downtime to recognise how physical objects degrade and fail. In this context, MaintIE employs state classifications from 34, encompassing State, State/DesirableState, State/ DesirableState/ NormalState, State/UndesirableState, State/UndesirableState/DegradedState, and State/UndesirableState/FailedState.

2.3. Process

In addition to the state class, MaintIE captures the ontological modelling notion that equipment has a function that is realised in a process with Process, Process/DesirableProcess and Process/UndesirableProcess classes. While texts describing these processes might appear similar to texts describing states, the former must be distinguished from the latter as representing temporally dynamic events. For instance, "pump seized" depicts a pump in a static, adverse state, whereas "pump leaking" indicates an ongoing detrimental process (refer to the main figure in the README for more examples).

2.4. Activity

Identifying what specific preventative and restorative activities are performed on physical objects is crucial for identifying design and performance issues, refining maintenance practices, and facilitating proactive planning5. Borrowing from Woods et al.6, MaintIE uses a three-tiered Activity hierarchy with 2 second-tier classes and 16 third-tier classes.

2.5. Property

The property class refers to the attributes or features of an object. In this research, properties can be syntactically characterised as either essential -- attributes that an object inherently possesses -- or accidental -- attributes an object can have but are not necessarily intrinsic to it7. For example, while a 'pipe' intrinsically has 'mass', it doesn't necessarily have a 'dent', though the latter is possible. MaintIE captures properties as: Property, Property/DesirableProperty and Property/UndesirableProperty, mirroring the subclass structure of state and process.

2.6. Entity Classes

Type Description Example Terms
Activity / MaintenanceActivity
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Adjust alignment, retension, tighten
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Calibrate calibration
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Diagnose diagnose, fault find, troubleshoot
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Inspect check, inspect
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Replace change out, replace, replacement
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Repair jump-start, overhaul, reweld
Activity / MaintenanceActivity / Service clean, blow out
Activity / SupportingActivity -
Activity / SupportingActivity / Admin air freight, call out, tagging
Activity / SupportingActivity / Assemble fit, set-up, wire
Activity / SupportingActivity / Isolate deisolate, disable, isolate
Activity / SupportingActivity / Measure measure up, sample
Activity / SupportingActivity / Modify extend, rerun, seal
Activity / SupportingActivity / Move remove, rotate
Activity / SupportingActivity / Operate close, disable, lock, raise
Activity / SupportingActivity / Perform carry out, heat up
Activity / SupportingActivity / Teamwork call, assist
State -
State / DesirableState operational
State / DesirableState / NormalState healthy
State / UndesirableState error, fault, missing, warm
State / UndesirableState / DegradedState bent, worn
State / UndesirableState / FailedState broken, out of service, seized, unserviceable
Process / DesirableProcess tramming
Process / UndesirableProcess creeping, discharging, leaking, weeping
Property / DesirableProperty charge
Property / UndesirableProperty crack, hole, noise
PhysicalObject electrical components, machine
PhysicalObject / Substance
PhysicalObject / Substance / Gas air
PhysicalObject / Substance / Liquid fuel, hydraulic oil, Loctite
PhysicalObject / Substance / Solid debris, dust
PhysicalObject / Substance / Mixture mud
PhysicalObject / Organism bacteria
PhysicalObject / Organism / Person boilermaker, fitters
PhysicalObject / SensingObject sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / ElectricPotentialSensingObject
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / ResistivitySensingObject RTD, thermal resistivity detector
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / ElectricCurrentSensingObject overload relay
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / DensitySensingObject aerometer, density sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / FieldSensingObject proximity sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / FlowSensingObject flow switch, flowmeter
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / PhysicalDimensionSensingObject proximity switch, limits
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / EnergySensingObject energy sensor, flow energy meter
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / PowerSensingObject ignition switch, smart meter
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / TimeSensingObject timing sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / LevelSensingObject coolant metre, depth counter, level sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / HumiditySensingObject humidity sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / PressureSensingObject pressure sensor, pressure switch
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / ConcentrationSensingObject chip indicator, chip sensor, smoke detector
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / RadiationSensingObject light sensor,
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / TimeRatingObject grease timer, speedometer, speed sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / TemperatureSensingObject thermostat, temperature sensor
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / MultiQuantitySensingObject Buchholz relay
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / ForceSensingObject payload system, weightometer
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / AudioVisualSensingObject camera, reverse camera
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / InformationSensingObject barcode reader
PhysicalObject / SensingObject / IncidentSensingObject person detector
PhysicalObject / StoringObject
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / CapacitiveStoringObject capacitor
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / InductiveStoringObject inductor
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / ElectrochemicalStoringObject dry cell, flow battery
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / InformationStoringObject information storing media
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / OpenStationaryStoringObject armrest, cable reel
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / EnclosedStationaryStoringObject air receiver, pressure vessel, tank
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / MoveableStoringObject bottle, bucket, trailer
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / ThermalEnergyStoringObject gas tank
PhysicalObject / StoringObject / MechanicalEnergyStoringObject accumulator
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject cooler, heater
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / LightObject beacon, headlight, lamp
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / ElectricHeatingObject pie warmer
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / ElectricCoolingObject air conditioner
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / WirelessPowerObject microwave oven
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / ThermalEnergyTransferObject fridge, radiator
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / CombustionHeatingObject oil burner
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / ThermalHeatingObject de-ice unit
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / ThermalCoolingObject aftercooler, oil cooler
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / NuclearPoweredHeatingObject boiling water reactor
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / ParticleEmittingObject particle generator
PhysicalObject / EmittingObject / AcousticWaveEmittingObject speaker
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / OvervoltageProtectingObject surge absorber
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / EarthFaultCurrentProtectingObject residual current device
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / OvercurrentProtectingObject fuse
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / FieldProtectingObject electromagnetic field shield
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / PressureProtectingObject expansion tank, pressure compensator, safety valve
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / FireProtectingObject AFFF system, fire extinguisher
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / MechanicalForceProtectingObject safety clutch
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / PreventiveProtectingObject handrail, padding
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / WearProtectingObject grease, liner, oil
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / EnvironmentProtectingObject mudflap, rock deflector
PhysicalObject / ProtectingObject / TemperatureProtectingObject Introduced. coolant, exhaust shield
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / MechanicalToElectricalEnergyGeneratingObject alternator, generator
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / ChemicalToElectricalEnergyGeneratingObject battery
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / SolarToElectricalEnergyGeneratingObject solar cell
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / SignalGeneratingObject phone
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / ContinuousTransferObject conveyor, drag
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / DiscontinuousTransferObject crane, hoist, loader
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / LiquidFlowGeneratingObject fuel system, injector, pump
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / GaseousFlowGeneratingObject blower, fan, turbo
PhysicalObject / GeneratingObject / SolarToThermalEnergyGeneratingObject solar panel
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / PrimaryFormingObject 3D-printer
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / SurfaceTreatmentObject wiper
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / AssemblingObject welder
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / ForceSeparatingObject cyclone, oil centrifuge, water separator
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / ThermalSeparatingObject dryer
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / MechanicalSeparatingObject air filter, cleaners, screen
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / ElectricOrMagneticSeparatingObject magnetic separator
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / ChemicalSeparatingObject filtration unit
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / GrindingAndCrushingObject cutting edge, GET, tooth
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / AgglomeratingObject flocculator
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / MixingObject oil blender
PhysicalObject / MatterProcessingObject / ReactingObject gasifier
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject / ElectricSignalProcessingObject computer, router
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject / ElectricSignalRelayingObject relay
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject / OpticalSignallingObject optical repeater
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject / FluidSignallingObject pilot valve
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject / MechanicalSignallingObject mechanical regulator
PhysicalObject / InformationProcessingObject / MultipleKindSignallingObject multiple kind switch
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / ElectromagneticRotationalDrivingObject synchronous motor, wiper motor
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / ElectromagneticLinearDrivingObject actuator, solenoid
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / MagneticForceDrivingObject magnet
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / PiezoelectricDrivingObject piezoelectric actuator
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / MechanicalEnergyDrivingObject drive, slew
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / FluidPoweredDrivingObject hydraulic motor, lift cylinder
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / CombustionEngine engine
PhysicalObject / DrivingObject / HeatEngine steam engine
PhysicalObject / CoveringObject
PhysicalObject / CoveringObject / InfillingObject boot, gasket, rubber
PhysicalObject / CoveringObject / ClosureObject bonnet, hood, cap
PhysicalObject / CoveringObject / FinishingObject flooring, roof
PhysicalObject / CoveringObject / TerminatingObject crown
PhysicalObject / CoveringObject / HidingObject roof flashing
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / VisibleStateIndicator flag, scoreboard, warning beacon
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / ScalarDisplay gauge, sight glass
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / GraphicalDisplay VIMS
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / AcousticDevice backup alarm, horn
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / TactileDevice vibrator
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / OrnamentalObject stucco
PhysicalObject / PresentingObject / MultipleFormPresentingObject head unit, monitor, TV
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject controller, valve bank
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / ElectricControllingObject breaker, contactor, isolator
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / ElectricSeparatingObject electrical isolator, electrical switch
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / ElectricEarthingObject earth terminal, ground fault relay
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / SealedFluidSwitchingObject drain plugs, solenoid valve
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / SealedFluidVaryingObject tap, vent valve
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / OpenFlowControllingObject baffle, louver
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / SpaceAccessObject door, gate
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / SolidSubstanceFlowVaryingObject diverter valve
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / MechanicalMovementControllingObject latch, lock, steering
PhysicalObject / ControllingObject / MultipleMeasureControllingObject earthing and disconnecting switch
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / ElectricityRestrictingObject diode, resistor
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / ElectricityStabilisingObject voltage regulator
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / SignalStabilisingObject signal filter
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / MovementRestrictingObject brakes, seat belt
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / ReturnFlowRestrictingObject flap, non-return valve
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / FlowRestrictor air outlet, regulator
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / LocalClimateStabilisingObject blind, roller blind
PhysicalObject / RestrictingObject / AccessRestrictingObject glass window
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject / FaceInteractionObject eye focus reader
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject / HandInteractionObject handle, lever
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject / FootInteractionObject pedals
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject / FingerInteractionObject keypad
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject / MovementInteractionObject joystick
PhysicalObject / HumanInteractionObject / MultiInteractionDevice game controller
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / ElectricEnergyTransformingObject constant voltage transformer, slip ring
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / ElectricEnergyConvertingObject power supply, inverter, rectifier
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / UniversalPowerSupply power supply
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / SignalConvertingObject aerial, two-way radios
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / MechanicalEnergyTransformingObject differential, pinion
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / MassReductionObject turning machine
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / MatterReshapingObject dies, die inserts
PhysicalObject / TransformingObject / OrganicPlant grass
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject cluster
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / PositioningObject bracket, clamps
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / CarryingObject decking, platform
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / EnclosingObject cabinet, crankcase, housing
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / StructuralSupportingObject A-frame, boom, supports
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / ReinforcingObject cross member, stiffener plate
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / FramingObject door frame, window frame
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / JointingObject bushes, roller, thrust bearing
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / FasteningObject bolt, pin, stud
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / LevellingObject -
PhysicalObject / HoldingObject / ExistingGround -
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / ElectricEnergyGuidingObject Introduced for ambiguous cases. cables, wire
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / ReferencingPotentialGuidingObject earth cable, earth connection
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / ElectricSignalGuidingObject control cable, coaxial, data cable
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / LightGuidingObject mirror
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / SoundGuidingObject sound reflector
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / SolidMatterGuidingObject chute, dirt chute
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / OpenEnclosureGuidingObject guide
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / ClosedEnclosureGuidingObject hose, lines, exhaust
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / MechanicalEnergyGuidingObject belt, chain, pulley
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / RailObject tracks
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / ThermalEnergyGuidingObject heat sink
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / MultipleFlowGuidingObject umbilical
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / HighVoltageElectricEnergyGuidingObject high voltage cable
PhysicalObject / GuidingObject / LowVoltageElectricEnergyGuidingObject low voltage cable
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / HighVoltageConnectingObject junction box
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / LowVoltageConnectingObject power point
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / PotentialConnectingObject brushes
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / ElectricSignalConnectingObject signal distributor
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / LightCollectingObject
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / CollectingInterfacingObject drain, parts washer
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / SealedFlowConnectingObject fitting
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / NonDetachableCoupling coupling, hitch
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / DetachableCoupling box coupling
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / LevelConnectingObject boarding ladder, ladder
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / SpaceLinkingObject cavity, glass
PhysicalObject / InterfacingObject / MultipleFlowConnectorObject

3. Relations

MaintIE presents four distinct categories of relations: mereological, property, type, and participatory. Each type is described below, with descriptions and examples outlined in the following table. For a visual representation of these relations, please refer to the README.

3.1. Mereological Relations

Mereological relations capture parthood and involve part-whole relationships8 such as hasPart and contains. These relations are essential for representing the taxonomical structure and organisation of physical objects in MWO texts. For instance, the hasPart relation can be used to capture that an "engine" has a "radiator" as one of its parts -- hasPart(engine, radiator). Similarly, the contains relation can be used to represent that a "radiator" contains "coolant" -- contains(radiator, coolant).

3.2. Property Relation

In MaintIE, the property relation involves linking the properties or attributes of entities. Specifically, the relation used is the hasProperty relation. This relation is used to express that a physical object possesses a certain property. For example, the relation can be used to indicate that a "pump" possesses the "pressure" property, like this: hasProperty(pump, pressure).

3.3. Type Relation

The type relation involves the classification or categorisation of entities. In MaintIE, this relation is expressed through the isA (subsumption) relation. This relation captures the idea that one entity is a specific instance or subclass of another entity. For instance, the isA(diesel engine, engine) relation indicates that a "diesel engine" belongs to the "engine" category. This relation captures the taxonomical structure of physical objects and states, thus supporting inference in downstream applications. An example of this relation can be seen in the README.

3.4. Participatory Relations

Participatory relations refer to the roles played by different entities in activities, states or processes. To simplify the annotation process, MaintIE uses a set of relations inspired by PropBank's 9agent (ARG0) and patient (ARG1) labels accessed via the Unified Verb Index. These labels are semantically defined as Proto-Agent sproperties10. As MaintIE uses a closed set of typed entities, these labels have been transformed into the semantic relations hasParticipant/hasAgent and hasParticipant/hasPatient to capture the participation of entities as agents, causes, or experiencers, as well as those undergoing a change of state or being affected by actions.

3.5. Relation Classes

Type Description Examples
contains Mereological relation: A contains B. (engine)[...]-[contains]->(oil)[...]
hasPart Mereological relation: A has part B. (engine)[...]-[hasPart]->(gasket)[...]
hasParticipant / hasPatient Participatory relation: A has patient B. (service)[...]-[hasPatient]->(engine)[...]
hasParticipant / hasAgent Participatory relation: A has agent B. (service)[...]-[hasAgent]->(technician)[...]
hasProperty Property relation: A has property B. (engine)[...]-[hasProperty]->(pressure)[...]
isA Type relation: A is a B. (diesel engine)[...]-[isA]->(engine)[...]

Note: The top-level hasParticipant relation was not used in MaintIE corpora creation; however, it could be used for instances where the agent/patient roles are ambiguous or unable to be resolved.

4. Bibliography


  1. Stone, Robert B., and Kristin L. Wood. 1999. "Development of a Functional Basis for Design." In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 261-275. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  2. IEC. 2019. "IEC 81346-2 Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products -- Structuring principles and reference designations -- Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes." Geneva, Switzerland: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization.

  3. Karray, Mohamed Hedi, Farhad Ameri, Melinda Hodkiewicz, and Thierry Louge. 2019. "ROMAIN: Towards a BFO Compliant Reference Ontology for Industrial Maintenance." Applied Ontology. 14 (2): 155–177.

  4. Woods, C., M. Selway, M. Hodkiewicz, F. Ameri, and others. 2021. "On the Notion of Maintenance State for Industrial Assets." In FOMI 2021: 11th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry, JOWO 2021, 1-14.

  5. Márquez, Adolfo Crespo. 2007. The Maintenance Management Framework: Models and Methods for Complex Systems Maintenance. Springer Science & Business Media.

  6. Woods, Caitlin, Matt Selway, Tyler Bikaun, Markus Stumptner, and Melinda Hodkiewicz. 2023. "An ontology for maintenance activities and its application to data quality." Semantic Web Journal. Pre-press: 1–34.

  7. Robertson, Teresa, and Philip Atkins. 2013. "Essential vs. accidental properties." In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

  8. Varzi, Achille. 2003. "Mereology." Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy.

  9. Kingsbury, Paul R., and Martha Palmer. 2002. "From TreeBank to PropBank." In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 1989-1993.

  10. Dowty, David. 1991. “Thematic Proto-roles and Argument Selection.” Language 67 (3): 547–619.